ZAK SEAL Team Seven Book 3 (3 page)

BOOK: ZAK SEAL Team Seven Book 3
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Chapter 4




This is dangerous, I know it is, know I’m headed for a serious collision course with disaster, but I can’t seem to stop myself. Just twenty-four hours here and already I’m under his spell.

I knew there was a chance this would happen, and I wonder now if I hadn’t secretly wished for it. I knew as soon as I heard his brother’s voice that the road led here and still I came. This was only going to complicate things.

If they hadn’t called, I don’t know if I would’ve ever gotten in touch with Zak again. I missed him every day that we were apart, but we were both so full of stubborn pride, that neither one of us wanted to give in.

I think now that we were both dumb, but hindsight and all that. And there was more, so much more. I felt that hitch in my chest again. The one I’ve been getting ever since I set out to come here.

As I lay here under him, sore, tired, excited, and waiting for that moment he turns to me again, and he will; I let my mind drift, but not too far. Why shouldn’t I take this time for myself?

Why shouldn’t I enjoy this thing that I had thought never to feel ever again? When he’d asked me earlier about other men I wanted to laugh. How could he not know? Just the thought of anyone else getting that close to me was repulsive.

I’d given it some thought, boy have I, but in the end I could never go through with it. It was as if he were always there, or the specter of him, shadowing me. There were nights when the loneliness was so hard to bear that all I wanted to do was disappear.

The worse was when I imagined him with someone else, some other woman enjoying what we had. That would usually tear my heart out and send me into a downward spiral that would last for days. In those first few months after I’d walked away because he’d forced me to with his hardheadedness, I thought I would curl into a tight ball and die. I never knew loneliness could feel like that. Not even when I was in some of the world’s most dangerous locations, did I feel the despair I did then. “What’re you thinking so hard about?”

I turned my head, which was about all I could move since he had me pinned, to look at him. That’s one of the things I like most about Zak, the way he uses his strength to protect me even in the safety of our bed.

I don’t think he ever realized, ever knew what it meant to me back in those hot, sweaty tents, when he’d finish making love to me at night, and instead of rolling over and going to sleep like I’d heard of more times than I could count, he’d literally cover my body with his, but always being careful not to crush me. “Nothing.”

He quirked his brow which meant he didn’t believe me, but thank heaven he left it alone. I closed my eyes but that was no help, he always did see more than anyone else. Now that the heart pounding, heat intensifying, sexual marathon was at a lull, all the old worries were coming back. We were both out of the service now, and that had been the biggest issue we had back then, that and his insane jealousy. Zak is one of those men that believed his woman was his and his only and dared anyone else to even look. It got so he didn’t even want anyone else within a mile of me, or one man in particular. Turns out he was right about him, maybe it was just his natural instinct that had shown him something that I couldn’t see. But at the time all I saw was his need to control me and everything else around him.

Now I get it, then I didn’t. Men like Zak and his brothers, because of the things they see, the horrors they’ve had to deal with, it makes them see life different to the rest of us. Even me who’d seen combat, had never experienced the same mind altering hell that they’ve been through. I could appreciate that now, but two years ago I couldn’t.

Back then I thought if I was woman enough to join up, then there was nothing I couldn’t do. And when he tried reining me in, I’d broken the tethers so to speak and never looked back, well not physically anyway. Emotionally I’d left everything that I was back in that desert with him.

I knew the only reason I’d been able to escape him so easily was because we’d both been called up at the time, and there was nothing he could do. But I had no doubt had we been stateside he would’ve fought me tooth and nail, and I would’ve given in. There were many days and nights in between then and now that I wish I had. When his hand started moving on my body again it was the easiest thing in the world to just turn into him and let him take me. The soreness between my thighs was forgotten along with everything else, I’ll think about it tomorrow.

“Put me inside of you.” I pulled his body over mine and spread my legs to receive him. At his command I reached down between us and felt his heated length against my palm, stroking it a few times before leading the leaking head to my opening. I was wet and ready for him, like always.

I didn’t think of the risk as I felt his fat cockhead split the lips of my sex, didn’t think about anything else but him as he pushed all the way in, stopping halfway to let me get used to him. It was always like that, he always had to be careful not to go too deep too fast, though now it seemed I was able to take his whole length easier than I could two years ago.

I started moving with his first stroke, lifting my body up to meet his as he started off nice and slow. It would be so easy to think that the fire had burned down to a cinder, but I knew better. It didn’t matter how many times he had me, we were always hot for each other, whether it was the first round or the last.

“Your pussy feels so fucking good baby.” I reveled in hearing things like that. Liked knowing that he found such pleasure in being inside me. I added a little twist, tightening my walls around him the way I knew would drive him crazy.

His growl set me off, and then his teeth biting into the same spot as before took me over the edge. He held still while I rode the crest and I knew what was coming next.

As soon as my breathing calmed a little he pulled out and flipped me over onto my stomach, keeping me pressed into the bed with a hand in the small of my back as he surged back into me.

“Oooh.” He always went too deep in this position, but I liked the little bite of pain it caused. I felt every ridge of his cock as he fed it to me while straddling my ass. I wanted to get up on my knees to ease the pressure on my organs. “Stay, I want you right there; you hurt?” I nodded my head because I couldn’t speak.

“Take it.” I didn’t have a choice, and didn’t need one after the third stroke. “Um, that’s it, take my cock like a big girl.” Why does his words make me so hot? When he’s in me like this I love his caveman, take charge ways.

It’s only when the clothes went back on and real life intruded that I had a problem with his way of treating me like the little woman. Now I was enjoying the hell of the way he took me over and fucked me like a man possessed.

