A Darker Shade of Midnight (8 page)

BOOK: A Darker Shade of Midnight
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“This is such a quiet, nice neighborhood. The only noise I’ve heard is birds singing.” LaShaun waved a hand at the landscaped lawns. ”

“Uh-huh. Be careful on your way home. Winding country roads can be real tricky.”

“Thanks for your concern.”

He flashed an artificial smile, but didn’t make a move to leave. His stone cold gaze seemed to indicate he would stay put as long as she did. LaShaun started the SUV and drove off. She glanced in rear view mirror expecting to see him following her, but he was gone.

When she got home, Savannah was just pulling up in her car. Monmon Odette rocked on the front porch humming. LaShaun was worried about her. She seemed in another world, strangely disconnected from everything. After checking to make sure she didn’t need anything, LaShaun and Savannah went into the living room.

“Martin claims he can’t get in touch with Rita. I tried tracking down Azalei, and she’s gone underground as well. I spoke to the forensic accountant again. She finished her examination. Two accounts have been cleaned out, about two hundred and fifty thousand dollars.”

“Those conniving scam artists,” LaShaun said.

“It gets worse. Rita took out s second mortgage on your grandmother’s house, and the payments are behind three months. The home health care agency hasn’t been paid in three months, but luckily, they decided to switch from private pay to Medicare billing. Even so there’s a big balance. I’m afraid your grandmother’s available cash accounts might be stretched to the limit. I’ve contacted the bank. If we scramble we just might avoid foreclosure.”

For another hour, LaShaun discussed options with Savannah. The accountant had recommendations. LaShaun had little time to digest it all because the creditors wanted answers yesterday. Not to mention the IRS and Louisiana Department of Revenue had questions about taxes due on the withdrawals from the investment accounts. By the time Savannah left LaShaun felt drained of energy. She didn’t know which was more intense, her need to cry or beat the hell out of someone.

She didn’t even consider talking to Monmon Odette. For the first time LaShaun understood.
Her grandmother was showing signs of dementia. No wonder the once razor sharp mind hadn’t seen through the schemes being perpetrated on her. LaShaun spent the rest of the afternoon taking care of her.

The next day Sheriff Triche and Deputy Gautreau showed up.
When Deputy Broussard followed a few minutes later, he and Gautreau exchanged decidedly unfriendly glances. The three men wore grim faces as she led them into the living room.

“Afternoon, LaShaun.”
Sheriff Triche looked tired. His face flushed red.

“I have a feeling the three of you didn’t drive out here to chat about the weather.”
LaShaun didn’t like the way Gautreau glared at her.
“Isn’t anybody out chasing criminals? The entire department seems to be on my doorstep.”

“We didn’t plan on Broussard showing up,” Gautreau drawled. “Wonder why?”

“Not now,” Sheriff Triche snapped. “Your cousin Azalei is missing, at least according to her mama. She seems to think you know something about it.”

“Azalei and I have never been close,” LaShaun replied. She laughed. “Trust me, we haven’t been doing lunch.”

“No, you’ve been too busy trading punches and threatening her,” Gautreau put in. He was about to go on when Aunt Leah made a dramatic entrance.

“Get her to talk. She’s done something to my child. She’s not answering her cell phone, and I haven’t been able to find her for three days. Nobody has seen her.” Aunt Leah pointed at LaShaun. “You tell me what you did to Azalei.”

“Thanks for calling the Sheriff, Aunt Leah. This visit saves me a trip into town to press charges against your baby girl.”

“She wouldn’t leave without telling me.” Aunt Leah’s voice cracked. She wore a frantic expression. She spun to face Sheriff Triche. “I’m telling you something is wrong. All of her clothes are still in her apartment. Now who runs off like that?”

“A scheming thief who just stole a lot of money from her sick grandmother, that’s who,” LaShaun put in.

“You’re nothing but a liar.” Aunt Leah took a step toward LaShaun

LaShaun looked at Sheriff Triche. “This is all an act to give Azalei more time to get away.”

