A Family Divided (Dividing Line #3) (15 page)

BOOK: A Family Divided (Dividing Line #3)
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I’m sorry to do this to you, I’ve tried to talk her round but she won’t listen. She’ll only talk with you.”

Why? I don’t understand.”

Because she says only women can come up with reasonable solutions. I think she’s curious too, your reputation precedes you.”

I am not Rachel Maguire anymore.”

A shadow passed across Alex
’s face. “I know but it doesn’t matter to her. Perhaps you can talk some sense into her and make her go away?”

Don’t be ridiculous Alex,” said Ryan. “Do you think she’s going to leave nicely after talking to Rachel?”

No I don’t but right now I don’t know what else to do. She wants to see you Rach and nothing is going to stop her.”

With a sigh Rachel got to her feet and walked over to the window, her arms wrapped around her stomach. She had a bad feeling about this.

“You don’t have to do this Rachel,” said Ryan quietly.

Yes I do.”

He sighed and shook his head.
“We’ve worked so hard to distance ourselves from all this and some stuck-up southern bitch wants to pull us back in. I’m not going to let her.”

What choice is there?” she said a little sadly. “I’ll talk to her, get the measure of her and perhaps we can take it from there?”

Rachel, you’re five months pregnant,” he continued. “You don’t need all this pressure and what if it kicks off in there and you get hurt?”

I won’t. I’ll take Battler and Bruiser with me.”

I can’t believe you’re even contemplating this.”

What choice is there? If I don’t go to her she’ll come to me and I am not having her anywhere near my kids or you.”

Well tough because I’ll be there as well.”

No you won’t. If you’re there it makes it about our family. If it’s just me I can keep it separate.”

This is madness. I can’t believe you’re even contemplating it.”

So, what’s the final decision?” said Alex.

I’ll do it,” she replied.

Ryan shot to his feet.
“Dammit Rachel,” he bellowed.

Rachel looked at him askance. In all the time she
’d known him it was the first time he’d ever shouted at her, even when they were rivals. “Do not speak to me like that.”

I thought you were intelligent,” he spat. “Obviously not.”

With that Ryan marched out of the room and slammed the door shut. She heard his footsteps on the stairs as he charged up them.

“Sorry,” said Alex. “I didn’t want it to come to this.”

I know you’ve been forced to this.”

I mean it though. Give the word and I’ll have Jan Jordan scrubbed out.”

I don’t give orders like that anymore.”

It’s just one meeting. Promise.”

I have some conditions.”

Name them.”

You tell her we take in no more than two associates each. I am not walking into a room full of her sons and nephews. I take Battler and Bruiser in with me and no weapons. Arrange it in the private room at Giuseppe’s Restaurant.” They’d had many meetings at Giuseppe’s with associates she didn’t wish to be seen in public with, he knew the score. “She goes in the back entrance and so do I. I do not want anyone seeing me in her company, I have a reputation to protect. The meeting lasts for one hour and no longer. If she doesn’t agree to those terms she can forget the meeting and you can do what you like to her.”

I’ll make sure she understands.”

Set it up and let me know when. Does she know I’m pregnant?”

I’ve not mentioned it.” Another lie.

Don’t tell her. I don’t want her knowing, I’ll wear loose clothes to hide my belly.”

As you wish,” he said, getting to his feet. He gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “Thanks for doing this Rach, you’ve just averted a war.”

Don’t get ahead of yourself. This meeting could light the touchpaper.”

Perhaps but we’ll fight and win, like we always do.”

Worry nagged at Rachel. The Maguires had been top dog in Manchester for so long and since they
’d joined forces with the Laws they were unstoppable, but fighting three families might prove to be their undoing and they both knew it.

After Alex had left she went upstairs to find Ryan, who
’d changed into shorts and vest and was furiously working out in the gym. It was rare for him to display his anger so overtly. When she walked in he was bench pressing weights and if he heard her enter he ignored her.

Alex has gone,” she said.

Good,” he retorted without looking at her.

Why are you so mad at me?”

He sat up, put down the weights and looked at her disbelievingly.
“Is that a serious question? In order to be with you I had to give up my old life and I did, because you were more important to me and you know what? It was the best decision I ever made. We’ve made such a success of everything and we’re so happy. Now you want to destroy it all on Alex’s say-so.”

No, not on Alex’s say-so. Did you listen to what he said? If I don’t meet with Jan Jordan she’ll come here, to our home. Is that what you want?”

