Zachary David Productions (5 page)

BOOK: Zachary David Productions
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Chapter Seven

ach moved
the red chaise aside. “I want you tangled in white sheets.”

Cammie helped him change the sheets that were on the bed in the studio. They swapped blue silk sheets for crisp virginal white. He hadn’t said it in so many words, but Cammie assumed it was because of her innocent status.

Now he was looking through the viewfinder on one of two cameras that were focused at the bed. “Go ahead and lay across the foot of the bed for me.”

Her empty stomach fluttered to life at the authoritative rasp in his voice.

“Should I take my clothes off?”

“Not yet, I’m just setting compensation and shutter speed.”

She positioned herself on the bed and held herself as still as possible. He took a shot and then spent several minutes making adjustments to the camera.

While she waited on him to get set up she thought of how she might pose. In preparation, she’d shaved every excess hair she could find on her body and then she’d exfoliated with a loofah mit that had been in the en suite bathroom.

A fissure of excitement wound its way through her body in anticipation of exposing herself to him and fulfilling one of her many fantasies. Would he touch her? God how she’d wanted him to lay his hand on her since the moment she’d met him, but he’d kept his distance. It was a first for her—being around a man who didn’t seek to objectify her.

The irony that he was the only man she’d ever wanted to notice her, but he didn’t, wasn’t lost on her.

“Okay, you can go ahead and get undressed.”

Her stomach sizzled, warming her from within. He stood next to the camera, watching her. She rose to her knees and lifted the hem of her shirt, pulling it off overhead. Next, she slid her sweatpants off.

She unclasped her bra and her large breasts bounded out, happy to be free. Cold air kissed her nipples, drawing them into points. The thrill of baring herself to him was more exhilarating than she could have imagined and she desperately hoped he liked what he saw.

Standing before him completely nude she waited for him to command her, silently praying positioning for the photos wouldn’t be left up to her. The commands never came. Her gaze collided with his as he stared intensely without blinking, intimidating her into coving her chest with her arm.

“Is something wrong?”

He didn’t respond. Oh god, he hated how she looked and he didn’t want to use her for his promo photos.

“You don’t like my body?”

He cleared his throat and swallowed, and then his mouth parted. “I uh”—he swallowed a second time—“I like it.”

He didn’t say much or move much. What was wrong with him? It was as if he’d been pulled from the frigid waters of the northern Atlantic. She’d hoped for fire and instead received ice.

“Can you tell me what you’d like me to do?”

“Yeah, I will.”

He turned and walked away. He retreated into the bathroom, shutting the door quietly behind him and leaving her standing on her knees on the bed. She rubbed her arms to combat the cool air on her naked skin.

After several minutes she sat, and drew her knees to her chest.

When he emerged from the bathroom, she’d already started to dress.

He grasped her elbow, “What are you doing?”

“Clearly I’m not what you want so I’m getting dressed.”

“I’m sorry. Allow me to explain.” He dropped his gaze to the floor. When he looked back to her his face looked young and he was grinning. “I don’t know what to say. I mean I’ve filmed hundreds of women, but the sight of you with no clothes on was more than I could take. I had to go and get a little composure.”

“So you like my body?”

“Baby, your body is so hot it could melt the polar icecaps from here. I’ve never seen a more beautiful body.” He leaned in and placed a kiss on her forehead.”

“So you think I’ll be a good addition to the website?”

He frowned, looking almost angry, but then his frown faded and he smiled. “Sure babe, I think you’ll be great.”

“Will you help me get into position?”

“It’d be my pleasure. Now get naked.” He swatted her on the butt and chuckled.

“Wow you are a most upstanding professional.”

“What can I say…you bring out the kid in me.”

Huh, she didn’t want to bring out the kid, she wanted to bring out the aroused man in him.

On her knees for the second time, she stood, staring at the camera and lowered her chin in a seductive pose.

“That’s actually good.” He snapped the camera a few times.

“Now turn your body away from the camera.”

He walked over and positioned her so that her backside was to the camera and turned her head to look back over her shoulder. His hand ghosted over her back thigh, and then his fingers dipped between her legs, opening them slightly. She inhaled, trying to even out her breathing and remain cool. His touch was like a glowing-hot branding iron, searing her wherever he touched.

Looking through the lens he said, “Turn your body just slightly toward the camera.” The flash snapped several times.

“Looks great. Now lie back on the bed.”

She complied, resting her back on the bed.

“Legs bent.”

He snapped some photos.

“Go ahead and spread your knees apart.”

His command sent a rush of warmth between her legs. Would he know? Would he be able to see it? Aroused more than she had ever been, she felt the wetness pool at her thighs.

After several shots in that pose he said, “Pull your right leg up toward your chest.”

She wondered what he thought about her private parts. Did they look sexy?

“Great now keep your leg up and turn at the waist. Look into the camera.”

She obeyed his orders.


“Touch yourself.”


He pulled away from the camera, and then walked toward her on the bed. He took her hand and pulled it through her legs. “Touch yourself.”

“You want me to masturbate.”

“These are still photos. I want it to appear that you are masturbating, but if it helps you…feel free.”

She wanted to masturbate for him—had even fantasized about it every night since she’d met him. Her finger feathered over the tight bundle of nerves between her legs. She slid through the wetness that he’d elicited from her. She’d been given this body for a reason and it was for this moment.

She’d become so entranced in her efforts that she wasn’t aware of the camera or how many pictures he took of her in all her vulnerability. The only thing she felt was the white-hot heat, burning between her legs. She opened her eyes and found him standing before her, watching intently. His focus on her sent her over the edge. She increased the pressure and speed and came for him, all for him. She whispered his name and he lowered to his knees on the floor.

