A Game of Cat & Mouse (14 page)

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Authors: Astrid Cielo

BOOK: A Game of Cat & Mouse
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“Oh, Caleb.”

Miranda cried out as he sucked the little nubbin between his lips before releasing it completely to look up into the passion-filled eyes he loved. Miranda regarded him with half-masted eyes, her face carrying a flush similar to her aroused feminine flesh.

Caleb returned to his morning torment, stiffening his tongue and fucking her like he wanted to with his hard-as-steel cock.

Going in and out of her sheath, his tongue took teasing forays into her depths.

Miranda’s breath came in quick pants, her back arching off the mattress.

“Caleb, I need you inside me, now!”

Miranda’s desperate screech echoed

throughout the bedroom, and Caleb

paused his ministrations.

“Baby, you’re too sore.”

“Please, Caleb! Please, I’m not!”

Caleb petted her stomach in an attempt to soothe her. “Shh, sweetheart.”

Caleb moved up her body, resting

himself between her thighs. She

immediately used her legs to trap him against her, her mound rubbing against his steely erection. Caleb clenched his teeth as he fought for control to keep from slamming home. Her nearly mindless litany of please echoed through his mind, her urge to validate the mating bond riding her hard.

Caleb cupped her cheek and placed

gentle kisses along her jaw, neck, and cheeks. Slowly she calmed, her pleading dying away and her passion-clouded mind clearing enough that she released her steely hold on his hips.

“That’s right, baby. I’ll take care of you, but I won’t hurt you.”

Caleb took her mouth, striving for slow and gentle. His tongue took lazy forays into her mouth, and his hands petted her flesh gently. Miranda’s hands gentled and smoothed over the skin of his back and ass. She was with him now, her touch whisper soft over his flesh. Caleb rained kisses down her jaw to her neck, paying special attention to her mating mark.

Miranda gasped and released a small mewling sound as his teeth scraped over the mark before he switched his attention to her breasts. Caleb carefully laved each nipple since they were still reddened from last night’s lovemaking. She still hissed from his gentle lapping. Leaving her nipples, he sucked on the tops of her breasts, pleased when he left small love bites that further proclaimed his


Miranda’s hips undulated in time with each of his suctioned pulls, and her arousal coated his shaft. Praying for control, Caleb pulled back and aligned himself with her dripping sheath. Her heat bathed him in pleasure so intense it was nearly over before it started. Caleb slowly sank into her core, delighting in the feel of her inner muscles clenching and releasing

rhythmically, announcing her impending orgasm. She was close, and it wouldn’t take much to push her over the edge.

Caleb released his pent-up breath as he bottomed out within her channel.

Miranda’s legs wrapped around his waist, and she lifted her hips, impaling herself farther. Her nails scored his shoulders, and she moaned long and low. Caleb captured her lips, using his mouth to set the pace –soft and slow. He pulled back slowly and entered just as slowly and gently. Miranda calmed to his pace, dueling with his tongue at his set pace.

He made slow, sweet love to her,

basking in the feel of her clasped around him, their melded scents, and the flushed state of her normally pale skin. Miranda cried out as her vaginal muscles strangled his cock, and he joined her in bliss. His teeth broke through her skin at the same moment he felt her teeth clamp on his own mating mark. Their souls twined more securely as they shared their intimate moment.

Caleb released Miranda and whispered, “I love you.”

Miranda licked at his mark before she returned her love to him. Caleb was humbled that he’d claimed such a woman.

He felt that fate truly had blessed him with Miranda.


Miranda placed the biscuits in the oven, squealing when a familiar set of hands pinched her ass. She couldn’t believe how much her life had changed in the course of a few days. It amazed her at how she’d become a slave to the mating call. Almost a week ago, she’d stood in her rental home stirring oatmeal in her small kitchen. Now she stood in a new kitchen with the man of her dreams feeling her up. Life was good!

The knock on the door intruded on their groping session, and soon her mother’s voice floated to Miranda’s ears. Miranda turned off the stove and dished plates for everyone. Miranda’s mother nearly

knocked her over when she tackled her in a hug. Caleb clasped them both before Miranda hit the ground.

