A Family Divided (Dividing Line #3) (25 page)

BOOK: A Family Divided (Dividing Line #3)
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I do,” she whispered. “I keep thinking about your kiss, it felt so good.”

Unable to stop himself, he reached out to touch her face, exhaling shakily at how soft her skin was. He let his fingers wander down her throat to the gentle swell of her breasts.

“Alex,” she breathed, wetting her lips with the tip of her tongue. “I want no man to touch me, except you.”

His hand slid lower down her firm thighs and up inside her skirt, eliciting a moan from her.

“So wet,” he smiled.

Her hands gripped his shoulders as she opened her legs wider, pleading in her eyes. She pressed her own hand to the bulge in his crotch, making him growl and she smiled.

“What do you do to me?” he said, pressing his face into her hair.

I think about you all the time and when I do, I do this to myself,” she said, encouraging his hand to rub against her.

I would love to watch you do that.”

She let her lips brush his.
“Just tell me when.”

He withdrew his hand and stepped back.
“Not today, I’m busy.”

Katia groaned with frustration, her cheeks flushed with desire.
“You would leave me like this?”

Alex smiled darkly.
“I’ll enjoy thinking about you here wet and dreaming about me.”

With that he gave her a wink before strolling out the back door, whistling a happy tune. Katia sighed and leaned back against the wall, heart pounding and so turned on she thought she might faint. Why wouldn
’t he make love to her? She lived and breathed for Alex Maguire.


“So, what do you think?” Ryan asked Rachel as she stared at the figures assembled before her uncertainly.

They’re scaring the crap out of me.”

Excellent. That’s what they’re supposed to do.”

There were a dozen of them, clothes ragged and covered in filth, hair matted with blood, faces riddled with ugly sores and open wounds, eyes wide and staring yet full of cunning. The eyes were white, the pupils just tiny black dots in the centre, making them look dead. Some even had their lips missing, giving the lower half of their face a skeletal appearance. There was a huge bald man, a large ugly gash in his left cheek, mouth lolling open and emitting a feral groan, skin pale and pitted. His suit had once been smart, perhaps designer but now it was torn, the pristine white of the shirt spotted with blood and gore. He took three shuffling steps towards Rachel, hand reaching out, the groan turning into a snarl.

“Alright Mike, you’ve made your point,” smiled Ryan when Rachel took two steps back.

The zombie stopped and grinned.

“You’re very good Mike,” said Rachel. “You all are.” She looked to Ryan. “Are you sure about this? A zombie apocalypse? I’ve never heard the like.”

Trust me, it’ll go down a storm. They’re springing up all over the place; London, Reading, Cheshire and they’re doing really well. They’re popular with stag do’s or as birthday presents. People come in a group of zombie bashers either in the morning or afternoon session, each lasting three hours. The whole place has been rigged up with sound effects and props and there’s a real storyline, which I wrote myself.”

You did?”

He nodded proudly.
“The typical infection outbreak in the UK, only a handful of survivors left, the usual. They have access to the building, outbuildings and grounds and they get pistols and shotguns and basic weapons training too with police firearms specialists. Airsoft guns,” he hastily added when she appeared shocked. He turned to address the zombies. “Don’t worry guys, you’ll be safe. The worst they do is bruise.”

Rachel looked from him to the zombies - who all appeared to be very excited at the prospect - unable to believe what she was seeing.

“It’s a full immersion experience and this place is the perfect setting; a huge creepy derelict building with plenty of places to hide. So, what do you reckon?” he said.

I really don’t know, I’ve never come across anything like this before but it’s clear you know what you’re doing. Have you ever been on one of these experiences?”

Actually yeah, not long before we got together. I went on a friend’s stag do at the one in Cheshire. It was brilliant fun.”

Her lips twitched.
“How did you get on?”

I kicked ass,” he smiled. “The groom-to-be got taken down though. He was in tears when all the zombies surrounded him.”

And what happens when the zombies catch someone?”

We promise we won’t eat them,” said Mike with a cheeky smile.

I’m relieved to hear it.”

Their team members are given the opportunity to rescue them. No harm will come to anyone.”

And what if someone has a heart attack during the game?”

A disclaimer has to be signed and any underlying medical conditions discussed first. No one under sixteen or over sixty five. If it works out I’m thinking of doing a riot experience too. You can be the rioter or the copper.”

Who’s doing the make-up? It’s very good.”

A couple of guys who’ve worked in the special effects department of a film company and the police specialists are all retired and kosher. It’s a professional job.”

I don’t doubt it. And I take it all you guys are actors?”

The zombies nodded as one.
“I’ve been an extra in all the soaps,” said Mike.

I was on The Bill a few times, till the swines cancelled it,” said a woman with an ugly gash in her neck. “I was an assault victim twice and a reporter.”

