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Harlequin Romance April 2015 Box Set by Michelle Douglas, Jessica Gilmore, Jennifer Faye and Kate Hardy
Starship Fall by Eric Brown
The Ice Queen: A Novel by Nele Neuhaus
Churchill by Paul Johnson
Moon Craving by Lucy Monroe
Bride of the Wolf by Susan Krinard
The Wapshot Scandal by Cheever, John
Taking Liberties by Jackie Barbosa
Mission: Cook! by Robert Irvine
Rock and a Hard Place by Angie Stanton
A Lady’s Secret by Jo Beverley
Espadas y magia helada by Fritz Leiber
Hitler by Joachim C. Fest
The Funny Thing Is... by Degeneres, Ellen
Safiah's Smile by Leora Friedman
Colmillos Plateados by Carl Bowen
The American Sign Language Phrase Book by Fant, Lou, Barbara Bernstein Fant, Betty Miller
Kissed by Fire by Shéa MacLeod