No it’s not. What I want is that bitch in a shallow grave with a hole in her head.” His steely eyes were hard. “I will not let my wife and one of my kids be put in danger.”

We’ll be fine. I told Alex the meeting will be held in the private room of Giuseppe’s, so we won’t be seen in public together. Only two associates each, I’ll have Battler and Bruiser with me and the meeting is to be held during the day and not to last longer than one hour. If she doesn’t agree to any of those conditions I don’t go.”

They’re sensible precautions but the best precaution is not going at all.”

What do you suggest Ryan, because if you’ve got a better idea I’m more than willing to listen?” When he remained silent she said, “see you can’t come up with anything because there isn’t any other way.”

I have a horrible feeling about this.”

So do I. It just goes to show how hard it is escaping the past. After the things we’ve done, did you seriously think it was never coming back to bite us?”

Perhaps.” He got to his feet and wiped his face on a towel. “I want to go in there with you. Only then will I know you’re safe.”

I’d feel safer if you were there but we can’t make this about our family. If the Jordans think you’re in on it too it drags Jez into it, Cathy and our kids. Please Ryan, trust me.”

I’ve always trusted your judgement. I just wish I knew why she wanted to meet with you, there’s more to it than she’s letting on.”

You’re right and I’m determined to find out what that is.”

Why? I don’t want you going in there,” he yelled, frustrated.

It was extremely rare for Rachel to cry but when she was pregnant the tears came easily.
“Please don’t shout at me, I need you with me on this.”

Oh Sweetheart, I’m sorry,” he said, rushing to her and pulling her into his chest. “Please don’t cry.” He couldn’t stand it when she cried, especially if he was the cause of it.

She wrapped her arms around his waist and nuzzled into him, seeking comfort.

He took her face in his hands. “Alright, I’ll back you on this. Just promise me you and our baby will come out safe and well.”

I promise.”

And you make me another promise.”


You do this and we’re done with the Maguires. I don’t mean personally, I mean if they ever ask anything like this of you again you tell them no. You more than anyone know how easy it is to get dragged into that world.”

I promise. No more after this.”

Thank you.” He wiped away her tears with his thumbs. “Rachel Law, you’re going to have to turn back into Rachel Maguire for this meeting. I don’t think Jan Jordan will be too impressed if you burst into tears on her.”

He said it so good-naturedly she smiled, but the smile was a brief one.
“I don’t want to be her again.”

I know, but it’ll only be for an hour and when you walk out of that meeting you’ll be Rachel Law again.”

If I’m going to do this properly I need to know you’re behind me Ryan. I can’t do it without your support.”

You have my support but if anything happens to you in there, I will kill Jan Jordan and every one of her sons and nephews personally.”

Rachel knew he meant it.



When Patti’s fist connected with the woman’s jaw there was a loud crack and she fell to her knees.

Don’t you ever ignore me again when I’m speaking to you, you little slut,” Patti screamed at her, although the woman couldn’t speak a word of English, other than the dirty words she’d been taught. The woman looked up at Katia, who had been her friend in Slovakia, but she coldly stared back at her. Katia had changed in the short time she’d been in England, transformed into a cold hard creature who would do anything to survive. When her former friend reached out to her in supplication, Katia kicked her in the stomach, causing her to curl up into a ball, sobbing.

Patti gave Katia an approving nod.
“Get her upstairs.”

Katia nodded and hauled the sobbing woman to her feet. She
’d been smart, kept how much English she could actually speak to herself, making out she only understood basic words when in actual fact she was fluent. It was a useful trick, people were far more loose lipped around her than they would have been had they known the truth and she’d learnt many useful things. She knew this so-called
gentleman’s club
was in fact a very small part of a very large business empire, all of it owned by the big handsome man called Alex. She liked him very much; good looking, sharp, ruthless, just like herself. She’d set her sights on him the moment she’d stepped off the truck and she intended to get him. The wedding ring on his finger did nothing to deter her. One day she would take Patti’s place and then she would work side by side with him. Now all she had to do was engineer Patti’s downfall, which shouldn’t be difficult. She was taking clients without Alex’s knowledge and pocketing the money. Such stupidity could only lead to inevitable discovery, but Katia was getting impatient. All she had to do was find a way of showing Alex the error of Patti’s ways and that she was her ideal successor.

