A Bride Worth Billions (81 page)

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Authors: Tiffany Morgan

BOOK: A Bride Worth Billions
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1 - Finding Happiness

Everybody wants to find happiness. Everybody wants to be happy.

Sadly, happiness is becoming more and more elusive nowadays. Many have searched for it in the farthest corners of the world, only to come back empty handed. Some have tried to look for it in every people they’ve met but they still came back with no luck. Others have looked for it in things and possessions while some thought the answers lie in power, fame and fortune. They’ve looked and looked but all to no avail.

Happiness has become so rare that many people no longer know what it means to be truly happy. They just know that there is a void in their lives that can never be filled with all the money, power and fame in the world. They just know that something is missing and deep down, they know what that is. They are not happy and they have not been happy for a long time now.

For many people, happiness is conditional. They are guided by the principle that they will only be happy “if” a certain condition is met.  It becomes a goal for the future. They can’t be happy now because the conditions they’ve set are yet to be fulfilled. They can’t be happy now because they are yet to meet their ideal partners in life. They can’t be happy now because they are still working on getting that much coveted promotion. They can’t be happy now because they don’t have enough money yet. They can’t be happy now because they are still trying to figure out their lives’ purpose.

And even when they think the day to be happy has arrived, they often end up getting disappointed. They find out that it is only temporary. By the time they’ve reached that “moment,” new conditions have popped up and they end up going back to where they’ve started—searching for happiness.

While there are some who continue to actively pursue it, there are also those who have given up and decided to settle on what they’ve got. They’ve given up hope of being happy.  They’ve convinced themselves that  maybe “this” is all that they’re gonna get out of life and that maybe,  “this” is the happiest that they can be. They’ve tricked themselves into believing that maybe,  happiness does not exist in the real world after all. It is nothing but a dream, a fantasy that can never come true.

Allow this book to help you find your way back into believing that happiness does exist. It is out there. It is waiting for you. You just need to have a little faith—in the world, in the people around you and mostly, in yourself.

More than convincing you that happiness is real, this book will also guide you and show you how you can make happiness happen in your life. It will show you that happiness does not have to be fleeting. You can make it last.

Dive into it with an open mind and a brave heart.  The long and tiring search is over. Be ready to be happy!

2 -Happiness In Every Angle

You can’t be happy if you don’t know what it is that you are looking for.  If you wish to be happy, you need to be clear about what happiness means to you. How you define happiness will influence and affect every choice and every decision that you make towards being happy. They will all revolve around your own definition of happiness.

Every person has his own definition of happiness.  For some, it is the joy of being with the people that they love. For others, it is the exhilarating feeling that they get as they bungee jump from the world’s tallest building. Or it could be the satisfaction one gets with a job well done or the rewarding feeling of being able to help others in their time of need.

Happiness can be defined from different points of view.  You are not required to stick to one definition. Find what feels right for you and go with it. The discussion in this will only serve as your guide as you navigate your way towards finding happiness:


When defining things, it is always best to start at the literal meaning of the word itself.  English dictionary states that the root word of happiness is “hap.” In the Middle English, this means “chance.” The same root words now appears in words like happenstance and happen.

Considering how happiness is rooted in a word that signifies chance is no accident at all. Some people truly believe that happiness is about chance and luck. They believe that it comes to you out of good fortune.  They believe that fate is responsible for their happiness. Things happen to them because one day, luck came knocking at their doors. And if that day never happens, they’re okay with it. Some people just have all the luck in the world.


Another way to look at happiness is in the biological point of view. Science says that your body is already capable of being happy.  From the moment you were born, nature has already equipped you with the tools necessary to make you happy.

Inside your body are organs that produce chemicals or hormones that can give you that feeling of happiness and euphoria. In the scientific world, these chemicals are called neurotransmitters.  They are produced by your nerve cells and they act like messengers, transmitting “happy vibes” from one point of your body to the other. 

Below are some of the famous happy hormones that are found inside your body:

Endorphins. This is the most famous of them all. Endorphins are released by your body after a strenuous physical activity or during painful situations. This chemical has the ability to inhibit and reduce pain by interfering with your brain receptors. It slows down the transmission of pain from one part of your body to your brain.

