Read A Fey Harvest Online

Authors: Amy Sumida

Tags:, #Fluffer Nutter

A Fey Harvest (28 page)

BOOK: A Fey Harvest
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Did you really have to tell them all what we did?” I whispered over to him as the fey stared at us with wide eyes.

It's not a secret that we have sex, A Thaisce,” he laughed at me.

No but the location was,” I rolled my eyes.

What we did had ramifications for our fey,” he waved a
hand out to the fascinated faeries. “They deserve to know why.”

Fine,” I groaned.

It grows on the trunks of trees?” Caitir seemed to be more interested in the flower than our sexual habits. I wanted to hug her for that.

Yes, in the human world orchids can root anywhere,” I went with the change of subject. “They're very strong flowers despite the look of them. They can survive with very little water and can send their roots into both rocky soil and into bark.”

A strong flower,” Caitir grinned. “A human flower that can live in Faerie, in the Kingdom of Fire, no less. I think your magic chose well.”

And I think it knew who I wanted to receive it,” I stood and gave the flower back to Caitir. “I think this was meant to be yours. I'm not at all surprised that my magic manifested first to you.”

My Queen,” she bowed her head and took the flower back reverently. “Thank you.”

Yes but the question remains,” Arach was staring at me pensively. “What other changes has it wrought?”

I don't know,” I shrugged.

Don't you?

“Oh, there you are,” I laughed. “I was wondering when you were going to talk to me again.”

Is it Faerie?” Arach focused intently on me, as did everyone else in the room.

Yep, she says hi,” I grinned.

I did not say hi, but whatever.

“Did you just
me?” I grimaced.

You know it,
I felt her laughter.
I needed time to recuperate after killing the Darkness.

Yeah, about that,” I smiled. “Thanks. I'm glad to not be dead.”

I'm also glad you live.

“Vervain...” Arach gave me an impatient look.

Oh, right,” I trudged back up to my throne and sat down. “So what about these changes now?”

You made them, not I. Do you not know your own magic?

“No, okay?” I huffed, here we go again. “It's new, I just got it, remember?”

Yes, but when you receive a new magic, it reveals itself to you. What are its attributes?

“It's growth, seasonal shifts,” I tried to think of what it had showed me. “I can create or destroy, make things grow or freeze. It's both cold and hot, a magic of extremes I guess.”

Oh just get on with it. Hot and cold, create and destroy, blah, blah, blah. What does it
, Vervain?

You know, you're really getting sassy,” I growled.

Yeah, yeah. What have you done with it so far?

“You mean besides the whole becoming complete thing and the merging with you briefly?” I sighed when she stayed silent. “I helped Samantha conceive, and I... holy shit! That's what you mean, isn't it? Did I just give the Kingdom of Fire a shot of fertility?”

Well that took you long enough to figure out,
she was
not impressed with me.

Arach,” I gaped at him and he gaped back before bursting into laughter. “Really? You're laughing?”

You've just saved the fire fey from extinction,” he shook his head and laughed some more. “You're damn right I'm laughing. Isleen!”

Yes, my King?” She stepped forward, looking a little shell-shocked herself.

Tell the cooks to prepare a feast. We're celebrating again.” He looked out over the crowd. “And you're all welcome to stay.”

Celebrating?” It hadn't really sunk in for Isleen yet.

The fire fey are fertile again!” Arach stood up and extended his arms. “Your Queen has brought back your fertility! There will be more children of Fire!”

The room shouted, finally realizing what had happened. Caitir was staring at me open-mouthed and I smiled at her, hoping she was as excited as the rest of them. Then she lifted the orchid into the air and shouted.

“To the Queen of Fire and Fertility!” Caitir's voice lifted above the others and the fire orchid, as I was already calling it in my head, seemed to be the only spot of color in the room for a moment. “May blood flow and fire burn for her!”

May blood flow and fire burn!” The room cheered.

I knew you'd be good for us.

“Yes, yes,” I smiled and nodded at the shouting faeries. “Go ahead and take the credit.”

Well, I deserve it.

“Maybe you do, at that,” I looked around the room at the people who were now mine and felt a wave of gratitude for being there, for being a part of them, and for having the ability to give them what they so badly needed.