Well, I can’t argue with those credentials,” said Rachel. “I think you’ve got everything under control,” she told Ryan. “Any bookings yet?”

We’re already booked solid for the next eight months and that’s just the beginning.”

I’m very impressed.”

The first experience starts in half an hour. Want to hang around? There aren’t any viewing areas but you can watch them set off. They should have finished weapons training soon.”

Why not? It’s not something you see every day.”

Rachel was highly entertained by the group of twelve men who all thought they were Bruce Willis because they carried pretend guns full of plastic pellets. Rachel thought they wouldn
’t be so full of bravado when they set eyes on the horror that awaited them.

Are you sure we’re not about to mentally scar someone for life?” she said as the zombie bashers raced off into the yawning mouth of the hotel, a loud robotic voice counting down from ten, like a twisted hide and seek. When the voice announced zero the room was filled with a flashing red light, the wail of the siren deafening. There were a few seconds of silence, followed by a loud groan then a high pitched scream.

Good zombies,” grinned Ryan.

You’re really enjoying this, aren’t you?”

Damn right I am. I might even have a go myself. Fancy it?”

No thank you. I don’t want to have nightmares for the rest of my life. I don’t even like watching zombie films.”

It’s just harmless fun.”

It’s gross and isn’t this breaking the planning ruling?”

Nope. All the effects are movable and run off a generator, nothing permanent that can damage the building.”

It’s Mikey’s birthday soon. Do you think he’d like to have a go as a present?”

Great idea. Me and Jez can join in too. Maybe Declan if he doesn’t irritate me too much.”

You look like a kid at Christmas,” she grinned. “What about Alex?”

I don’t like him.”

You’re not going to let him play?”

His smile fell.

He’s helped us out a lot.”

I don’t trust him. He’s not the Alex Maguire we used to know.”

She nodded in agreement.
“He’s always had a dark side but sometimes when he looks at me…I don’t know, it’s like he knows something I don’t. I can’t explain it. Last night I dreamed we had this horrible row in the office at the Wherry Tavern.”

What about?”

I don’t know but whatever it was it made me panic. I woke up sweating and shaking. In the dream I had my taser pointed at him, I was afraid he was going to attack me. It was horrible. What is it?” she added when he frowned.

Are you sure it was a dream?”

Of course it was. What else could it have been?”

I read somewhere that memories can return to us in the form of dreams. What if you remembered what happened the day of the accident?”

No way. Why would me and Alex argue like that?”

I don’t know but what if it did happen?”

It didn’t, surely? It was a really vicious argument. In my dream he would have hurt me if I hadn’t had my taser on me. There’s no way Alex would attack me, especially when I was pregnant.”

You were pregnant in the dream?”

She nodded sadly.
“Wishful thinking I suppose.“

He appeared thoughtful.
“What if you argued and he caused the accident in retaliation?” he said, suddenly looking thunderously angry. “It would explain why I couldn’t find the person responsible.”

No Ryan, you’ve got it wrong. Alex would not do that to us.”

He’s not been himself lately, everyone’s noticed how he’s changing. The Jordans were in Liverpool, it couldn’t have been them and it wasn’t any of the usual little joy-riding bastards. Who else is there?”

Maybe it was just an accident? A working man who accidentally hit the accelerator, panicked and drove off. It happens all the time. I’m sure that’s what happened, don’t read more into it than there is. No matter what Alex has been like lately, he wouldn’t do that.”

Ryan noted her face was tight with pain, hating his train of thought. He simply couldn
’t inflict more hurt on her by accusing Alex outright, she was still fragile after losing Thomas, they both were. “Okay, I’m sorry,” he said, hugging her.

Let it go Ryan, it wasn’t Alex.”

I believe you,” was all he said. But he was determined to look into it further.



Ryan had to wait two days before he found the time to look into the accuracy of Rachel
’s dream, mulling it over, becoming more and more convinced it was a memory. There were too many specifics; the pub, the taser, some big secret Alex knew that Rachel couldn’t remember. It would explain Alex’s recent behaviour if he knew something about them that he didn’t like, but whatever that was he couldn’t think. If it was to do with them both then it had to be personal, but he and Rachel had only got together long after Danny’s death. The memory of that steamy encounter in Martina’s Bar returned to him, when Rachel had briefly split up with Danny and he’d gone to make sure she was okay. But they’d been alone, all the staff had gone home, or had they? The problem was Ryan could think of no way of confirming that theory apart from asking Alex directly. He could hardly ask every member of staff if they’d seen him giving Rachel an orgasm while she was still married to Danny. So he did the only thing he could think of.

Hello Ryan,” said Beth when she opened the door. “I’m afraid Alex isn’t here.”