This chemical is the reason by you don’t feel pain and other forms of discomfort even after going through a rigorous activity. With these chemicals flooding your bloodstream, you are pumped with feel-good hormones that give you that positive and uplifting feeling. The euphoria from endorphin rush can last for hours!

Some of the activities that can trigger endorphin release are exercise, sex, massages, meditation and controlled breathing exercise. Food like chocolates can also set off an endorphin rush.

Another famous happy hormone is serotonin. Released by the brain and the intestines, this is the chemical that is considered responsible for your moods and behaviors. Over time, scientists have discovered that the drop in serotonin levels in the body can lead to depression.

Knowledge that these happy hormones exist inside you is a proof that happiness is real. It is already inside you. Nature has already given you the raw materials needed to be happy. All you need is the right trigger to release happiness inside you.


In the world of psychology, happiness is defined as a state of well-being where in your positive emotions overpowers your negative emotions. It is a subjective state that is created by the coming together of various positive emotions like satisfaction, pleasure, contentment and joy.

In the past, psychologists have focused on the study of the opposite of happiness which they believed to be depression. They looked at its causes and tried to find ways to manage and cure it. It wasn’t until in 1989 when psychologists began shifting their focus towards happiness itself and the positive emotions that come with it. And thus positive psychology came to life.

Positive psychology is the scientific study of the positive qualities that enables a person to flourish and grow.  It studies the emotions and actions involved in creating and sustaining a more positive and happier state of being.


Philosophy is another point of view that you can take to understand what happiness is. One of the great philosophers, Aristotle, wrote that happiness is the ultimate pursuit of man’s existence. Happiness according to him goes beyond emotions. It is an action. You don’t just feel happy, you must also live it.

Aristotle proclaims that to have a happy life, man must in turn, and learn how to lead a good life.  What is a good life if you might ask?  It is a life that is remarkably rational. Aristotle believed that man exists to be rational. His function in life is to reason.  To have a good life, you must consciously live your life with reason and with utmost rationality. A good life is a happy life.



Another way to understand happiness is through religion.

Buddhism is known for promoting happiness in its teachings. In fact, finding ultimate and unconditional happiness or Nirvana is the very heart of this religion.  It employs the practice of Yoga and its eight limbs or paths to unite the body, mind and soul. This union is what brings harmony to a person’s life.

When a person’s energy is balanced and he is united, he is able to get rid of the negativity that is harming his body, mind and soul. He is able to achieve a life that is peaceful and calm. And it is in this stillness that he is able to hear the callings of his soul. He is able to attune himself to the bigger consciousness. He is able to immerse himself fully into his existence. This full awareness of the self is what brings man unconditional and unending happiness.

Catholics on the other hand look at happiness as that which is blessed by the Divine or God.  Thomas Aquinas believes that true and perfect happiness  can only be attained when man has achieved true knowledge of God. This can only happen when man is face to face with God. This then points out that perfect happiness happens in the afterlife and that man’s earthly existence is all in preparation for the day when he will come face to face with God and achieve pure and perfect happiness.

Whatever path you choose to take to understand happiness is up to you. What matters is that you believe in it.  Your faith in it is what will help you find true happiness.

3 - Honesty and Happiness

Now that you have a better understanding of what happiness is all about, it’s time for you to take on a new approach towards finding happiness.

Honesty can help pave the way towards happiness. This concept is not always very popular.  Oftentimes, people think that there should be some grand actions involved for happiness to be achieved. No one would think that this simple and often taken for granted virtue can actually help you find true happiness in your life:

Honesty and openness.
Honesty propels you to be true to yourself. It strips you bare of the glitter and the glamour. It makes you take off your mask. It allows you to bare your heart and soul. It leaves you open and vulnerable.

When you’re mind, heart and soul are open, you also open yourself up to the possibility of being happy. You let in everything that is good. You allow light to fill you. You allow love to rush in.

