Read Zombie X Online

Authors: S.G. Harkness

Zombie X (14 page)

BOOK: Zombie X
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“Does everyone in this town believe in the same thing?”

“I try to do my best to make them believe. It’s not easy to preach to people that don’t want to listen. We still have one thing in common since we are surviving against the dead, and we all work together to survive. That’s what brings us together, like a family. That’s what matters at the end of the day.”

“I hope to see more people in your church. I’m more than happy to be here. What should I do now?”

“You should spend the next several days walking around and getting to know the people of Luther. Watch how things are done. You can learn a lot. When you are ready, you can start your chores that we give you. There is no rush. 
We have more than enough hands at work. So go ahead and be productive.”

“Thanks for everything, Masterson. I won’t disappoint you.”

Masterson walks away, and I start to roam around. I have to see how this place works before I start my dirty business with feeding Norman. I don’t feel bad about what I’m doing. Most of these people won’t make it in the new world. I’m doing them a favor, and I don’t want to stay here forever. They probably won’t let me leave. I want to explore the world, and I don’t want to be caged up like an animal. I need to know what caused the world to fail. I want to know if there is a cure, and if someone is working on one. I will continue my journey for an answer. I believe that someone must know something. I have so many unanswered questions, and I must find the truth, even if means killing a lot of people. I will never have peace of mind unless I find out the truth. My journeys will continue until the day I die.

Episode 13


People focus their attention on me as I roam around Luther. They must be fascinated with the new girl, yet they will quickly get used to me soon enough. The people here work hard to keep hope alive. They maintain the gardens, stay organized, and clean their front yards as if the world has not changed. I hate that there is a curfew, and I hate that they have their own laws here. There doesn’t seem to be enough freedom around this place. People here seem to act like they are the only ones in the world, and they don’t seem to be concerned about what is happening outside their sanctuary. The place is secure since I see people on top of the barricades as they watch for the zombies or others to attack. I see a guy approaching me, who has a perverted looking smile on his face, yet he is pretty cute, and I wonder what is on his mind.

“Nice to meet you, Killborn. I’m Titanic.”

I can’t believe he would use the name Titanic as his name. He must be a real romantic. Titanic is Caucasian, young, tall, and thin. He has messy brown hair and green eyes. He is not armed with a gun, but he has a hunting knife on his side.

“Nice to meet you, Titanic. Why do you call yourself Titanic? Are you the king of the new world?”

“I just thought that it would be cool to be named after a ship. I wanted a memorable name for people to remember me by. I work the food prep around here. I thought I would show you around.”

“I would love that. Thanks so much, Titanic. I already remember your name.”

Titanic escorts me to the food prep area that is a few houses down from us. We walk to the backyard. There are several people at work. There is a small farm in the back. They are raising pigs and chickens. I’m impressed.

“This is an interesting set up you have here. I can’t wait to get started. I’m pretty hungry.”

“You will start soon. I just wanted to show you around because I really want you to be comfortable around here.”

We continue to make our way around the area. He shows me around other parts of Luther. It suddenly gets dark out, and it begins to rain. People start to disburse to seek shelter from the heavy rain. Titanic and I sprint to my front door as we watch people run to their homes for shelter.

“It’s amazing how dark it gets when it starts to storm. I should probably get going, but you could always invite me in. Are you willing to spend some time with me?”

“You should come inside, Titanic. I need some company, and you know how lonely a girl can get, right?”

“You’re right. I think I will stay for a bit so that we can get to know each other since I’ve had my eyes on you.”

I open the front door and lock it. We have a seat on the couch in the living room. Titanic begins to make unwanted advances on me. I let him. He puts his arm around me and advances towards me for a kiss. I stop him.

“Let’s slow down. We need a drink before we do anything we will probably regret. Don’t you agree?”

“I could sure go for a cold one. Too bad, there is none. I guess we will just drink the bottled water.”

“Do you have a family here at Luther?”

“Yes, I do. I live with my parents. They must be wondering where I am. I will tell them I met the most beautiful girl.”

“You’re so sweet to me. Why are you such a nice guy? Most guys never said such pleasant things to me.”

“I have nothing but respect for women. I know I came here trying to make out with you, but I won’t do anything that you don’t want to do. That is a promise.”

“Titanic, you are the sweetest guy. I have never ever met anyone like you. You are very unique, and I’m sure that people tell you this all the time.”

