A Dark Guardian (20 page)

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Authors: Donna Grant

Tags: #Fantasy, #Romance, #Paranormal

BOOK: A Dark Guardian
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When she turned around she found a pail of water and a rag. She knew John had left it. She would have to thank the lad later. After she had taken the pail and her clothes to another stall so as not to wake Hugh, she hurriedly washed off. The sight of her virgin’s blood did not bother her at all, and, in fact, it proved that she had not dreamed last eve.

Once her clothes were on, she cast one last look at Hugh. Even in sleep he was gorgeous. She itched to run her hands along his warm bronzed skin and see him come to life by her hands.

Before she did just that, she turned and walked from the stable.

Hugh came awake with a start but didn’t open his eyes. He felt the rough hay beneath him, but he knew something was wrong. He opened his eye a slit and looked around. The stable.

It was then he recalled what had happened. Or at least he thought he did until he sat up and saw his nakedness.

“Mina,” he whispered as he looked down at the hay stained with her blood and his semen. “Mina,” he called out hoping she was still in the stable.

But it wasn’t Mina that ran into the stall. It was John.

“Has Lady Mina left?”

The lad nodded and pointed to the other side of the stall. Hugh got to his feet to see what John pointed to. That is where he saw the water and rag.

He sighed and patted John’s head. “Thank you,” he said as he made use of the water.

Once dressed, he hurried from the stable in search of Mina. He had to talk to her.

Only fragments of their night together could he recall, but if he had done what he thought he did, he should take a lash to himself. No woman deserved her first time that way, but especially not Mina.

His steps faltered and stopped before he reached the castle doors. Would she hate him? Scream at him? Probably, and he deserved much more than that. He had never treated a woman like that. Usually he stayed far away from anyone, especially women, when the bloodlust came upon him.

“There you are,” Gabriel said as he walked from the castle. “I’ve been looking for you.”

“Why?” His face must have mirrored his misgivings because Gabriel narrowed his eyes at him.

“I wanted to make sure you were still alive after last night. Is there something you would like to tell me?”

Hugh ran his hand down his face. “Have you seen Mina this morning?”

“I thought she was with you last night in the stable. That’s what I told Bernard,” Gabriel said, his arms now crossed over his chest. “The baron wasn’t happy to learn of that tidbit.”

Hugh had the impression this was how Gabriel would treat one of his children.

“She was. Now answer me.”

“Aye,” he said. “I saw her come into the castle and head for her chamber. Did you hurt her last night?”

“I pray I didn’t,” he said and moved past him.

Gabriel caught up with him. “What happened?” Hugh refused to answer him, but it didn’t take Gabriel long to figure it out. He cursed and put his hand out to stop him.

“Hugh,” he started.

“Don’t,” Hugh stopped him. “I’ll deal with it.”

“Not right now you won’t,” said a voice Hugh could have gone all day without hearing.

He turned and faced Aimery. “What now?”

“You’ve been called to court.”

“What? Why?” The only time he had been into the Fae realm was when he had first taken on the assignment of becoming a Shield.

“You can ask the queen when we get there,” Aimery said before he disappeared and took Hugh with him.

Hugh stared at the blue and white checkered floor. It was the same bright blue as the stone they hunted, he realized. The last time he had been in the Fae realm, he had begged to stay and look more at the beautiful wonders that made up their world, but there hadn’t been time.

Now was no different.

He and Aimery appeared inside the palace to stand in front of the throne of the king of the Fae. Hugh glanced at Aimery, but the Fae patiently waited for the king and queen to appear.

Hugh looked around the giant room. The ceiling was so high that it looked as though it were open to the sky since it appeared to be painted blue with white clouds.

The walls of the palace were painted with pictures of the Faerie history, some terrible battles, peaceful gatherings, and the crowning of kings.

The sound of shoes hitting the unusual floor drew his attention. He turned to find the royal couple making their way toward him.

“It is good to see you again,” the king said cordially as he stopped in front of Hugh.

Hugh went down on one knee and bowed his head. “Sire.”

“Come, Hugh, we have much to discuss,” the king said and pulled him to his feet.

