Read Zoom: From Atoms and Galaxies to Blizzards and Bees: How Everything Moves Online

Authors: Bob Berman

Tags: #Science, #General, #Physics, #Geophysics, #Optics & Light, #Essays, #Science / Essays, #Science / General, #Science / Physics / General, #Science / Physics / Geophysics, #Science / Physics / Optics & Light

Zoom: From Atoms and Galaxies to Blizzards and Bees: How Everything Moves (38 page)

BOOK: Zoom: From Atoms and Galaxies to Blizzards and Bees: How Everything Moves
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* Half of all radon gas decays in 3.8 days into tiny solid radioactive entities that emit alpha particles, which are breathed in and pose a lung cancer risk. The quantity matters mightily, which is why all homes should be tested for radon.

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Title Page




Prologue: Damage and Escape


Journeys in an Exploding Universe

CHAPTER 2: Slow as Molasses

How We Learned to Love Lethargy

CHAPTER 3: Runaway Poles

They’re Really Shifting—Are We Toast?

CHAPTER 4: The Man Who Only Loved Sand

And the Curious Phenomena of the Atacama Desert

CHAPTER 5: Down the Drain

Weird Goings-On at the Equator, and the Frenchmen

Who Died Young

CHAPTER 6: Frozen

The Unhurried Riddles of Snow and Ice

CHAPTER 7: April’s Hidden Mysteries

Deciphering the Secrets of Spring

PART II THE PACE QUICKENS CHAPTER 8: The Gang That Deciphered the Wind

A Desert Dweller’s Airy Spells Last for a Millennium,

While Two Oddballs Dodge the Inquisition

CHAPTER 9: Blown Away

A Fanatical Mariner Takes the World to the Edge of Violence

CHAPTER 10: Falling

Enigmas of the Most Far-Reaching Force

CHAPTER 11: Rush Hour for Every Body

Revelations Gained by Looking Within

CHAPTER 12: Brooks and Breakers

Earth’s Greatest Assets Are Liquid

CHAPTER 13: Invisible Companions

The Odd Entities Zooming Through Our Bodies

CHAPTER 14: The Stop-Action Murderer

And His Battles with the Ephemeral

CHAPTER 15: Barriers of Light and Sound

A Thirty-Century Quest That Began with Thunder

CHAPTER 16: Meteor in the Kitchen
And Other Peculiar End Points
CHAPTER 17: Infinite Speed

When Light’s Velocity Just Won’t Get You There

CHAPTER 18: Sleepy Village in an Exploding Universe

Back Where It All Began


About the Author

Also by Bob Berman

Appendix 1: Table of Selected Natural Speeds

Appendix 2: A Note on Accuracy and Choice of Units






Copyright © 2014 by Bob Berman

Cover design by Kapo Ng. Cover art by Sam Chung @ A-Men Project.

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ISBN 978-0-316-21742-2


BOOK: Zoom: From Atoms and Galaxies to Blizzards and Bees: How Everything Moves
11.25Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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