Read A Hell Hound's Fire Online

Authors: Siobhan Muir

Tags: #paranormal romance, #werewolves, #erotic romance, #colorado romantic fiction

A Hell Hound's Fire (7 page)

BOOK: A Hell Hound's Fire
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“Not at all. We’re right as rain.”
rain fell upwards and watered the clouds.
“We should be getting

Alex cocked his head. “I can smell the lie
from here. You’ve been jumpy since we left the diner. You want to
tell me what’s really going on?”

Silence enveloped them, broken only by the
tinny, piped-in music over the store’s PA system. Sarah struggled
against the natural resistance to saying anything. She’d held
herself apart for so long she’d forgotten the comfort of a
comrade-in-arms. Alex had agreed to protect and shelter her and
Liam. Any hint of demon-kind should be shared.

But talk of love can wait.

“I haven’t seen or smelled anything, but
something set off my senses at the diner.” He raised his eyebrows
and she held up her hand, needing a little distance. “You can tell
me I’m just jumping at shadows, Mr. MacLaren, but those instincts
have kept us alive this long and there’s too much at stake to throw
caution to the wind.”

Alex gripped her shoulders gently and met
her gaze. “The name is Alex, and I don’t doubt your senses at all,
Sarah. Something didn’t smell right to me when we left the truck
stop, either. I kinda hoped
was jumping at shadows.” He
squeezed briefly before letting go. “Let’s get back into the car
and head home. We’ll figure out our next move there.”

She nodded and took Liam’s hand as they made
their purchases. Sarah watched the parking lot through the windows,
searching for anyone who seemed out of place. What would the
creature look like this time? She hadn’t seen it in Manitou, but it
had taken on the likeness of her dead mate once and she’d almost
fallen into its grasp. Liam had saved her that time.

Alex hustled them into the Jeep with their
groceries and they drove toward his house. The tension in the cab
stretched her nerves to the breaking point and she didn’t breathe
much until they approached the river. The sky still hung heavy with
thick, ominous clouds, but no rain fell.

The warm glow from the River House windows
appeared through the trees and a drugging sense of comfort and
relaxation brushed past her. Alex’s shoulders relaxed as he stared
at the house. Dread clawed up her throat when Liam gasped. Sarah
looked over her shoulder, praying he’d only stubbed his toe or

“What is it, Liam?”

“It’s the demon, Mama.” Anger and fear
filled the Jeep. “Make him stop the car. It’s waiting for us.”

“What, here?”

Alex skidded to a stop as a figure stood up
on his front steps, bathed in the warm, rusty light. Sarah’s heart
stopped as the shadow resolved into long dark hair, widely spaced
eyes, and curvy body of the woman waiting for them.





Chapter Six

Sarah’s stomach dropped as Alex’s expression
turned hopeful.

“Alex, don’t. That’s not your mate. It’s not
Lisa.” Sarah reached for him, but he’d already opened the door.
“No, please, Alex.”

But the Hell Hound didn’t respond. He left
the lights of his Jeep trained on the dark haired female on the
front steps of the house as he got out. His features twisted with
yearning and pain, and anger flared in her gut.

“Mama, don’t let him go. It’s the demon. I
can smell it!” Liam grabbed her hand and pleaded with his
frightened eyes. “You gotta help him.”

Sarah tightened her lips and gritted her
teeth. “Just stay here, Liam. If you sense more than one of them,
shout out for us. Lock the doors now.”

Liam nodded, never taking his eyes from the
woman smiling at Alex. Sarah’s hand clenched on the door handle and
the plastic cracked under her fingers. Her Sister wolf snarled at
the creature deceiving her Mate. Protectiveness swelled as the fury
settled into a cold lump in her belly.
My True Mate.
Sister growled in agreement and Sarah’s chin lifted. She’d be
damned before she lost another mate to the demons.

Right, but how am I going to fight one now
when I couldn’t before?

The question hummed in the back of her mind
as she approached Alex and the woman luring him. She caught the
scent of hope from Alex, but something far more putrid and cloying
filled the hair around the feminine demon. The eyes looking out of
the pretty face glittered with obsidian darkness and Sarah fought
the urge to gag. Its lips split in a grotesque grin and sharp teeth
flashed in a hideous zig-zag pattern between them.

