ZAK SEAL Team Seven Book 3 (2 page)

BOOK: ZAK SEAL Team Seven Book 3
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Chapter 2


When Lo had said the women were on the run, and I knew that she was with them, all the old fears came flooding back. Then seeing her in hand to hand with that asshole I’d wanted to tear him from limb to limb after I got her out of there. By the time we got to the hospital I was coming down from the rush, but there was something brewing in me.

She’d slept in the other room the night before, but when I dragged her off when we got back to the compound I knew that was dead. I’d lit into her as soon as the door was closed, and she’d fought back. Big mistake.

She’ll never understand my need to protect. In her mind she was a soldier, a fighter, to me she was my woman, soft, gentle, to be cherished. It was the same old argument.

This time, I cut that shit short. I pushed her back against the door and just tore her pants off before fighting with my own. I didn’t even take the time to prepare her; it had been too long. Just one swipe of my finger between her folds, my teeth in my favorite place in her neck, and I slid in. I had to take a second to appreciate being home again. And then the fucking started.

I hadn’t given any thought to whether or not we could be heard, and when her tightness wrapped around me I didn’t really care. “So fucking good. I missed this, missed you; never again.” I was rambling but I didn’t care.

How could I have forgotten how amazing she felt on my cock? Her nails dug into my scalp as I battered her sweet pussy up against the door. I bit and sucked my way down to her tits, which seemed much fuller than I remembered, but I didn’t have time to dwell on that shit.

I was starved for the taste of her on my tongue. I wanted to do everything at once, that’s how I ended up pulling out of her and getting to my knees in front of her, pulling her onto my tongue so I could tongue fuck her to orgasm in my mouth.

“Zak, please, oh damn.” Her body trembled from the force of her lust as she tried to pull me back up her body. I wasn’t ready. I opened her up with the tip of my tongue, and sucked her clit into my mouth while bringing my fingers into play. I slipped three of them deep into her while licking on her love button. Only when her juices burst forth on my tongue did I stop feasting on her flesh.

I pulled her down to the floor right there and mounted her from behind. With one hard thrust I went as deep in her pussy as I’d ever been, making her cry out as she creamed all over my cock.

This used to be our favorite position, me mounting her like a wild beast, taking her down, overpowering her, breaking her to my will. I fucked into her like a madman, trying to bond our flesh together.

My teeth found its place in the flesh of her neck as she fucked back on my cock, her sweet pussy sucking me in deep. “Can you feel me, I’m in your belly? Tell me you want me there.”

“Yes Zak you know I do.” I loved that hitch in her voice that told me she was gone.

My hands ran over the smooth flesh of her back and around to her tits. “Brace.” She remembered. Her knees went a little wider, back arched, and hands planted firmly, with her ass tilted in the air. With her hips held tight in my hands I went wild. I had two years of buildup to work off and my dick knew he was in his happy place again. There was no real finesse to my strokes, but it was just like being back in the saddle again. Her body felt softer somehow, more pliant. I don’t remember being able to get this deep inside her without causing her pain, but now she was taking me in with maybe just a slight discomfort, but no danger.

“Oh yes please don’t stop.” Her pussy trembled around my cock as she came again but I was just beginning. “I want to taste you again.” I pulled out without warning and clamped my mouth over her leaking pussy, sucking all that nectar into my lungs. I pushed my thumb into her ass the way I thought her to like and she rode my face until she was flowing into my mouth.

When she came down again I rose up behind her and ran my dick up and down her slit to her asshole, dipping just the fat head of my cock into her ass and giving her a few teasing strokes. “Later, I’ll take you there later, right now I want in your pussy again.” I slammed back into her and her screech was music to my ears. I smacked her ass none too gently as I rode her pussy making sure to feed her all of my dick with each stroke. “Fuck me Zak please fuck me.”

It was all I needed to let go, where before I had to be careful not to hurt her, I now slammed my whole length home in her belly. I had to grab hold of her hair to keep her planted on my cock, when her knees started to give out.