Hugh stood to find Rufina before him. “My queen,” he said and raised her hand to his lips.

“Ever the charmer,” she said and followed Theron.

Aimery slapped Hugh on the back. “I don’t know why, but they both really like you.”

“As the queen said, I’m a charmer.”

Hugh’s smile died when he saw they were headed into the chamber behind their thrones. That meant whatever they wished to discuss was extremely important.

Mina found Gabriel in the bailey looking around as if he had lost something.

“Take me to the monastery.”


“Now,” she said and walked to the stable.

“I don’t think that wise.”

She stopped and looked at him. “Why? The creature isn’t about during the day.”

“It isn’t that,” he edged and reached for her arm. “Let me take a look at this.”

“Then what is it?” When he wouldn’t answer she moved so that he had to look at her while he unwrapped her bandage. “What aren’t you telling me? Has Hugh told you to keep me here?”

Gabriel shook his head and looked closely at her arm. “Actually, I’m waiting on Hugh. It is looking much better,” he said of her arm. “The green tint is completely gone.”

“Good, then he can go with us,” she said as Gabriel rewrapped the bandage on her arm. “Where is he?”

“I still don’t want you overexerting yourself. The dark magic used on you isn’t something I’ve dealt with before.”

“Gabriel,” she said slowly so that he would know she was at the end of her patience. “Where is Hugh.”



She raised her eyebrow at his words. Something was going on, of that she was most sure. “I know he’s not here with us. Is he in the castle?”



She took a deep breath and tried again. “Is he still in the stable?”

“Nay,” he said and looked down at his shoes.

“Is Hugh even in this realm?” she asked in exasperation.

Chapter Twenty

Several heartbeats went by before Gabriel answered Mina. “Nay. He’s with the Fae.”

Mina licked her lips and faced the stable. “I’m going to the monastery, and I would like you to come with me.”

“I’m going to regret this,” he said as they walked to the horses. “What do you hope to find?”

“I’m not sure. I just have a feeling we need to look around there.” Once their horses were saddled, they rode from the bailey, through the gates, and to the forest.

“Is Hugh coming back?” she finally asked when she could hold it in no longer.

Gabriel glanced at her. “I honestly don’t know.” She could tell by the way Gabriel answered that he was as worried as she was.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him watching her. “What?”

“How do you feel?”

She looked at him, wondering if he knew of her night with Hugh.

“Your arm,” he said when she didn’t answer.

“’Tis fine. Did you get a chance to look at the wounds on Hugh’s back?” Gabriel shook his head. “I barely got a chance to speak to him this morning before Aimery took him. I had no idea he was injured.”

“He’ll be back,” she said though she wasn’t sure if she said it to reassure him or herself.

They rode the rest of the way in silence, her thoughts on Hugh and why the Fae would take him to their realm when it was so vital that he be here. She barely took notice of the birds and their vibrant songs that she usually enjoyed hearing.

She regretted leaving Hugh that morning. Now she wished she had stayed and watched him wake. Would they have made love again? Or would he have rolled away from her? She wondered if she would ever learn the answers to those questions.

When they reached the monastery, they dismounted and tied the horses to the gate.

“Wait,” Gabriel said as she started to walk through the gates. “Let me go first.” She let him go ahead and could have sworn he mumbled something about Hugh having his head if something happened to her, but she couldn’t be sure if that is what he said or not.

Instead of asking, she walked behind him and let her eyes wonder around and take in the sights she hadn’t bothered to notice when she and Hugh had been there. Weeds and wild plants mingled with limbs and piles of leaves littered the courtyard. She could only imagine how nice the grounds had once been before the monks had abandoned the monastery.

“What are you looking for?” he asked.

“I’m not sure.” She tilted her head and looked at the outside walls of the monastery. “I just had a feeling we should come here.” Gabriel sighed. “Then let’s look. Outside or in?” She looked at him and shrugged. “Inside?”

He shook his head and led the way into the old monastery. “I wish I had an idea of what you were looking for.”

“You grumble worse than a woman.” She pushed past him and stepped inside the door.