“You’ve been nothing but poison since the day you were born,” Aunt Leah said.

“Just calm down and go on home.” Sheriff Triche took her by the elbow and led her out. Moments later he came back. “If you hear from either of them call me.”

“If you hear anything from them, don’t do anything crazy. Let me know first,” Broussard said to LaShaun.

Gautreau grunted. “You hear that, Sheriff?”

“You call
if you hear from your cousins, LaShaun. Let’s go,” Sheriff Triche clipped the command to his two deputies.

Chase hesitated and started to speak, but look in his boss’s eyes stopped him. The two younger men march out ahead of the Sheriff. When they were gone, LaShaun locked the door and turned to find her grandmother in the hallway panting with the exertion of taking each step.

“You should be in bed.” LaShaun went to her quickly

“You escaped the madness, and now because of me you’re pulled back in. Perhaps I should have let them have it all. Then just watch them claw each other to death over it.”

LaShaun put an arm around her shoulder. “This kind of commotion is the last thing you need. Everything is just fine.
I’ll get you settled, and then we’ll both have a cup of chamomile.”

“Evil has come back to tempt you, child. You must fight it. I’ll show you how.” Monmon clutched LaShaun’s hand.”

“You need rest,” LaShaun said.

“Soon I will find eternal rest, if the good Lord forgives my sins. Now listen to me press the inlaid panel of the old desk in the salon. Obey your grandmother, girl. Go.” Monmon Odette pushed LaShaun toward the polished teakwood desk against the far wall.

“First sit down.” LaShaun helped her to one of the chairs in the living room. Then she went to the desk.

LaShaun studied the panel just above the flat writing surface. A lighter shade of wood inset was a beautiful contrast to the polished teakwood. She pressed it with her fingertips and a section slid out smoothly. A black velvet pouch was in the center next to an envelope yellowed by age.

“You see it, oui? Bring the pouch here.” Monmon Odette beckoned to her.

LaShaun picked it up. Several other objects were in the hidden compartment, but she was immediately distracted. Whatever was in the pouch, it seemed to grow warmer the longer she held it. She crossed back to Monmon Odette and handed it to her. Her grandmother whispered
so low that LaShaun couldn’t make out the words. Monmon Odette tugged both ends of the drawstring, and emptied the pouch into her lap. Four gemstones and two pendants came out. One of the pendants was on a silver chain, the other on a leather cord. The gems glittered as though lit from within.

“Ah, these are wonderful, child. Now listen carefully. The crystals are rose quartz, amethyst, clear quartz and citrine. Make a pendant or bracelet with these to protect your children.”

“What children?” LaShaun said with a laugh.

Monmon Odette looked up at her. “You will have children, and they must be protected. As much as a mother can do.” Then she looked back down the gemstones.
“Nothing is certain if they stray too far. I
learned that with your mama, and Rita’s daddy. They were wild, and didn’t listen to the wisdom of elders. Ah, well. Neither did when I was young.”

“You did your best, Monmon.”

“Hmm, I pray Le Bon Dieu finds it so.” Monmon Odette sighed. “But you will have children, more than one. I’m not sure how many though.”

“I’ll need to find a man first, don’t you think?” LaShaun smiled at her with affection.

“Speaking of that, this will guard your loved one. Give it to him.” Monmon Odette held up the pendant on a leather cord.

LaShaun took it to the window to get a better looked. A large piece of black onyx formed a circle. In the center of the onyx was a sterling silver circle carved with a howling wolf’s head and feathers on either side. A lapis lazuli gemstone sat just below the wolf head between the feathers.

“This is beautiful.”

“The wolf is a symbol of power. Lapis lazuli provides good luck, and black onyx provides spiritual protection.” Monmon Odette nodded.

“When I find a good man I’ll be sure he gets this.” LaShaun walked back to her grandmother.

“He’s closer than you think, Cher.” Monmon Odette looked at her with a twinkle in her eye.

“If he is I haven’t seen him,” LaShaun quipped.