May blood flow and fire burn for you, Queen Vervain. But before you get too carried away with the excitement, how would you like to shock them all again?

“What exactly do you mean?” The sound of cheering seemed to fade back as her voice became more prominent.

Care to host me once more? Just for a little while. It'll be worth it, I promise.

“I guess...” I had just barely got the words out, just barely lit my heart-star for her to follow in, when she took over. My body shimmered, filling with that unmistakable joy that was Faerie. I stood and the shouting died down. “Hello, my darlings,” I purred. “Congratulations.”

The fey stared at me with fascinated delight. They pressed forward a little, drawn to me but not yet understanding why.

“Faerie?” Arach was staring at me with shocked eyes.

Yes, me again,” I giggled. “I won't be but a minute. I just need to see Roarke.”

Roarke?” Arach blinked and then looked out to the crowd.

I'm here, my lady,” Roarke hadn't needed further prompting, he knew to come when Faerie called. He reached the edge of the dais and knelt.

He calls me his lady,” I whispered over to Arach. “Isn't that sweet? Now that's romance, not some fire pool.”

It was the lava lake,” Arach's indignation brought him right out of his shock, “and it was very romantic.”

Whatever,” I shrugged and went down the steps to where Roarke was waiting. “Hey, you.”

My lady,” Roarke repeated with a grin. “What do you require of me?”

Just a quick question,” I grinned back. “You have aligned yourself with Fire now. How would you like to truly be a part of it, to truly be a fire cat-sidhe?”

I... how?” He blinked his beautiful green eyes.

Don't worry about how,” I waved it away. “Would you allow me to change you, down to your very heart? Would you give all of yourself to me and let me transform you into something new?”

Yes,” he said without hesitation and my heart sang with love for him. “If it's what you want, it must be good. I trust you.”

Ah, the loyalty of a cat,” I smiled softly and placed a hand upon his head.

I called upon the Great Magic of Transmutation and one of the spikes on my star started to glow. The light filled me to overflowing and then spilled down my hand and into Roarke. I bid it change him, make him what he truly desired to be, a part of Fire. Give him a heart to match his passionate ways, an element to warm him as he warmed others.

It sank into the core of him, into that white heart that looked the same in all faeries and yet was so very different. Once there, it flared and exploded, sending Roarke tumbling back onto the ground. I would have worried if I hadn't remained in contact with the magic but as I was still connected, I knew that Roarke felt no pain. Transmutation is a difficult process and it creates a vibration that can't be suppressed. Roarke just had to ride it out.

When it was finally over, Roarke curled over onto his side and the magic came pouring back into me, feeling very satisfied with itself. I tamped it down into place and stepped forward, holding out a hand to Roarke.

“Rise, King Roarke, first of the fire cat-sidhe,” I said solemnly, the words shivering through my body with their weight.

He turned and took my hand, allowing me to help him to his feet. There was a wide grin on his face and the fey surrounding him gasped. I was prepared for the sight and so only smiled and stroked a finger down his soft cheek. His green eyes were gone, changed to red with cores of bright yellow, and the fire in them suddenly seemed to spread, breaking free to run down his arms and set his clothes on fire. A moment more and the flames exploded, shooting up in a column and then dying out to reveal an exultant and very naked Roarke.

“That was fantastic!” He shouted, hands stretched out to his sides. “Is this how you guys feel all the time? This is so much better than Earth.”

Because this is the element you were meant to be,” I leaned over and gave him a kiss on his cheek. “I have been waiting a long time for this day, the day when my faeries realize that nothing is ever unalterable, not even that which makes you who you are. You will call others to you and I will change them too. Soon you shall truly start your own race of sidhe.”

Thank you,” he dropped to his knees and I ran a hand over his careless hair one more time.

You're welcome, Fire Cat,” I stepped back and returned to my throne. When I looked up, Roarke had regained his feet and Faerie had left me.

Not completely. Look after that hot kitty.

“Oh, please don't go where I think you're going to go with that joke,” I groaned.

Vervain?” Arach looked over me anxiously.

Yeah, baby, I'm back.”

Oh thank the flame,” he sighed and ran a hand over his face.

He can't handle me,
she giggled.