When you are honest with your emotions, you allow others to see the real you. You give others the permission to get to know the true you. Honesty allows your souls to connect. Happiness thrives in true and meaningful relationships.

Honesty and the choices that you make.
  When you are honest with yourself, you give yourself the power to decide for YOU and no one else! You stop waiting for other people to make you happy. You stop waiting for the “what ifs” to come true before you can allow yourself to be happy.  You stop living for others and begin living for yourself.

Stop waiting for happiness to come to you someday. Decide to be happy, HERE, NOW.  Every day that you wake up, decide to be happy. Your surroundings and the predicament you are in do not define your happiness.  At every single moment, you are always given a choice. You have the freedom to choose one path over the other. You can choose to be happy or you can choose to be sad. It’s all up to you. 

Be mindful of your thoughts and where they may lead you. Remind yourself to choose the path of happiness over others. Choose that which feels good, honest and true and give yourself permission to relish in it.

Honesty and your life force.
Be honest with yourself and with the people around you. Stop hanging out with the wrong crowd simply because you think they can make you happy.  Listen to what your heart is telling you.  Your heart speaks only the truth. Its language is that of honesty and truthfulness.  When you are not comfortable with the people surrounding you, it is your heart trying to reach out to you, reminding you  that you are in the wrong place and with the wrong people.

You are alive and inside you flows the energy of life. If you are pulsing with positive energy, allowing yourself to be surrounded by negative people will only diminish your ability to manifest happiness. Cut yourself from the things, habits and people that are bringing you down.  Let go of anything that makes you feel bad about yourself.

Choose to surround yourself with people who uplift and support you. Be with people who vibrate in the same frequency as yours. Imagine the amazing things that can happen if all of you, together, are vibrating with the same happy energy? Imagine all the goodness that you will attract!  Imagine the positive changes that you in return, can manifest. There is strength and power in numbers. Make each person in your circle count. Make it a circle of love, kindness and happiness.

Honesty and courage.
  Don’t be afraid to live the life that you’ve always wanted. Live honestly and truthfully according to your heart’s whim. Don’t be scared to give yourself everything that you’ve ever wanted in life. It is yours for the taking. Don’t pretend that you don’t want it.

Being honest about what you want out of life and the relationships that you build around you will help you live a more meaningful and happier life.  It gives you courage to seek that which you truly want. You don’t shy away from opportunities that you know will make you happy. It allows you to live openly and freely without limitations. You don’t have to pretend. You don’t have to fake it.

An honest life is a happy life. It is simple. It is pure. It is true. You wake up each day with the eagerness to face and embrace life. There is no need to put on a mask. You don’t need to cover up anything. It is what is. You are open, you are vulnerable, you are you.  And life couldn’t be sweeter and happier when lived freely and generously.

Honesty and your definition of yourself. From as long as you can remember, you’ve gone through life with this picture in your head of who you are supposed to be.  You look at yourself in the mirror and cringe at the sight of the person that you are now.

Every day that you wake up, you worry about how you can live up to other people’s expectation of you. You do your best to ignore the callings of your heart and try your best to stick to the picture of how your life “should be.”  You compare yourself with everyone else’s picture and wonder how theirs seem to be better than yours?

Be honest about who you are and what you truly want in life. Let go of the who you are “supposed to be” and how your life “should be.”  Stop adhering to the pictures that other people have drawn for you. Focus on the true you. Appreciate the awesome picture that is you –Un-retouched, unedited, and real.

Honesty and respect.
How you treat yourself sends a strong message to others on how they should treat you in return.  If you are honest about your thoughts, feelings, intentions and desires, you learn how to respect the capacity of your body, heart, mind and soul. And when you treat yourself with this much respect, you are also letting other people know that they too, must respect you.

Respect everything that you are—even that parts of you that you don’t really like sometimes. Be reminded that there is the divine in you. Treat your body, mind, heart and soul with the love, care, kindness and compassion that it deserves. Honor yourself by being honest with yourself.

The respect brought about by honesty is not that which is born out of fear and dread. It is a kind of respect that is evoked out of reverence. It is a kind of respect that honors you for who you truly are.

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