03-Strength of the Mate (17 page)

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Authors: Kendall McKenna

Tags: #military, #gay romance, #werewolves

BOOK: 03-Strength of the Mate
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“No idea,” Jason shouted in reply. “Everybody’s different. Just hold the door open to let him inside, then follow his lead.”

Well, okay then.

Adam climbed the short steps and pulled the door open. Dawson easily bounded inside. Adam followed, twisting the knob to lock the door behind him.


The restroom trailers were long and narrow. A few commodes, a long, plastic sink mounted to the wall, where several Marines could wash and shave at the same time. Several very narrow shower stalls lined the back wall. There was a single towel hook on the outside of each shower cubicle. The top of the sink had only enough surface space for a razor and a toothbrush. Adam never bitched. He knew from Tim that hot shower facilities were to be valued.

The only problem now was the already cramped space was filled with a big, furry wolf. Dawson didn’t even have enough room to turn around.

Adam slid the duffle beneath the sink to get it out of the way. “I’ll get the water started.” He managed to squeeze past Dawson’s hip to reach into the closest shower stall. He realized the only way this was gonna work was if Dawson shifted. Adam twisted the knobs to start the spray warming.

Dawson’s sides heaved with a heavy sigh. His head hung low, like he was falling asleep.

“I hope you’re ready to shift,” Adam said over the rushing water. “’Cause that’s the only way you’re gonna fit.”

He turned back toward the shower, but movement in the corner of his eye drew his attention back to Dawson. Adam turned to find Dawson kneeling beside him, naked. His fingers itched to touch the smooth skin of Dawson’s back. He curled them into fists at his sides before he gave in to himself.

Dawson braced his hands against the floor to steady himself. His arms were dark with dried blood. The sight reminded Adam why there were there.

“Do you need help getting in?” Adam asked gently.

Dawson nodded silently.

Adam considered how to do this, without landing them both on their asses in the water. He knelt beside Dawson, intending to grasp his upper arm to help him stand. Dawson surprised him though, slinging his arm over Adam’s shoulder. Adam reflexively wrapped his own arm around Dawson’s waist. His skin was hot; the muscles beneath were firm as they moved under Adam’s palm.

Bracing to help Dawson stand, Adam saw his chin and chest were as covered in blood. This was gonna take some work.

Sighing inwardly, Adam started to haul Dawson to his feet. “Come on, Rivers. On your feet, Marine.”

“Sir, yes, sir,” Dawson replied with a chuckle. “This Marine is yours to command, sir.”

Adam laughed. He was slightly breathless from exertion. They stumbled when Dawson leaned in heavily and nuzzled Adam’s neck. It was gonna be impossible to look after him, if Dawson kept doing shit like that. Adam’s cock remembered Dawson, and seemed eager for a reintroduction.

Dawson was less than steady on his feet. He braced himself against the walls of the shower stall. He leaned a shoulder against one, letting the hot spray cascade over him. The water ran dark down the drain, but some effort was needed to get Dawson completely clean. He watched Dawson scrub at his hair sluggishly. He looked too tired to manage this on his own.

“I’m guessing there’s soap and shampoo in that bag you packed,” Adam asked with resignation.

With a slight nod, Dawson replied, “Right on top. Canvas bag with a hook. Bring the whole thing.”

Adam left the curtain open so he could keep an eye on his charge. He could even admit to himself it was a good excuse to enjoy the view. Unzipping the duffle, Adam found the large canvas bag on top, just as Dawson had said. He also grabbed the two washcloths and bath towels he found underneath. The rest seemed to be a change of clothes. It looked like a pair of shower shoes and what Tim referred to as PT gear.

Setting the towels on the sink top, Adam handed the canvas bag to Dawson. He hung the hook over the neck of the showerhead. With more dexterity than Adam expected, Dawson worked a fastener so the bag unfolded. It hung with several pouches visible, ready to give up their contents.

Adam handed the washcloths to Dawson. He gasped when his wrist was enveloped in Dawson’s surprisingly strong grip.

“Your clothes are gonna get totally soaked.” Dawson’s words were slightly slurred. He stared at Adam from beneath heavy lids. His lavender eyes were bright and sharp, like he was way more alert than he seemed.

A strange chill ran through Adam. It wasn’t the least bit unpleasant, either. “Why will my clothes get soaked?”

“Getting splashed helping me shower.” Dawson tugged gently at Adam’s wrist, as if trying to pull him into the shower, under the spray.

“I can stand back out of the way and still keep an eye on you,” Adam heard himself say over the thundering of his own heartbeat.