Not just him,” I looked over the room of shocked faces. “I think you almost gave all these fire fey heart attacks.”

she scoffed,
they're made of tougher stuff than that

Maybe but next time let's give them a little time between life altering occurrences,” I huffed.


Chapter Thirty-Six


We were sitting at the head table, which had been placed on the dais where our thrones sat, enjoying the impromptu feast. As a new King, Roarke was sitting with us(clothed again), enjoying the massive amount of attention he was garnering. The mood was even brighter than when we'd defeated the Darkness. I had never seen the fey so happy. There was laughter and sudden shouts of joy mixed with relieved sobbing. It was a momentous occasion and everyone knew it.

Even the cooks hadn't complained but had instead done their best to serve the most decadent dishes in honor of the visiting villagers who wouldn't experience such a level of cuisine normally. I had gone back into the kitchens earlier to thank the chefs for working so hard and to admonish them to make some time to eat as well and to join us when they could. They seemed happy to be where they were though and sent me scuttling out of the kitchens with little pushes and smiles after thanking me for my magic.

The atmosphere in the room was one of exuberance. Phookas were jumping about excitedly, leanan-sidhe slinking about sexily, red caps and goblins were delighting in multiple scuffles, and two types of pixies were leaping about the tables. Even the Hidden Ones were out of their cave, strutting through the gathering, knowing that they were the first to receive the new bounty and feeling inordinately proud about it. The fire-sidhe from the villages gave them a wide berth but the castle fey seemed to have become comfortable around them enough to not jump or cringe when approached.

I can't describe to you how happy it made me. To have fought so many battles lately and then to finally win one without any loss of life, to instead gain the possibility of new life, was such a gift. I thought of Odin and how the fey could be added to the long list of people he'd saved the day that he gave his life for mine. If he hadn't saved me, I never would have been able to
become a host to Faerie and Faerie would have never saved us all from the Darkness. I never would have taken Demeter's magic, never would have helped Samantha conceive, and never would have given the fire fey back their ability to procreate. There would be a lot of children born because of Odin's sacrifice. A lot of lives that would have otherwise never been given a chance.

Vervain?” Arach's hand was on mine.

I'm okay,” I smiled at him. “Just thinking about how none of this would have been possible if Odin hadn't saved me.”

We all owe him a great debt,” he agreed. “But if you think about it, think of all of this that has come to pass because of you, it feels to me like Odin's death was predestined. He was meant to take your place.”

I don't like to think like that,” I frowned. “I don't like the thought of destiny or of him being meant to die for me. It feels like I have no control over my own life.”

That's not what destiny is about,” Arach shook his head. “Destiny is a path for magic. As magical beings, we must travel the path, like we travel the Aether between realms. The Aether will take you where you want to go but if you try to travel it without thought, without purpose, it will take you where it wants to and you may never get anywhere at all.”

I don't get it,” I grimaced.

Okay, let's look on it another way,” he sighed. “You work with magic, you know that intent is everything.”


So you intended to kill Demeter,” he looked at me for affirmation and I nodded. “You intended to come back here and defeat the Darkness.”

Yeah but Demeter intended to live and I'm sure the Darkness did as well.”

Yes, and here's where destiny comes into play,” he grinned. “Destiny is like a magical mediator. She is the magic's intent and magic wants what every other living thing wants.”

To live?”

Yes, to live and to thrive,” he smiled and glanced around the hall. “Magic wants there to be more magic. So destiny helps those who further the goals of the magic. You intended to kill Demeter, which would lead you to helping your friend conceive a child... more magic. Which would lead you to returning to Faerie and helping to save the fey... more magic. Which would lead to your empowering the kingdom of fire with fertility... more magic.”

Oh, I forgot to tell you,” I laughed. “I found a way to empower the Froekn and Intare with fire.”

Excuse me?”

While I was last in the Human Realm, there was a huge forest fire,” I couldn't believe I'd forgotten all about telling Arach. “I went to help the humans put it out and ended up pulling all of the fire energy into me. I was full to bursting with it and it sort of just automatically sought paths to flow down. At first it went to my lions but then even that wasn't enough and since I share a connection with Fenrir, I was able to send the energy to the Froekn.”