After shoving her ex-friend into her room and locking the door, she returned downstairs. Katia liked living in the club, it was classy and luxurious, nothing like she
’d ever known before and already it felt like home.

She popped her head round the door of Patti
’s room where the fat woman had slumped into her flowery armchair, a hand to her head.

Tea?” said Katia in her forced, slightly dumb way.

That would be lovely dear, thank you. You’re a good girl Katia. You’re becoming quite indispensable to me.”

What is indispensable?” she said, head cocked to one side, although she knew full well what it meant.

It means I can’t do without you. Keep on the way you’re going and you’ll soon be my second-in-command.”

Thank you, you are very kind,” she said in her slow, pigeon English.

Patti gave her a fond smile before waving her away and Katia bristled at the imperious gesture. Soon she
’d have the ugly old sow out of the way and this club would be hers. Then, Alex Maguire.


Rachel stepped out of the back of Battler’s BMW and stared up at the rear of Giuseppe’s restaurant. It had been a long time since she’d associated with criminals, other than her own family. Apprehension gripped her, she’d been out of this game too long, lost her nerve. Her erratic hormones weren’t helping matters either.

Are you ready?” said Battler’s deep voice.

She was flanked by the two brothers, their towering presence giving her strength. Both of them had saved her life in the past and there was no one she trusted with her safety more than these two, other than Ryan.


When you want out say the word. We’ll keep you safe, I promise.”

She gave his arm a squeeze.
“I know.”

Battler went in first, Bruiser careful to stay close behind her.

Giuseppe was ready and waiting, looking distinctly nervous, sweat standing out on his brow.

Your guests are already here Mrs Law.”

How many are there?” she said.

Three. One woman and two men. I have given them drinks.”


The men are drinking lager, the woman lemonade.”

Rachel thought that said a lot. Jan wanted to keep a clear head, whereas the men weren
’t as bothered. They probably considered this meeting to be a waste of time.

Give us two minutes then bring us three orange juices.” She knew Battler and Bruiser never drank alcohol when they were working.

Yes Mrs Law.”

He opened the door for her and, taking a deep breath, Rachel walked into the room to find a woman in her mid fifties sat at the head of the table, giving her a direct view of the door. Her hair was short, dark blond and tousled, her face hard and angular, lips  thin and pursed. Her eyes were small, narrow and brown. They were sharp and intense and glittered with cunning. She got to her feet when they entered, displaying her superior height. She was a good inch taller than Rachel and slender and athletic-looking.

“Mrs Law, thank you for this meeting,” she said as they shook hands.

You’re welcome and call me Rachel,” she replied, wanting to keep everything nice and amiable.

And you can call me Jan,” she said, giving her a smile that dispelled the lines on her face and made her look younger. “This is my eldest son, Nick,” she said, gesturing to the taller of the two men, “and my eldest nephew, Chris.”

Both were handsome with Cath
’s dark eyes and light blond hair. However whereas Nick appeared serious and all business, Chris’s eyes danced with derision and roamed over Rachel freely, a sardonic smile on his lips. She sensed Bruiser bridle with rage beside her, although on the surface he remained as inscrutable as ever.

Deciding Chris wasn
’t worth her attention, he clearly wasn’t a serious businessman, Rachel coolly took her place at the opposite end of the table, facing Jan. Right on cue, Giuseppe brought in their orange juices, giving Rachel a moment to compose herself. She wore a long loose top that disguised her swollen belly and she resisted the urge to wrap her arms around it protectively. She couldn’t show any weakness because it seemed Jan Jordan was going to be a formidable opponent.

Both women waited for Giuseppe to leave before speaking.

“I suppose you’re wondering why I was so insistent on talking to you?” opened Jan. Her accent was pure Essex drawl and Rachel had to concentrate on understanding her.

Yes. Alex told you I’m nothing to do with the family business anymore?”

She merely smiled.
“I felt you and I would be able to come to a more amicable arrangement, given how we’ve both lost husbands in the same violent way. Also I was curious to meet you, your reputation is formidable, even down our way.”

Sorry to disappoint you but I’m a different woman now. I have no influence whatsoever in family business so any appeals you may make to me will be in vain. I sympathise with your situation, I know how hard it is to lose the man you love but I can’t help you.”

Jan took a sip of her drink and reclined back in her seat, coolly studying Rachel. Rachel herself was trying to pretend this was just a normal business meeting and was doing a good job of maintaining her equilibrium, despite the burning desire for barbeque sauce.