“I take exception to that,” he protested.

She laughed and stepped over some fallen stones. Sunlight filtered through a stained glass window to shed a rainbow of color throughout the dusty room.

“I bet this place was magnificent in its day.”

“Makes you wonder what happened to them,” he said and drew his sword.

“You won’t need that.”

He turned his gaze to her. “How do you know?” She let him hold her back and once again fell in step behind him. He did have a point, though she hated to admit it. Movement to their left had him spinning around and holding his sword out. She spotted the cat hiding behind some stones. “’Tis just the cat Hugh found the last time we were here.”

“What a relief,” Gabriel said while rolling his eyes.

She ignored him and let her gaze wander. “What secrets are you hiding?” she whispered to the walls.

Hugh waited for Theron and Rufina to begin. He was anxious to return and speak with Mina. Not knowing if she hated him or not was driving him daft with worry.

“She will still be there,” Theron stated as he took a seat at the small square table.

“Be seated, Hugh, there is much to be said.” Hugh glanced at Aimery to see his worried gaze on him as well. “Is something wrong?” Hugh asked as he took the chair opposite the king.

“More than you know,” the queen said. “We have recently come upon some interesting news that we need to share with you.” Hugh waited for the worst.

Theron leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees, his shiny white tunic sparkling in the sunlight that trickled through the window above him. “No weapon in your possession will kill the creature while it is awake.”

“You tell me something I already know,” Hugh said, more restless than ever to return to Stone Crest.

“Do you think this information is something to take lightly?” Aimery thundered as he stepped forward.

Hugh rose to his feet to stare eye to eye with the Fae. “Nay, I do not, but as I already said this information we know.”

Rufina, her hand on the back of her husband’s chair, said, “Then you did not listen well enough, Hugh.”

Hugh looked at her while he replayed Theron’s words in his head.
While it is
[_awake. _] “It has to be sleeping for me to kill it.”

“Exactly,” Theron said. “But therein lies the problem.” Hugh once again sat. “How so?”

Theron didn’t answer but looked away.

“How many times have you sent in men like me to kill these creatures?”

“Too many,” the king finally answered in a voice filled with doubt and resignation. “You and your men are the last that we have. If you fail, then everything fails.”

This news stunned Hugh. He didn’t know if it was the king’s words or his tone, but regardless the concern was now there. “Why can’t you send Aimery and his men?

They are more lethal than the Shields.”

“I would go in an instant,” Aimery said. “If I could.” Theron held up his hand to quiet his commander. “We cannot interfere.”

“Seems to me you have already interfered,” Hugh said as his irritation grew. “Not only have you trained us, armed us, informed us, but you have also moved us through realms and time.”

“And that is the extent that we can do.”

Hugh looked from one to the other. “Who set the boundaries on you?”

“It doesn’t matter,” Rufina said. She ran her hand through Theron’s long, blonde hair. “If your realm is destroyed, then so is ours.” Hugh laughed and rose to pace the room. “Was it just a rumor that I heard while training that a trio of Druids was all that was left to save your realm and ours from total domination?”

“It was no rumor,” Aimery said. “It was a prophecy that was fulfilled.”

“So they saved you?”


“For a race that is all knowing and all powerful, you rely heavily on my people and my realm to keep yours alive.”

Hugh must have hit a nerve for all three Fae refused to meet his eyes. “First the Druids, now me and my men. What happens if we fail?”

“Our realm and yours will cease to exist,” Theron answered softly.

“Cole,” Hugh murmured suddenly thinking of his friend. “His realm was destroyed. Was it by the same people?”

Theron rose and went to a table next to the door. He uncorked a long slender white bottle that was rounded at the bottom and poured the liquid into four small goblets.

He gave one to Rufina and Aimery, then turned and offered Hugh a drink. “In truth we cannot be sure, but we have our suspicions.” Hugh eagerly accepted the small silver goblet. He didn’t know what it contained, but he needed something strong to cope with this new knowledge. He lifted the goblet to his lips and inhaled a sweet, heady fragrance before it reached his lips. It tasted of honey and liquid fire as it slid easily to his stomach.

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