You solved their fertility issues too, didn't you?” His dragon eyes were intense on mine, his hair looking like rivulets of blood beside them.

Yes, I believe I did,” I swallowed hard. “Why does that seem to upset you?”

The fire magic is fey magic,” Arach glanced around the hall at the rejoicing faeries and then back at me. “You shouldn't have been able to use its energy to power gods. It's impossible, like using water to fuel a fire.”

Like growing a human flower in the Faerie Realm with god magic?” I smiled softly at him. “I think I finally know what being a triple being is all about.”

What's that?”

Acceptance, as always,” I laughed. “I'm here to show the gods, humans, and fey that your differences can be overcome, that if you accept each other, there can be harmony.”

Yet another reason for destiny to promote your cause,” Arach whispered. “At a time when the the three realms have become open to each other once more, when the possibility for war hovers on the horizon, you are here to show us the way to peace. Your existence could potentially prevent the loss of life, the loss of magic.”

So you're saying that destiny chose a side?”

I don't know,” he shrugged. “I don't know if there really is destiny or if magic just has a way of preserving itself but I do know that I've had moments when I've felt that my choices have been encouraged by something other than myself. That I've been urged into one direction or another. Not forced, not pushed, but persuaded, led to believe that other choices would be wrong.”

I call that intuition,” I grinned.

Call it what you will,” he nodded as if I'd made his point. “I think Odin's intent was to save you at all costs, even the cost of his own life, and I believe that he too must have felt this intuition, the touch of destiny telling him that his choice was right, that it was for the good of all.”

I still want him back,” I gave Arach a guilty look. Out of all my men, he was the least into sharing.

Of course you do,” he smiled gently, “how could you not want back that kind of love?”

Thank you,” I kissed his cheek.

For what?”

For understanding.”

Vervain,” he chuckled. “There are things I've given up for you but really, I rarely have to experience the sacrifice of it. You're here with me constantly as far as I'm concerned and although you have other lovers, I don't really have to share you with them. It's just the knowledge that you are with them that I have to deal with and granted, it is hard for the dragon in me to accept, but what I get in return is so much more than anything I've had to give up.”

Even if I never have your dragon babies?” I grinned.

There will be children aplenty in the Fire Kingdom now,” he stroked the hair back from my face. “I am content to wait and hope.”

To destiny,” I held up my glass to him and he clinked his against it.

To destiny.”

To destiny,” Roarke added, shoving his glass into the mix.

That better be the last intimate moment you interrupt, Fire Cat,” Arach growled.

It's King Fire Cat now,” Roarke sat back and winked at me.

Watch it,” I warned him before Arach could continue. “He gave you that title and he can take it away.”

Can he?” Roarke sat up in dismay.

I'd find a way,” Arach smiled evilly.

Oh, I've just thought of something,” I looked over Roarke's new eyes. “You'll have to get some green contacts or something because when you go back to the God Realm, I won't know of this change yet and your eyes will give it away.”

Contacts” Arach lifted a brow.

She means contact lenses,” Roarke explained. “They are clear discs that humans wear over their eyes to help with vision. Some of them come in colors, so they can change the color of your eyes.”

Humans put things on their eyes?” Arach was horrified. “As in directly on their eyeballs? Willingly?”

It doesn't hurt,” I laughed at him. “They're very thin and flexible.”

And totally unnecessary for me,” Roarke smirked. “Have you forgotten about glamor? I can simply magic my eyes to look any way I'd like them to.”

Oh damn,” I huffed. “I hadn't thought about that. Hey can I do that? Change my eyes to blue or something?”

Don't threaten me like that,” Arach looked even more horrified. “I love your eyes just as they are.”

Boring brown?” I lifted a brow at him.

Deep walnut with streaks of chestnut and golden highlights,” Arach was leaning toward me as he spoke. “They glow when we make love.”

Then I was kissing him and it was fabulous until an annoying fire cat-sidhe interrupted with a loud throat-clearing noise.

“I wonder what color my eyes will be when I make love,” Roarke mused.

Arach lifted his face slowly from mine, his eyes filled with murder.

“Why don't you go fuck yourself and find out,” he growled at the cat.

I've never been more proud of him.

BOOK: A Fey Harvest
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