Zectas Volume V: The Sequestered Seminary of Sawtorn (27 page)

Read Zectas Volume V: The Sequestered Seminary of Sawtorn Online

Authors: John Nest,Overus,You The Reader

Tags: #Computers & Technology, #Games & Strategy Guides, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Gaming, #Teen & Young Adult, #Humor & Entertainment, #Puzzles & Games, #Role Playing & Fantasy, #Science Fiction & Fantasy Gaming

BOOK: Zectas Volume V: The Sequestered Seminary of Sawtorn
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+ Quest: Full On Trottel
    Challenge Quest
    Level: A
    The Pyro Magi Xantana has asked you to challenge
    the tiger Lioumerean Prime Wizard of Vlahui, Trottel.
    She hopes that you can lift his idiotic ban on interracial marriages
    and allow her Chouchou back into their royal bloodline.
    > If you beat Trottel, you need to fulfill the roles of Vlahui's Prime Wizard
    and protect the city until a new Prime Wizard takes your place.
    Accept the Quest? [YES/NO]

Smoke instantly canceled out his inner earth-dome, and stood over the half unconscious LightElf sprawled on the floor of the ring.
After reading the Quest a second time, Smoke turned to her and said. "No! Sorry, I can't do this right now. I have a more important mission."
"Why did I lose to you," angrily said Xantana before she fully lost all consciousness.
At once, Smoke canceled the outer earth-dome and revealed himself to the entire audience of Pulper Stadium.
The jumbovision screen zoomed in on Smoke standing over the passed out Xantana.
"No!" cried out Chouchou from outside the ring. "Monster! What did you do to her?"
Smoke reflexively raised both his arms up in surrender. "Nothing, we just fought and I won."
He then picked her up and carefully walked over to the edge of the ring. The spectators yelled in protest, but Smoke kept on walking. When he got to the edge, he gently placed her down outside the ring.
The Announcer's voice then boomed across the arena. "I'm sorry, Everybody, but it looks like Faux is much trickier than we expected."
"That's not how you win a Magi battle!"
More than half the crowd jeered at Smoke, unsatisfied with the results. While the rest stared at Xantana, confused whether she was alive or dead.
Chouchou ran faster than the medical team, as he reached the fainted LightElf first. They brought a stretcher with them and picked her up. As they carried her out of the stadium, one of the Medics gave out a thumbs up signal for all of the spectators to see.
"I have great news, Folks. Xantana is alive! I repeat, Xantana is alive!" exclaimed the Announcer. "But on a sad note, the contestant who will be facing Prime Wizard Ouragan will be none other than the Earth Elementalist, Faux!"
"Boooo!" heckled the crowd.
After he heard the official announcement, Smoke ran after them. An overprotective Chouchou blocked his path.
"Where do you think you're going?" asked the muscular tiger Lioumerean.
"Chouchou, right?" called out Smoke, and stopped in front of him. "Tell Xantana that I can't accept her request, but I'll see what I can do to help the two of you out."