So with one arm wrapped around her holding her tit, and the other fisted in her hair, I rode her pussy like a rodeo king as she bucked and moaned under me. When I came, I thought that shit would never stop. It was the way her pussy squeezed and released around me, the way her ass shook with her climax, it was everything about her that sent me to a place I’d never been before, not even the last time.

I came twice in one go, something I’d heard of but never experienced. I leaned over her back in amazement as I tried to catch my breath and take in the wonder of it all at the same time. After we both calmed down a little, I picked her up and took her into the bedroom, where I’d started on her all over again. In between fucking her twice more, we’d talked and she’d just started to piss me the fuck off when Logan’s call came through. “Stay here.” I wanted to find her in my bed when I came back, something I was looking forward to doing for a long, long time. With one last kiss and a heart that was finally beating right again I left the bed.

“Where are you going?” I looked over at her as I pulled my shirt on over my head. She looked like fuckable sin and all I wanted to do was climb back inside her and stay until the dawn.

“Logan, we have to deal with this latest problem. I hope you know that that was your one and only fuck up. I don’t want you running around getting into shit, and I especially don’t want you getting those two involved in shit that could get them killed.” Where was the anger coming from? I knew on some level that it wasn’t just about this, that there was a whole lot more beating beneath the surface.

“How is this my fault?” She stormed off the bed naked and looked around for her clothes that were still on the floor in front of the door. “First of all, I can take care of myself, and second, I told you it wasn’t my idea. I knew this was a mistake, why did I think this time would be any different?” I didn’t like where this conversation was going, I wasn’t interested in hearing how difficult I was to get along with or how over the top my ideas of the man woman dynamics were. I’d heard it all before in fucking Kabul.

“You’re about to tread on very thing fucking ice, we’re not in the desert surrounded by a platoon young lady, watch yourself.” She got so turned around apparently, that she went back to the bed when she couldn’t find her clothes.

“It doesn’t matter anyway because I need to be getting back soon.” Is she fucking kidding me? I just glared at her until she started to fidget. “

What the fuck are you talking about, you’re not going anywhere.” She knelt in the middle of the bed with the sheet pulled up to her chin, her hair wild around her shoulders, her eyes shooting fire. “I can’t stay here Zachary and you can’t make me.”

“What’s in New Orleans?” She got real quiet and my gut twisted, I’ll fucking kill her. “I asked you a fucking question, who the fuck do you have to get back to?” I advanced on her and her eyes went wide. Oh yeah, this wasn’t the SEAL and the Marine now, this was a man and a woman, and she knew better than to try pitting her strength against mine. “No one, it’s not what you think.” Confusing ass female, at least I got what I wanted.

“Hold that thought, we’ll discuss this when I get back. There’s no way off the compound so don’t even try, and if you should so happen to find a way, I will find you, do not fuck with me on this Vanessa.” She had a few choice things to say, but I tuned her out since I needed to go see what the hell was up.

I thought we were leaving those three to stew in their own fear until much later, but it looked like there was a change of plans. I hated that torn feeling, being pulled in two directions at once, but she wasn’t going anywhere, and the sooner I dealt with this fuckery the sooner I can concentrate all my efforts on marking her for good.

Once I do that, there’s no way she’ll ever get away again. It felt good as fuck having her again, and I aimed to keep it that way.




But now I was back to being pissed because of her damn mouth. How could I have forgotten her penchant for getting under my skin with her hardheaded ass? She never fucking stops and almost two years apart hadn’t changed shit.

I heard the others coming up behind me just as I hit the door. I was in the right kind of mood to deal with this shit though, and so I kept going. It had been quite some time since I had my foot in someone’s ass, and with all the shit that was going on lately, I knew it was only a matter of time before I blow. Better they get it than her.

