Yuki chan in Brontë Country (16 page)

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She wouldn’t dare do that, of course – would be far too fearful of how the universe might respond. She turns her torch back on. Looks all around her, then down at her feet. What I need is some sort of UV light, she thinks, specially calibrated to pick up traces of psychic disturbance. And she wonders if it’s at all conceivable that the spot where her mother stood to take her photograph
might be the exact same spot where Mrs Talbot stood and fainted as a girl. It would make sense, she thinks. Her mother would be unwittingly drawn to it.

So she moves along, scanning the ground with her torchlight. Thinking, Even a scientist, surely, would back me up on this – that an event of the magnitude of Eanie Talbot fainting … of my own mother standing here ten years ago … must leave some sort of emotional deposit. She continues to walk and scan until she arrives at what feels like a place of importance. She kneels. And without quite knowing what she does, begins to clear the snow away. The soft snow on the top, then the icy, granulated snow beneath it. Keeps on digging – digging down with her cold, bare hands. Wondering if there really might be something here, after all. If not a ring – or, at least, not one that belonged to one of the Brontës – then something physical. Some sort of proof.

She scrapes away until she’s right down at the frozen earth and is splitting her nails on it. Then she leans back and kicks at the ground with the heel of one shoe – then both heels together. Keeps on kicking, until at last she slumps forward, breathless.

I’m as mad as my goddamned mother, she thinks. Madder.

She lifts her face and closes her eyes to the darkness.

OK, she thinks. That’s enough.

She could so easily lie on her side and pull her knees up into her arms. She senses sleep somewhere off in the darkness, finally ready to move back in on her. Instead,
she warms her hands under her arms. Then finds her phone. She’s still catching her breath as she hits the number.

The moment it’s answered she whispers, Hi, Dad, it’s me.

Hello, my sweet, he says. Where are you?

Haworth, she says and looks around. Still in Haworth.

He says it must be late and she nods. What time is it where you are? she says.

There’s a short pause and she pictures her father checking his watch. Just gone 11 a.m., he says.

Tomorrow, or yesterday? says Yuki.

Well, today’s Friday, he says. What day is it in the UK?

Yukiko considers this for a moment. I’m not sure, she says.

She looks out at the stars, even sharper now.

I spoke to Kumiko, she says.

I know, her father says. She told me.

And is it true?

I’m so sorry, my sweet. I’m afraid it is.

And Yukiko really has had enough – of the endless investigation. Of simply trying to keep some hope alive.

At last she says, I get to the point where I think I’ve nearly cracked it. Then I take another step and I’m right back at the start.

Then there’s silence, reaching out into the darkness.

Her father says, You know, Yukiko, she was very ill, towards the end. We could none of us reach her. I’m not sure you’re ever going to be able to make sense of it.

Yukiko looks up and there’s the bush again, staring solemnly back at her, its own small abyss.

I talked to someone yesterday, she says. A woman who met Mum when she was up here.

Yuki can tell how intently her father is listening now. Mum told her that she kept seeing a young girl, wandering round the place.

There’s a long pause. Then Yukiko’s father says, That’s right. I never mentioned it to anyone. I’d almost forgotten. She told me she thought it was maybe her mother. Her mother when she was a girl.

And Yuki sees herself sitting there in the snow, quite bewildered.

He says, She lost her own mum when she was quite young – you know that. Her father married Hisako a few years later. But she always missed her. It’s not really something she talked about. I don’t know why, but when she was at her worst, she started to see her around the place.

And now Yukiko is crying.

Oh, I miss her, she says. I miss her so much.


We all do, my sweet.

Yukiko and her father talk for a little longer. Then she tells him how she’s due to fly back to Japan next weekend and how she’s thinking of spending a few days at home. He says he’d like that very much.

She’s about to hang up when her father says, You know, Yuki, you’re much tougher than you realise. Kumiko acts
tough, but it’s just her way of trying to keep herself safe. Your mother and I could see who you were from the very beginning. You were right there, the moment we set eyes on you.

They say goodbye. Then Yuki is back in the silence. The snow and the darkness.

And she thinks of her mother out here, looking for the ghost of her own mother ten years ago.

uki sleeps. And in her sleep, it seems, has spent half the night out on the moors with young Eanie Talbot and half the night walking on her own.

From a crack in the curtains a slice of daylight cuts through the room – across the desk where her mother wrote her postcards … the thin, dry carpet … and the bed where Yuki turns.

Someone is in the room with her – nothing more than a vague shape.

The door was open, the woman says.

And as she wakes, Yuki brings with her into consciousness her last actions from the previous night. Coming in from the moors, up to her room, cold and exhausted. Staring at that wall again, beyond the sink and TV. Taking the key and creeping back along the corridor. Wanting nothing more than to see the bed again – to stand beside it. But as she stood there, the linen had seemed so crisp and clean that she simply couldn’t help herself. So she just slid on in.

Oh, she says, and begins to push the sheets back. I’m sorry.

But the B & B Lady shushes her. That’s all right, love,
she says.

Yuki pulls herself up, so that she rests against the pillows. The B & B Lady perches beside her and points to a cup of coffee on the bedside table. Yukiko looks around and thinks, Strange, but it really does seem to make more sense with the furniture arranged this way – as if I’m on the right side of the mirror. If I’d only insisted on this room when I first arrived things might have been different. Though Kumiko would still have found a way of saying those awful things.