* * * * * * 

Zectas' setting sun had almost disappeared over the horizon. Yet, the heat of the crowd in Pulper Arena grew even more wildly. The furious crowd made sure to let Smoke feel their displeasure, as they showered him with mockery and ridicule.
Sitting back down on his assigned waiting-bench, he fell victim to the crowd's mob mentality.
Since his Cunning of the Dire Fox could not detect ranged attacks, he was showered by their food and beverages as they threw at him. Clay-pots filled with purple juice smashed into his back. Fortunately, the damage was minimal. It did not even reduce his life bar by 100 points, but it did smear purple goo all over his clothes.
Still, a damage was a damage. Even though this was suppose to be his recovery time. He quickly put up a concave barrier around his bench to block the other clay-pots that were coming his way.
'Is this what a villain in a wrestling match feels like?' he wondered to himself, as he wiped off the purple goo.
Then, he turned around and saw Mouche. The old HighElf was about to throw a piece of pie directly at him.
However, Avilo's old Steward quickly hid the pie behind his back after Smoke met his eyes. Smoke only shook his head, slightly amused at the old man's fanaticism for Xantana.
Then, the Announcer's voice boomed once again. "May I request the spectators to stop throwing things at our participant. He won the fight fair and square."
In response, the crowd jeered even louder.
"I know, I can't believe it myself," added the Announcer. "But I asked the judges and they said that it was a legal win."
"Also, you're just trashing the ring, rather than really hitting Faux," said the Announcer. "So, let's just stop throwing things for now."
"Don't worry, Folks. Faux is in for a world of pain!" exclaimed the host of the Tournament. "Now, he's going up against our pride, Prime Wizard Ouragan!"
"But that won't be for another five minutes," said the Announcer. "So, for now, why don't you enjoy the latest new craze, the Pompom juice. It's from Prime Wizard Ouragan's Vona City."
Smoke then noticed the numerous OrkElves carrying crates of Pompom juice. The spectators bought more of the purple juice filled clay-pots.
"That's right, Folks. Buy more Pompom juice in support of Ouragan," said the Announcer. "And who knows, we might get a chance to throw them at a special someone after the Tournament."
Smoke looked around some more, until he spotted Esper and Colere selling the Pompom juice. He widely grinned behind his Paradox Mask, pleased at the success of their business on pomegranate juice production. He had no clue that the OrkElf couple was this business minded.
'Maybe I should remove the earth-barrier after all?' wondered Smoke, debating with himself whether to be the target of the angry mob. He hoped that it would boost the sales of the pompom juice even more.
However, he was not able to come to a decision as the Announcer's voice took over the jumbovision screen. "Alright, Folks, this is it! The moment we've all been waiting for! The Championship of the 999th Magi Gagnant Tournament!"
A magnificent display of fireworks erupted in the early night sky, filling the skyline with dazzling array of colors.
A cold chilly breeze passed through the stadium, but Smoke felt a different iciness. It was not coming from the wind.
Sensing someone was staring at him, he looked around and still could not find the source of that piercing feeling.
The Announcer's voice brought his attention back to the jumbovision screen.
"Our first finalist, a lucky amateur who won against the likes of Prime Wizard Trottel and the hot Pyro Mage Xantana... Hailing from parts unknown, Earth Elementalist Faux!" screamed the Announcer.
As he sat on his bench, Smoke lifted himself up with the aid of an earth-platform. He dramatically transported it towards the circular ring. He gently slid down the platform and stood on top of the ring as he manipulated it to do so.
Despite him portraying the role of being a finalist in the Magi Gagnant Tournament, the crowd still booed and heckled him.
Nonetheless, Smoke still waved at them. He smiled a sincere smile behind his Paradox Mask, as he waited for them to throw the pompom clay-pot juices they bought with their precious zecs.
Then, a strong gust of wind came from over head. Smoke tilted his head upward, searching for its source. As expected, it was an old frail HighElf in blue robes. Ouragan always had to make his trademark flashy entrance.
A cyclone formed near the place where Smoke sat earlier. The turbulent winds picked up the trash and debris thrown at him. The loud clattering sounds of broken clay-pots were heard as Ouragan dumped all of the garbage inside a nearby trash bin.
"People, we only have one world to live in," began Ouragan, as the old Prime Wizard descended to the ring. "So, let's not pollute it. Please, stop throwing things into the arena grounds."
A wide-eyed Smoke angrily stared at Ouragan. He wanted the people to throw more clay-pots at him, but now all of that was off the table.
'You son of a Witch,' Smoke thought with disgust. 'Does he know that I'm a shareholder of the pompom juice?'
"Sorry about that, Faux," Ouragan suddenly said to Smoke. "I sort of feel responsible for those people throwing things at you."
Smoke stared at him, confused.
"You see, I was the one who brought in those Pompom juice from Vona City," added the Prime Wizard.
Smoke was taken aback. "Really?"
"Of course, I found these OrkElves selling their drinks outside the stadium in my city," explained Ouragan. "And they told me that they'll give me a share of the profits if I help advertise their product."
"I see," replied Smoke. "That was pretty generous of them."
"It was, wasn't it?" said the old HighElf. "Colere wasn't too keen into the idea at first, but he immediately joined in after Esper
it to him," he said while doing air-quotes when he said the word explained.
"Anyway, let's have a good match," said Ouragan. "I heard that you might be the one that I've been waiting for..."
Smoke nodded in silence and stowed his Digger's Wand away. On the other hand, Ouragan did nothing and stood there smiling at Smoke.
The Announcer's voice then bellowed through the jumbovision screen. "Prime Wizard Ouragan, Earth Elementalist Faux, when you hear the bell it's time for hell!"
At once, Ouragan created a massive twister around the circular ring. Smoke knew that Ouragan meant business when the old HighElf did not use his wind-cutters as an opening move.
He tried forming an earth-pillar, but it took twice the amount of mana for it to hold its shape.
'I guess opposing an element you're weak against is really hard,' he surmised, but smirked all the same.
As both him and Ouragan were trapped inside the turbulent tornado, Smoke looked up at the Prime Wizard.
He then recalled his return to the hidden Florissant Seminary from his special training session in the isolated Pincer Island.