Why doesn’t he see it?

“Lisa?” Sarah’s heart skipped at the
confusion she heard in Alex’s rich baritone.

“Yes, baby, it’s me. Did you miss me?”

The woman’s voice sounded like protesting
metal scraping along stone and Sarah winced, but Alex only smiled
dreamily and took another step closer.

“Where have you been? I’ve missed you so
much.” Raw pain echoed in the air and Sarah wanted to throw her
arms around him in comfort.

“I had to go away for a little while, but
now I’m back to stay for good.” The demon opened its arms and
smiled. “Come give me a kiss, lover.”

Not if I have anything to bloody-well say
about it, bitch.

Sarah searched for something she could use
for a distraction as Alex closed the distance to the monster. Her
Sister wolf howled as she spotted the wooden handle of some tool
behind stacked cords of firewood. She darted to the pile and
grasped the handle, hefting a shovel over her shoulder.

Would it be enough? It would have to be.
She’d set herself on fire before she let that thing corrupt her
True Mate. Sarah took a deep breath and stalked toward them,
waiting for the right moment to strike.

The demon folded its arms around Alex and
bent its head to kiss him.
No feckin’ way!
Sarah swung the
shovel with all her strength. The flat part of the blade hit the
creature in the back of the head and jarred Sarah’s arms all the
way to her shoulders.

The demon shrieked and Alex cried out in
outrage, both collapsing to the ground. “Lisa” rolled to its feet
first, eyes blazing sickly green as it snarled at Sarah. Sarah
bared her teeth and snarled back, raising the shovel for another
blow. For the first time since she’d been attacked six years
earlier, she felt no fear, only searing fury and determination.

“You will get your hands off my Mate,

mate, whore, and he’ll kill
you for hitting me.” The demon turned its gaze to Alex and put on a
pouting expression, imploring him to defend it. “Please, baby. Show
this stupid slut what it means to hit your girl.”

Sarah’s heart faltered when Alex turned on
her, his eyes awash with furious surprise. “How could you attack
her, Sarah? She’s my mate.”

“No, Alex.” Sarah backed away as he stalked
her, cold despair washing through her.

The demon trailed after wearing a gloating
expression and some fury pushed back the cold.

“That’s not your mate. It’s the demon. It’s
trying to turn you on us. Please, you know something’s wrong in
your heart.” She lifted her chin in challenge, praying she could
pull him out of the enchantment with anger. “Or are you as fickle
as fire? One moment hot for something, the next consuming it. Is
that how you are?”

“Don’t listen to her, baby,” the demon
soothed, its stench overwhelming. “You know me. What reason would I
have to lie to you? I love you.”

Sarah wanted to gag on the false words and
putrid fumes, but she kept her attention on Alex as he advanced.
She had to get him to see the demon for its true nature. She didn’t
understand why he couldn’t sense it, but she refused to give

“Wake up, Alex. This creature is not your
mate. Your mate died and it’s deceiving you to get what it wants.
You have to fight it.”

Alex growled and crouched, his arms opening
as if to grab a large ball. Sarah held the shovel like a club in
hopes she could hold him off before he killed her. She’d never
encountered a Hell Hound before, much less fought one, but she’d do
whatever it took to protect herself and Liam. She was done

“That’s it, baby. You take care of the nasty

The encouraging words of the demon pushed
Alex into his shift. Shining orange light exploded out of his skin
and he let loose a terrifying howl. Sarah shielded her eyes with
her hand enough to see Alex morph into a wolf made of fire, each
bristling hair a flickering flame. His eyes glowed electric blue
and his coat blazed in shifting orange and gold.

Sarah stood stupefied at his power,
strength, and beauty. The heat rolling off him in seductive waves
mixed with his pumpkin spice scent.
Sweet Goddess, he’s

She lowered the shovel as his glowing muzzle
neared. Comforting heat warmed her body and her pussy pulsed with
the memory of his touches.
Her Sister begged her to
touch him and she reached out toward the flames, seduced by his
heat and glory. Only Liam’s shout stopped her before Alex tore her
hand apart.





