Read A Glimpse of the Dream Online

Authors: L. A. Fiore

A Glimpse of the Dream (38 page)

BOOK: A Glimpse of the Dream
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“What are you wearing?”

“It’s a black nightie, lace and silk.”


“Yeah.” She took my hand and placed it over her breast. My dick hardened instantly. “Lace here”—she slid my hand lower to her belly—“and silk here.” Moving my hand even lower, I felt the curls between her legs, the wet heat. “Nothing here,” she said.

Growling, I pushed her onto her back, spread her legs, and buried my face between her thighs. Sweet Tea, my favorite flavor. I loved the sounds she made in the back of her throat as I teased the nub, flicking my tongue over it before sucking. Her hips lifted, and her fingers laced through my hair. Moving through her fold, I pushed my tongue deep into her, wishing it were my dick. I felt her clench around me, felt the tremors, the start of her orgasm. Rubbing that nub, I pushed my tongue in farther and pressed down, and she came on a cry.

Kissing my way up her body, I lifted her nightgown up and pulled it over her head. Running my hands down her body, I cupped her breasts, pushed them together, and licked her, teasing the nipples until I closed my mouth over one and pulled it into my mouth.

“On your hands and knees.” My request came out in more of an order, but I was hard and wanted to be inside her now.

“Okay.” Lust turned her voice deeper.

“Wrap your fingers around your headboard. You holding on?”

“Yeah.” I wished I could see her. My Tea, on her knees, her tits brushing the pillow, holding on to the rails of her bed, her legs spread, her ass tilted, waiting for me.

Moving behind her, I ran my hand down her spine and over her ass before I gripped her hips. “Wish I could see you like this.”

“Please, Kane.”

“Anything for you.” I wanted to pound into her, but instead I eased in, slow and deliberate.

“Oh God.”

My hand moved to her back again, running over her spine and up along her arms, before I wrapped my hand around hers, her grip so tight I was sure her fingers were turning white. My other hand found her breast, rolling the nipple, twisting and turning it as my hips moved harder and deeper. And then there was no thinking, just feeling. Grabbing her hips, I pounded into her, hard and fast, until I felt her spasming around me, and then I stilled as I emptied myself into her. Like always, my release was fierce and lasting, my body pulsing in pleasure. Still buried inside her, I bent forward, curling around her to hold her close.

She was satisfied, maybe a little smug, when she said, “That was incredible.”

So incredible I took her again ten minutes later.

I heard excitement and pride in Tea’s voice as we walked to her shop the next morning. She was different, more confident and animated. Clearly she loved what she did, and it was comforting to know that; even though it wasn’t where she had intended to be, she had made the most of it. Hearing Tea, experiencing the world she had created for herself, wasn’t just humbling—it was eye opening. She had once said I was hiding and she’d been right. I had been. I hadn’t accomplished a damn thing since my accident: nothing substantial, nothing that someone could build a life on. Tea had made a life in Boston, had friends there. And because of me, she was going to give all that up. In theory, I loved the idea, until I realized just what she was going to be giving up. Especially since she only had this life because of me.

“Here we are. So the front is all glass, and the displays are switched out every month. Right now we’re featuring a bedroom set, circa 1880. Cherry wood, Chippendale style. An old patchwork quilt with faded deep colors—red, blue, green—covers the mattress. Our sign, hunter green and muted gold, hangs over the door. ‘New to You Antiques.’ I kind of stole that from Mrs. Marks.”

The door opened and I could smell the history, the scent of wood and parchment, linens that had spent time in mothballs, lemon wax. “Everything is set up like rooms, every piece for sale.”

“Hey, Teagan. Welcome back,” a male voice called. I tensed; it was stupid but instinctual.

“Matt, this is Kane, my fiancé.”

I heard the footsteps approaching, so I stuck out my hand. “Hi, Matt.”

Hesitation and a slightly damp palm greeted me when he shook my hand. He was uncomfortable. Blind people tended to draw that reaction from people. “Hey, Kane. Nice to meet you.”

“Christy’s in the back. I’ll go get her. We made a sale—the Shaker bookcase and desk.”

“Really? How much did you get?”

“Eight thousand dollars for the set.”


“Yeah, we were pretty stoked.”

A breeze, the jangle of the bell, and then I heard Simon’s voice bellowing as he entered, “Greetings! Coffee and donuts have arrived.”

“Why do you always have to make a grand entrance?” Tea asked. My lips twitched.

“Is there any other kind?”

I felt the shrug from Tea before she said, “I guess not. You’re really a ham.”

“Kane, coffee.” Lifting my hand, he pressed the cup into it.


“Matt and Christy sold the Shaker. Eight thousand dollars.”

“Sweet.” Simon’s footsteps moved away, the strong smell of coffee going with him. When Simon spoke next, he was across the room. “I bought a doggie bagel for Zeus. Is that okay?”

“Yeah, thanks.” He’d thought of my dog. Another hit. Not only had she made something of herself, she’d managed to surround herself with good people. Even broken and adrift, she’d
, and the same couldn’t be said of me. I felt very undeserving of her.

