A Bride Worth Billions (47 page)

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Authors: Tiffany Morgan

BOOK: A Bride Worth Billions
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She realized that there was something wrong with Etienne, something different which she was not able to comprehend. Even after they were done making love to each other, she couldn’t stop thinking about him and how distinctly his eyes changed its color from blue to green. She had seen her fair share of the world and knew, just knew that Etienne was not a part of the world that she had seen in all these years of her life. He was different and she wanted to know the reason.

“Will you tell me something?” Katherine asked him, as they both lay completely naked on the carpet floor. His hands were on her breasts and he was playing with her nipple.

“Ask me anything, love!” Etienne said, with his eyes fixed on the pendant that Katherine was wearing. He knew that the pendant had a very significant part of his soul and that he couldn’t exist without its power. The pendant that Katherine wore acted not only as a source of power to Etienne, but it was also the most crucial part of his soul. Without it, he was not capable of feeling strong emotions like love and despair. He couldn’t differentiate between the right and wrong. He was just a living corpse, without any sense of life in his body at all.

“Who are you?” Katherine looked straight into his eyes and touched his curly red hair. She wanted him to speak the truth. Etienne thought of giving some thousand false explanations to her. He thought of telling her some or other excuse, a lie that would make her believe in him. But when he looked at her, a tear rolled out of her eyes which changed everything for him.

The stone should have carried all sense of emotions for him, but when he was with Katherine, he could feel all his emotions rushing back to his heart, touching every soul. He would feel a sensation across his spine. With Katherine, he could feel limitless. He was unafraid and had a strange feeling – as if he could do anything, be anything for her.

He concluded that it was the power of the bright turquoise stone that had his soul, which imparted that strong sense of emotions. The more nearby he would find himself to the stone, the closer he could feel his emotions coming back to his life.

Katherine couldn’t fail to notice the kind of strange attraction she felt for Etienne. Over the last few years, she had been with some other men, but none of them made her feel that way. Etienne was her only exception. She was never so sure about any other men in her life. But when she was with Etienne, everything was different. She was just certain about the fact that he was the one for her.

“Do you believe in outer space, Katherine Murray?” he asked her and wanted her to be as honest as she could.

“What do you mean by outer space?” Katherine already got her answer, but there was a very strong part of her who was not ready to believe. She wanted Etienne to speak it out to her.

“Do you believe that there is life outside Earth as well?” he rephrased his question, indicating Katherine about his origin.

“I believe in a lot of things. But just because I believe in them, doesn’t make them real, right?”

“Sometimes, all it takes is one wish, one believer to make it all real, Katherine!” he answered and looked into her beautiful eyes. He was expecting her to judge her or to look at him with disbelief. But Katherine was true and honest. She didn’t judge him or looked at him with a disguised face. A part of her already knew that he was different, and with his words, her thoughts were getting a more concrete belief.

“So, you mean to say, that you belong from the outer world?” she asked him without any hesitation. She couldn’t sugarcoat it or convey it in any different way.

“Yes, Katherine. I am sorry that I didn’t inform you about the same, but I had no other option. I know I have kept my identity hidden from you and from the entire human civilization, but what else was I supposed to do? Knock your door saying that I am someone from outer space who finds you utterly attractive!” Etienne tried to make a point and looked at Katherine who was looking way too beautiful, being completely naked in his arms.

“I am not angry at you, Etienne. In fact, I really appreciate the fact that you are pouring your heart out to me. But I have so many questions. I don’t even know from where I should start. I want to know you. I want to know more about your life, your past, your planet. Tell me everything!” she insisted. She was utterly excited and wanted to know as much as she could about Etienne, not just because he belonged to outer space, but also there was a part of Katherine, and she was not sure how strong that part was, which made her attracted towards Etienne.

“I come from a place far away from your galaxy. We call our land Zahari and it works on a very different set of society. We are all born with a free spirit and with time, we evolve ourselves. The more we evolve, the more we become mature and the first milestone of our maturity happens when we manifest ourselves in the form of a body. Some souls can take forever to find a perfect shell to rest their body, while some doesn’t even find it at all. For us, finding a body for our soul is an extremely sacred task. It is like finding a temple for the free spirit, which we believe is the origin of the entire universe. We are all born with a part of universe embedded in our soul and we manifest all that power which comes from the universe itself in form of our body!” he said and looked at Katherine. He wanted to make sure that she was with him all along the conversation.

