A Cowgirl's Pride (17 page)

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Authors: Lorraine Nelson

BOOK: A Cowgirl's Pride
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“What are you saying? Don’t you want to make
love with me?”

She cupped his face in her hands and pulled him
forward, kissing him with all the longing and pent-up frustration she’d held
back. “Yes, I want you. I want to feel you inside me. I need you to make me
feel alive again,
if only for a little while, but not up here.”

In answer, he held her hand as they traversed
the winding staircase to the main floor. At the bottom, he pulled her close and
kissed her again, a heated kiss that left her in no doubt of his intentions.

* * * *

He crossed the foyer and locked the front door,
something he should’ve done on arrival, but at least with Rounder on guard, they
would have ample warning if someone did approach the cabin. They removed their
outerwear and hung it on a coat rack nearby. Hand-in-hand, they entered the
main room, stopping to kiss and cuddle with every other step.

He was so hot for her! If he didn’t get these
damned jeans off soon, his erection just might pop the zipper. That’s how hard
he was for her…so stiff the skin stretched tight over his cock and it ached.

She suddenly pulled free and backed away from
him. He almost swore out loud in frustration, thinking she’d changed her mind,
but she’d only gone to close the vertical blinds at the windows.

“Just in case,” she said, smiling a come-hither
smile as she turned back to him.

He felt guilty for his unruly thoughts, but
closed the distance between them in a heartbeat, relieved to have her back in
his arms.

“I’ve missed you, Cal,” she said as she ran her
fingers through his thick, wavy hair.

“No more than I’ve missed you. I was beginning
to think you’d never come home.”

“Oh, I wanted to, so much, but it wasn’t

“You’re here now,” he said. He grabbed the hem
of her sweater and pulled it over her head to expose beautifully shaped breasts
enclosed in see-through peach lace. “And I’m so glad you’re back.”

He bent to suckle her nipples through the lacy
cups, her mindless purr of delight going straight to his groin. If he got any
harder, he’d explode. Still, he took his time, banking his desire as best he
could to give her pleasure.

Slipping his hands inside the waistband, he
worked her blue jeans and sexy peach-colored thong down over her hips, promptly
falling to his knees at the sight of her platinum curls. He leaned forward,
reaching out to touch her satiny skin, smell her spicy vanilla scent and taste
the creamy essence that was Leah. He wanted—needed—all of it—all of her.

His fingers parted her curls, exposing her pussy
lips to his view. The first swipe of his tongue against her clit had her legs
trembling in reaction. He steadied her, holding her thighs as he feasted on
her, moving his hands up to massage her ass cheeks as her juices gushed,
wetting his lips as he sucked up every drop.

When he raised his head, she dropped to her
knees in front of him, her wonderfully warm embrace holding him tight to her
breasts. He reached behind her and undid the clasp of her bra, baring her
succulent, golden orbs to his greedy eyes. Hungry for more, he laid her back on
the rug, and ran his hands along the length of her creamy skin from shoulder to
mid-calf. He followed the path his hands took with his eyes, greedily drinking
in the sight of her lying naked before him, rejoicing that she was here, with
him, at last.

“You are exquisite! So very beautiful.” His
voice was hushed, almost reverent in the spell her beauty cast over him.

She stretched, her sexy body arching off the
floor. Suddenly she sat up, a secretive smile playing around her lips. “Your

She grabbed the front of his shirt, unsnapping
it with one firm tug and pushing it back off his shoulders. He followed suit
with his T-shirt, and as he pulled it over his head, she closed her mouth on
one male nipple, sucking hard as she slid her hands over his skin. Heat, swift
and molten, coursed through him at the intimate touch.

He felt her struggle with his belt, but once
undone, she wasted no time in freeing his erection.
His cock burst forth and she was right there,
one hand cupping his balls while the other stroked his shaft, her lips and
tongue doing double duty as she teased the head, her tongue licking and pushing
against the tip. When she took his cock deep into her throat, he almost blew
his load.

“Easy, darlin’. We don’t want this to end too

He tried to pull back, pull out, but she grabbed
his ass and held him in place. Her head bobbed up and down as she worked him
expertly. He lost all semblance of control and shot his load against the back
of her throat. She sucked and swallowed until she’d drained him then lifted up
and pushed him backwards to remove his jeans and boxers, tossing them aside
before straddling his still-hard cock.

“Whoa, there. Aren’t you going to give me a
minute? That was some blow job.”

She shook her head as she smiled and moved her
body on his. By now, his dick should have been flaccid and good for nothing,
but as soon as she’d sheathed him in her moist heat, he stiffened fully and met
her thrust for thrust. She rode him in style, her glorious platinum tresses
falling forward to partially cover her breasts like a modern day Godiva, except
he was the horse she rode in on. Their bodies worked together, merging until he
wasn’t sure where his stopped and hers began.

He loved watching her boobs bounce as she rose
up and came down, driving him deeper each time. Covered in a sheen of sweat, he
reached for her, pinching and tweaking her nipples until her insides clenched
tight, and she let go in a rush. A couple more thrusts and he succumbed to the
ultimate climax, pulling her forward and holding her tight as his cock spasmed
and lay at rest.

“You okay?’ he asked when he got his breath

“Umm, hmmm. Never better.”

He lay beside her, feeling more satisfied and
complete than any man had a right to. She snuggled up next to him, one hand
splayed across his upper body as her fingers toyed with his chest hair. He
hated to ruin the aftermath of such great loving, but he had to have an answer
to that question—the one niggling constantly at the back of his mind.

