A Dark Guardian (19 page)

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Authors: Donna Grant

Tags: #Fantasy, #Romance, #Paranormal

BOOK: A Dark Guardian
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She rolled her eyes and slid her feet into her boots. Once again she had dragged out her man’s attire. Her gowns and skirts would be too cumbersome with what she needed to do tonight.

A knock sounded on her chamber door. Gabriel opened it just as she straightened from adjusting her boot.

“Tell me you weren’t in here while she dressed,” Hugh said dangerously as he glared at Gabriel.

Mina closed her eyes and prayed for patience. “Of course he wasn’t.” Hugh looked at her then. His dark eyes raked over her, and her body instantly reacted.

“My day was boring,” she said and walked to him as she noted the padded jerkin over his sky blue tunic. “Thank you for asking.” One side of his wide mouth lifted in a grin. “I see you’re in a fit mood.”

“With my bodyguard always near to catch me if I fall,” she said and smiled sweetly. “I’ve had a wonderful day.”

Hugh’s eyes snapped to Gabriel. “What did you do?”

“You must be jesting?” Gabriel said to the ceiling. He turned to Mina. “See what you’ve done? Fix it. Now.”

“Do not threaten her,” Hugh warned and took a step toward him.

Gabriel threw up his hands and turned away.

Mina watched Hugh closely. Why was he so protective of her? Could it be he lied and that he did care for her a little?

“I was teasing,” she said. “Gabriel was a perfect gentleman.” Hugh stared at her a moment, then turned to Gabriel. He held out his arm. “Once again, I must apologize.”

Gabriel clasped his arm. “Don’t think twice about it.”

“Did you find anything?” Hugh asked.

She and Gabriel shook their heads. “Nothing,” she said. “Did you finish the trap?”

“Aye. ‘Tis ready and waiting for the creature.” She smiled. “Good. Shouldn’t we head out?” For a moment, she thought Hugh would also tell her she had to stay behind. She refused to allow that to happen.

“You have limited men,” she reminded him. “The knights need to be here as well to watch over the people. You cannot afford to leave me behind. Besides, I’ve kept myself alive before you arrived. I know how to take care of myself.”

He moved to stand beside her. “You aren’t well enough yet.”

“I have drunk Gabriel’s herbal four times today. I even took a nap this afternoon so that I would be rested for tonight. I walked the bailey this morning and this entire castle after the noon meal in search of that stone.” Still he stared at her.

“Don’t leave me behind,” she begged. “I need to go.”

“If anything happens to you.…”

“It won’t. I swear.”

He nodded, and it was all she could do not to throw herself into his arms.

Hugh sat atop his horse in the clearing as he waited for any sound of the creature.

He had stationed Mina beside Gabriel and Bernard. He didn’t want to take any chances with her life.

His horse’s ears pricked forward, and he tossed his great head. It was all the signal Hugh needed to let him know the creature was coming. It was a testament to what his mount had seen that kept the horse calm as they waited for the evil.

Total silence surrounded them except for the occasional snort from one of the horses. The creature was near. Very near. Hugh began to turn to check on Mina when a shadow out of the corner of his eye made him turn forward.

His mount reared just as the creature lunged at him. Hugh fell to the ground and immediately rolled to his feet with his sword in one hand and his crossbow in the other.

But the creature was gone.

He stood still and listened, but there was no flap of wings or the eerie scream of the creature. He looked at his feet to see his faithful mount.

“Nay,” he said and fell to his knees. He patted his horse’s neck. The animal had saved his life by rearing up, but in doing so had given his life. The horse was the only constant in his life, the only thing he had allowed himself to become attached to.

“I’m going to miss you,” he said.

He grabbed his sword and crossbow. The creature would pay for this. His horse had been a good, faithful friend to the very end.

“Enough of this,” Hugh roared to the trees. “I know you can understand me.

Let’s finish this, you and me!”

Before he had finished his sentence the creature landed in front of him, a smirk on his evil, pointed face. “I thought that might get your attention, Demon Seeker,” the creature said in a hissing voice.

“Who controls you?”

