A Family Divided (Dividing Line #3) (27 page)

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I’m doing this for them, to get them full control of the north.”

You’ll bring Frankie McVay down on us.”

That ginger wanker needs putting in his place. Who does he think he is, throwing his weight about down on our patch. He was the one who supported the Slatterys against us, the people who killed your dad and brother.”

Nick bit his tongue. He
’d never been convinced they’d been responsible for murdering his family. His dad was shrewd and walked out to meet someone he trusted with just his eldest son for back-up. He would never have trusted the Slatterys. “You still sure it was them who killed him?”

’s face was flinty, lips disappearing into a grim line. “What makes you think it’s not?”

My gut and its never let me down yet.”

He was distracted by a shout from Rachel.
“Get the fuck off me.”

Nick turned to see Chris and his other cousin Kurt unbuttoning her blouse.

“Hey, stop that you little bastards,” he yelled.

Nick shoved Chris aside and punched Kurt in the face. When he dropped to the floor he kicked him twice in the ribs for good measure, making him squeal.

“Leave her alone. We do not do this to women, this is not who the Jordans are.”

Robbie, his remaining brother, was standing to one side looking distinctly uncomfortable with the situation and Nick prayed he had an ally in this madness. Since his dad and brother had died his family had turned into a pack of rabid dogs, Jan bringing out the worst in them. They
’d lost the organisation and code his dad had made them live by. Now they did what the hell they wanted and Nick was sick of it. It was going to get them all killed. He was determined they weren’t going to drag him or Robbie down with them. He pulled the knife from Chris’s pocket and cut Rachel’s bonds.

Thank you,” she replied warily, for a moment fearing he was going to do more with the knife but he just slipped it into his pocket. Slowly she sat up, her chest and throat aching and fastened up the buttons of her blouse with shaking hands.

Wait, can I see that?” she said, nodding at the knife.

Why?” he said suspiciously.

Recognise it do you Rachel?” smiled Chris.

Frowning, Nick pulled the knife out of his pocket and held it up for her to see, careful to keep it well out of her reach.

“It was you,” she said to Nick.

What was?” he replied, puzzled.

The Slasher at Martina’s Bar.”

I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Not him, me,” said Chris, looking very pleased with himself.

You pretended to be the attacker, you caused chaos in my club. Why?”

To get the measure of you and because it was fun,” smirked Chris. “You thought I was The Slasher, didn’t you?”

No, because The Slasher used a Stanley knife, nothing like that and he attacked on a Saturday not a Friday, dickhead.”

That big gob of yours is going to get you into trouble,” he snarled.

Don’t even think about it,” said Nick, pressing a hand into his chest and pushing him back when he advanced on Rachel. “Mum, did you know about this?”

I ordered it. We followed you about for a while Rachel and you didn’t even know we were there.”

Why?” she exclaimed.

I wanted to know more about your life.”

Did you go anywhere near my kids?” she said. Nick was startled and a little fascinated by how black her eyes had gone.

That girl of yours is a very good dancer, we saw her in class, didn’t we Chris? And those two boys, well they‘re just like their dad.” Jan pulled some photos out of her jacket pocket and threw them onto the table beside Rachel, pictures of her kids with Adela at the park, the shops, eating in a café. “We know their routine, where they are each and every day. It would have been so easy for us to take them too.”

Rachel threw herself at Jan but the men were quick to pin her back down to the table, Jan
’s chuckle infuriating her even more. She struggled against them, screaming with rage.

Rachel calm down, getting angry isn’t going to help you,” Nick told her, fighting to hold her down, surprised by her strength.

Realising he was right Rachel nodded, making a mental note to kill the evil bitch the first opportunity she got. No one threatened her kids.

“You lot go upstairs, take a break,” Nick told the other men in a hard voice.

All except Chris. He stays,” said Jan before blowing out a stream of smoke.

Nick looked at her incredulously. He was supposed to be her second-in-command and she
’d been countermanding him a lot recently, especially where Chris was concerned. He suspected the dirty cow was shagging her own nephew.

Sorry about them,” Nick told Rachel quietly as the others filed upstairs. “We’re not all like that.”

She recalled the looks she
’d seen Nick give his mother during their earlier meeting and nodded. “I‘m starting to realise that.” Perhaps she did have a friend in here after all? Glancing at Chris, who was leaning back against the wall and regarding her with a distinct leer, she thought she was going to need him.

I need a piss,” Nick told Chris. “You don’t touch her, do you understand?”

Yeah, whatever.”

Rachel watched her saviour walk away, her heart sinking.

