Zoran Chronicles Volume 1 A Dragon in Our Town (28 page)

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Authors: Vic Broquard

Tags: #fantasy

BOOK: Zoran Chronicles Volume 1 A Dragon in Our Town
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“We’d better mingle with the other Houses,” Baron Viktor suggested and the
informal meeting broke up. Lida held onto Leo, while Rayna took Stefan’s arm. From
now on, they would not be parted from their boyfriends.

Zoran decided the smartest thing for his group to do would be to stay here in the
Great Hall. Wandering about the halls would give an assassin another chance to strike.
Jarka didn’t object. She and Bernard wandered around the huge room, looking at all of
the interesting heralds, tapestries, and trophies mounted on the walls.

Zdenka decided now was as good a time as any to try out one of her Archmage
spells. She cast it and sat back to see if any Premonition would come. A bit later, she
shrieked and that got everyone’s attention. “Oh my god! When Lida stands up to reject
her father’s contrived marriage, an assassin will stab her in her chest with a poisoned
dagger! Zoran, we have to stop him! The room will erupt into chaos!”

“Thank you Archmage Zdenka for your timely warning,” he said proudly giving
her the formal recognition due her and her power spell. “Okay, Zdenka, get close to Lida
and cast Skin of Stone on her. That should prevent the blade from piercing her. I’ll get to
Rayna and do the same. Let’s make sure that we are close at hand to retaliate the instant
the assassin appears. No holds barred. Kill the assassin,” Zoran ordered. Jarka grinned
coyly and nodded.

Having been mingling with the many guests, taking on the role that their mother
had performed in the past, Lida and Rayna finally were escorted back into the Great
Hall, still clinging to Leo and Stefan. Zdenka and Zoran cleverly cast their spells and
touched the intended recipients. “Little more protection,” Zdenka whispered to Lida,
who smiled.

“It tingles,” she whispered back. “Oh it’s nearly one and here they all come. We
should get near the center where mom’s body is resting in state.”

Unlike the Last Breakfast, many others joined the barons and their families.
Archmages, Chiefs of Security, Mages, and even fighters filed in to attend this holy
Ceremony of Passing. The Baron stood on a raised platform along with the entombed
body of his late wife, though her body was not visible. A solitary chime sounded. Then a
choir of two dozen voices singing a religious chant was heard as they solemnly entered
from the main doors, headed by the High Priestess, who would conduct the ceremony.

“We are gathered here today to honor Katerina Vladislov, baroness, wife, and
mother. Our wishes, dear Katerina, are to see you safely off on your voyage to the
hereafter.” She spoke about the highlights of the woman’s life, the joy that she brought
to her children, and so on. Then, she began the official last rites, little of which Zoran
could understand. At last, the choir began another song and pushed the floating coffin
slowly out of the Great Hall. Magical fires and lights seemed to issue forth from her
coffin as it moved, symbolic of Katerina’s passing from one realm into another. After
several minutes, the sounds finally died down as the choir moved on down the long
halls, taking her body to its final resting place outside the castle.

The Baron stood. “At this time, I would like to make a formal declaration. My son,
Radek, has died, and it is fitting and just that I formally declare my heir before the
assembled Houses. It is my wish that my daughter Lida be my heir to the throne of
Adapazan. I do so state with no reservations.”

A round of applause gave him their official acknowledgment that his choice had
been received by all of the Houses. “Further, I want to announce that I am marrying
Lida to Strom Clav within a month’s time. Let the happy couple come forward and
receive our blessings.”

Strom rushed eagerly to the platform; this would be his finest hour. He was about
to become heir to the throne of Adapazan!

Lida rose, and all eyes turned to her. “I want to declare before all of the gathered
Houses, that I, Lida Vladislov, will never, ever under any circumstances marry that pig
of a man, Strom Clav, not if he was the last man in the Federation! Rot in Hell, Baron!”
She was acidly vehement in her pronouncement. The stunned crowd gasped nearly in
unison as they reacted to this unexpected turn. His own daughter was publically defying
him! Worse, the continued alliance of House Vladislov with the Baron’s allies was
suddenly flipped over to their enemy’s alliance! This is what actually caused the stun,
not so much her refusing to marry Strom.

Suddenly, as in her premonition, a man covered entirely in black with only his
eyes visible appeared in front of Lida, his hand held a dagger that dripped black oil onto
the floor. He plunged the dagger into her heart, while the stunned assemblage tried to
grasp what was happening here: an assassination right before their very eyes! The
dagger did not pierce her skin, however. It broke in half so forcefully was it plunged!
Lida fell backwards from the force of the blow, giving the impression to one and all that
she had just been stabbed!

A split second later, a throwing dagger flew straight from Jarka’s hand, plunging
into the assassin’s forehead, followed by a barrage of Magical Arrows from the other six.
The assassin was dead several times over one second after he had struck!

