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Stay (Dunham series #2) by Moriah Jovan
Mature Themes by Andrew Durbin
Breathless by Krista McLaughlin
The Statue Walks at Night by Joan Lowery Nixon
Honor Calls by Caridad Pineiro
Jack Higgins by Night Judgement at Sinos
To Capture a Duke's Heart by Jennifer McNare
Golden by Cameron Dokey
Only Darkness by Danuta Reah
Two Tall Tails by Sofie Kelly
A Valley to Die For by Radine Trees Nehring
Ellora's Cavemen: Tales from the Temple II by Tales From The Temple 02
The Ironsmith by Nicholas Guild
The Stair Of Time (Book 2) by William Woodward
Omar Khayyam - a life by Harold Lamb
Small Apartments by Chris Millis
This Is So Not Happening by Scott, Kieran