A Game of Cat & Mouse (10 page)

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Authors: Astrid Cielo

BOOK: A Game of Cat & Mouse
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“Yeah. I almost forgot. When I moved into the house, I came across an ad on-line about renters insurance, and I bought it. I try to keep from clicking on ads and whatnot when I’m on-line because I can be somewhat of an impulsive buyer. Those ads suck me in all the time.”

Caleb chuckled because he never would have pegged his Miranda as one to do anything impulsively, least of all purchase things. However, in this case, it seemed her impulsiveness would pay off.

“We’ll contact them today. The fire department said they would call later today with the details of what caused the fire too. Now, let’s eat, baby. We can’t let this damn fine food go to waste.”

Miranda kissed him before jumping from his lap and getting the rest of breakfast.

Caleb dug into one of the best breakfasts he’d ever had.

After breakfast, he helped her wash dishes and made a few phone calls to the pride females asking for a set of clothes for Miranda. Finally he’d found a teenager around Miranda’s size who was going to deliver an outfit personally.

A few minutes later, Kelsi Peters

knocked on the door with the set of clothes.

“Hi, Alpha. Here are the clothes you wanted. Everyone said you have a mate now.”

Caleb chuckled at Kelsi as she

attempted to see in and catch a glimpse of Miranda. “Yes, Kelsi. Her name is Miranda. Would you like to meet her?”

Caleb almost laughed aloud at the

excitement that passed across the teen’s face. “Come on in and I’ll get Miranda.”

He left Kelsi in the living room and went back to his bathroom where Miranda stood lathering soap over her body. His cock filled, ready to take his mate. Miranda peeked out of the shower curtain and smiled at him.

“Join me,” she said, and Caleb could have kicked himself for allowing Kelsi to stay to meet Miranda.

“As much as I’d love to join you and make excellent use of the shower, I’m afraid one of the pride members wants to meet you.”

“Who would want to meet me?”

“Kelsi is one of the teenagers in the pride, and she’s always been inquisitive.

Besides, she brought you some clothing. I didn’t think you’d mind.”

“I don’t mind, Caleb. I just didn’t expect it, that’s all. I’m almost done, and I’d be happy to meet her.”

Caleb left Miranda to her shower and went back to the living room where Kelsi sat playing with her phone. “She’ll be out in a few minutes.”

Kelsi looked up to smile then returned to playing on her phone. Teenagers.


Miranda picked up the clothes Caleb left for her and was pleasantly surprised they were much like what she wore on a daily basis anyway. The pink shirt and jean capris were just a tad too big for her, but that didn’t bother her too much. She slipped her feet into the flip-flops and made her way to the living room. A teenager sat with her legs crossed, pecking away at the screen of her phone. She twirled at a piece of her long blonde hair that had escaped her ponytail.

Caleb walked in from the kitchen with a soda and handed it to the girl. Kelsi, her name is Kelsi.

“Thanks, Alpha,” Kelsi said as she

accepted the soda.

Caleb looked up and noticed Miranda.

He motioned for her to come over, and Miranda took a deep breath before


“Kelsi, I’d like you to meet Miranda, my mate.”

Miranda looked into Kelsi’s bright blue eyes and waited on baited breath for her to say something. Kelsi put her phone down and stood. Miranda looked up into her sun-kissed face and extended her hand.

“It’s nice to meet you, Miranda. I’m Kelsi, and I just had to meet the person who Gunner keeps mentioning. You are his hero.”

Miranda laughed and shook the girl’s hand. “I’m just glad Gunner is okay. I’m sorry, but I don’t know anyone very well yet. Are you related to Gunner in some way?”

Kelsi laughed before replying. “No, I babysit Gunner while his mom works

second shift at the hospital. She’s a ward clerk. I think she’s hoping she can get a job at one of the local doctor’s offices as a receptionist so she can spend more time with Gunner. Although since she’s been working in the hospital, I hear her talk about nursing a lot too. Who knows?

She’s only twenty-eight, so it’s not like she can’t go back to college. She could always go with her brother. Zackary’s supposed to be starting college in the fall.” This girl spoke ninety to nothing, and Miranda wondered if she knew all the ins and outs of the Pride.

“That’s nice. Maybe she’ll get it. So, how old are you? I know it’s rude, but I know absolutely nothing about Caleb’s pride.”