“All we want is the chance to start afresh,” Jan eventually said.

Why Manchester? I understand you have connections in Liverpool and Newcastle. Why not go there instead?”

’s face was so stony Rachel thought if she blinked it would crack. “Because I don’t want to run to them begging. I want to forge a path for us.”

’s eyes narrowed. She was definitely concealing something. “There’s no path for you here. Do yourself a favour and find somewhere else.”

“Where do you suggest? Wherever we go we’ll be stepping on someone’s toes.”

Perhaps you’d be better off going back down south, which you know and understand?”

There’s nothing left for us down there.”

Why not? You’ve still got all your boys.”

Because our so-called friends backed our enemies when my husband died. If we returned we’d be annihilated.”

But you expect the Maguires to welcome you with open arms, offer you their businesses. If our families’ positions were reversed, would you be so generous?”

’s lips pursed tighter.

You wouldn’t, would you?” pressed Rachel.

We could have come here and started carving up the city,” spat Chris, “but we did things the right way, asked nicely and look what we fucking get for our trouble. Disrespect.”

Watch your mouth boy,” growled Battler.

What are you going to do about it old man?” he said, strutting up to him, all lairy attitude and testosterone.

When Battler got to his feet he towered over Chris, who refused to back down. He put Rachel in mind of a silly little yapping dog. However she was more interested in Nick, who was giving his mother a hard look. It appeared all was not harmonious in the Jordan camp. He caught Rachel watching him and smoothed out his expression.

“Shut up Chris,” said Jan. Although she spoke quietly he obeyed instantly and returned to his position leaning against the wall, attempting to look menacing but in comparison to Battler and Bruiser he failed miserably. Nick ignored him completely, his eyes connecting with Rachel’s and she got the impression he was trying to tell her something, but she had no idea what that was.

I’m sorry about him Rachel, he’s young, enthusiastic and has a short fuse.”

That’s alright Jan. I’ve had plenty of experience with testosterone-overloaded males.”

I bet you have,” retorted Chris.

’s head snapped round in his direction. “Not one more word from you. Do you understand?”

He appeared to be embarrassed about being admonished like a child.
“Yes,” he mumbled sulkily.

Jan glared at him before settling back in her chair.
“Once again, I’m sorry.”

Think nothing of it. I don’t,” Rachel smiled sweetly. She felt like she was getting back into the stride of things, taking control. “Back to business. Alex asked me to relay that he can’t give you what you want. He respects you and your family but it’s just not possible. This city is sewn up tightly and he will allow nothing to upset the balance. Take my advice and move on, while you still can.”

Chris opened his mouth to retort but Jan raised her hand and he remained silent. Rachel was impressed by the level of control she had over her men.

“Are you threatening us Rachel?” she said, those cunning eyes boring into her.

No, Alex is. His patience is notoriously short and he’s almost at his limit. If you don’t leave the city then things will get nasty and you really don’t want to see the bad side of a man who enjoys sanding off people’s faces.”

Oh yes, your ex-boyfriend. I heard about that. The men of your family go out of their way to protect you and you’ve married Ryan Law, a long-time enemy of the Maguires and now all seems harmonious. How does it feel knowing your first husband murdered your second husband’s brothers?”

If Ryan can get over it then I can.”

Your family’s worst enemy, who killed members of the Maguire’s crew, is welcomed into the fold. Yet us, who have never done a bad thing to you, aren’t. How does that work?”

A fruitless war was being fought with losses on both sides. It was bad for business.”

So that’s the secret is it, start a war? I should have asked to meet with your husband instead, he could have given me much better advice.”

He’s out of the life too. We run our legitimate businesses and that’s it.”

Why do you persist in this lie? You must be deluded.”

It’s not a fucking lie.”

The two women stared at each other hard across the table, both unwilling to look away first. Rachel
’s temper was up. Jan was arrogant and over-confident. What right did she have to come here and start demanding things as though they were owed her?

Rachel got to her feet, careful to keep her gaze on Jan.
“You’ve got two days to leave the city. No amount of talking is going to alter that. We’re done here.”

And if we refuse to go Mrs Law?” Jan called after her. “What the fuck are you going to do about it?”

Rachel paused and turned with a sardonic smile.
“It‘s not me you have to worry about. You’re no match for Alex, he’ll tear the lot of you to pieces.”

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