“Don’t injure the girl, Emma,” her father said.

“My baby’s mated!” Emma released

Miranda and caught Caleb in a mouse’s imitation of a bear hug. Caleb looked at Miranda as if imploring her for help. Blake and Miranda laughed in unison at Emma’s antics.

“I have a new son! Now when is the wedding? I’ve been itching to plan a wedding since Cassie was born, and then she decided against a wedding.” Emma’s voice changed to a near-perfect imitation of Cassie’s when she continued with her tirade, “Who needs a wedding, Mom?

We’re already mated.”

Miranda looked to her father, and he just shrugged. Miranda mentally shrugged as she accepted the fact she would have a wedding planned by Emma Sullivan,

whether or not she planned to do so in the first place.

“Come on, Mom. Let’s eat before my hard work gets cold,” Miranda stated, drawing her excited mother away from her new mate. Miranda smiled at the thought of her mate. The way he touched her and the way he made love to her.

“Miranda, I didn’t get a chance to tell you last night, but today I’m presenting you to the pride as my mate and alpha female. I believe Zackary said he planned for it to begin around noon.” Caleb pulled Miranda from her naughty thoughts of last night. She could feel her face heat from embarrassment.

“Zackary does a lot of stuff for the pride. What exactly is his position in the pride?” Miranda was truly curious. So far, Zackary had directed her parents to Caleb’s house, organized a meeting, and organized the search party for Gunner. Certainly, he had a position within the pride.

“Actually, he doesn’t have a particular position. Our governing doctrine doesn’t set aside any certain member of the pride except for alpha and alpha female.”

“Okay, but don’t the wolves have other positions within their pack? It would only make sense that the pride did the same, especially since Zackary is already doing the job.”

“Well, we can always address that at the meeting today. I also have another task to see to while we are at the meeting. You know what Gunner said yesterday. The only people who could possibly have taken him and hid him within the mine would be pride members. At least that’s what I am assuming. I was wondering if you think you can sniff out the supposed culprit.

Something hasn’t felt right since you were adamant of Gunner’s innocence. I’d hate for it to be true, but something’s going on, and I intend to stop it.”

Miranda agreed. Something just didn’t feel right. Of course, they had focused on themselves for the past few days, leaving the pride to fend for itself. Was that a quality of a good leader? Was she a good choice for such a position? Miranda had never really led anyone in her life. She didn’t count the times she’d been line leader in kindergarten, although if she did, it would mean she’d preformed in a

leadership capacity a total of three times.

“Caleb, do you really think I should be the alpha female? I mean just because I’m your mate doesn’t mean I’m qualified to be a leader.”

Caleb looked at her as if she’d lost her head. These are valid points!

“You are my mate. Of course you’ll be a good alpha female.”

“I believe she’s worried that she isn’t leadership material, Caleb,” her mother said.

Her usually quiet father added, “It’s a valid worry. Along the same lines as becoming a parent, I think. I’m not sure there is a way to know when one is ready.

You have to be placed in that position and sink or swim. You can’t determine if you’ll succeed or fail until you try, Miranda.

“Caleb sighed, and his shoulders slumped.

“Miranda, I was lost and without purpose after my parents passed. I was raised to take over the pride. My father lectured me daily on how to lead, but when the pride needed me most, I was too wrapped up in my own grief to lead them. They’ve taken care of me for too long. I need you, Miranda. Do you want to know what my father told me?”

Miranda nodded, her heart breaking at the sadness that saturated his every word.

Maybe he would finally face his parents’

deaths, move on, and become the alpha that this pride needed.

“My father said that leaders are not always the strongest or most intelligent.

They are the ones who care the most and have the focus to take their followers where they need to go. I’ve let my pride down, but I won’t do that anymore.

Miranda, you are the most kind,

compassionate, and caring person I know, and you do all of those things with a passion that I admire and love. So, in the few days you’ve been here, you have exhibited true leadership.”

Miranda couldn’t stop the tear that rolled down her cheek. His words bolstered her confidence and touched the heart that belonged to him completely. Her father gave Caleb a nod. Her father approved, and while she wouldn’t give Caleb up for anything in the world, it meant a lot that Blake Sullivan approved of him. He didn’t approve of many people.