Both Smoke and Eleve were inside a special chamber of the Florissant Seminary. One which he had never been to.
Its walls were filled with ornate art works. It had a large phoenix sculpture lined with gold and ruby at the center of the ceiling. Directly below it, was an open furnace which let out pure white flames.
"As promised, I find you innocent of Flora's passing. You are truly blessed by the great god Tlaltezin," began Eleve. "Now, kneel before me, Apprentice Faux."
Smoke in his tattered hooded cloak walked up in front of her and got down on his knees.
"As you have indeed proven yourself worthy, I, Eleve Dawkins grant you the title of Florissant: Journeyman," said the old HighElf.
At once a notification window popped up.


+ Gained Title: 'Florissant: Journeyman'
  After proving yourself worthy through a series of test, this title was given to you by Eleve Dawkins. As such, you have earned her trust and are obliged to swear your fealty to Florissant Seminary.
  * +3 to all basic stats
  * Intimacy with Eleve Dawkins has increased to 'Trusted Student'
  * You're now expected to travel throughout Zectas in order to gain the title of Florissant: Master.
  * The title disappears if the Florissant Seminary gets destroyed.

A speechless Smoke stared at the notification window. "I... I don't know what to—" he was cut off by Eleve's hand, and instantly became silent.
She then looked up to the sculpted golden phoenix on the ceiling and said. "Avis descendit ignis de caelo!"
The distinct sound of a precious object being dropped came from above, as the golden phoenix sculpture let out a silver brooch.
Smoke was about to catch it, but it did not fall into the open furnace. Instead, it hovered directly above the sterling white flames.
"Take it," said Eleve. "That is, the symbol of your advancement."


+ Acquired unique brooch:
Florissant Emblem: Journeyman

A dumbfounded Smoke stared at the ornate brooch. It had a silver phoenix with opened wings, which emerged out of golden flames.
"Does this mean that I can see Magietrois Florissant, now?" asked an excited Smoke, as this was the reason he was here in the first place.
Eleve shook her head. "Sorry, but only the winner of the Magi Gagnant Tournament can see her."
Smoke easily shrugged it off, as he was closer to winning the Tournament anyway.
Without further delay, he inspected his newly earned unique accessory.


Florissant Emblem: Journeyman
  Made from mithril, goldium, and phoenix feathers. It is the symbol of graduating Florissant's apprenticeship program.
  +20,000 HP
  +50,000 MP
  +20 Intelligence
    - Can only be used by those who have passed the Florissant Apprenticeship Program.
    - Must be at least level 100.
Equipment Ability:
  *Xantico's Inheritance (Passive)
  +Endows bearer with the flames of the great flame goddess Xantico.
  +All Equipment are blessed with Mortal Flame Resistance [99%].
  +Improves basic stat attributes of all equipped items   [15%].
  +Gains offensive/defensive power on all flame abilities [50%].
  Note: Xantico's Inheritance only applies when the brooch is equipped.

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