“This is really mind-blowing. Go on, I want to know more!” she demanded and he continued telling her more about Zahari.

“For us, choosing the perfect body means everything. Since our soul is the purest manifestation of the universe, it has no start or ending. We are immortals and once we enter a body that becomes immortal too. I came into existence in my present body some two thousand years back and ever since I am right here,” he paused letting Katherine process it all in.

“Seriously?” she asked.

“Yes! Seriously, two thousand years ago. After attaining the perfect body, we start performing different task in the society. There is a temple of the unknown which we visit the first time we enter our body that lets us know our motive behind our existence. The moment you enter the temple, you become enlightened and gain knowledge about everything in the whole wide universe. We believe that Zaharai lies at the core of the universe, which makes it possible for us to attain knowledge about everything in the universe,” he continued.

“Everything?” Katherine interrupted in between, for she couldn’t believe what she just heard.

“Yes, everything! After I entered the temple, I realized that I was created to be a teacher. I started teaching other members of our society about the true existence and guiding the lost souls to find their way back home in the eternal light. I taught in the temple to other members of our community for years, until I realized that it was time for me to move on to the next level. Love!” he paused and took a deep breath. At that moment, he decided to let Katherine know each and everything about him. He couldn’t lie to her at all. Etienne looked at her eyes and they reflected innocence in the most unadulterated way. He was completely unaware about her reaction but was ready to walk that extra mile. He was ready to take that risk.

“For us, falling in love is very different. When we fall in love, we give everything to the other person. We extract the core of our being in form of our heart and we literally give it to someone else. With that, we provide our knowledge, our existence, our belief to that chosen one. We give them the power to mold us in any desirable way. We give them the power to destroy us, with a hope that they would never do the same. But sometimes, they do!” As Etienne spoke those words, Katherine realized that something was wrong. He had a broken heart and had that faraway empty look in his eyes, which no mortal or immortal thing in the world, except love would fill.

“What happened to you, Etienne Sinclair? What made you so broken?”

“Reality,” he uttered the hard word and got up.

“Reality happened. I thought that I was in love with Cecilia, but even after knowing so much, I failed to recognize the true essence of love. I was blinded by her beauty and did the most unimaginable mistake. I confused love with infatuation. I thought it was love, but in reality, I was just infatuated towards her!” he dressed himself and Katherine followed his lead. She realized that Etienne was not feeling well and wanted to provide some comfort to his aching heart.

“I gave her my soul. I gave her a choice to teach me the true meaning of love, but when I presented myself to her, she rejected me. Her eyes turned grey and she realized what I gave to her was not love, but something else. She was furious and threw it away!”

“What do you mean by that? She threw it away?” Katherine asked, she couldn’t believe what Cecilia did to him.

“Yes! She held my heart in her heart and threw it in the universe. It got lost in the unknown space and kept floating in the universe for a very long time, until it finally reached to you!” Etienne took a few steps towards Katherine and touched the beautiful pendant that she was wearing.

Katherine couldn’t believe what she just heard. She looked at Etienne whose eyes were fixed at the pendant, as it was his soul. At that moment, she felt dejected. She felt the same pain and remorse that Etienne felt when his heart was broken. She was falling for Etienne, but when she realized that his fascination towards her was only because of the pendant, she couldn’t stop cursing the destiny.

“So you came all this way for the stone?” she asked.

“This is not just a stone, Katherine. This is my heart, my soul. This is the years of knowledge that I had gained from my experience. This is the core of my being. It has all my emotions, all my power, and my sentiments. Everything! It is my universe,” he said and kept his eyes fixed at the stone.

“Take it then!” Katherine realized the importance of that stone for Etienne and unchained it from her neck. She handed it back to Etienne without wasting another second.

“But this is not the reason why I want to stay, Katherine. When I first came to this planet in order to search my heart, I was attracted towards you. I recognized it the moment I looked at you, and for the obvious reasons, I started believing that my fascination towards you was because of the pendant. Since you were carrying it with you, close to your heart, I thought that I was attracted towards you. But I was wrong. I couldn’t stop thinking about you even when we were apart. There is this thing about you that makes me believe in myself. I am capable of feeling all these emotions without this piece of stone when I am with you. It is like as if you already have my heart and this is just a stone. It means nothing to me anymore, Katherine. But you do! You mean the whole world to me!” Etienne poured his heart out to Katherine, expecting her to understand his dilemma.

Katherine couldn’t comprehend all that at once. It was too much for her and she just wanted to break free. She wanted to go back in time and press an undo button.

