A Crying Shame (93 page)

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Authors: William W. Johnstone

BOOK: A Crying Shame
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You're looking well, dear,” Jon said.
As usual.”
Von Pappen was growing impatient, shuffling his booted feet.
Kommen, kommen
,” he growled.
Oh, Karl.” Doctor Lewis tapped out his pipe.
Do contain yourself a bit, won't you?”
The German waved one heavily muscled arm.
Gehen wir!”
he roared. Let's go!
Oh, speak the English language, Karl,” Lewis told him.
As badly as you do it, it is at least understandable and certainly an improvement over that vulgar, uncivilized snortling usually emanating from your mouth.”
The German drew himself up to his impressive height, towering over the smaller scientist.
Are you suggesting, you wimpy limey, that the German language is uncivilized?”
Any language that consists solely of grunts and snorts and incomprehensible guttural clearings of the throat could certainly not be called refined.” Lewis smiled.
The men were happiest when putting the needle to one another. Which they did, as often as possible.
Karl growled, glowering at his closest friend. He had just called him an idiot.
Bloody great hulking barbarian,” Lewis responded.
And away they go.” Jon laughed, leading them to the shed. He turned on the lights. Having waited a moment for dramatic effect, he opened the freezer.

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