Ryan didn
’t think he would be, he never was. “Actually it’s you I’ve come to see.”

You’d better come in then.”

Ryan followed her inside and he was pleased to see the house looking much tidier. Beth appeared bright and alert, although unhappiness radiated off her.

“I hope you’re happy with Henrieta?” he began.

Oh yes,” she smiled. “She’s very nice, the kids love her and she keeps the place spick and span. I couldn’t manage without her.”

I’m glad to hear it. Actually I want to ask you about the first day she came to work for you. You said Rachel came here to see you?”

Yeah,” she said, her eyes flicking to the floor.

Instantly he picked up on the fact that she was hiding something.
“It’s driving Rachel crazy that she can’t remember what happened that day. She knows something big happened, apart from the accident, and I think it would really help her recovery if she knew what that was. She knows she’s forgotten something important, something that upset her deeply and she has to know what.”

I don’t know what that could be,” she mumbled, keeping her gaze fixed on the immaculate cream carpet.

“I think you do Beth. Please tell me, for Rachel. She’s suffered enough.”

Alright,” she sighed, shame filling her eyes. “For Rachel.”

Ryan leaned forwards in his seat, holding his breath.

“The truth is that when she came to see me, I was in the middle of a breakdown.”

This wasn
’t what he’d expected. “Excuse me?”

I didn’t say anything because I was so embarrassed. Alex hasn’t been very supportive lately and Holly sleeps so badly, she’s teething. I was exhausted and she wouldn’t stop crying. I lost it and Rachel walked in to find me on the floor crying, unable to go to my daughter. I was a mess. She was the one who brought Henrieta in to help me…”

Because Alex wouldn’t?”

Yes. This is going to sound really bad but I was glad she couldn’t remember the state I was in because I didn’t want anyone to know what a failure I am as a wife and mother.”

Everything was laid out before Ryan. Rachel would have been furious at the state her friend was in and would have driven straight to the Wherry Tavern to have it out with Alex and they argued.

“You’re not the failure Beth, Alex is. Take my advice and leave him while you still can because he’s only going to get worse.”

With that he got to his feet and strode out of the house, jaw set determinedly. As he drove he thought about what he
’d learnt. He still couldn’t be sure Rachel’s dream was real. Alex wouldn’t have liked it if Rachel had a go at him about how he treated Beth, he would have shouted back, told her that he knew she and Ryan had been intimate while she was still married to Danny. He would think that was why she wanted Danny to keep him alive instead of having him topped in prison, that the pair of them had been shagging behind Danny’s back all that time, that the Maguires would own the heroin and prostitution - just like Alex wanted - if it wasn’t for her. Alex Maguire blamed Rachel and himself for cuckolding his brother and losing his family a very lucrative business, even though they were innocent. That explained everything, his whole attitude towards them, his relationship with Strang and the reason they’d had planning permission for the hotel denied. Alex rowed with Rachel when she denied it, tried to attack her even though she was pregnant and she pointed her taser at him in self defence.

Bastard,” he snarled, punching the steering wheel.

The question was, had Alex been angry enough to ram a van into the side of her?

He drove to the Wherry Tavern but Alex wasn’t there, so he questioned the barman instead.

Were you on duty on the thirteenth of last month?”

The man stared back at him blankly.

“Hello, did you hear me?”

Sorry, I’m just trying to think,” frowned the man. “What day was it?”

A Thursday.”

I must have been, I always work Thursdays and I haven’t had a day off in ages,” he said self-pityingly.

Can you remember if Alex was here?”

I can’t even remember if I was,” he said, throwing his hands in the air. “Let me look at the calendar, it might jog my memory.”

Ryan tapped his foot impatiently while he studied the calendar pinned to the door leading into the cellar.

“Yeah, I remember that day.”

You do?”

He nodded, tapping the appropriate square on the calendar.
“I was changing some of the optics and I accidentally dropped a bottle of gin. Alex came out of his office and went ballistic at me, threatened to rip my head off. It was really embarrassing because we had a couple of customers in at the time. He went well over the top, he’s been really bad tempered lately.”

You’re certain it was that day?”

Oh yeah, I remember thinking it was a bad day because it was the thirteenth.”

Did he have any visitors?”

He thought hard.
“Err, I think Mikey popped in earlier in the day, oh and your wife. I saw her go in but I never saw her come out. I was busy sorting out the bar, giving it a good clean.”

’s hands curled into fists as he desperately tried to appear nonchalant. He didn’t want the barman spreading it about that Alex was having an affair with his wife, because that’s what he’d think if Ryan betrayed any reaction. “Anyone after Rachel?”

No, I don’t think so. When I dropped the bottle he came out to give me a bollocking, told me the money was coming out of my wages then left.”