Chris drew a gun from his inside jacket pocket. “Just in case you get any ideas about trying to escape.” From his other jacket pocket he produced her taser. “This hurt like a bastard when you used it on me in the woods.” He frowned at the end and pressed the button, a crackling sound filling the air. “Good choice of weapon, debilitating but no long term damage, so it doesn’t carry the risk of a long prison sentence.” With that he jammed it against her shoulder and pressed the button. With a cry of pain, Rachel slid off the table and twitched and jerked on the floor.

Revenge is so sweet,” said Chris with an evil smile.

Leave her be,” called Jan. “We don’t want her damaging too much yet. If we end up stuck with her, you can do what you like then.”

Great,” grinned Chris, walking towards Jan and moving out of Rachel’s line of sight.

Rachel willed her body to work properly but her muscles refused to obey. From behind her she heard a strange sloppy sound and she managed to crane her neck, so she could see behind her, only just managing to stifle a groan of disgust. Jan and Chris, aunt and nephew, were locked in an embrace, passionately kissing with tongues and everything. Now she understood why Nick was so pissed off. Chris was using sex to climb the family ladder and Jan was clearly enjoying it, the twisted incestuous cow. They both saw her watching and smiled.

“Hurt her again,” Jan told him, “but not too much.”

’s body was only just starting to come to life, so when Chris kicked her in the stomach she was unable to protect herself. She curled up into a ball, wrapping her arms around her belly.

Again,” breathed Jan.

Chris hauled Rachel to her feet and punched her in the face, knocking her across the table.

“Come here you,” purred Jan.

Chris scooped up his aunt and pushed her against the wall aggressively, kissing her hard. Rachel thought she might be sick and prayed they didn
’t start having sex in front of her. Surely they wouldn’t dare with the rest of the family upstairs? Maybe they already knew and blessed the union? Jan was certainly behaving like the merry widow. Three months after Danny died, Rachel had still found it difficult to get out of bed in the morning.

How had she ended up in this mess? Was this penance for all her sins?


’s thoughts were very similar to Rachel’s. He paced back and forth in the garden smoking a cigarette, wondering how the hell he was going to get himself and Robbie out of this disaster. The rest of the boys were visible through the kitchen window drinking and laughing about what they’d just done to Rachel Law and what they were going to do. They weren’t going to release her even if Alex Maguire did turn up, which he seriously doubted would happen. They’d just have two people to torture to death instead. His mum was obsessed with Rachel, in truth she wanted to be like her, accepted and admired in a man’s world. Jan had tried so hard to become more than a wife, to be an equal partner with his dad, just like Rachel had with Danny and again with Ryan but he wouldn’t have any of it. She didn’t have Rachel’s business acumen for a start, which she was proving. When his dad hadn’t let her have the power she craved she’d killed him and her eldest son, with Chris’s help. Nick knew he was next on their list, probably followed shortly after that by Robbie. There was nothing for it. He was going to have to pick a side.

He walked into a shadowy spot in the garden and slid his phone out of his trouser pocket. With everyone in the house there was no one to overhear him. They were in an isolated spot on Saddleworth Moor, a forty minute drive from Manchester, the nearest house over a mile away. On his phone he had the number for The Wherry Tavern, he
’d had the feeling he’d need it one day.

Hello, I’m trying to get hold of either Alex or Mikey Maguire. It’s urgent. It’s about Rachel Law.”

His number was taken and a voice assured him someone would call him back immediately. He paced back and forth for a few minutes, smoking until it rang.

“Alex, thanks for calling. I’ve got some information for you.”



Alex hung up triumphantly.
“You won’t fucking believe who I’ve just spoken to.”

Who?” said Ryan, finding it very difficult to even look at him without wanting to tear him apart.

Nick Jordan. He’s just given us their location.”

You mean, you know where they’re keeping Rachel?” said Mikey eagerly.

I do.”

Well, what are we waiting for?” said Ryan, already heading for the door.

Wait a minute Ryan,” interjected Jez. “Why would he do that?”

Apparently he doesn’t agree with the way his mum’s gone about things. He said she’s leading the lot of them into inevitable destruction and he wants an out for him and his little brother. He also thinks she killed his dad and older brother.”

Why?” said Mikey.

Because she’s fucking mental.”

Where are they?” demanded Ryan.

At a farm on Saddleworth Moor. Apparently it’s got top notch security; cameras and motion sensors all around the perimeter so they’ll see any attack coming and they’re armed with handguns. But I think I know how we can get in.”


Jan glanced at her watch over Chris’s shoulder. The pair of them were still hard at it against the wall, although Rachel was thankful they hadn’t gone past heavy petting.

Get off me Chris, it’s almost time to make another phone call.”

Just a few more minutes, I can’t leave you alone,” he breathed into her hair.