“Can you get my shampoo out for me?” Dawson asked. He released Adam’s wrist, resting his shoulder against the shower wall and leaning against it heavily.

Adam reached both hands in to unzip a pocket on the canvas bag. He realized the spray was slowly saturating his T-shirt. Cripes. Adam quickly tugged his shirt off, tossing it over the towels on top of the sink.

He reached for the bag again. Dawson’s hand running up the length of his arm stopped Adam cold. He jumped slightly when Dawson dragged his fingertips over the scar on Adam’s chest. His cock ached as it quickly filled with blood. With each breath, each light touch of Dawson’s fingers, Adam’s dick grew larger and harder.

“Just get in here with me,” Dawson said evenly. “It’ll be easier that way.” His expression was playful, mischievous.

Dawson’s expression tugged at something low and deep in Adam’s belly. His hard-on pushed hard at his fly, as though heartily agreeing with the thought of being unconfined and rubbing against Dawson’s naked, wet skin.

Adam licked his dry lips. Dawson growled. He pushed off the wall and reached for the fly of Adam’s jeans.

“Get your clothes off and get in here,” Dawson said, his voice gravelly.

Adam stopped thinking. He quickly unlaced his boots and toed them off. He stripped out of all his clothing, gathering it up and tossing it on top of Dawson’s duffel. What was left of his rational brain realized he’d need to get dressed to get back to his own hooch.

With a trembling hand, Adam pulled back the curtain. Dawson stood beneath the spray, scrubbing at the blood on his chin with a washcloth. Adam pulled the curtain shut. Dawson opened his eyes, turning to smile wickedly at Adam. His eyes were violet now. The color seemed alive as it swirled and darkened further. Since Dawson didn’t seem pissed off, Adam figured he was aroused.

The sudden need to flee overwhelmed Adam. He stood paralyzed, wanting to hide his flushed face, his shameless hard-on, and his hideous scar. How the hell had he even ended up here?

Dawson’s assault came out of nowhere. Adam found himself pressed against the cool wall of the shower stall. Dawson was behind him, using his own hard body to hold Adam in place. Dawson’s hands were everywhere on Adam’s body. He rubbed his own erection back and forth along the cleft of Adam’s ass.

“I’ve been waiting to do this, all day,” Dawson growled into Adam’s ear. The lust in his voice was so strong, Adam could nearly taste it. “I’ve wanted to feel you naked beneath me, since I woke up alone this morning.”

Adam knew that if they were back in the States, where Dawson’s choices weren’t so limited, this chance wouldn’t have been his. Screw it. He was gonna enjoy it until reality set in for Dawson.

First thing’s first, though. Right now, he needed to clean Dawson of the blood from his victory.

Adam pushed off the wall, turning in Dawson’s arms. Dawson let him, but stayed pressed against him. The feel of Dawson’s hard-on against his own almost made Adam give up the cleaning idea. Almost.

He reached for the cloth that Dawson had tossed over the curtain rod. Dawson caught on and stood back. Cloth in hand, Adam dug into two of the zippered pockets, finding what he thought he’d need and setting them on the small shelf. It was less than easy, with Dawson nipping at Adam’s shoulders, touching him in some sensitive places.

“You’re not cooperating,” Adam said with a smile. He steered Dawson out of the spray.

“But I’m enjoying myself.” Dawson held Adam by the hips. He kept trying to sink his teeth into Adam’s shoulder.

Lathering the cloth with soap, Adam started cleaning Dawson’s face. Finally, Dawson cooperated. He stood still, watching Adam with his intense violet eyes. Some of the blood washed away easily, but some spots needed more attention. Dawson helped a little by lifting his chin to give Adam access to his neck.

With each patch of skin he revealed, Adam expected to find a wound. Despite Dawson’s victory, Adam was pretty sure some of that blood had been his. There’d been an awful lot of it on both wolves.

“How did you manage not to get hurt?” he asked.

“I got a little torn up,” Dawson replied slowly. “But I healed when I shifted.”

“Cool trick.” Adam was distracted by the muscles of Dawson’s chest. He added soap to the cloth, rubbing the lather into Dawson’s smooth skin.

Moving the cloth in slow circles, Adam cleaned away the last of the blood. He felt the dips and planes of strong, defined muscle through the cloth in his palm. Dawson gasped when Adam brushed over his nipple. Adam liked that reaction. He ran the coarse fabric over Dawson’s other nipple.

Dawson growled. “You’re a fucking tease.” He pulled their hips together and rubbed his cock along Adam’s.