“That’s okay. I’m seventeen. My

parents are Tate and Ivy Peters, and I have a younger sister who is fifteen named Meaghan.”

“Kelsi is being modest; she’s top of her class at Pinewood Creek High and is going to start her senior year this fall. She also plays for the girls’ softball team and is part of the track team. And, if I’m not mistaken, she also tutors as community service,” Caleb said. Kelsi blushed at Caleb’s praise, and Miranda smiled.

“That’s some pretty impressive stuff, Kelsi. I’m going to be teaching the fourth grade this fall at the elementary school.

Now I know who to call for help with some of my kids. Thank you so much for the clothes. I really appreciate it.”

“It was nothing. That’s what we do in our pride; we take care of each other. I’m glad Caleb found you. He has been sad since his parents passed. He looks so much happier now. Well, I have to go because I promised Essence that I’d watch Gunner today while she did an extra shift at the hospital. Bye, Miranda, it was nice meeting you.” Kelsi wrapped Miranda in a hug, and Miranda smiled at the sense of camaraderie this pride seemed to have.

She was proud of Caleb for keeping such a cohesive group of cougars.

“Bye, Caleb. Thanks for the soda!” Kelsi said as she walked out the door.

Caleb closed the door and picked

Miranda up, twirling her in a circle before letting her slide down his body.

“She’s right you know.”

Miranda fought the dizziness his sudden move had caused her, but she managed to smile up into his golden brown eyes.

“Right about what?”

“You make me happy.”

Miranda felt the tears gather in her eyes, her heart melting at his words. She reached up to tunnel her hand into his hair and pulled his mouth down to hers. He peppered her lips with soft, sweet kisses before he swept his tongue across her lips, asking for entrance. Miranda opened to him and gloried at his possession and the feel of his tongue gliding against hers as his hands grasped her buttocks and ground her mound against his jean-clad erection.

Miranda moaned into his mouth and

jumped, wrapping her legs around his waist and placing her directly over where she wanted to be. Caleb pressed her against the wall then reached between them to pull her shirt up. Kelsi had not included a bra in the clothes, and Miranda hadn’t wanted to put on the one she wore yesterday. Apparently, Caleb approved.

He growled low in his throat, sending shards of pleasure straight to her clit.

“You are beautiful, sweetheart,” Caleb said before he took a distended nipple into his mouth.

Miranda tunneled her hands through his brown hair, tugged him closer, and arched her back. His mouth on her felt so good.

Even though they’d only known each other for a short time, she’d come to crave his touch, her body calling out to his. She’d not claimed him as her mate last night as she’d intended. The fire had put a damper on her plans for seduction.

But they were here together now, and Miranda couldn’t wait to claim Caleb.

Pierce his skin with her teeth, letting the world know he belonged to her. Caleb’s mouth shifted to her other nipple, and Miranda cried out.

“Caleb! I need you!”

“It’s okay, baby. I’m going to take care of you.”

Miranda groaned in frustration when a knock sounded at the door. Caleb stopped and peered into her eyes, his golden brown eyes shining with lust.

“Alpha, there are some people here for Miranda.”

“Okay, Zackary!” Caleb yelled. He

rested his forehead on hers as they both caught their breath. Miranda sighed when she heard her mother’s voice talking to Zackary.

“Well, is my daughter in there or not?”

“Yes, ma’am. The alpha is taking

excellent care of your daughter.”

Miranda placed a kiss on Caleb’s lips.

“We better get the door and save Zackary from my parents. My mom can be quite the handful.”

Caleb nodded before taking her lips again, making her blood heat as his tongue delved deep within. He pulled back and groaned in frustration.

“Later, sweetheart,” he said, sending chills down her spine at the promise in his voice.

Caleb put her down, and she quickly fixed her clothing. Running her fingers through her hair, she nodded at him, who stood holding the doorknob waiting to let her parents inside. He opened the door, and her mother flew in without waiting for an invitation, capturing a whirl winded Caleb in a hug.

“My new son! So when am I getting


“I’m sorry, Alpha,” said Zackary, who seemed more amused by the situation than apologetic. Miranda almost laughed at his goofy grin but instead went to extricate her mate from her mother’s clutches.

“Mother, please don’t scare Caleb,” she said as she tugged on her mother’s arm.

“Oh, pish posh. This young man is a cougar, and I do believe it would take something far scarier than a mouse to frighten him.”