Rachel sniggered.

Chris released Jan and turned on her. “Something fucking funny?”

You’ve really got her under your spell, haven’t you?” said Rachel derisively. “Let me guess, she was trapped in an unhappy marriage for years and when her husband got his head shot off you were straight in the marital bed before his side was cold, romancing your way up the ladder, no doubt trying to topple her two remaining sons. One day he’ll kill you too Jan, when you become an inconvenience, just like he killed your husband and son, but you already know that because you were in on it with him.”

Shut your mouth you stupid slag,” snarled Chris. “The Slatterys killed them.”

Bollocks. If I’ve worked out the truth don’t you think your own family will too? What will they do then? And by the way, do they know you’re shagging each other, you dirty inbred bastards?”

I’m going to fucking kill you,” he snarled, drawing the gun and pointing it at her head.

Nice try little boy but it’s not the first time I’ve had a gun pointed at me by much bigger and scarier men than you. I know you’re going to kill me, Alex isn’t going to come so I’m bloody well going to have my say first,” she yelled. She felt her old self returning, Rachel Maguire, the woman she’d never wanted to become again. For a brief moment she was insanely angry with Alex for doing that to her, but at least she wasn’t afraid anymore.

Chris drew back his fist to punch her but Jan said,
“let her speak.”

He gave his aunt/lover an incredulous look but lowered his fist.

“This isn’t going to work,” continued Rachel in a reasonable tone. “Even if you do kill Alex, there are still plenty of people left to take control.”

Who, Mikey? A silly little boy,” snorted Jan. “He’d be the only one left.”

You don’t give him enough credit.”

Jez Law isn’t strong enough to take everything on. With Alex gone there’ll be no strong leaders left and Manchester will be free and clear. I know you have your followers but they’ll soon toe the line when they realise we have Liverpool and Newcastle behind us.”

Do you? They wouldn’t stand for this.”

You don’t need to worry about that.”

This told Rachel that they didn
’t know. Jan and her family were operating rogue. At least she had the satisfaction of knowing that the Jordans would suffer for this, because she had no doubt she was going to die. Alex wouldn’t come, it was vital he keep safe to stop the Jordans seizing control. She wondered if Danny, Thomas and Frank would be waiting for her on the other side? The thought was comforting. Then she thought of Ryan and her other three kids and her heart almost broke.

Anyway, it’s your husband I’m banking on,” Jan told Rachel. “When he sees what I’m doing to you he’ll bring Alex Maguire to me. I do believe Ryan Law is the only man capable of overpowering him.”

He won’t do that.”

Oh yes he will. I think in his head you take precedence over Alex, it’s well known what a close couple you are. I even have his phone number here,” she said, holding up Rachel’s phone. “Boys, get down here,” she shouted up the stairs.

What are you going to do?” demanded Rachel, trying not to show her panic.

All six men came charging back down the stairs and Rachel was relieved to see Nick among their number.

“Strap her back down to the table,” she told them.

No,” said Rachel, attempting to fight but there were too many of them and she was easily pinned back down.

Now let’s call her husband,” smiled Jan.


“Hello?” said Ryan.

This is Jan Jordan. Pretend it’s someone else on the line or your wife dies.”

He put his hand over the mouthpiece.
“It’s just a bit of business, back in a sec.”

Don’t be long, we’re almost ready to move,” said Alex.

Ryan stalked into the garden.
“Alright, I’m alone. What do you want?”

I’m sending you some footage. If you don’t want me to carry out this threat then you will bring Alex Maguire to me. That’s all I want, I have no real wish to hurt Rachel. Get me Alex and you and she can walk off into the sunset together. You’ve got one hour then I throw her to them.”

The call was ended and he opened up the film footage Jan had sent him. It showed Rachel strapped to a table surrounded by a bunch of leering Jordan males, touching her, sliding their greasy hands over her thighs and breasts. Thank God she was still fully clothed. She was screaming and shouting at them to get off, trying to bite them when their hands got too near her mouth. He couldn
’t help but be proud, far from being broken she was furious.

Oh Jesus,” groaned Ryan, clutching at his head. It was quite clear what they were going to do to her if he didn’t deliver Alex. He noticed two men weren’t joining in, they were standing at the back of the room looking disgusted. Nick and Robbie Jordan, the brothers. Maybe Nick hadn’t set them a trap after all?

Shaking slightly, Ryan slid his phone back into his pocket and returned to the house, his mind working overtime. Should he serve Alex up or trust in him?

The man himself looked up when he entered. “Sorted?”

Yeah,” he replied. What the fuck did he do now?