“Let me sing for you, Killborn. It would mean the world to me. I’m very good. I used to sing in a choir. I always wanted to be famous.”

“This is too much. I don’t deserve this. Please sing for me. I would love to hear that beautiful voice of yours. Go ahead.”

He stands up. Titanic begins to sing for me.

“You are so beautiful to me, my sweetie! You are my lovely rose! I think everyone knows!” he sings.

Titanic tries too hard and continues to sing with passion. His voice is passionate; his eyes sparkle, and he finishes after a minute.

“Your singing really sucks fat hairy balls. I’m just joking, Titanic. That was something. Wow, you certainly have talent, and you're very romantic. You should sing to everyone around this place since you could cheer them up. It might help them forget about the hard times. You can make a difference. I’m sure that they would appreciate it.”

Titanic smiles as he pulls something out of his pocket.

“That’s a fabulous idea, Killborn. I will sing to them. I know this is going to feel weird since we just met, but I was wondering if you would like to be my wife. Killborn, will you accept this bracelet? I know it is not a ring. It is all I could find. This is a pretty good bracelet considering the world we live in. You should really think about it because I would make a great husband. You will make a beautiful wife. What do you think?”

I’m shocked that Titanic just proposed to me. I’m speechless. I should let him know that I’m not interested. I really don’t want to break his heart. I’m sure he will understand. I don’t want this to go on. I need to tell him how I feel about this situation.

“I appreciate the offer, Titanic. You are very handsome, but I wouldn’t make a good wife. I know I wouldn’t. I’m a very independent girl. I’m sure you can get plenty of the girls around here. You will find someone that is right for you someday. I’m not the girl for you. I know I’m not. It’s not that you aren’t sweet. I’m just not ready for anything serious. Please accept my apology. I feel so bad about this. Are you okay?”

Titanic doesn’t seem to be sad about my answer. I guess he was expecting this kind of answer from me.

“I thought I would try, but I totally understand, and I know you will find someone to love you too, Killborn. I hope you will reconsider. Take your time and think about it. I know you could love me. I’m already in love with you, and I love you so much that I would die for you, Killborn.”

I think Titanic is a little crazy. He must be talking out of his ass. I like Titanic. He is willing to die for me, and I don’t have a problem with that.

“Please don’t say things you don’t mean, Titanic. You know it is bad luck to say things you don’t mean in this shit world. You couldn’t possibly love me. You barely know me. You wouldn’t die for me. I don’t believe that. How are you going to prove your love for me? You say you would die for me. Prove yourself to me. Come on, Titanic; show me your love for me. If you would die for me, prove it.”

We suddenly get interrupted by a loud noise coming from the basement.

“What in the world was that? It sounded like it came from the basement,” Titanic says.

“I heard something too. Are there raccoons or rats around here? Sometimes they can get into homes and destroy the place,” I say.

I follow Titanic as he slowly walks towards the basement door. He opens the door.

“It sure is dark down there, Killborn. Can you please hand me a candlestick?”

“Prove your love for me, Titanic. I thought you said you would die for me. A real man doesn’t need a candle. Are you afraid?”

“I was telling you the truth, Killborn. I would die for you.”

I point down the stairs to distract Titanic.

“Wait a minute! I can see it! Look! There it is!”

I shove—Titanic down the stairs and he tumbles down hard, and his body crashes to the basement floor.

“Titanic! Are you ok, sweetie?”

Titanic whimpers in agony as I light up a candle.

“Prove yourself to me, Titanic, my love. Die for me!”

He has trouble getting up, and Norman comes out of the darkness and grabs Titanic. Titanic screams in terror as I watch Norman take a huge bite out of Titanic’s neck. Blood gushes out of Titanic’s torn neck, and Titanic’s voice immediately silences. Norman bites off the flesh from Titanic’s arms, takes his strong hands, and he tears through Titanic’s body. He rips open the skin, tears out the liver, and he pulls out the intestines. Norman places the organs on the floor, and he grabs the heart. He tears out the stomach, rips out Titanic’s crotch, and Norman munches away at Titanic’s wiener and balls. Norman must be acquiring a taste for the male crotch. Norman looks down at the organs displayed on the floor. It looks like a buffet. Norman growls as he chews up the flesh. He takes his time to devour the organs. He takes one bite out of each organ as I sit and watch Norman as he concentrates on his meal. I enjoy watching him devour his food. Norman is beautiful, and I’m very aroused by all of this. I can watch Norman all day. Titanic proved himself to me. Some guys will do anything for love.