Ryan tried to look disappointed, as though he hadn
’t heard what he wanted. “Oh well, never mind.” He slid a wad of notes across the bar. “Thanks. You’ll keep this to yourself?”

The barman knew it wasn
’t a question. “I’ve already forgotten, my memory’s really bad,” he replied, slipping the money into his pocket.

It had better be,” he added before leaving.

Ryan drove around for a bit, trying to get his chaotic thoughts into order, which were full of fantasies about inflicting horrific violence on Alex Maguire. Worst of all he and Rachel were going to Martina
’s for a big family dinner that afternoon, one of her famous roasts in honour of Frank’s birthday. He didn’t know how he would sit across from Alex and eat with him, make light-hearted banter when it was possible he’d killed his son and put his wife in a coma. Even if he was innocent of that he had still threatened Rachel when she was pregnant and that alone was enough to make Ryan want to kill him.

He wanted to talk over what he
’d found out with Rachel but he couldn’t, she was meeting him at Martina’s and he had to pick the kids up from school. This was the last thing he needed, he wasn’t sure he could be around Alex and control himself and he considered cancelling, but that might alert him to the fact that something was wrong. Right now Alex thought he had the advantage because Rachel couldn’t remember and Ryan didn’t want to give away his hand. Like any good poker player, he’d have to bluff his way through it.

After collecting the boys from nursery, Ryan drove to the school to pick up Leah. As usual she was full of news and he tried to concentrate on what she was saying and smile when required but it was difficult.

“Are you okay Daddy?”

Just fine Cupcake,” he smiled as he drove. “Let’s go to Grandma’s for tea shall we?”

Leah cheered, encouraging Aaron and Ethan to do the same.

“Is Mummy going to be there?” said Leah.

Yes, she’s at work at the moment. She’s going to meet us there.”

’s apprehension grew the closer he got to Martina’s. Alex would already be there and he prayed he managed to face him without attacking him. It was important he kept what he thought he knew to himself until he could confirm it, which he would, one way or the other.

He pulled up outside Martina
’s house, switched off the engine then stared at the steering wheel, ensuring he had himself under control before getting out.

Daddy, are we going in?” said a puzzled Leah when he continued to sit there.

Yep. Come on Cupcake.”

She helped him get the boys out of their seats and the three children ran up to the front door, which was opened by Martina.

“Hello kids,” she grinned, enveloping all three in a big hug. “Hello Ryan.”

Hello,” he replied politely, reluctantly walking up the garden path. “Is Rachel here?”

Not yet.”

He sighed inwardly and hoped she hurried up. Ryan stepped inside to the sound of Alex
’s voice. Every muscle in his body went rigid, rage gripping him.

Are you alright Ryan? You’ve gone very pale,” said Martina.

He smoothed his face out into an affable smile.
“Fine, just a little tired.”

Get yourself inside and sit down, I’ll fetch you a drink.”

Ryan closed the door and entered the sitting room to find Alex, Declan, Jez and Mikey talking while Cathy and Beth sat together chatting, Beth rocking Holly in her arms. She looked up when he entered and he saw she was embarrassed about their earlier conversation, but that was the least of his worries.

“Alright Ryan?” said a chirpy Mikey.

Hello, how’s Amber?”

His face lit up.
“She’s great.”

I’m glad to hear it.” He nodded to the others. “Jez, Declan.” Finally he allowed his gaze to settle on Alex and he nodded.

Alex gave him a hard look and returned the nod, a smile playing on his lips, as though he knew something. Ryan wasn
’t sure if it was his imagination or not but he looked like a man who thought he’d got one over him. Ryan’s jaw set. No one got one over Ryan Law.

He pulled out his phone and called Rachel.

“Hi Babe,” she said when she answered.

Hello. The children and I are at Martina’s. How long will you be?”

Not long, I’m just finishing up some paperwork.”

Hurry won’t you?”

Is something wrong?”

He moved into a quiet corner.
“I’ve got something to tell you.”


Not now, later.”

Intriguing. I’ll be done here in ten minutes then I’ll set off. Missing me are you?”

He heard the smile in her voice and despite everything, smiled himself.
“I always do when we’re apart.”

So romantic. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”


There was a hesitation on the other end.
“Are you okay?”

I will be when I see you.”

I’ll be as quick as I can.”

He hung up and cast a glance around the room, noting Alex staring at him. An orange juice was thrust before him.
“Get that down your neck Love.”

Thank you Martina. Rachel will be here soon.”

Good because dinner’s nearly ready.”

He wandered across the room to join the men.

“Alright Bruv?” said Jez.

Not so bad thank you,” he said, taking a seat beside him.

Is Rachel on her way?” said Alex.

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