“Oh, I don’t know, Mama. I haven’t made the mating official, so I’d appreciate it if you didn’t scare him off until I did.”

Caleb’s gaze sought hers before he said, “Nothing could keep me from you,


Finally, her mother stepped back and allowed her soon-to-be mate room to breathe. He said goodbye to Zackary then closed the door. Miranda hugged her mother briefly before she went straight into her father’s embrace.

Blake Sullivan was a man of very few words, but he never missed a chance to tell those he loved those three little words.

“I’ve missed you, Miranda.”

“I’ve missed you too, Dad.” Miranda left her father’s hold to introduce her soon-to-be mate. “Dad, I’d like to introduce you to Caleb Anderson, my mate. Caleb this is my father, Blake Sullivan.”

Caleb clasped her dad’s hand in a shake, and her dad seemed to scrutinize him for a few intense moments before he stated, “It’s nice to meet you, Caleb.”

“It’s nice to meet you as well. Miranda told me about her family, and I’m glad I’m getting to meet them.”

Whatever test Blake Sullivan had in mind for her mate, Caleb must have

passed because he nodded at Miranda as he joined his wife in the living room.

“Dear, what happened to your house?”

Emma said.

Oh dear, here we go!

Chapter 12

Caleb sat waiting for Miranda in the food court of the Pinewood Creek Mall. When she’d implied she was an impulsive

shopper, she hadn’t been kidding. It was close to two in the afternoon, and no busy day on a construction site had made him this tired. But it was worth it to see his mate try on so many different clothes –especially when she allowed him in the dressing room for his opinion.

Blake sat beside him, waiting for his mate and daughter to finish their shopping spree. He could tell the man was in deep thought about something. Probably

thoughts of the fire that consumed his daughter’s rental home were running through his head.

“What do you do for a living, Caleb?”

Ah, it began. Caleb waited for the questioning he knew was coming. “I’m an architect. I am owner of Anderson

Architecture here in Pinewood Creek.”

“And you’re alpha of your pride?”

“Yes, sir. I took over a little over a year ago when my parents were killed in a car accident.”

“What does that mean for my


Caleb sighed and tried to look at this questioning as he would if he was a father and his daughter was being mated. “It means that your daughter will become alpha female of my pride.”

“I see, and how is your pride taking the concept of a mere mouse being their alpha female?”

Caleb looked over into the brown eyes of his mate’s father. Her eyes, Miranda had her father’s eyes. Caleb was truly stumped. He’d not thought of how his pride would feel about a mouse being their alpha female. Caleb just knew that he wanted Miranda more than his next breath, and if this was a deal breaker for his pride, then he would have to leave. He couldn’t live without Miranda.

“I’ll be honest, sir; I really didn’t think past wanting Miranda. I assumed that everyone would accept her. But I’ve not officially claimed her yet, so we haven’t introduced her as the alpha female. Most of the people who’ve met her liked her, though. So I don’t really foresee too much of a problem. Besides, if they can’t live with her being their alpha female, then I’ll leave and take Miranda with me. I love your daughter, sir, and nothing will keep me from claiming her.”

Blake nodded and patted him on the

shoulder. “I believe you, son, but I don’t think they’ll all accept her as readily as you believe. Just be prepared, Caleb.”

Caleb didn’t get a chance to question his mate’s father further because his phone rang. “Hello.”

“Yes, this is Detective Wesley Chambers, and I am calling to speak with Miranda Sullivan or Caleb Anderson.”

“This is Caleb Anderson. How can I help you?”

“We need both of you to come in for an interview. It appears that the fire in Miranda Sullivan’s rental home was set on purpose with the use of accelerant. This has now become an arson investigation, and any information that you or Miranda could provide will aid in the persecution of the responsible party or parties.”

“I understand. What time do we need to be there and where?”

“I’ll be at the police station until about five tonight, but I’ll be here all day tomorrow. Whichever is convenient for you.”

“Thanks. I’ll grab Miranda, and we’ll be there in about thirty minutes.”

“Thank you. I’ll be waiting.”

Caleb hung up the phone and closed his eyes, reining in a need to find and kill whoever had burned his mate’s house down. His beast was upset at the thought of Miranda being home when the fire was set and being hurt. A hand on his shoulder had him growling before he could stop himself.

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