Six seconds later, mass pandemonium broke out, as the realization of an
assassination struck home to all those in the room. Zoran saw nearly every user of magic
in the room beginning to cast spells. His inner sense picked up the idea that men and
women on both sides were going to use this opportunity to slay others on the opposite
sides. Baron versus baron and so on down the line, a giant battle was about to break out
in seconds. He had to give Milan and Viktor their much needed diversion, time for them
to Shadow Walk themselves, Lida, and Rayna out of here. He concentrated and fired his

Suddenly, every single magical spell, every single magical protection, every single
magical item, such as a ring, was neutralized! No magic whatsoever triggered or
detonated, further shocking everyone present, excepting a few. “Now!” Zoran’s voice
rang out and his second spell detonated. The room suddenly went totally black, no light
at all.

Zoran listened for his team’s brief chanting of their teleport spells. In rapid fire,
all six teleported back to their tower, Zoran followed immediately, arriving a few
seconds after his friends. “Well that shook them up!” Karel exclaimed enthusiastically.

“Good throw, Jarka. Man, you are a killer with your throwing daggers,” Bernard
complimented her. She raised her eyebrows a couple times and winked at him.

“I can’t believe that they were just about to battle it out with each other!” Zdenka
exclaimed, totally shocked by what she had just witnessed.

“Hey, just got word, they are all safe on Gladno and Valtr. Mission accomplished,”
Zoran replied, greatly relieved.

“That was a great move, canceling all those spells in one shot, Zoran. Incredible,
just incredible. Wish I could do that,” Karel out flowed a bit of enthusiasm, which he
seldom did.

“Say, do we get to keep these incredible dresses and necklaces?” Jarka asked,
realizing that they were all still wearing their very fancy clothes, albeit black was not her
ideal color choice.

“Yes, enjoy,” Zoran said. “Compliments of the Baron’s pocketbook. Well, he now
has something to think about. All three of his remaining direct heirs have abandoned
him. I just hope that he now doesn’t try anything stupid.”

Archmage Nadia Oldrich walked in and said, “Okay, how did it go? Then, it’s to
your studies. Time is precious, I do believe.” Zoran chuckled, indeed it was.

That evening, both Lida and Rayan joined with him telepathically. Lida sent,
Thank you for saving my life and helping get me out from under dad’s thumb. I owe
you a big one, little brother. Whatever did you do there? Who hit the assassin with that
throwing dagger? Not even Uncle Milan can say for sure. Everything happened so
quickly, I didn’t have time to dodge, but it was awfully hard to do much while wearing
that confining dress.

Jarka got him first with her dagger. We were a split second slower with our
Magical Arrows. When I saw the place was erupting in a war of spells, I used my top
spell, Interrupt Magical Effects, which nullified all magic in that room for a minute. I
cast Darkness to give you all a chance to duck out of there unseen.

So it was you then! You really are an Archmage!
Rayna sent.

Yes, sis.

Tell Jarka thanks for me, please.
Lida added.

Okay. She and Zdenka love the dresses, by the way.

Zoran, she’s a dream! You chose well, little brother,
Rayna added.

Indeed, I really like her and we’ve only just met. I wish we could spend some
time getting to know her better. Just who is she anyway?
Lida asked.

Be patient a few more weeks. Lida, whenever you are going anywhere, please
get the Skin of Stone spell cast on yourself to help prevent assassination attempts. I
know Uncle Milan will do his best to keep the castle safe. Just humor me and take that
extra precaution, please.

But I don’t yet know that spell, Zoran.

Well get Uncle Milan’s Archmage to teach it to you tomorrow. You too, Rayna.
As you saw, it is very useful against assassination attempts. Let me know when you
have learned it, both of you. If they can’t teach it to you, let me know, and I will send
someone to you who can. It is imperative that Lida remains alive. You are now
officially his heir and the only way that can be undone is if you die. So stay alive, sis!
Both promised.

Say, is Leo Uncle Milan’s heir?

No, Leo’s older brother is, so it works out perfect. He and I can run Adapazan.

But what about Rayna?

Don’t worry about me. Stefan is Viktor’s heir, so it all works out okay.

That’s a relief.

Yes, but you won’t be a baron,
Lida protested.
We’ve worried about that many
nights, haven’t we, Rayna?

Don’t worry about me. You’ll see why in less than a month. I got to go. Keep me
posted. Love you both.
Indeed, Zoran had a lot to ponder as he fell asleep.




Chapter 15 Yuletide


“Well, there are only a few more spells to attempt to learn,” Zoran mused. The five were
once more in the third floor study room. Their checklists were rapidly coming to an end.

“This one looks really good,” Karel muttered. “I wish I could get this one, very
useful spell for me.”

“Which one, Karel?” Zdenka asked.

“Change Shape. Well, let’s get cracking.” Karel showed more enthusiasm on this
spell than many others, Zoran noted. They spent the day studying the background data
and the particulars on its casting. The next morning, they began to attempt its casting.

After a long but precise chant, Karel finished the spell, making the proper hand
motions. Magical energies flashed. Zoran and Zdenka blinked. Karel was not there! They
were staring at a large falcon! A Mystical Door opened and Archmage Oldrich stepped
into the room and stared at Karel as well.

“Where did that bird come from?” Emil looked up and his sister, likewise. Both
were studying its casting.

“That’s Karel! He’s actually done it!” Zdenka exclaimed, hardly believing her eyes.
The falcon paced the table top, strutting its importance. Then magical energies flashed
again, and there was Karel standing on the table top.

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