By the time he came in me my limbs were all but ready to give out. That’s why he had to pick me up from the bed and take me into the shower, where he held me close as the water ran down on our overheated bodies.








I woke with a start until I felt her body next to mine, and the night came rushing back. I didn’t have time to be lying around in bed. We were supposed to be letting the men go today.

We couldn’t keep them here indefinitely because the army would come looking for the fucks, and since we’d ascertained that they were just patsies, there was really no need to hold them.

How they explained their bruises to their superiors was their problem, and we were hoping that that might lead to something; maybe someone would start talking. Plus we had found a way to make this work for us.

She was still asleep and no wonder. We’d fallen off about three hours ago after an intense night of lovemaking, and she was out cold. I on the other hand was feeling more energetic than I had in quite some time. Even with all the shit that was going on, having her here, made life seem worthwhile again. The only other thing I was really interested in now, was finding out what, if any part these three played in the death of the only man I’d ever really looked up to as a father figure. I knew that shit, when it was discovered, was going to cause all hell to break loose, because none of us were gonna let that shit go.

But for now I was more than happy to find comfort in her body. It had been a while since I’d had that.

I took a quick shower and got dressed, wondering if I should let her sleep in or wake her up. I’d already disabled her van and had put a tag on her while we were fucking, so she wasn’t going anywhere, but would she even try?

I knew she was gonna have to go get her stuff at some point, women hated leaving shit behind for some fucked up reason, but that could wait. I planned on asking the girls to take her shopping for some shit later, to tide her over until. But first we had to make sure it was safe.

I left her and headed for Logan’s place since Gaby was making breakfast today. I hope these women never catches on to the fact that we’d basically divvied up kitchen duty between them since they’d got engaged. If I had to go back to eating the swill my brothers concocted I’d lose my fucking mind. In the last couple of months we’ve been eating like kings, but now with Dani’s morning sickness, which according to Con came at all kind of hours, she wasn’t too good around the scent of food, so Gaby had taken up the mantle.

I didn’t even know if mine could throw down in the kitchen, we hadn’t ever discussed it. Thinking of her staying here, being a part of all this, made my heart do strange things in my chest. It strengthened my resolve not to let her go.

“Hey AWOL, what’s got you frowning?” Ty met me halfway from his place to Logan’s. I ignored his bullshit, that’s one of his many insults, that Connor, Lo and I went AWOL for pussy, I can’t wait for his turn to come.

It looked like everyone was getting a late start today because Logan and Gaby both looked like they were fighting to get into their clothes when we walked in.

She had a pretty blush on her cheek so there was no second guessing what the hell had been going on before we showed up, and he was still trying to get his hand on her ass.

“Lo, cut the shit, your time is over buddy, it’s eating time now, what’s on the menu?” Swear to fuck Ty has problems. He all but shoved me out of the way to get to the table. The others came straggling in with Con holding Dani like she was an invalid.

“Damn sis you look green.” I pulled out a chair for her and looked at Con who looked like he was ready to kill someone over this shit.

“I have to run her into the doctor’s this morning, I’m not putting up with this shit no matter how normal she says it is.” The two of them started bickering, which was funny as hell, because Con wasn’t listening to a word she said.

“Hey, Bullwinkle, it’s natural for a woman’s body to do that while she’s with young. Don’t embarrass us, what’re you gonna do, run to the doctor every time she pukes?”

Ty the expert put his two cents in. I’m pretty sure if he doesn’t stop his shit either Con or Lo is gonna put his lights out. The only reason none of us had taken his ass out as yet was because we knew this was his way of not dealing with what we suspected had happened to the commander. A pain in the ass Ty was better than crazy Ty any day.

The talk was light as we sat around drinking cups of coffee while we waited for whatever Gaby was gonna dish up this morning.

One thing about these Southern Belles, they knew how to put a meal together. It was almost surreal sitting here like this, shooting the breeze, talking bullshit, like Ty teasing Cord about moping because the little firecracker wasn’t here, when all the while there was a shit storm brewing.

Of course we didn’t discuss shit in front of the women, they didn’t need to know and after last night I’m pretty sure they’ll keep their asses home. I knew I didn’t have to tell my brothers not to share any of this with my woman, she was out of the marines and she damn sure wasn’t putting herself in the middle of this shit, not while I’m around.

I was pleasantly surprised when the door opened five minutes later and she walked in looking all nervous and shit. But when our eyes met she gave me that shy smile that I remembered so well and came over to sit on my lap.

That I did not expect and I had to kick Ty the nosy fuck under the table to get him to keep his trap shut. The idiot started humming the wedding march and rolling his eyes around in his head. “I have to leave today.” She said it low enough so that no one else heard.

“No.” I shut the fuck down and concentrated really hard on not getting up and destroying my brother’s kitchen. She wasn’t doing this shit to me again; fuck that. “We’ll talk later, but you’re not going anywhere.”

She looked scared, uncertain and I didn’t know what that was about, but one thing I did know, no matter what, she wasn’t leaving me. Lo seemed to sense that something was up and asked me in that silent way of his. I just shook my head slightly at him, but I knew there was no putting him off.

We’d all grown accustomed to sharing everything with each other over the years; it was just natural for all of us to be in each other’s business like that. I guess once you’d faced life or death with someone you tend to see the small shit as nothing.

“Excuse us.” I’d lost my damn appetite. No one said anything as I stood from the table and pulled her along to the door with me, but I could feel their stares and knew they were gauging the situation for danger.

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