He pulled her by the ankles until his head was between her legs, his lips covered her in a soft kiss.

“I can’t force myself to not want you anymore. I need to touch you. Is this okay?”

Had he been forcing himself back all this time?

“Yes, touch me.”

She was tender but his lips were soft.

“Have you ever been fingered?”

“No, I haven’t.” Her voice was breathy.

He traced her lips with the soft pad of his finger, teasing but not penetrating.

“Please, touch me. Deep.”

His fingers spread her and his tongue, warm and soft, was inside of her. Her body singed at his touch and her fingers curled tightly around locks of his hair. Sucking on her, his finger slipped inside and curled. Her walls hugged his finger as she climaxed, calling out his name.

Before she’d regained her composure he was hoisting himself off the bed.

“Where are you going?”

“Shh, stay still. I want to get a picture of you intoxicated by climax.”

The camera snapped and she stretched, her back arching off the bed as she smiled lazily at the camera.

“You are so gorgeous. The guys in your class must have chased after you.”

He didn’t know the half of it. Luckily she’d been in track and could outrun them all. She giggled and he crawled over her naked body.

Smiling down at her he asked, “What’s so funny?”

But she didn’t want to talk about other guys so she cupped him between the legs, gasping at his hardness.

He took her hands and clasped them together above her head with only one of his large hands.

“Better not do that.”

“But I want to touch you and see you.”

“Not yet.”

His soft lips pillowed over hers to deliver a sweet kiss.

“Why not?”

“Have you ever seen a porno?”

She licked her lips as she deliberated on what answer he wanted here—yes or no. She shook her head.

“Have you ever seen a man naked?”

“No, but I want to.”

“And I want to take it slow.”


He sat on the edge of the bed. Ignoring her he said, “Get dressed and meet me in the kitchen for some dinner.”


Cammie sat up on her elbows just in time to catch a view of his retreating back.

Slowly she got up. While she should be satisfied, she wasn’t. Because of Zach she’d just had two orgasms but he refused to take pleasure from her and she desperately wanted to please him.

Deciding a little seduction couldn’t hurt, she donned a tight T-shirt, sans bra. She then pulled on the boy shorts and left her sweats folded neatly on the edge of the bed. She only hoped her powers of seduction were impossible to resist.


ammie sauntered
into the kitchen and oh, holy fuck. How was it possible that she was even hotter in a tight T-shirt and shorts than she was without clothes?

Zach stirred the creamy pasta sauce and then took a large gulp from his wine glass.

Across from the simmering sauce, she took a seat on a barstool, her hard nipples clearly visible through the tiny T-shirt.

“Where’s your sweatshirt?”

“I’m good.”

She was good?
From where he was standing she seemed extremely cold.

His dick started to stir and he told himself to focus on Caesar, his German Shepard of ten years that had passed away a few weeks ago.

Wherever you are old boy…I could use your help getting out of this one.

They sat at the table in the kitchen and Cammie made such an incredible fuss over the pasta dinner he’d made and a big dumb smile spread across his face.

Sitting with her through dinner had the added bonus of watching those lips pressing together and being constantly licked. It was the sexiest consumption of food and wine he’d ever seen and she wasn’t even trying. Woe to the man in her life when she discovers her untapped power.

He redoubled his efforts to keep his mind off the image of her tangled in crisp white sheets, ripe and ready for him.

Overhead the television was tuned to the weather channel. Radar showed the approaching front and predicted two-inch ice accumulation. Up north he imagined that forecast would be no big deal. But the inhabitants down south didn’t deal much with ice. Consequently, no one was skilled at driving on ice. Rain sure, but ice… last time there was an ice storm there was a sixty-car pileup on the interstate.

Now was the time—he placed the contract in front of her.

“What’s this?”

“A one year lease.”

She looked from the contract to him. “I spoke with Gabriel. He said he was looking to hire a manager for this place and I suggested you. In exchange, you will receive room and board. You’ll clean and gather the mail. He’s going to have some minor repairs done and you’ll need to coordinate a schedule with the contractors.”

“So I get to stay here for a year?”

“That’s the idea.”

“What about college? I told you I wanted to go to college.”

“You can commute. Managing the house won’t take up all of your time. You can easily manage a few courses.”

“Why are you letting me stay here?”

Her question startled him. Why wouldn’t she want to stay here when she had nowhere else to go? He leaned back in his chair and laced his hands on top of his head.

“I enjoy having a little gnat buzzing around me all day and night.”

Her eyes drifted down, the edges turning sad. “
. I was just trying to figure you out. Is this something you normally do…play house with your actresses?”

He was a dick, but being a dick meant holding on to his vulnerability a little while longer and he just wasn’t ready to give her that part of him.

“If you’ll recall, I attempted to unload you at the Catholic Charities Mission, but they were full—of men I might add. There’s a winter storm on the way. I’m not a monster, Cammie.”

“No, I didn’t say you were. It’s just”—she shrugged—“you don’t even know me, I could be a vampire or the ghost of a voodoo queen.”

“I don’t know what qualms Marie Laveau would have with me, but if you’re confessing that you’re a ghost, you’ll need to sleep out in the garage.”

“I’d love the garage!”

He laughed at her exuberance and poured the last of the bottle of red into their glasses. “I think you're a safe bet. Besides, I’m used to protecting myself from young sexually charged girls like yourself.”

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