That pent up anger I had against her and the way things had ended between us only needed an excuse, a reason, to run free. If that day ever comes it’s going to be a dark fucking time I know it.

So I have to be careful here for the next little while and channel my anger and energies in a different direction. I wasn’t about to give her a reason to want to leave, because even if I had to chain her to my bed she was staying. I wasn’t about to lose her a second time, fuck that.

I put that shit behind me and headed for the room where we’d stashed the prisoners. They were chained to the wall thanks to Dev and Quinn’s handy work. The woman could still be heard griping about her conditions a few doors down. How the fuck did she expect to be treated after the shit she’d done?

I knew none of my brothers were dwelling too hard on the fact that we now suspected these fucks or whoever they worked for of killing the commander. We like to deal in facts so the sooner we can square that away, the better. It was looking more and more like we might be on the right track there though, which was in no way good for these three.

We’d been on the lookout for the asshole who seemed to be in charge, at least on this end. From the meet the Rosalind woman had described it seems like the really big fish might be an out-of-towner or some shit; we were still working on the logistics.

Lo had come up with a plan and the rest of us had agreed, it seemed sound. He’d contacted someone we knew we could trust, whose reach stretched across all arms of the country’s military. With him on our side we’d have more legroom, and one hell of an ally.

The plan had been set and we were on our way to weed out these fucks from their little hidey-holes. Of course we had to scratch that mission because the fucking females had decided to play Colombo or some shit.

After I’d fucked Vanessa to within an inch of her life the second time in my bed, she’d told me their hair brained idea and how it was they came to be down there in the first place. I only had enough time for one hard smack to her ass before Lo had called, but that was enough to let her know what she had coming.

It didn’t matter that it hadn’t been her idea, she should’ve known better. Now she was giving me shit about having to get back to NOLA and acting all secretive about why.

When I was buried to the hilt inside her with my hand wrapped around her throat she swore to me she hadn’t been with another man, so I knew that wasn’t the reason for her wanting to go. The reality is, had it been, I wouldn’t have cared. She’d been mine for a long time, and it took seeing her again to realize that she’d always been mine, even when she wasn’t with me. The shit that had gone down between us had more to do with my needing to protect her as her man, and look out for her, than anything else.

She had these ideas about the roles we were supposed to play, that hugely differed from mine, and we’d had a heated difference of opinion on our last mission. That shit had involved another dick, but I see now that it had been unreasonable of me to want her to transfer from her unit because her CO had the fucking wandering eye and it was wandering more often than not in her direction.

She was a marine, she had no real control over where she went and shit like that, and the bastard hadn’t actually done anything yet. But all I saw was that another man was after what’s mine and I reacted like I typically do.

Once she reassured me that she wasn’t in an all fired hurry to get back home because of a man, I decided to let her live. Fuck I just came in her, more than once. That shit stopped me in my tracks. Not that I thought she had any diseases or any shit like that, I knew she wasn’t promiscuous, I’d been the first man to have her. I wouldn’t even let my mind go to the time we’d been apart, I have to trust that she was telling me the truth. I can’t deal with that shit, not now anyway. Dammit, she better not had let another motherfucker put hands on her. I was tempted to go back and confront her again, but the six men at my back reminded me that we had business to take care of. I looked over the men for my prey.

“Hey you, asshole, you look like you’re in charge.” I pulled the idiot I’d already beaten to a pulp up from the floor. His eyes were already swollen shut and his lip split. If he lived, he was gonna have a hard time explaining those bruises, granted his CO wasn’t the one in charge of this whole operation.

“You wanna tell me what the fuck you were doing chasing our women?” The others closed the door and stood back, this was my show.

Chapter 3




They were tougher to crack than we expected, and had an overblown sense of themselves, but we got what we wanted. We hadn’t expected them to fold too easily. Whoever was in charge would’ve chosen the best for the job.

