A Beautiful Lie (The Camaraes) (46 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Sterling

BOOK: A Beautiful Lie (The Camaraes)
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She blinked at him in surprise, fluttering her long eyelashes in enticing bewilderment. 

What was that-

she began, breathlessly- and the hitch in her voice reverberated all the way through Lachlan

s body until it seemed to echo in his groin. 

Oh no you don

t, Lachlan MacRae!

Muira snapped, recovering apparently. 

I won

t be distracted by your- your-



Lachlan purred, infinitely preferring the new vein that the conversation had taken to the old one.



she gasped, her cheeks flushing. 


re trying to- to change the subject.


I wasn


he chuckled. 

But it seems to have changed itself.


You kissed me!


I wanted to,

Lachlan grinned calmly. 

Are you saying I can

t kiss you whenever I want to?

he asked, his eyes glinting wickedly.  Muira opened her mouth, but not a sound came out. 

Say I want to kiss you now?

  He leant a little closer. 

Would you try and stop me?

he murmured, his breath whispering hotly against her skin.



Muira whimpered, as if against her will, her tongue darted out to moisten her lips.  It was the last little temptation that Lachlan could endure.  He closed the tiny distant that remained between them and captured her mouth, devouring her until they were both breathlessly clutching at each other.


Muira, we can


Lachlan groaned, pulling away while he was still able to do so.  At the clearly hurt look in her eyes he explained quickly:


re sick.


This would make me feel better,

Muira whispered, edging closer to her husband, and surprising him by that playfully sultry tone of her voice.  He didn

t move away, simply sat entranced as she slipped an arm around his neck and raised her lips in offering. 

Much better,

she purred persuasively, moving her other hand across Lachlan

s chest, raking her nails over the fabric and kindling fires in the skin beneath.


Whatever happened to my innocent little virgin bride?

he chuckled richly, capturing Muira

s hand drawing it to his mouth.  He placed a heavy kiss against her palm, coaxing a little gasp from her lips, and then a deeper moan as he suckled on each of her fingers in turn.


She was- thoroughly corrupted- by her wicked husband,

Muira panted breathlessly. 


Ah- but not nearly thoroughly enough,

Lachlan corrected his wife huskily.  His eyes were hot with the promise of a lifetime of passion filled nights and steamy long days.  Muira shivered at the combination of the look and his words.  She licked her lips and leant further into his body. 


Teach me something new?

she whispered.  Her pale eyes were wide, as if she could hardly believed that she had dared voice the request aloud.


Lachlan bit back a groan as he considered all of the decadent things that he could instruct her to do.  Her


had already been considerably varied, but tonight he wanted to pleasure her

he wanted to give her back the wedding night he

d stolen. 


He pressed a kissed against her throat and then whispered into her ear. 

To bed then, lass.



Muira made to stand up, but Lachlan stopped her.  He lifted her up into his arms and carried her easily over to their bed, stealing a kiss before placing her down upon the mattress.  She was watching him expectantly, and the anticipation in her gaze was making his body throb furiously.  He stripped off his clothes, knowing that he wouldn

t have the patience or facilities to deal with them once he got started.



the soft puff of air spilled over Muira

s lips as she shamelessly drank in the sight of his body.  He watched her, watching him, and felt the quickening in his gut redouble.  Her eyes drifted steadily downwards until they reached his cock, already hugely swollen.  Her gaze was almost as provocative as a touch.


Now you,

he grunted, crawling onto the bed beside Muira.  His hand covering her own, as she blushed and hesitantly reached for the bottom of her nightdress, helping her to push aside her shawl and to then strip the garment off.  His lips curved in an instant, very male smile as he was reacquainted with the sight of his wife

s naked body. 

Much better,

he rasped, pushing her against the pillowed until she was lying flat on her back.



she whimpered, a note of confusion evident in her voice. 


He shushed her gently, laying a kiss against her lips, then the column of her throat, lingering over her breasts until Muira was panting and he had indulged himself sufficiently, before moving down over her stomach.  When Muira finally realised where he was heading her whole body tensed.


You can


she gasped, but Lachlan had already parted her legs and was nuzzling the thatch of soft hair above her sex.  The musky scent of her was making his own arousal painful, but he had promised her something new



t what?

he murmured, his breath whispering against her swollen wet folds. 

Do this?

he teased, before leaning still further forward, and finally tasting her.


Muira screamed a decidedly unladylike word, (which Lachlan was rather surprised she even knew,) when his tongue darted out from between his lips to sample her delicious juices.  Her fingers scrambled to find a hold in his hair, twisting and tugging desperately as Lachlan went to work in earnest. 


She was exquisitely wet, and was rewarded for her body

s eagerness by her husband

s hungrily lapping.  The rough pad of his tongue trailed her slit before lavishing extra attention on her clit, finding the smooth little bud and swirling and suckling until Muira

s hips began to arch up off the bed.


Lachlan listened to his wife

s mindless whimpering as he gorged himself on her salty sweetness.  The sound of her, the taste of her and the musky scent of sex were threatening to drive him insane with need.  He groaned with relief when he felt her thighs start to tremble, and plunged his tongue into her cunt as he intensified his efforts.



Muira panted frenziedly, her hips were bucking faster now and the fingers coiled in his hair were pulling almost painfully.  He turned his attention again to the swollen bundle of nerves at the head of her sex, passing heavily across the raised nub with the rasping muscle of his tongue again and again- until Muira finally broke.


The tension that had been steadily increasing inside her womb shattered spectacularly.  With a deeply satisfied smile, Lachlan pulled back and watched as his wife rode out her orgasm.  Her eyes were clenched shut, and her mouth hung open in a silent scream as her body rocked with the enormity of the release that her husband had provided.


Lachlan grunted his appreciation, but his body was suffering the effects of his restraint.  He was just about ready to explode from simply watching her!  He crawled up Muira body, looked into her unfocused eyes and nudged his hugely erect cock against her tender opening.



re going to take me now,

he growled.  Muira was still in too dizzy a state of bliss to respond, and so Lachlan plunged forward regardless, groaning loudly as he sank deep into her shuddering sheath. 

Oh God you feel so good,

he panted, pulling back at then thrusting into Muira

s body again.


She was gasping raggedly as the sensual assault on her body continued, speechless with pleasure as Lachlan continued to love her fiercely.  There was nothing gentle about the way he was taking her.  Lachlan felt a twinge of guilt for using her so roughly, but one look at Muira

s passion glaze expression drove away the notion that she had any complains.


Her nails dug into the bare skin of his shoulders as he pushed her towards a second peak, plunging inside her with almost animal ferocity. 

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