Read 100 Perks of Having Cancer: Plus 100 Health Tips for Surviving It Online

Authors: Florence Strang

Tags: #Health; Fitness & Dieting, #Diseases & Physical Ailments, #Internal Medicine, #Oncology, #Cancer, #Medicine & Health Sciences, #Clinical, #Medical Books, #Alternative Medicine, #Medicine

100 Perks of Having Cancer: Plus 100 Health Tips for Surviving It (103 page)

BOOK: 100 Perks of Having Cancer: Plus 100 Health Tips for Surviving It
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port, this book goes into great detail to

book reports on its findings looking at

explain why helping others will also help

health trends and long lives and gives us

our own health.

some surprising guidelines for both.

How to Pray: Tapping into the Power

Love, Medicine
Miracles: Lessons Learned

of Divine Communication
by Helene

About Self-Healing from a Surgeon’s


Experience with Exceptional Patients

A friendly little book that does not lend itself

by Bernie S. Siegel

to one religion, the author makes it very easy

As a surgeon, Dr. Siegel has witnessed med-

to start praying even if you don’t know

ical miracles. He explores the reasons for

where to start.

these miracles and helps you to understand

what you can do to help heal yourself.

Left to Tell
by Immaculee Ilibagiza

This book shows the power of forgiveness

Loretta J. Standley at

to create a beautiful life. Immaculee was

An extremely interesting, diverse, and know -

the victim of the Rwandan genocide where

ledge able woman who is an expert in affir-

her whole family was massacred. She found

mations and other healing practices. Her

a way to forgive those who murdered her

website is full of various ways to help heal-

family and, in doing so, reclaimed her life.

ing and achieve happiness.

The Link Between Religion and Health:

Miss Diagnosed: Unraveling Chronic Stress

Psychoneuroimmunology and the Faith Factor

by Erin Bell

by Harold Koenig and Harvey Jay Cohen

A quick-read, Erin takes you on her own per-

This is one of the few books citing scientific

sonal journey to find the answers to her

research on the connection between religion

health problems. In an easy-to-follow anec-

and health. They look at all religions and

dotal format, she explains chronic stress

the common factors that lead to healthier

using her own experience and also gives


good scientific resources for her solutions.

Suggested Reading & Viewing


Patch Adams

When the Body Says No: Exploring the

A film released in 1998 starring Robin

Stress-Disease Connection
by Gabor Maté

Williams, based on the book

This book is an impressive argument for the

Good Health Is a Laughing Matter
by Patch

mind-body connection citing Dr. Maté’s

Adams and Maureen Mylander.

work over his decades of research. He uses

science as well as anecdotal stories to convey

the message that the mind and body are con-

Silent Spring
by Rachel Carson

nected and one can be used to influence the

Now in its fortieth year of print,
Silent Spring


was the book that launched the en -

vironmentalist movement in this country.

Rachel Carson saw that the systematic poi-

Why Millions Survive Cancer: The Success

soning of land, water, and air would some-

of Science
by Lauren Pecorino

day destroy the environment and make us

The author of this up-to-date (2011) book

sick. She was right, of course, and explains

traces every cancer through the breakthroughs

her position in this book, which would later

and illustrates how far we’ve come, but also

be used in Congressional hearings to fight

how far we have to go. She gives great insight

chemical companies and change laws.

into what we know now about prevention

through lifestyle changes and points out that

there is a lot of “good news” when dealing

When a Parent Has Cancer: A Guide

with cancer research.

to Caring for Your Children
by Wendy


Written by a doctor, mother, and cancer sur-

The Year My Mother Was Bald
by Ann Speltz

vivor to give you specific ways to deal with

This adorable, kid-friendly book uses humor

situations that arise with children when a

and accurate facts to explain what goes on

parent has cancer. It also comes with a chil-

when your mom has cancer. Written in a

dren’s book,
Becky and the Worry Cup,

diary format, it’s easy for kids ages nine and

helps kids face their fears.

older to read.