He had to in order to keep it running this smoothly for this long without any fallout. I worked them over in both body and mind until I had them just where I wanted them, and we knew which of them could be easily separated from the herd. Now all I had to do was some homework on our boy, and put the screws to him later.

They were feeling pretty good about the fact that they hadn’t named any names, but they’d given us plenty without even realizing it. All in a day’s work! I left the rest of them to clean up that shit and headed back to the house where I’d told her not to leave.

I’m gonna have to tag her soon, because I did not want to come back one day and find her ass gone. Her stint in the marines was up. I hadn’t had a chance yet to find out what that was about.

All I cared about was the fact that there was nothing she had to do stateside that she couldn’t do from here as far as I could see, and this time I wasn’t taking no for an answer.

Like I’d told her, she couldn’t get off the compound without me knowing, unless one of my brothers betrayed me, and I knew there was not even a remote possibility of that shit happening.

I quickened my pace the closer I got to the house, suddenly ravenous for her again. My dick perked the fuck up at the thoughts in my head, of what I was gonna do to her. I heard the water running in the shower when I hit the door and smiled.

A shower sounded real fucking good right about now. I stripped on my way to the master suite and left my clothes where they fell as I made my way to her. I took a hot second to enjoy the view of her in my shower. I let the sweet feeling rush through me, before pulling the door open and stepping inside behind her. My arms went automatically around her waist and pulled her back into my already hardening cock. She stiffened up a little before relaxing under my hands.

“Umm, my soap smells good on you.” I buried my face in her neck and sucked as I rubbed my already leaking cock into her ass. I let my hand drift down her middle to between her thighs and sunk three fingers inside her pussy.

“You were almost virgin tight when I fucked you earlier, you said you’re not rushing back to a man, but I’ve gotta ask. Who did you fuck when you were gone?” My other hand came up and around her throat without any conscious thought on my part. When she didn’t answer a red haze started to form and my fingers tightened. “Red…”

“No one, I swear, no one…you?” I felt her body tense as if expecting a blow. That’s one thing about her; she can never hide from me, her body gives her away every time. She might put up a good front, pretend she doesn’t care, but I know better. “No, no one.” Her body relaxed again and I hid my smile in her hair before going after her neck with my teeth again. I don’t know what it is, but I’ve always got a kick out of marking her while I fucked her. I loved knowing that other men could see my stamp on her; it was like tagging her pussy for the world to see. The world or any other dick that thought he stood a chance.

There were no words needed when I bent her over, put her hands flat against the marble walls of the shower, and surged into her from behind. All without releasing the hold I had on her neck with my teeth. She went up on her toes and spread a little, not much, just enough to make it easy for her to take the pressure.

She moaned and shook on my cock and I hadn’t even started yet. Her pussy, that glorious pink meat between her thighs gripped me like it knew me, like it was waiting for its owner to come claim it again. “You ever let another man inside you I’ll kill you.” She came on my cock and flung her head back on my shoulder, her mouth turned up for my kiss. That’s what I like, when she gets loose and freaky, I can do anything I want with her when she gets like this.

I fed her my tongue and gave her a little time to play before taking it back and sucking hers into my mouth. She fucked herself on my cock hard as I concentrated on teasing her clit with my fingertips, while playing in her mouth. “I wanna fuck you everywhere, it’s been too fucking long.” I pushed her forward so that her arms were braced against the wall and her ass was pushed back against me. I held her hips in my hands as I started to fuck.

“Twelve inches for one little girl.” It never ceased to amaze me how she was able to take all that dick in her tiny pussy. Vanessa has a big personality, but she’s a very tiny person. She tops off at five one, red on blue, and skin so milky white I used to worry about her burning to a crisp in the desert.

Now I fucked into her nice and slow from behind as that ass that had attracted me like Pavlov’s dog from the get, pushed back into my belly. My hand fisted in her hair as I pounded into her sweet cunt hard and deep. I had to wrap my other hand around her middle to hold her up when her orgasm ripped through her. “That’s it, show me how much you want this, cum on my dick.”