And the more she comes up out of sleep, the more self-conscious Yuki feels. As if she really has managed to scale the walls of the parsonage and squeeze herself into one of those ancient, tiny beds.

I spoke to my mother last night, the B & B Lady tells her. She said you called in on her.

Then Yuki remembers Mrs Talbot in her own small bed, at the old folks’ home. Remembers the wind-bent tree … the ring … her mother asking about Tomokichi Fukurai. And feels all that weight and complication begin to settle back on her. Thinks, Oh, here I go again.

She must look pretty troubled, because the B & B Lady reaches out and lays her hand on Yuki’s forearm. Just holds it there, calm and kind. Until, slowly, the pain begins to recede a little. And Yukiko returns to the room.

The B & B Lady says, I had a look for the letter my mother mentioned – from Mr Hope, but I couldn’t find it.

Then she turns away and reaches down to the floor.
But I did find something else, she says.

And when she sits back she’s holding a large book with a black upholstered cover, like the one that Yuki signed in the lobby downstairs. She opens it up, to a page marked with a scrap of paper.

It took me a while, she says, but I think I managed to find her.

She checks again, then turns the book around and hands it over. In fact, Yuki spots her mother’s handwriting before it’s even in her lap – the only Japanese script on the page. She brings it up to her face, so she can study every stroke.

Is that her? the B & B Lady asks her.

Yuki’s nodding.

The B & B Lady says, And what does she say, over here?

She points to a cluster of Japanese letters. Yukiko leans in and sweeps her finger over them.

She says she was happy here, Yukiko says.

The B & B Lady looks from the text back up at Yuki.

She was happy here, she says.

Then the B & B Lady waits, watching Yuki study the book. Until at last Yuki looks up, and the B & B Lady tells her, You know, I lost my father – when I was a little bit older than you are.

The B & B Lady shakes her head, but keeps her eyes on Yuki. I don’t think you ever really get over something like that, she says.

And even as she speaks, the B & B Lady sees Yuki
begin to turn in on herself – some darkness descending.

I don’t give credence to half the stuff my mother believes in, the B & B Lady says, insistent. But I do feel some part of him stayed with me.

Do you understand, she says, and waits for Yuki to look back up at her.

That he’s still here, she says. And she lifts a hand and gently smacks her open palm against her heart.

uki sits in the passenger seat of the B & B Lady’s car as they sail along the lanes – the same lanes that she came in on two days ago. The B & B Lady offered to put her rucksack in the boot or on the back seat, but Yuki likes the weight of it in her lap. It gives her something to hold onto.

She can hear the snow, wet under the wheels. But can’t envisage a thaw any time soon. Looks at the snow over the fields and bearing down on the roofs of the barns and houses and thinks, It could be here for months, even years.

The B & B Lady reckons it’s thirty or forty minutes to Leeds and if Yuki manages to catch a train within the hour she could be back in London by mid-afternoon, which would give her a little time on her own before meeting up with Kumiko. She pictures herself sitting in some coffee shop, looking out at the world.

The moment her phone starts to ring she knows exactly who it is. Has to heave her rucksack over to one side to get her hand into her jacket pocket.

She glances at the number on the screen before answering.

Hi, she says. And Denny says Hi back to her.

There’s a short pause before Denny asks where she is – quietly, as if she’s not sure she wants to know.

Yukiko tells her that she’s on her way to Leeds, to get a train back to London.

I knew it, says Denny.

Then silence. And soon Yukiko can hear her start to cry down the line.

You promised, she says. You promised me.

Yukiko waits a while, then says how she thought it might be easier this way.

Denny says, And now I’m never going to see you again.

Yukiko thinks, Maybe she’s right. She’s not likely to fly out to Japan any time soon. And I don’t intend to come back here.

So she turns to the window and brings the phone right up to her mouth, tucked inside her shoulder.

Denny, she says. You’re my friend.

She holds the phone tight and looks out at the stone walls rushing by, the bushes.

And the car carries on along its path through the snow. Finally pulling away from Haworth, the Brontës, Mrs Talbot. On, then on again.

This novel was completed with the help of a grant from The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation. The author would also like to offer heartfelt thanks to Yuko Michishita and Seiko Kato.

Mick Jackson is the prize winning author of the novels, 
The Underground Man, Five Boys
The Widow’s Tale
. He also published, with the illustrator David Roberts, two acclaimed curiosities, 
Ten Sorry Tales
Bears of England

The Underground Man

Five Boys

Ten Sorry Tales, illustrated by David Roberts

Bears of England, illustrated by David Roberts

The Widow’s Tale

First published in the UK in 2016 by 
Faber & Faber Ltd 
Bloomsbury House 
74–77 Great Russell Street 
London WC1B 3DA  

This ebook edition first published in 2016  

All rights reserved 
© Mick Jackson, 2016  

Design by Faber 
Illustration © Pietari Posti / Debut Art  

The right of Mick Jackson to be identified as author of this work has been asserted in accordance with Section 77 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988  

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ISBN 978–0–571–30359–5

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