Breslow, D. M. 1993. “Creative Arts for Hospitals:

The UCLA Experiment.”
Patient Education
Coun-! Clip-on Mosquito



Malchiodi, C. A. 2002.
The Soul’s Palette: Drawing

National Pesticide Information Center. “DEET

on Art’s Transformative Powers for Health and Well-

Technical Fact Sheet.” Accessed July 2012. http://

Boston: Shambhala, xi.

Nainis, N. 2009. “Art Therapy.”
Journal of the Amer-

SC Johnson. “MSDS OFF! Clip-On Mosquito

ican Art Therapy Association

repellent.” Accessed September 2011.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. “EPA R.E.D.


facts DEET.” Accessed August 2012. www


Dew, J. E., Wren, B. G., and Eden, J. A. 2003. “A

Cohort Study of Topical Vaginal Estrogen Therapy


in Women Previously Treated for Breast Cancer.”


Cancercare. “Helping Children Understand Can- January 29, 2009. “HRT Q & A with Dr.

cer.” Accessed August 2012.

Christiane Northrup.” Oprah webcast transcript.


Accessed July 2011. health.



Ponzone, R., Jacomuzzi, M. E., Maggiorotto, F.,

Mariana, L., and Sismondi, P. 2005. “Vaginal

Fox Chase Cancer Center. “Talking To Your Chil-

Oestrogen Therapy After Breast Cancer: Is It Safe?”

dren About Cancer.” Accessed August 2012.

European Journal of Cancer



Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

Kumanyika, S. 2009. “Trial of Family and Friend

(ATSDR). “Public Health Statement for DDT, DDE,

Support for Weight Loss in African American

DDD.” Accessed March 2013. www

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Extension Toxicology Network: DEET. “Pesticide

McCullough, L. E., Eng, S. M., Bradshaw, P. T., Cleve -

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of Physical Activity, Weight Gain, and Body Size

Cancer Metastasis.”
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Moore, S. C., Patel, A. V., Matthews, C. E., Berring-

Stulnig, T. M., Berger, M., Sigmund, T., Raeder-

ton de Gonzalez, A., Park, Y., Katki, H. A., and Lee,

storff, D., Stockinger, H., and Waldhäusl, W.

I-M. 2009. “Leisure Time Physical Activity of Mod-

1998. “Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Inhibit T-Cell

erate to Vigorous Intensity and Mortality: A Large

Signal Transduction by Modification of Detergent

Pooled Cohort Analysis.”
PLoS Medicine

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Journal of Cell

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University of Maryland Medical Center. “Omega-

Oncology Nurse Advisor. “Exercise May Fortify

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Berkman, L. F., and Syme, S. L. 1979. “Social Net-

works, Host Resistance, and Mortality: A Nine-

World Health Organization. “World Health Or -

Year Follow Up of Alameda County Residents.”

ganization: Physical Activity and Adults.” Accessed

American Journal of Epidemiology

August 2012.


Glanz, K., Rimer, B. K., and Wiswanath, K. 2008.

Health Behavior and Health Education: Theory,


Research, and Practice.
California: John Wiley &

Sons, 190–206.

Ovadje, P., Hamm, C., and Pandey, S. 2012. “Efficient

Kroenke, C. H., Kubzansky, L. D., Schernhammer,

Induction of Extrinsic Cell Death by Dandelion

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Networks, Social Support, and Survival After

Leukemia (CMML) Cells.”
PLoS Medicine

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Journal of Clinical Oncol-

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S. W., Herrera-Ruiz, D., and Torres, E. 2008. “Risks

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Prolonging Cancer Survival May Be Mediated by

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Annals of New York

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Academy of Science


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Psychosomatic Medicine

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H., Koopman, C., Adams, R. E., and Taylor, C. B.

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BOOK: 100 Perks of Having Cancer: Plus 100 Health Tips for Surviving It
13.11Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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