“I think it is better for you to leave. You have got your soul back; now go back to your world, Etienne!” Katherine said with a heavy heart and asked Etienne to leave. He wanted to let her know that what she was thinking was wrong, but he realized that it was not the right time or place, and decided to leave her alone.

Etienne silently left the door ajar and Katherine couldn’t stop crying. She realized that she did the biggest mistake of her life by falling in love with someone who was devoid of love and every other kind of human emotion, for he was not a human at all!



Katherine could sense the passage of each and every day, as she had a broken heart and everything in the whole wide universe was making her miss Etienne stronger than ever. Every morning, when she would get ready and she pressed her lips while applying lipstick, she would miss Etienne a lot. She wanted him to touch her. She wanted him to make her feel alive once again.

She would see him every day, standing outside her home. He knew that she needed some space and would never come close enough. He would never speak anything to her, but would just keep standing at a distance, expecting Katherine to come talk to him again. He was ready to wait for her, even when it meant that he had to wait for an eternity.

Days passed in the similar manner. Katherine would see him every morning when she would go for work and would watch him from the corner of her eyes, when she would get back to her home. There was a very strong part in her that was concerned for his well being too. In the middle of the night, she would often try to search for him, and every time, she would find him standing at the same place.

She finally decided that it was time to break the ice. She couldn’t bear it any longer and asked Etienne to come inside the house, as she wanted to speak to her.

“This cannot go on forever. You have to go back to your home. Please leave!” she insisted.

“If you want me to leave and go back to Zahari, then I will leave, Katherine. But I need to express my feeling to you one last time. I know you might have thought that my expression for you was because of this stone!” he said and took the same piece of stone out from his pocket. Katherine didn’t say a word and wanted him to complete his sentence.

“This stone means nothing to me, Katherine. You do! You are the love of my life and I can’t exist without you. I am in love with you and it has to do nothing with the stone. Trust me!” as he finished speaking, he pressed the stone tightly and it broke into some millions of pieces. The stone sparkled at its brightest tint right before it broke down and the fragments of it was scattered all over the room.

Katherine couldn’t believe what she just saw. Etienne stood right in front of her, without any crystal, without any stone and his heart was still beating as passionately as ever.

“How is this possible?” she questioned him, but already knew the answer.

“Because I love you, Katherine!” Etienne softly uttered those words and kissed Katherine. Their bodies wanted the warmth of each other more than ever. Etienne did his magic and pressed his lips to Katherine’s tongue. They both could taste each other and their tongue wanted more. Etienne ripped Katherine’s red blouse apart and pressed her breasts tightly.

He laid her down on the carpet and bit her stomach. He started to lick down under and threw her panties away. As his tongue touched the gap between her legs, she shivered.

She was taken to a different dimension and wanted to stay there forever. Etienne pressed her breasts and played with her nipples until they were erected tightly.

He pushed his tongue inside her genital and felt her deepest part with his touch. He pressed his finger and started making his way inside her. She was ready to embrace his presence inside her. She opened her mouth and he pressed his finger inside of her. She bit them a couple of times and the biting session soon converted to big moans, as he kept pushing hard inside her with his fingers.

He wanted to take her to another level. Etienne wanted to embrace the highest level of affection on Katherine and was ready to penetrate her. He started pushing his genitals inside of her and she moaned harder this time, as he kept penetrating her.

In no time, he hit the right spot. He touched the most sensitive spot of her body and she felt the most amazing kind of orgasm. He started to pace up and kept penetrating her. She was floating high and remained high at the peak of her orgasm. Etienne couldn’t stop any longer as well. They both came along at the same time and touched the highest peak of love that was attained by any other living being of the entire universe.

As they both made love to each other, they saw a strong blinding light that came out of Etienne’s body and illuminated the entire space. That was his soul. He was ready to give it to Katherine.

Katherine broke into tears as she witnessed the most magical moment of her life. The blinding light came closer to Katherine and she embraced it by accepting it with her hands. She closed her eyes and before she could realize, the light entered her body, becoming a part of her being.

At that moment, she could feel it all. She could sense the kind of infinite affection that Etienne had for her. She could feel each and every fragment of his emotions and a tear rolled out of her eyes.

“I love you so much!” she said and kissed him passionately, one more time. He kissed her back and looked at her beautiful eyes that radiated perfectly.

It was just the start of their romantic journey. It was their happy ending.


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