“Zak, Zak…”

“Right here baby right here, let it go.” She was close to tears as her body went into free fall. I felt her insides quiver and her limbs begin to shake. “No one else, ever.” I couldn’t bear the thought of anyone else having this with her.

How the fuck had I convinced myself that I could spend the rest of my life without her, without this? The thoughts in my head went straight to my dick and instead of easing off so she could enjoy her orgasm, I sped shit up and fucked her through it.

She was really up on those toes now and all that could be heard beneath the sound of water hitting the walls was the slap-slap of our hips as I piston in and out of her.

I was riding high in her pussy, hitting her spot and beyond with each stroke until she started doing that whimpering shit I remember. It’s a cross between fuck me harder, and please take it easy on my poor pussy.

I’m one of those sick fucks who like a little pain with his pleasure, and once I found out she liked that shit too, it was a match made in heaven. At this angle I was going into her belly, she used to say I was pressing on her ovaries. I listened for the little pussy hurt sounds she makes because that usually lets me know when I’d gone far enough.

“You’ve got a lot to make up for so don’t even think about telling me to stop, two fucking years.” What is it about this woman that can flip me on a dime? One minute I’m lost in the pussy and the next I’m pissed the fuck off because she’d destroyed us. I doubt she knew just what the fuck she was getting herself into when she decided to come here.

Or did she expect this? Maybe I was looking at this thing the wrong way, only time will tell. I finally heard that whimper in her voice that told me it was time to pull back.

When it came I held still to let her get used to my length and weight inside her, before starting to move again. She hissed but her pussy was flowing and her ass was moving back and forth pulling her on and off my dick.

I looked down between us at the length of my cock as it disappeared into her, her juices and mine coating my meat as it slid easily back and forth, pulling her pink pussy lips out with each outward stroke only to have them disappear again when I went back in.

“Does it still hurt?” I was looking for blood on my cock, it wouldn’t be the first time, but I didn’t like that shit even though she said it was natural for someone my size, I wasn’t sure about that shit. She shook her head no, her voice trapped in her lungs from the pleasure.

“Why did you let me cum inside you?” I wasn’t sure if she was on the pill this time, she hadn’t been the last time, but that was another story. We were a million miles away from home and everyday could’ve been our last, people tend to think different in those kinds of situations. But this was different.

There was no excuse; we were both a little older and a lot wiser. “I like to feel you.” Her innocent answer given so softly was almost more than I could take. I hadn’t expected her to be that honest about it, thought for sure she would try to hide from me.

I slipped out of her and turned her around in my arms so that I could see her. With our eyes locked together, I picked her up and wrapped her legs around me before reaching down beneath her ass to put my dick back in her. “Ride my cock.” She did her best in this position to take as much of me inside her to play with as she could, teasing the first few inches of my dick with her silk walls, but I was soon ready to fuck her into the marble floor. “Quit fucking around baby.”

That’s when her playful side came out. I’d forgotten how she likes to tease the shit outta me when she gets into a certain mood, hadn’t been expecting that to show up anytime soon either. Her head went back on her shoulders as she tightened her arms around my neck and moved her pussy on and off my cock.

I lowered my head and took one of her nipples into my mouth, her nipples were always sensitive to my touch and I felt the answering pull in her pussy. She came on a long sigh, but that wasn’t enough, I wanted more, I wanted her screaming. The way she used to when we were stationed in the desert and I had to cover her mouth with my hand or make her suck on my tongue so that no one could hear her wild moans while we fucked.

Here there was no need for that, so I went to work on that shit. I leaned her back against the wall as the all but forgotten water washed down over us, and fucked her like I meant it. Her eyes went wide when my cock went in full tilt on one stroke. She wasn’t laughing anymore, now her bottom lip was caught in her teeth as she accepted my cock that looked like it was splitting her in half. I planted my feet, grabbed her slender hips, and fucked.

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