Alex’s world tilted on its axis and
something popped in his mind as the boy’s scream cut through the
night noises. Colors and sounds sharpened as if some sort of film
had been removed from his senses. He swore he’d seen Lisa and heard
her voice. He swept his gaze over the grounds and stopped at his
Jeep, snarling deep in his throat.

A hideous creature in a rough humanoid shape
made up of spikes and stringy hair advanced on the vehicle with a
malicious grin. Sarah gave a cry of fury and launched herself
toward the car.

Chewed bones!

Alex threw himself after her, trying to
catch her before she got killed. He couldn’t let his True Mate die
at the hand of something he’d been born to destroy. He didn’t
remember shifting from his human shape to his Hell Hound form, but
he’d be damned before he’d let things go any further. Something
told him he’d screwed up and he’d have to beg forgiveness for it,
but he’d never get the chance if Sarah died. She’d almost reached
the Jeep when he skidded to a flaming stop in front of her.

“Get out of my way, Alex. I have to save my
son.” She hefted the shovel and stared over his shoulder.

Alex shook his head and snapped at her
weapon, trying to tell her he’d do his job.

“I don’t have time to argue. Get out of my

Sarah tried to dart around him, but he
bounded into her path to keep her back and snarled. The panic
suffusing her face made him sick, but he shook his head again and
pawed the ground.
I’ll make it up to you, but you have to let me
do this.


“Dammit, Alex!”

When he raised his hackles, Sarah paused,
considering. “Get on it, then! Distract it while I grab Liam.”

He growled, but she didn’t wait. She shot
for the far side of the Jeep away from the demon. Huffing in
frustration, Alex darted toward the vehicle, aiming for the
creature’s spindly legs.

“Come here, little wolf boy. You have
nothing to fear from me.” The creature grinned and tore at the
metal door, shredding the paneling like tissue paper.

Revulsion swept through Alex. Had the demon
taken on Lisa’s appearance to lure him in?
crouched, preparing to leap when the demon looked up at Sarah and

“Have you come to save your whelp, little
bitch?” A malicious laugh split the air. “I’ll enjoy soaking in
your blood as I swallow his eyes.”

Like hell you will.
Alex launched at
the creature, but it turned at the last moment and backhanded him
across the nose. Searing pain tore through his whole body as he
crashed through the gravel.
Holy shit that hurt.

Welts from the creature’s blow laced his
muzzle, but the fire of his true form deadened some of the pain.
Damn, the thing has toxic skin.
He shook his head and
bounded back toward the truck, trying to ignore Liam’s screams. He
snarled as he collided with the evil thing, clamping his teeth
around one leg. His Brother forced his flaming coat to intensify
and he locked his jaws as the fire surged higher.

An inhuman shriek stung his ears as the
demon went down under his assault, tearing the metal of the Jeep to
halt its fall. Alex tossed his head, shaking the demon like a
malignant toy. The creature twisted and grabbed for his throat.
Alex flattened his ears and ducked his head, releasing the demon’s

He’d done some damage because it didn’t rise
to its feet, but it swiped at him again and he snapped at the
offending arm. The demon roared and caught him with a jarring
punch. Alex flew across the ground into Lisa’s marker at the edge
of the river and lay there a moment, trying to catch his breath.
Chewed bones, the bastard is strong.

His head rang like a bell and his muzzle
burned, but his eyes remained clear. Sarah had gotten Liam out of
the Jeep, but now the demon stalked them, crawling through the
gravel toward them. Sarah held the shovel and watched it come, her
face a mask of tense concentration.

Alex gathered his strength and pushed to his
You’re not going to get them.
He channeled all his
fury into a resounding snarl and stalked toward the monster
threatening his family. His Brother urged him to pounce, but he
conserved his energy for the final attack.

The demon turned toward him, a vicious
shriek ripping through the air. Alex answered with a howl and the
creature toppled as if blown over by his breath. Surprise hit him
just before something cracked and the broken shaft of the shovel
stabbed the monster in the stomach, pinning it to the ground with
an earsplitting squawk. Alex looked up at Sarah’s intense face as
she dug the makeshift stake deeper, and stood stunned at her beauty
and strength.

My True Mate.
Satisfaction filled his
Brother’s voice as she met his gaze with outrage.

BOOK: A Hell Hound's Fire
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