Zombies! Rising from the Dead (8 page)

BOOK: Zombies! Rising from the Dead
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with the radiation and seems to occur on almost all levels of decomposition.
Furthermore it would appear that the radiation either halts or severely slows the rate of further

Dr. Bassett continued. “
I need to give you specifics about the situation as it pertains to
human remains. These are dead and
ecaying human beings with only animated cells. I remind
you, they are NOT alive, these are NOT the members of your family or friends
; your
have not returned from the dead, these are not the people you once knew. This is simply the
artificially reanimated remains of remnant organic tissue. However they do pose a threat to

living, as hard as it is to explain it these creatures, or at least some of them, do possess
some type of remaining mental capacity. While they cannot speak or communicate some form
of residual memory seems to remain even after death. It is because of this residual memory that
they can sense people, and are drawn to homes and populated areas. Avoid population centers
if at all possible. They (the dead) exhibit some ability to see and hear but these levels are

dependent on the level of decomposition. Keep in mind that this is decaying matter
and one or two do not necessarily present a threat because they lack physical strength. This
going to be a problem sheer quantity. The volume that we will be dealing with coupled with the
widespread contamination will certainly hinder efforts to contain the outbreak. Please do not
take this lightly. All r
egions WILL be affected in time;
simply because you have not seen activity
yet does not mean that you won't. Tests indicate worldwide infestation within seventy-two
hours. The volume we are dealing with will be incredible, making it impossible to outrun
the infection. If you are in a home, business or other safe structure
do not attempt to go out or
leave, remain where you are.”

He continued. “
Lastly, these creatures exhibit one trait above all others and that is the
need to eat and consume nourishment. Unfortunately they are drawn to other people through
trace memory, however the thought pattern seems confused and they will attack if approached.
Stay inside, stay quiet and do not draw attention to yourselves. As I have said they can sense
others and these creatures tend to gather after a period of time. One or two do not present a

, but if they sense human activity others will be drawn to them. Also do
not come into
physical contact with these infected
ndividuals. While living tissue cannot become directly
infected the bacteria they carry could cause complications. We are working diligently to
determine by what mechanism this material still retains residual memory. This is all I have at
the time, thank you.

Ms. Richardson once again chimed in.
“Thank you ladies and gentlemen. We will have
more information for you as it becomes available”,
and then abruptly the interview

We digested this information but by this point we were actually rather calm in spite of the news. We had hoped that the initial broadcast hours ago had somehow been misinterpreted,
but deep down we knew it hadn't. We had both spent hours
bconsciously preparing for this.

“You okay?”
Rick asked in a surprisingly calm tone.

“Yeah, I think so...I just can't believe this is happening,”
I replied.

“I know, but we to have to be ready. You heard what he said, this is really happening.”
Rick paused,
“Do you think we are going to make it?”

I really didn't know what to say. I didn't know the answer so I faked it,
“Fuck yeah
going down without a fight, we just
be careful and pay attention, that's all.”
I put on
a good front for Rick but deep down I knew our chances were slim but I couldn't let him
know that.

Chapter Three

All Hell Breaks Lose

“And the sea gave up the dead who were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead
were in them: and they were judged . . . every man according to their works.” --Revelations20:13

“I have to get Amanda...”
Rick suddenly realized
; in
all the turmoil and craziness
Amanda had somehow managed to slip his mind.

“Call her NOW and tell her to get her ass over to your place,”
I said.

Rick opened his cell phone and tried to call but received no answer.
“I can't get a hold of her!”
He said in alarm.

“Where do you think she is?
the hell could she be?”
I questioned, then thinking
for a moment asked

don't think she's actually at work do you?”

“Stupid fucking bitch, where the hell is she goddammit?”
He was angry, an anger born
of concern, helplessness and frustration.

“Rick we will find her, I'm sure she's fine;
going to be okay alright, just keep

“It’s ringing.

sat impatiently. I watched him as he frantically tried to make contact
while at the same time trying to keep an eye on the road, then suddenly . . .
“Oh my god! Thank
here the
fuck are

Amanda had picked up;
I couldn't tell what she was saying but I could hear
loud and clear.
“Are you okay? Where
fuck are

I slammed on the
brakes as hard as I could, the brakes lock
ing up
as I did.
The truck
began to fish
the sound of
tires filled my ears. I had a death grip on the wheel
. The
phone flew from
Rick's hand as he was violently slammed against the dash and thrown to the floor board. The
truck nearly flipped from the inertia. It drift
slightly before coming to rest
smack in the middle of the road.

I slammed the truck into park and with Rick on the floor
I jumped over to his
side to check on him. My hea
rt was beating out of my chest;
I thought for sure I was going to
have a heart attack. I was clammy cold, and sweating bullets at the same time. Rick sat for
a second before looking up at me,
still confused and
visibly shaken. I was relieved to see that for better
or worse he was okay.

What the hell, man?!”
he asked as I helped him up.

Rick and I looked around,
“What the
said in a questioning
, as
there in front of us in the road sat three vehicles.

It was a real mess;
there had been some kind of accident.
A compact car, an SUV and a
huge eighties era Buick---it was a
horrific scene. T
he cars were all meshed
must have been driving way to fast to cause that kind of
Only the old Buick seemed more or less undamaged. Windshields were cracked in familiar spider web patterns which
could only be made by the force of someone's head smashing into it. Puddles of automotive

spilled all around the vehicles; oil mixed with gas and other lubricants and I could smell
the sickening sweet aroma of hot
wafting in through the vents.

“Uh, where is everyone?”
a thought that hadn't yet occurred to me.

Rick was right, I didn't see anyone but then after a moment I noticed the driver side
door of the SUV was slightly ajar and lying there halfway concealed by the door was an
occupant, most likely the driver and someone kneeling beside them trying to assist.

“We need to go see if anyone
Quickly I
nlocked my door and started to
jump out to run and assist; but I couldn't move. Rick had leaped across the seat and grabbed
my arm in a surprising feat of agility for a man of this girth.

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