The creature laughed evilly. “Do you think I am that dim-witted? The ones before me might not have been able to speak, but we have always been able to understand your words.”

Hugh digested the new information and prayed Aimery could hear it. “How much do you know?”


“Why didn’t you kill me before?”

“I was told to leave you be. You are wanted by someone.”

“Me?” Hugh repeated. Who, or what, could want him?

“And her,” the creature said as he looked over Hugh’s shoulder.

Hugh breathed in deeply to calm his racing heart. “So your master wants both of us. Why?”

“That is not meant for you to know.”

“At least tell me why your master wants Mina,” he said.

“I’ve had enough talk. You wanted a fight, and I am more than ready to give you what you want.”

Hugh barely had a chance to duck and roll before the creature lunged at him.

“I suppose I should tell you that your weapons won’t kill me,” the creature said as he spiraled toward the heavens then stopped and stared down at him.

Hugh looked at the trees where he needed to lead the creature and then to his dead horse. He doubted he could make it there on foot, but he had to try. He began to run toward the trees and didn’t look back.

He heard the flap of wings behind him an instant before he was thrown forward.

He lost his hold on his crossbow when he landed on his shoulder. He got to his feet and continued to run, but the creature once again knocked him forward.

His entire body hurt as did the new cuts on his back and arms. He rolled to his side and tried to get to his feet when the creature landed beside him and put a foot on him.

“You are finished,” the creature hissed.

“I thought you were supposed to leave me be?” Hugh asked.

The creature laughed. “That is what one master wants.” Hugh stared at the forked tongue and red eyes and knew it was over. He had failed.

“I think you would rather have me,” he heard Mina yell.

Both he and the creature looked to where Mina stood near the trees. Hugh held onto the hope that she had enough strength to make it.

The creature immediately flew at her, its scream echoing through the forest.

Hugh rose up on his elbow as he reached for his sword and saw Mina take off toward the trees. He got to his feet just as she shouted to Cole and Gabriel. They released the log they had sharpened to a deadly point and hidden in the branches of the tree.

“Duck,” he called out to Mina as the log flew out of the trees toward the creature.

He watched as Mina rolled out of the way before the log impaled itself through the creature. The creature fell to the ground withering and crying out in pain.

Hugh waited for it to explode as the others had done when they died, but this one continued to scream and claw at the log. It wasn’t going to die.

He ran to Mina. “Where is your horse?”

“There,” she pointed to the left.

“Get on it,” he said and pushed her toward it. “Ride,” he called to his men.

He started to run through the forest when Mina rode up beside him. “Get on,” she said.

Hastily, he mounted behind her and kicked the horse into a run. They started yelling before they left the forest for the gate to be opened. He looked over his shoulder and found all the men on their horses following close.

Then, he saw the creature fly above the trees. They would be lucky to reach the bailey before the creature struck. The horse’s hooves banged loudly as they crossed under the gatehouse and ran the horses into the stable.

“This won’t hold it,” Mina said as she dismounted.

“Spread out,” Hugh called. “Make your way to the castle as quick as you can.” He pushed Mina into an empty stall as the creature flew above the stable. After he had run to both ends of the stable and bolted the doors, he waited for the creature. He and Gabriel had spent the past two days fortifying the stable in case something like this should happen.

Never before had he been so happy to be prepared. He walked to Mina and looked down into her frightened face. His bloodlust began to take over.

“Find Gabriel. He’ll take you to the castle.” She stared at him, her face showing her confusion and determination. “I’m not leaving your side.”

“Mina,” he warned and looked away from her. “You don’t understand.” She pulled his head toward her. “I’m not leaving you.”

Chapter Nineteen

Hugh had to make her understand. He closed his eyes and fought the growing need for physical release that battle always brought. He opened his eyes and took her by the shoulders. “Leave now, because if you don’t, I can’t promise that I’ll keep my hands off you.”

“I’m not leaving,” she repeated never looking away from his gaze.

He shoved her against the wall and gazed into her blue-green gaze. There was no fear now, only…desire.