The conversation floated around her as she contemplated her readiness for being the alpha female. Oh, boy! This is going to be interesting.

Chapter 15

Essence placed the bowl of cereal in front of Gunner and watched as her hungry kitten ate. She couldn’t believe how much Gunner had grown in three years. She still remembered vividly when she’d discovered her pregnancy. Her first reaction had been horror. How could she possibly bring a child into a home with such a hostile environment? Hell, look at what it’d done to Zackary!

Despite his six foot two muscular frame, her brother was nothing more than a kitten, when he could be as ferocious as any cougar. She’d seen the way he had allowed those kids to pick on him in school. Despite his outgoing demeanor, people often saw him as a geek due to his intelligence and love of all things computer related. Maybe going to college would do him some good.

Essence couldn’t help but feel

responsible for how Zackary turned out.

She hadn’t expected to fall in love and couldn’t believe it would be with someone other than her true mate. However, she’d been young and stupid. She just hoped that Gunner wouldn’t pay for her mistakes.

He was such a sweet boy. She couldn’t let him grow up to be like his father.

Essence still had nightmares about the beatings, and she knew Zackary was

ashamed he couldn’t defend his sister.

When she found out she was pregnant, Essence ran and took Zackary with her.

Their parents were dead, and she was not able to pay for their next meal, let alone support a child. She was grateful for Caleb’s father and mother, who’d taken them in and arranged a home and job for her. They never went hungry with the alpha ensuring they ate.

Now three years later, things didn’t look so bleak. She had a job, and she hoped Zackary would make something better of himself. He was a smart kid.

“Mama, wanna go see Miwanda,”

Gunner said around a mouth full of cereal.

“Gunner, don’t talk with your mouth full.”

Essence almost laughed when her little kitten spit his cereal back in the bowl and repeated his earlier statement. She couldn’t scold him for spitting in his bowl when he’d heeded her first admonishment.

“Gunner, sweetie, we don’t know what Miranda is doing right now. We can’t just barge in every time you want to see her.

Besides, we’ll see her around lunch, okay?”

Gunner’s face went through an array of emotions from utter disappointment to barely contained excitement. Essence kissed her little kitten on the forehead.

She studied her little boy and thanked the heavens that her little one was unharmed.

After revealing some of her past to Caleb, she’d left the room to compose herself.

Caleb and Miranda had left soon after her return. She’d never heard what Caleb asked her son.


Her son’s green eyes locked onto hers.

Essence knelt in front of him and grabbed his hand to hold his attention. “Sweetie, what did Caleb ask you last night?”

“He ask why Gunner go to dark.”

“He asked why you went to the mine?”

Gunner nodded his head in agreement.

“Why did you go into the mine shaft, Gunner?”

“I not.”

“What do you mean you didn’t? Are you saying that you didn’t go in there?” Gunner nodded before looking over at his cereal.

“Focus, Gunner, just one last question.

If you didn’t go in there, then how did you get in there?” Indecision warred on his face. Essence startled him by yelling, “Gunner Jacobs, you tell me this instant!”

Gunner’s face crumpled, and he cried.

Essence’s heart broke, but this wasn’t the time to coddle him. Gunner was not telling her something.

“I no want mama hurt.”

Essence’s blood ran cold. Gunner

continued to cry as she picked him up and headed to her alpha’s house. Their privacy be damned. Something wasn’t right!


“So what exactly does an alpha female

do?” Miranda asked. Caleb loved that she was taking such a proactive stance on her status as alpha female, but right now, all he really wanted to do was make love to her.

“Caleb, you really should start planning rooms for the babies,” Emma Sullivan said as she joined her husband on the couch.

“Mom, I’ve only been mated for about sixteen hours. Give it a rest!”

Although Caleb wanted children, he

wasn’t sure if now would be a good time.

He wanted a little more time with his mate before he had to divide his time with her.

“Caleb, please tell me something! I’m kind of freaking out over here!” Caleb walked to his mate and picked her slight form up before settling himself in the chair and placing her on his lap. She looked at him expectantly, and she wasn’t amused.

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