15 Targeted (23 page)

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Authors: Evangeline Anderson

Tags: #steamy science fiction, #HEA, #brides of the kindred, #happy ending, #evangeline anderson, #alpha male, #spicy romance, #hot romance

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“You’ll have to forgive me,” he growled. “I cannot help the way my body reacts to yours. It is simple biology—your body wants to be bred and mine wants to breed you.”

She bit her lip. “The same biology that kept you from killing me in the first place, right? The same biological urges that are making you take care of me until you can get me someplace else—where I’ll be someone else’s problem.”

He frowned. “You don’t have to put it like that.”

Emily lifted her chin. “Why not? It’s the truth, isn’t it?”

Tragar sighed heavily. “I suppose, yes. Listen, we need to stop your flow but if you’d rather take a moment to move somewhere else, to get into another position so we’re not touching quite so intimately—”

“No, I guess not.” She gave him a sidelong glance. “I mean…unless you want to? Unless it bothers you to have me, uh, pressing against you?”

“Emily,” he said, wishing his voice wouldn’t come out quite so hoarse. “Having your lush, beautiful body pressed against me is a great pleasure. I don’t mind it in the least, I swear to you.”

“Well then…” She settled gingerly back onto his lap. “I, uh, don’t mind either. And your leather pants actually feel good against my behind.”

“Are you still very sore?” He felt remorse again as he remembered whipping her with his belt.

“The cloth you used on me really helped.” She shifted around experimentally, causing him to bite back another groan. “I actually feel pretty good.”

“I’m glad.” Tragar took a deep breath. “All right, then it’s time we stopped your nectar.”

“Okay, yes I guess you’re right.” She also took a deep breath. “Anyway, if you don’t stop it soon, my nightgown will be ruined. Not that it isn’t already.” She looked down at her front and Tragar wished he could see it too. The sight of her full, pink nipples thrusting out of the ragged holes in the silky blue fabric was distractingly erotic. But he had her positioned in his lap so he could reach around her and hold her in his arms as he pinched her peaks.

“We will get you new garments when we go to see my old master,” he murmured, pulling her back into his lap. “Until then, what you have on will have to do. Are you ready?”

“Y-yes…” She still sounded hesitant but Tragar couldn’t help that. They had talked long enough—it was time to stop the flow of nectar before it really got going.

“Lean back against me and relax,” he murmured in the little pink shell of her ear. “Don’t feel any shame for the pleasure you feel when I touch you—just let it wash over you—don’t fight it.” As he spoke, he palmed her full breasts through the night garment, feeling their soft weight in his hands and running his thumbs gently over her nipples, now sticky with the sweet nectar.

“Ohhhh…” A long sigh fell out of her and he felt her arch her back, pressing her breasts into his hands. “All…all right,” she whispered as he continued to stroke her tight nubs. “I’ll try.”

“Good girl,” he murmured, taking her ripe peaks between his fingers. “Good girl, Emily. Just relax now.” He normally would never have spoken so to a
but at the moment she needed to be treated with tenderness and comfort, he sensed—not as a
coming into her own but as an uncertain female feeling her way towards a new existence.

Emily sighed and relaxed against him, letting him know his instincts were right. Her thighs, which had been pressed tightly together, drifted apart just a little, allowing the warm, feminine scent of her desire to fill his senses. Gods, she was beautiful! Tragar had no idea what he had done to deserve holding her in his arms but he swore to himself he would see to it she was well taken care of no matter what it cost him.

Gently but firmly, he applied pressure, squeezing her ripe, pink nipples between his fingers to stem the flow of her nectar.

The effect on the female in his arms was electric. Emily moaned and bucked against him, her breathing ragged and short. She reached for him and her hands found his knees—grasping desperately for something to hold on to. He could smell her scent increasing—going from warm to incredibly hot and needy in a bare moment.

she moaned as he continued to squeeze her.

“It’s all right, Emily,” he growled hoarsely in her ear. “It’s all right—let the pleasure flow through you. Accept it.”

* * * * *

“I…I’m trying.” Emily was breathing in longer gasps now, trying to get back some control. He was still squeezing her nipples tightly but at least the hard, fast orgasm that had rushed through her seemed to have faded to a pleasurable ache. “I…I think I’m okay now. It still feels good but I’m not…I mean…”

The big Kindred seemed to know what she meant.

“You’re not coming any more?” he rumbled.

Emily could feel her face getting hot.

“No, I…I did but I’m, uh, not anymore. Even though you’re still…” She nodded down at his big hands, still cupping her breasts as he applied steady pressure to her nipples. “God it’s so embarrassing to admit that I…what happened.”

“You don’t need to feel shame around me—I told you that,” he growled softly.

“I don’t as much as I did,” Emily murmured, daring to turn her head and look at him. “I guess between you saving my life and the spanking and the crying and telling you secrets I’ve never told anyone else and…well, everything else we’ve been doing, I guess I sort of feel…like I know you.” She shrugged. “That probably sounds weird, especially since you’re only helping me because you have to.”