And God help him, it sent him over the edge. He took her mouth and thrust his tongue inside to duel with hers. She wound her arms around his neck and plunged her hands into his hair. He growled and pushed his body hard against hers.

Mina eagerly gave herself to Hugh. The strange light in his eyes should have frightened her, but it didn’t, it only added to her growing passion. The ache between her legs had only intensified since that morning, bringing a burning need she could neither deny nor ignore. She needed him as she needed air.

His body pressed her against the wall, pinning her to his solid form. She couldn’t feel much of him through his padded jerkin, but she wasn’t about to break the kiss to remove his clothes.


She groaned when he moved away from her and ended the kiss. Her eyes opened to see him braced with his hands above her head, his breathing harsh and ragged.

“Last chance, Mina.”

In answer, she untied her tunic and pulled it over her head. He growled and dragged her roughly against him. The padded jerkin was warm against her bare skin.

Horses snorted and moved around the stables as the creature continued to fly overhead, screaming in anger.

But all of that faded as she succumbed to Hugh’s luscious mouth. She moved her hands from his shoulders to her trousers where she quickly unlaced them.

Her breath locked in her lungs as he bent down and trailed kisses from her mouth to her neck to her breasts. He fell to his knees and teased her nipples with his fingers and tongue. She took hold of his head to keep him just as he was, but he had other plans. He traveled to her stomach to tickle her navel with his hot tongue.

She grabbed hold of the stable wall for support when his hands began to move her trousers down her legs. He quickly removed her boots and the trousers soon followed until she stood naked before him.

No man had ever seen her thus, and she knew no man would again. Whatever might happen tomorrow, tonight was hers and Hugh’s.

She let his eyes roam freely over her. His hot, passionate gaze made her giddy with need. She felt the moisture between her legs, the need of her sex and couldn’t stand not touching him a moment longer. She moved to him and helped him shed his clothes.

When he stood before her without a shred of clothing to hide him from her view, she stepped back and finally got to feast her eyes on him. He was magnificent. Tall, muscled, and every bit the warrior. His legs bulged with muscles and the hard ridges of his stomach contracted when she touched him.

She traced a scar on his shoulder and walked behind him letting her hand trail after her. Her hands ran over his sculpted back, making sure not to touch his new wounds, and down to his buttocks.

He spun around so fast she barely had time to catch her breath.

“I cannot take much more,” he said before he yanked her to him and captured her mouth.

Hugh had waited as long as he could for Mina to look at him, but the feel of her soft hands against him had been his undoing. His blood swelled with need, and the very woman who had driven him mad with desire was naked before him.

He could wait no longer.

He told himself to be gentle, but his bloodlust was too far gone. He picked her up and wrapped her lean legs around his waist as he pushed her against the wall. She moaned and called out his name between their kisses as her sex wet him with her arousal.

His rod could feel her hot, sleek moisture. It surged toward her sheath. He tried to tell himself to go slow, but once the head of his rod felt her tight sheath, he lost all control. Before he knew it he had slid into her.

She cried out his name and dropped her head back as she clawed his back. He thrust into her and felt her clench tightly around him. He knew it wouldn’t be long before he came, and he didn’t want to reach it without her.

He dipped his head and feasted on her breasts, twirling a pebble hard nipple in his mouth. She moaned in response, but it was too late for him. He gave one last thrust and held onto her as his seed spilled from his body into hers. He was surprised to feel her clenching around him in her own orgasm, and he held tight until the last tremor had left her body.

With her head on his shoulder he pulled out of her and lowered them to the hay.

He kissed her head as she snuggled against him with her head on his chest. In moments, her breathing evened into sleep, and he wasn’t long in following.

Mina awoke with a smile on her face. Something tickled her nose, and it wasn’t until she opened her eyes that she found herself lying on Hugh’s chest. Images of the night before flashed in her mind.

Her smiled deepened. She finally found out what it was to be a woman and by the most handsome man she had ever known.

She looked down to find their fingers entwined and, for some reason that gave her pause. Slowly, she sat up and disengaged their hands. She missed his warmth already, but the sounds of the bailey had begun to reach her, and she needed to get inside the castle.

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