Her grandmother chuckled softly. “You will when you open your eyes. Now this is for you. Green aventurine set against back onyx for wealth and power. You’ll need this to hold onto my money.”

Monmon Odette smiled her approval when LaShaun put the silver chain around her neck that held the second amulet. Then she put the gems and wolf amulet back into the pouch.

LaShaun sat on the small ottoman near Monmon Odette that matched the sofa and chairs in the room.“Thank you, sweet grandmother. What other secrets do you have to reveal?”

“Read the old journals I will give you. Those hold a lot of family history.” Monmon Odette fell silent for a few moments. Then she took one of LaShaun’s hands in both of hers. “But remember to pray for strength against the evil that tempts you. For many years, I thought the power passed to me could overcome any obstacle. Certainly, no man would control me, and no spirit frightened me. I had to learn many hard lessons.”

“Yes, Monmon.” LaShaun gazed at the solemn expression her grandmother wore.

Monmon Odette smiled as though to banish the clouds that her words had brought. “Ah, but you are young and lovely. And the day is bright with sunshine. No more gloomy talk. Here is Tasha, on time as usual. Get out of the house.”

“But I need to prepare your lunch, and change the linens.” LaShaun shook her head. She went to the front door, opened the lock and the door.

“Hello there. How you feelin’ today Miz Odette?” Tasha
grinned at them both.

“Doing okay for an old, old lady,” Monmon Odette smiled back at her.

“Glad to hear it. I’m going to get set up so we can do your exercises. First, I’m going to change your linens, take a look at your medicines to make sure we got the latest changes from the nurse and then we’ll get started. Then you’ll have a nice relaxing warm shower.” She bustled off humming to herself.

“See? I’m going to be tied up with Miss Bumble Bee buzzing around for the next few hours. Go on out and enjoy yourself.” Monmon Odette pushed against LaShaun to press her point.

“Okay, okay. No need to shove me out the door.” LaShaun laughed. “Seems like those exercises are working.”

“Bunch of nuisance nonsense if you ask me,” Monmon Odette grumbled.

LaShaun made sure Monmon Odette didn’t need her, and Tasha had everything under control. Only then did she take her grandmother’s advice. Grabbing her keys from the kitchen counter LaShaun decided to go for a drive.

She followed Rousselle Lane until it intersected with the larger street.
Only two narrow lanes and not much bigger than Rousselle Road, Bayou Rouge Road had only been paved for two decades. Palmettos and other thick vegetation came right up to the edges of the black top. To clear her head LaShaun drove with the windows down. Instead of keeping strait to Teche Bayou that lay on the edge of Rousselle family property, she turned south. Ten minutes later, she arrived at Bayou Rouge, a smaller body of water that flowed into Teche Lake six miles to the west.

This used to be her favorite getaway spot when she was in trouble with her grandmother. She parked on a grassy slope. Once out of the SUV LaShaun followed a dirt path down to the water. A breeze brought a little relief from the hot noonday sun. Cattle egrets and herons perched around the far shore. Sunlight sparkled on parts of the water like tiny crystals. The soothing sounds of insects, birds, and wind in the leaves soothed away the tension from her body.

Her mind free, LaShaun thought about the “thing” that had taken control of her back at Monmon’s house. Years ago her wild ways had awakened more wickedness that LaShaun had been prepared to embrace. And now it was back, and just as hungry to possess her. She’d known the risks, but couldn’t bear to stay away. Not when she might never see her grandmother alive again. Monmon Odette could help her, but she was weak. Such an effort would kill her. Besides, LaShaun had no right to ask that of her grandmother. She would find a way to deal with this force on her own. She had no choice. LaShaun fingered the amulet around her neck. Then she took the onyx and silver wolf’s head amulet from the pocket in her shirt. The stone felt warm in her hand. In the past she had allowed envy, resentment, and even lust to rule in her heart. Had she changed so much? If she had then no spirit should be able to influence her so easily. Deep in thought, LaShaun didn’t realize she wasn’t alone until it was too late.

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