Suddenly, I hear an alarm go off! I can hear shots being fired and explosions! I look out the window to see that Luther is under attack! There is smoke everywhere; people are being shot down as an unwelcome group of people with black fatigues throw grenades, and fire their weapons. I see the people of Luther running around like chickens with their heads cut off and trying to gun down the intruders. I see a lot of zombies roaming the streets, and it looks like Luther is severely compromised. I will stay out of this fight since I don’t want to risk Norman’s safety. I can’t live without Norman. Sheila approaches my door, and I open the door to let her inside.

“What’s happening? I ask.

“We are under attack! Take this gun! Come with me! Move!”

“I would rather stay here! It’s safer here!”

“Don’t argue with me! When I open the door, you move! Shoot the dead in the head! Got it?”

“Fine! What choice do I have?”

Sheila opens the door, and we run out. It seems like the intruders have retreated. There are a few dozen zombies roaming the streets. Sheila guns down the zombies as some people of Luther are eaten alive. The smoke quickly clears. Luther manages to gain control. Sheila and I walk to the entrance. The door has been blown to pieces, and Jazz is seriously injured on the ground with a gunshot wound to his neck, and he has several zombie bites around his body. Masterson approaches with several people of Luther. We watch Jazz fight for his life, yet everyone already knows he will soon turn into a zombie.

“Just get it over with. I know how it is,” Jazz slurs.

Sheila raises her knife.

“No! Let him turn,” Masterson says.

Jazz looks at me and smiles.

“Love the red hair, girlfriend,” Jazz whispers.

Jazz starts to struggle with his breathing. Jazz stops breathing and dies. He does not move. We surround Jazz. We wait for him to turn. Masterson turns to me. He hands me his knife.

“I want you to prove yourself. I want you to do it. Do it. Do it now. May the Lord give you courage,” he says.

Jazz starts to twitch, rises, and hisses while raising his arms. I try not to giggle. Everyone backs away. I get the attention of the zombified Jazz. I raise my arm with the knife ready, and I bury the knife in his brain. Everyone seems proud of me.

“I knew you had it in you. We lost a lot of people today," Masterson says.

“So much for peace since it looks like everywhere I go is not safe. I knew this place was not for me,” I say.

“I’m sorry we could not keep Luther safe. We do our best. This is the way it is in the new world. Try to have faith.”

“There are not many people left here. What now?” I ask.

“We will board up the entrance. Sheila will escort you back to your home. Don’t worry. Tomorrow is a fresh start. You should get some sleep.”

Sheila escorts me back home. We walk down the bloody street.

“A little girl like you should be escorted all the time. You look so vulnerable. I don’t think you can take care of yourself in this world. You need someone to guard your little ass,” she says.

“I can handle myself because I’ve come a long way. You underestimate me. You would be surprised at what I’m capable of,” I say.

“I’ve seen it all before. I've seen that little girl who can’t hold her own against the dead. They run, scream, and then they give up and die. I just don’t think you have what it takes to survive. I’m surprised you haven’t opted out.”

“I’m one in a million. I’m still here. That’s all I have to say.”

“Don’t worry about it because I can toughen you up, and I will show you how to fight. Things will get better for you. Trust me, Killborn.”

We finally reach my house; I open the front door, and Sheila invites herself inside.

“Make yourself at home, Sheila. Have a seat. Can I get you anything?”

Sheila sits on the couch in the living room.

“I’m good, thanks. I just thought we could get to know each other better. I figure you’re the new girl around here.”

I join Sheila on the couch.

“How do you like it here so far?” Sheila asks.

“Things are getting interesting. I’m starting to realize that it doesn’t matter where I go, that nowhere is safe. Where did you come from, Sheila?”

“I came from the city. I was a personal trainer as you might have noticed my physique. I had a partner, who was killed by the walking corpses, and I watched it happen, but there was nothing I could do about it. She was beautiful. She had long golden hair, pretty blue eyes, a sweet smile, full lips, and a voluptuous body. She was the sweetest person in the world. She was polite and generous. I’m sorry, Killborn. I seem to be going on about someone you didn’t even know.”

BOOK: Zombie X
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