“That trespasser, Erickson, did you know him in

“No, I only met him this morning. Why?”

“I saw you talking and laughing with him when I
cleared the walkways behind the house. Seemed like you were catching up. He
seemed to know plenty about you.”

She rose on one elbow and looked into his eyes. “Oh?
When were you speaking with him?”

“Didn’t Michael tell you? Rounder and I were the
ones who caught him sneaking around early this morning and took him up to the

“No. I missed that fact.”

“Well, I wouldn’t get too friendly with him if I
was you. He’s spreading some pretty wild rumors.”

“Such as?”

thought for a moment, wondering if the man’s words were worth

she prompted.

He kissed her on the nose. “He’s saying that you
were a stripper in your boyfriend’s club.”

“And that bothered you?” she asked, searching
his face as if she was seeking the truth there.

“Hell, yeah! No man likes to think of his woman being
that cheap and easy. You told me you danced in that club, and I’d believe you
over him any day.”

“Thanks for the loyalty, and I did dance in
Roddy’s club. It’s called pole dancing.”

“What kind of dance is that?”

“It involves wearing a skimpy costume, some very
sexy moves orchestrated around a pole and excellent agility.”

“How skimpy?”

“Le Club Rouge Sang is a topless bar,
. I stripped down to
a thong while dancing. Made excellent tips,” she teased.

“You think this is funny?”

“No, I guess not, but it’s in the past. Why
can’t we leave it there?”

He pushed her away, grabbed his jeans, and
pulled them on. “No wonder you give such excellent head. You’ve probably had
lots of practice during your whoring sessions. Do you even know who the father
of your kid is?” he sneered, disappointment fueling his fury as he lashed out
at her verbally.

She’d risen to gather her clothes. At his words,
she swiveled to face him and planted a resounding slap across his face. “I
don’t deserve this crap from you.”

He reached up to rub the spot, which burned so
badly it felt like she’d branded him. “You don’t deserve jackshit from me. Why
didn’t you level with me? I had to hear it from a damn stranger. Do you know
what that did to me?”

“Apparently, it made you horny as hell. Well,
you’ve had your piece of the action. I’m going home.”

He grabbed her arm as she turned away. “Why,
Leah? Why did you work at a place like that when you had so much potential as a
real dancer?” He had to ask…needed to know.

Not that I should have to explain, but would you believe it’s because I’m just
another in a long line of dumb blondes? I got wined and dined and roped into
dancing at Roddy’s club because I was naive enough to sign a contract without
reading it.”

She jerked her arm out of his grasp and walked
away from him.

Damned if that curvaceous ass didn’t have him
hot for her all over again.

“Leah, we need to talk this through,” he said,
trying his best to calm down while he watched her dress. He needed to absorb
what she’d just said, what she’d admitted, added to the reality of the hell her
life had been out there.

“Oh, I think you’ve said enough. I’m leaving.” She
pulled on her gloves and, with a toss of her hair, left him standing, half-dressed
in the middle of the room.



Chapter Eleven


ran a hand through his hair in a gesture of utter frustration. What
the hell had just happened? Was she telling the truth? Why hadn’t she hired a
lawyer to check into it? Contracts are broken every day.

By the time he’d dressed and gone outside, she
was nowhere to be seen. Damn! Luke was going to kill him. He locked the house
and mounted up, spurring his horse into an easy gallop in an effort to catch up
with her. When two shots rang out up ahead, he dug his heels into the horse’s
sides and rode like a man possessed. He rounded a turn in the trail to see
Leah, her shoulders slumped as she sat upon her horse, with Rounder running
back and forth between two dead coyotes.

“Leah, are you all right?” he asked as he reined
in abreast of her.

She stared at the coyotes. “They came out of
nowhere and attacked Rounder. As soon as I had a clear shot, I fired.”

“Looks like your aim is still good.” He smiled.
“Coyotes have been feeding on the herd, but we’ve never spotted them, just the
carcasses they’ve left behind.”

“Well, that’s two you won’t have to worry
about.” She flicked the reins, urging Beauty to move forward. “Come, Rounder.”

flicked the reins to move forward. He wasn’t being left behind this
time. They hadn’t gone far when they heard a vehicle approaching. Someone had
obviously heard the shots.

“Leah, I’m sorry for what I said back there. I
was shocked, angry. I never meant to lash out at you like that.”

“Don’t worry about it. I learned to separate my
emotions from sex a long time ago.”

clenched his teeth and bit back the retort that sprang to his lips.
There was no sense in making matters any worse.

“And, by the way, I wasn’t your woman at the
time, and I’m definitely not now.”

Luke’s truck rounded the turn up ahead. He
stopped his four-by-four and jumped out, along with her father and Michael.

“We heard shots,” said Luke as he rushed to his
sister, hauling her off her horse and into his arms.

“You okay, baby girl?” asked her father.

“I’m fine, but there’s a couple dead coyotes
back the trail a ways that need to be disposed of.”

“I knew riding was a bad idea,” Michael

“You gave us quite a scare. Why don’t you ride
back with us?” Luke asked. “
can tend to the horses and coyotes.”

“Yeah, why don’t I?” she said.

Luke walked her to his truck and held the door
while she climbed inside. She’d left him behind again, this time without even a
backward glance.
reached for Beauty’s reins, called for Rounder, and followed the truck as it
reversed to a turning point in the trail.

When he arrived back at the ranch yard, he sent
Pete out with the backhoe to collect the coyotes and bury them behind the barn.
To leave them out there would attract other predators, and they’d had more than
their share of those at Thunder Creek this year.

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