Read A Beautiful Lie (The Camaraes) Online

Authors: Stephanie Sterling

A Beautiful Lie (The Camaraes) (47 page)

BOOK: A Beautiful Lie (The Camaraes)
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I need to come, lass,

he grunted, almost begging, still chasing his elusive climax. 


he swore. 

I need-

and then Muria toppled over the edge again, squeezing tight around his pulsing cock and dragging him with her into ecstasy.  Lachlan

s whole body crackled with pleasure and then he exploded, gushing his seed between Muira

s legs in huge, jetting surges before he collapsed.


He couldn

t move.  Pleasure had worked its way so deep and heavy into his bones that Lachlan didn

t imagine he had the energy to lift so much as a finger.  Muira obliged him for as long as she was able, still shakily recovering from her second orgasm herself, but she eventually had to make a little murmur of protest.


Lachlan just about mustered the energy to move, but he collapsed face-first into the pillows with a contented groan once he had relieved Muira of his weight.  His wife nestled against his side, smoothing a hand tenderly over his damp skin, but was content to reward him for his exertions by letting drift into a deep, instant sleep.


Muira was a little less ready to succumb to slumber however.  She was wonderfully sated, Lachlan had seen to that with his usual, marvellous skill.  Muira blushed crimson when she recalled what he had done, and where, and with what!  She

d never imagined

well, she that learnt a good deal that she

d never imagined seen becoming Lachlan

s wife!  However, sated though she was, Muira was still troubled by niggling fears. 


Every time she closed her eyelids Morag

s ring seemed to flash before her eyes.


Well, Lachlan was with
now.  Muira snuggled a little closer to his body, pulling the covers up over them both so that they were nice and cosy.  It was easier not to doubt him after being loved so very thoroughly.  They couldn

t share what they had done, for it not to mean
special to him, surely?  He had
that it did!

only he hadn

t said exactly
it meant and Muira had been too afraid to ask.


If only he loved her

Muira started in surprise as the wish made its voice heard.  Did she really want Lachlan to love her? 
Of course!
  She was already falling (had fallen?) in love with him.  It was useless to try and deny the fact any longer.  She had known Lachlan for all of a week, and yet Muira could barely remember her life without him in it.  He was a piece of herself that she hadn

t known she was missing, and now that she had found him she never wanted to let him go.



m not going to lose you,

Muira whispered the promise into Lachlan

s ear as he slept. 


ll do anything it takes to make you happy,

she yawned, finally letting her eyes drift shut.




Dawn came spilling through the castle windows, waking Muira from her happy slumber.  The dream she had been having quickly started to fade from her mind, but she was sure that she could recall Lachlan doting proudly over a little blue eyed baby who was lying snugly against her breast.  She smiled sleepily.  Their baby



They hadn

t discussed it, but Muira had taken it for granted that, as Mrs MacRae, providing Lachlan with an heir would be one of her most important duties.  She felt a flare of hope, perhaps that would make her more acceptable to his mother and the clan?  But when she considered how my grandchildren her mother-in-law already had that flare spluttered and died.  As for the clan, would they take to a child of Cameron descent any better than they had taken to her?


Sighing, Muira wriggled back against her husband, and then gasped audibly when she felt his arousal pressing back against her bottom.  Glancing curiously over her shoulder, Muira turned to see if Lachlan was awake, and was surprised to find that he was still sleeping soundly.


She twisted around so that she could face him, and then whispered his name, but got no response.  A guilty excitement was building in her womb as she reached out a hand to touch him.  Muria didn

t dare go instantly where she most wanted, starting instead with his chest and then slowly trailing her fingers lower, watching all the time for any sign that Lachlan was waking up.


Muria gave a little shudder of delight when her hand finally closed around his cock, milking the silky, steely length of him until he was as huge as he had been the night before.  Lachlan groaned deeply, and then his eyes finally flickered open.  It took him a moment to focus on her face, to come fully enough awake to realise what was happening.  When he did, his eyes almost instantly rolled back in his head.



Lachlan choked, unable to stop himself from bucking into her hand. 

Oh God, Muira,

he groaned.  His face tensed in an expression that mimicked pain. 



s lips curved upward in a smile that was half sultry, half surprised that she had really dared to initiate things.  Her husband appeared to be held completely in her thrall.  Time after time he had made her mindless with passion, unable to think for the intensity of sensation that he could stoke within her body, it was truly dizzying to think that she could do the same to him.


If you don

t stop-!

he gasped, grasping her wrist with trembling fingers.



she simpered smugly, although she then squealed at the speed with which Lachlan moved.  He had her on her back, legs apart in a heartbeat- which, given the rapid state of her pulse, was quite something!


I want to be inside you,

he panted, and his voice was shaky.  Muira had never seen him quite so desperate.  It was a little terrifying, although hugely exhilarating, to realise that he needed her so terribly desperately.


I want you inside me,

she mewed, wrapping her arms around Lachlan

s neck and dragging his lips down upon her own.  His tongue surging inside her mouth just as his cock thrust into her body. 


Muira was dripping wet, but she was also as tight as a clenched fist, so she lost her breath as he penetrated her, straining to accommodated his thick sex as her body stretched around him.  Lachlan

s hands scooted under her bottom, arranging her beneath him as he ground into her body, eking sounds from her lips that were just as desperate as the noises he was making.



she puffed, rocking beneath him, raking her nails down his back until she was able to grip the curve of his arse. 


she begged.  He swore and plunged harder.  Raw need, and not finesse, was the flame that had them both burning as they moved together.


Come for me, Muira,

Lachlan panted, slipping a hand between their bodies. 

God, I can

t wait,

he grunted, thrusting harder and faster, until he couldn

t contain his release any longer. 


It was the hot rush of his seed splashing against her womb that sent Muira toppling into ecstasy of her own.  She jerked and clenched around him, clutching at his body as she rode out her release, slumping back onto the pillows, completely spent, and then welcoming the weight of her husband

s body as he collapsed on top of her.


I think-

Lachlan panted, trying to catch his breath,

-that I can assume you

re feeling much better?

  Muira giggled and nodded.  She hugged him tight, then squealed a little when Lachlan reversed their positions so that he was lying on his back with Muira held tight against his chest. 


re amazing,

he whispered, sweeping her hair back from her face and then kissing her cheek.


Muira felt herself fairly melt against Lachlan

s body as the words were whispered into her ear.  She placed a kiss of her own on his collarbone and let her fingers drift over the shallow indentations between his ribs.



re rather amazing yourself, you know,

she breathed, flushing as she delivered the compliment.  Lachlan grinned widely.  Still beaming, he kissed her again.


I suppose we have to get up?

he sighed reluctantly, after they had lain in contented silence for a few more minutes.


Do you think so?

Muira asked, wrinkling her nose and echoing her husband

s disinclination to leave their bed.


fraid so, lass,

Lachlan chuckled, sitting up, and consequently forcing Muira to sit up as she had still been lying on his chest.  He threw his legs over the side of the bed, stood up and stretched.  Muira watching the ripple of muscle appreciatively, reaffirming her opinion that he was an outstanding specimen of a man.

BOOK: A Beautiful Lie (The Camaraes)
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