“It’s natural for you to feel a connection,” he said neutrally. “I am, after all, the only one of your species you’ve met before and like calls to like.” He raised an eyebrow at her. “Unless you’ve met and talked to other Beast Kindred since the Kindred started calling brides from Earth?”

Emily shook her head. “No, never. I mean, I went down to the HKR building and registered for the draft, same as everyone else but I never even spoke a single word to one of your people until now.”

people too,” he corrected gently.

Emily sighed.

“I just…I still don’t understand how it’s possible. I mean, I
just find out I’m adopted but how in the world I wound up on Earth if I’m really somehow Kindred…it’s just too weird.”

“I do not understand it either but I wish you could have found out sooner,” Tragar said in a low voice. “Before you were hurt by that bastard. I hope…” He cleared his throat. “I hope the way I have been touching you hasn’t brought back bad memories. I know that females who have been attacked in such a way often have a hard time allowing another male to touch them—even one who is trying to be gentle.”

Emily gave him a small, trembling smile.

“I’m actually feeling better about that than I have in years. I guess…I guess it helped to talk about it. And, uh, thank you for not blaming me. I was sure after everything Grayson said, anyone I told would see what happened as my fault.”

“The only blame was his,” Tragar murmured. “You should have let me kill him.” His voice was gentle but chillingly cold. It gave Emily a shiver and she remembered again that he was a trained assassin—he killed people for a living. She would probably do well to consider that before she started feeling all warm and fuzzy about him.

“I sort of wish I had let you kill him,” she said with a broken little laugh. “Only, how would I ever go back to my old life and job with that hanging over my head?”

He frowned. “Are you truly expecting to do that? To go back to Earth after you finish your

Emily frowned.

I am. Why wouldn’t I?”

“Well…” He shrugged. “You will be completely changed for one thing. You will look more like my kind—
kind—than any of your Earth counterparts.”

“You mean…the gold eyes and black hair will be permanent?”

He nodded. “In all probability you will grow taller as well.”

“What? You’re saying I’m going to turn into some kind of Amazon who looks completely different from how I do now?” she demanded. It was just like her nightmare—the one where the
took over completely.

“I do not know what an Amazon is but—”

“How will anyone know me? My family—what will they think? And what will they say at work?” She sighed. “Well, work is probably a non-issue. I’m sure after whatever lies Grayson spreads about me—”

“He will say nothing,” Tragar interrupted, frowning. “I warned him that if he spoke ill of you as he was threatening to do I would come back and break his neck as well as his hand.”

“You broke his
Emily looked at him with wide eyes.

He shrugged. “You wouldn’t let me break his spine.”


“I made sure it was his dominant hand. He will never touch an unwilling female with it again.” His golden eyes narrowed. “In fact, he may never do
with it again. I crushed the bones to fragments—it would probably be easier for surgeons to attach a new hand rather than fix that one.”

“I don’t…think we quite have the technology to grow a whole new hand yet,” Emily whispered.

Tragar shrugged again.

“Then he will have to learn to sign his name with his left hand. And he will have severe pain for the rest of his life.” He frowned at her. “Are you sorry for what I did? I am not.”

“No.” She lifted her chin. “No, I’m not—not a bit.”

“Good,” he growled. “Some punishments are well deserved.”

“But if he really does keep his mouth shut that means I
go back to work. I mean, if they’ll have me.” She frowned. “Which they certainly won’t if I show up looking like a completely different person.”

“You will
a completely different person once your personality merges with that of your

“I don’t
to merge with her! How many times do I have to tell you that? I just want to go back to normal!” Emily shifted uncomfortably, aware that he was still pinching her nipples tightly. “Look, has it been enough time yet? I’d really like to get up.”

“Let’s see if your nectar has stopped.” The big Kindred released his hold on her and Emily peered down anxiously, hoping against hope. To her immense relief, she saw that there was nothing coming from her nipples now.

“I’m all good,” she said, hopping off his lap. “It worked—see?” She turned to face him.

“I see…I see very well indeed.” There was a hunger blazing in his golden eyes as they traveled over her body, centering on her naked nipples which were now very red from his pinching.

“Um…” Emily didn’t know what to say. She felt suddenly tongue tied and embarrassed. While she’d been sitting on his lap and talking, what they were doing had almost begun to seem normal. Now that she was up and away from him, it didn’t seem right at all.

Because it’s not normal,
whispered a little voice in her head.
Not right at all to let a man you’ve barely known for twenty-four hours touch you and lick you and pinch you and hold you.

But it wasn’t what they’d done that bothered her so much—it was the fact that she wanted to let him do more…so much more. Her entire body yearned towards him but she knew it was wrong. Tragar was a hired killer, only helping her because he had no choice, at least to hear him tell it. She shouldn’t want to get close to such a man, to give herself so unashamedly…unreservedly…

“Emily,” he said quietly, his deep voice calmer than his eyes. “Forgive me if I upset you just now. I know how you feel about your
I just wish you could understand that she is a part of you. Maybe when you talk to my old master he can make you understand.”

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