“Alright boys, back off,” Jan told them when the call was over. “That’s stuck a rocket up his arse. We’ll soon have all three of them here.”

You want Ryan too?” said Rachel incredulously.

Of course. Do you think I’m stupid? I’m going to kill you and he will be hell bent on revenge. Not only that, he’s more than capable of taking control of the Maguire’s empire. Ryan Law is not someone I want to fight so I’ll take him out too.”

That’s why you took me, to bring him here?”

Only just worked that one out? I thought you were intelligent Rachel.”

She started to scream and shout again, frantically straining against her bonds in an attempt to free herself, the urge to throttle this malicious, evil bitch overwhelming.

“We’re nothing to do with the businesses anymore you stupid cow,” she screamed. “Why couldn’t you just leave us out of it?”

If you were that out of the business then why did you agree to meet me?”

To stop another war.”

Crap. You were protecting what was yours.”

Rachel sighed heavily. Ryan had been right, she should never have had the meeting. If she
’d listened to him she might not be here now.

I’ll get all three of you out of the way all at once. Then our path will be clear.”

’s eyes glittered with malice. “I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. After all, you did kill your own son and husband.”

Nick stepped forward.
“What did you say?”

I’m sure you’ve worked it out for yourself. She had them killed so she could take control. Better watch yourself, you’re probably next on her list, after me, my husband and brother-in-law.”

She’s lying,” said Jan casually, waving her cigarette in the air. “She’s just trying to turn us against each other, she’s good at that. The Maguires were tight until she came along, then Frank and Terry turned on each other.”

At least the Maguires don’t indulge in a bit of incest. Did you all know she and Chris are shagging each other?”

Robbie looked appalled.
“No way.”

I saw them. When you lot went upstairs they couldn’t wait to leap on each other. Why do you think she wanted him to stay down here? So they could get a bit of privacy. Made me sick it did.”

Jan just smiled.
“Nice try Rachel, I have to give you your due. I asked Chris to stay down here to keep an eye on you, your reputation is considerable.”

More than yours, eh Jan? I’m known and respected all over the country but you were just the little wife, desperate to be noticed. I had as much power as Danny and you wanted the same, but you’re just not up to the job. You’re leading your family straight into oblivion. I’d never make such a mistake.” She noticed the boys were looking at each other -  and Jan - uncertainly.

Oh yeah, and what would you do in my shoes Little Miss Genius?” she sneered, blowing smoke in her face.

I’d have stayed in Essex and taken out the Slatterys.”

That wasn’t possible.”

Why not? Outclassed were you? Of course, I forgot. You let them run you out. If you couldn’t take on the Slatterys, what makes you think you can take on the Maguires?”

The Slatterys are cold and cruel and don’t believe in anything. You lot are bogged down by sentiment and feelings. If I’d taken Tina Slattery and threatened to have her tortured and raped, her husband would have said be my guest. They don’t give a shit about each other but you as a family are close, you think it’s what makes you strong when in fact it’s your greatest weakness. Ryan will bring Alex to me then I’ll finish you all off and Manchester will be ours.”

Yeah,” grinned Chris and this encouraged the others to nod in agreement, like a pack of dumb animals. All except Nick, who was staring hard at his mother. Robbie seemed to prefer to believe Rachel was making it all up.

Are you going to let me up off this thing now?” said Rachel. “I’m getting a sore back. It’s not exactly comfortable.”

That all depends on what Alex Maguire tells me when I call him,” she said, producing her phone again.


It was actually Ryan’s phone that rang.

Put me on speakerphone,” said Jan’s hard voice.

He placed it on the table and they all gathered round it.

“Well Alex, it’s decision time.”

Alex bit his lip and looked at Ryan, who stared back at him hard.

“I’m coming in.”

’s eyes filled with tears and she clamped a hand to her mouth, frantically shaking her head.

That’s a good boy,” said Jan smoothly. “Thanks to you Rachel will remain in one piece. But if you renege I start chopping her up.”

I get it. Where do I go?”

To their relief she rhymed off the same address Nick had given them.

“You’ve got till nine o’clock.”

The call ended and they all stared at the phone as the dial tone sounded. Ryan picked it up and slipped it inside his jacket pocket.

“You can’t go Alex, they’ll kill you,” sobbed Martina, throwing her arms around his neck.

Calm down Mum, I’m not really going.”

Ryan scowled at him. Feeling his phone vibrate in his pocket he pulled it out. A text message said,
don’t let your wife down
. He deleted it then replaced the phone in his pocket. His heart was hammering and the blood thundered in his head but outwardly he appeared completely calm. Jez watched his brother with a worried look. He knew he was planning something dangerous but he didn’t know what and that made him edgy.

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