“My mom’s like a dog with a bone anyway, but when it’s one of the parties she’s organized, she becomes a bit much. No worries. When the party is over, we have Sunshine’s brownies to look forward to. I have a feeling we’re going to need them.”

“It’s very nice she’s doing this.”

“Yes, blah, blah, but it’ll be mostly her clients and friends, so it’s going to be a bit dry. You know I’m not wrong. Good for business, yes, but entertaining, I don’t think I’d go that far.”

Tea’s silence was a clear indication that she agreed with Simon, if reluctantly.

Simon was right, the party was definitely good for business, at least in the several transactions I overheard, but entertaining it was not. Zeus and I stood off to the side; Tea had just left me to show a couple a bedroom set they had their eyes on. I liked how spirited she sounded, how knowledgeable she was, and I realized I had never asked her about school, about what she’d studied. It had sort of slipped my mind as we’d been finding our way, but later, after I peeled her dress from her and made us both happy, I’d ask.

Earlier she had run my hands down her body so I could feel the clingy black material that hugged her figure. I’d been hard since. She had done it on purpose, giving me something to think about during the party, in case she wasn’t at my side. Not a bad way to spend my time, visualizing her in that dress and her out of it—but damn uncomfortable.

I smelled her before I felt her small hand on my chest. “Hey. Would you like something to drink? Wine, scotch?”

“No, thanks. It sounds like the party is a success.”

She moved right up against my side. I loved when she did that.

“It is. Everyone’s dressed in gowns and tuxes. You look incredible, by the way.”

I had purchased a tux, endured the fittings, and, hearing her compliment, it had been worth the aggravation. “This old thing.”

“Sexy, you look incredibly sexy.”

Her fingers were working down my chest to my stomach, my hard-on turning even harder. I might need to wear the tux more often.

“You need to stop that or I’m taking you to the back and easing the ache you’re causing.”


Despite the fact I was blind, my eyes still widened. “Don’t tease me.”

“Who’s teasing? I have an office—”


She moved us through the store, as eager as I was, if her near run was any clue. Reaching her office, she pulled me into it.

“Zeus, stay,” I said. I may have growled it, I wasn’t sure.

The door closed at my back, her mouth on mine, her fingers working my zipper. Grabbing her, I moved the fabric up, pulled her close, my fingers slipping under her panties to stroke her ass.

“Where’s your desk?” I asked in a way that sounded more like an order.

Taking my hand, she led me to it.

“Hands flat on the desk.”


My hands moved to her shoulders, pulling the straps of her gown down her arms, pinning them to her sides. Cupping her full breasts, I worked her nipples while rubbing myself against her ass. If only I could see the sight of a naked Tea on her knees, watching as her breasts shook, while I fucked her mouth, her own fingers stroking herself to climax. I’d had that dream countless times over the years. Later tonight, even without sight, I’d make that fantasy a reality. And after, she could have me any way she wanted me.

“I want you inside me now, Kane.”



Laughing, my fingers moved between her legs and I stroked her. She was already so wet. Finishing what she’d started, I pulled myself free, positioned myself, and pushed into her. We both moaned in pleasure. Tight and wet, I pushed in deep before pulling out, rubbing her own arousal over her.

“Please, Kane.”

“Chest flat on the desk, arch your back for me, Tea.”

She didn’t hesitate, and I felt as her ass tilted upward. I didn’t hesitate either as I slammed into her, over and over again, until she spasmed around me, a sexy sound rumbling low in her throat. I was right there with her, my body jerking as I came.

Breathing heavy, our scents filling the room, she purred, “That was awesome.” She sounded so fucking hot.

“I need to clean you.”

“No. I want your scent on me, want to feel you between my legs. Anticipation for later.”

I grew hard again. Easing out of her, regret filled me. I wanted to be buried inside her still. Stepping back, I heard her move, heard the fabric slipping down her body. She leaned into me, and her natural scent mingled with our lovemaking was not helping my erection. Pressing a kiss on my mouth, she said against my lips, “See you out there.”

The door opened and I heard Zeus enter. It took a few minutes for me to get myself back in my trousers, and then I lingered a few minutes more until I could actually walk. Voices came from down the hall, soft like a whisper. I hadn’t intended to listen until I heard what they were discussing.

“Such a shame. Poor Teagan. She’s worked so hard getting this shop open. I heard she was moving back to Maine, giving up her life here to be with him. I think it’s a very romantic concept, but it seems to me that he should be the one to move since he doesn’t have a job, instead of forcing her to give up everything for him.”

“Teagan and Simon are opening a shop in Maine?” The voice sounded surprised and concerned.

“Only so she can be close to him. It could sink them, this move—the expense of opening a second store, when they’ve only just gotten this one off the ground. But she’s determined to do it and Simon backs her.”

“Such a tragedy.”

They continued to talk, but I moved away from the door, stumbling until I found a chair and dropped down into it. Zeus nudged my leg with his head, his fur touching my numb hand. I hadn’t realized the impact moving to Maine would have on her business—she’d been happy talking about that second store. I hadn’t really thought a great deal about what I was asking her to give up to be with me. And I couldn’t argue with those gossips, since they were right. I’d pushed her into this life, and now I was asking her to give it all up, and for what?

BOOK: A Glimpse of the Dream
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