“Don’t mean to,” Adam said, distracted. He had a fondness for strong chests, and Dawson’s might be the best one he’d ever gotten his hands on.

“I think I’m clean enough.” Dawson reached for the cloth, starting to push Adam back against the wall.

Blood still spotted Dawson’s hands and arms. It was caked in his fingernails. That wasn’t really surprising, since they’d been claws earlier that night.

“Not quite,” Adam said, pushing back against Dawson’s weight and pulling free of his hands. He scrubbed at Dawson’s arms and fingers, washing away the last of the caked blood.

Tossing the cloth over the curtain rod, Adam directed Dawson beneath the spray. As the water washed away blood and dirt, Adam grabbed the soap from the shelf. Dawson stepped out of the spray, opening his bright eyes and staring right into Adam’s.

The heat and the hunger in Dawson’s gaze stole Adam’s breath. He swallowed hard, nearly choking on his own desire.

“I can’t wait much longer to be inside you,” Dawson said. The rush of water almost drowned out his words.

Adam huffed a laugh, his own gut tightening with lust and pleasure. “You have to wait long enough to get back to your hooch.”

“The hell I do.” Dawson reached for Adam again.

Building lather in his palms, Adam distracted Dawson by reaching for his hair. Dawson had next to no hair, like he’d just had the clippers run over it, so it wouldn’t take long to clean it. Adam scrubbed at Dawson’s scalp, smiling when he closed his eyes and moaned in pleasure. He was still a little wolf-like in human form.

Dawson ducked beneath the spray and rinsed away the soap. He unzipped a third pocket in the hanging bag and palmed a large bottle. Shutting off the water, Dawson turned toward Adam and pushed him back against the shower wall.

Adam gasped in surprise. He clutched at Dawson’s shoulders. Dawson was heavy against him, pinning him in place. Warm, wet skin slid against Adam’s own.

“We need to get out and get you back—” Adam started to say.

“No way in hell I’m waiting that long to be inside you again.” Dawson was manipulating whatever was in his hand.

Adam could only stare at Dawson’s lips as he spoke. His mouth was wide and full, and Adam desperately wanted to nip at it. Dawson’s words barely registered.

Without warning, Dawson grasped Adam’s leg behind the knee. Adam clutched Dawson’s shoulders to steady himself. Dawson lifted Adam’s leg, opening him up.

“Brace yourself on my hip,” Dawson ordered in a raw voice. He guided Adam’s leg around his waist.

Adam complied, hooking his knee over Dawson’s hip, pressing his calf to the curve of Dawson’s ass. Now he saw that Dawson held a bottle of lubricant. Adam’s already racing heart sped up. His hard cock bounced in anticipation.

Dawson slicked the fingers of one hand. Burying his face in Adam’s neck, Dawson reached between his thighs. Dawson’s hand brushed against Adam’s sac. He reached farther back until he could circle his fingers around Adam’s hole.

Adam choked on a breath as Dawson smoothed the lube around his entrance. He’d just begun to relax when Dawson pushed a finger inside. Adam cried out in surprise. He gripped Dawson’s shoulders tighter. Dawson’s finger slid all the way in. There was no teasing. Dawson worked his finger in and out quickly.

Pulling his hand free, Dawson added more lube. Adam breathed, struggling to relax. Dawson reached between Adam’s thighs again. He pushed two fingers deep into Adam’s ass. Adam shouted, shocked by the sudden stretch. His body clenched tight around Dawson’s fingers, Adam could feel them both pressed deep and hard into his ass.

“Yeah, that feels so nice,” Dawson rasped against Adam’s neck. “I wanna slide my cock into you so bad.” His thick, rough fingers moved relentlessly, spreading the lube.

Adam panted heavily. He gripped Dawson’s shoulders hard. Part of him wanted to push Dawson away, and beg him to go slow and gentle. That part of Adam was shouted down by the need to have Dawson inside him.

“Fuck,” Dawson said through gritted teeth. He abruptly pulled his fingers from Adam’s ass, fumbling with the bottle of lube. “Not yet. Need a little more.”

Adam hissed at the sudden loss of Dawson’s hands on him. “No, I’m good. I’m ready,” he said breathlessly. He tried to use his leg around Dawson’s hip to bring him closer, silently begging him to shove his cock into Adam’s ass.

Dawson pressed his open mouth to Adam’s neck. His low growl was more animal than human. Adam’s hard-on bounced violently in response to the sound. He stared sightlessly over Dawson’s shoulder, breathing harshly through his open mouth.

“Not quite. Almost.” Dawson’s voice was strained when he murmured against Adam’s ear.

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