A Little Bit of Truth (Little Bits) (24 page)

BOOK: A Little Bit of Truth (Little Bits)
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“Shouldn’t gamble and then you won’t lose.” Lucas points out unnecessarily.

I’m fully aware of how I got myself in this predicament. Kid is crafty.



So it began two days ago after my dad left for destination unknown. Loryn called and asked if I could come over and help with Hallo
ween at Maya’s. Seeing as Maya has a very, very large house and Loryn’s and Lucas’ is an apartment, they decided to spend it at the house where kids can call for treats and Amelia can knock on the neighbor’s doors.

Anyway, so I went to Maya’s yesterday and watched her décor guys turn part of her house (outside included) into an awesome and scary place for kids to trick or treat. She was at work so I looked after Evelyn and supervised the dudes. Simple? Nope.

About half an hour after Maya left I lost Evelyn. How you ask? We were watching TV, she was in her baby activity center, smacking buttons to make it flash while sucking contentedly on a biscuit. I got a little distracted for two minutes, some crazy TV show came on. When I realized the lights and noises had stopped I panicked, Evelyn was nowhere in sight. 

“Evelyn?” I shouted and started rushing around, checking under and over everything.

A sound came from somewhere I couldn’t decipher. A raspberry sound, like a mum does on a child’s belly
, followed by the sound of splashing. Evelyn!

Following the sound, and skidding a few times on the way I found the kid in the bathroom by the dining area. Playing in the toilet. And when I say in the toilet I mean she used it to prop herself up on
two legs and had an arm reached that splashed away in the water. Gross.

“You’re a tramp you know that right?” I shuddered and w
rapped her in a towel. Of course I knew this could have gone worse. She could have drowned! Why didn’t they have safety locks on the seats and cupboards and such?

I obviously stripped the kid down to her birthday suit and put her in the bath which she didn’t want to get out of. I had fun foaming her hair and giving her beards. So much fun that I didn’t hear Loryn and Amelia come in.

“Having fun?” Loryn asked with a smirk. “I think the kid is wrinkled enough.”

And she was right. With a shrug I took Evelyn out of the bath and handed her to Loryn. “Get her dressed I’ve got to pee.”

“Nice,” she laughed and held the towel wrapped baby close to her chest. “Let’s get you something pretty to wear.”

After she left I headed over to the closed toilet and pulled on the lid. It wouldn’t open. So I tried again, this time with two hands. It still wouldn’t open. What the fuck?

It’s then I noticed the safety lock on the outside of the seat leading to the underside of the rim. How the fuck did Evelyn get that open? Unless someone left it open. The mechanism was impossible, I was half tempted to pee in the bath.

“Auntie Marie,” Amelia walked in without knocking.
So much for privacy. “What are you doing?”

I tug
ged again a little desperately at the toilet lid, my bladder was fit to explode. “I can’t open this.”

“I can do it,” she brightened and rocked on the balls of her feet.

“Yeah right.” Snort.

She put her hands to her hips and scowled at me, “I can too.”

“Kid, this is to keep kids like you from playing in the toilet, if you could open it that would defeat the purpose of its existence,” Or it’s a torture device for adults who really got to go potty.

“I can do it!”

“Okay then, let’s make this interesting,” teaching a kid to gamble, definitely not one of the highest points of my life but certainly not the lowest.

“Name your damage,”
she suddenly said while her foot tapped continuously on the tiled ground.

Did she really
say that? It took everything I had not to laugh but I managed it. “Babe, that’s what they say when you’re choosing a drink.”

“Oh,” she ponder
ed this for a moment. “I want orange juice.”

“I need to pee.”

Then she smirked again, “Name your terms.”

“If I’m right and you can’t do it
you have to give me half of your candy tomorrow night.”

Her smile got frighteningly
wider and more devious, “If you’re wrong you have to dress up in whatever I choose and come trick or tweeting tomorrow night.”

“It’s treating,” I
corrected, bouncing on the spot as my bladder squeezed in protest.

“That’s what I said,” she stomped her foot on the ground. “So do we have a deal?”

And then I shook her hand.


Back to the now. Why does the kid like bumblebees? Why can’t I be a butterfly or something that isn’t bright yellow and black and round?


: I hate my life. (sends picture)




My phone jingles.
Jacob Stone tagged you in a photo. Click to view.
He didn’t. He wouldn’t.


Photo that I sent him of me posing in a bumblebee suit. Caption reads,
hahahahahahaa. Check out the awesome Marie and her awesome outfit.


Twelve comments in three seconds. I’m not even going to bother reading them.


: I fucking hate you….


: Buzzzzzzzzzzz


: There’s a bottle of poison ready with your name on it.


: Buzzzzzzzzzz


: Oh fuck off then…




“You,” I point at Amelia. “Are evil.”

She sighs wistfully, “I try.” This has everyone but me in tears of laughter. Then James and Maya walk in, Maya is a sexy witch and James is an Astronaut. They both laugh, they also take pictures. I hate them. I hate them all.



To say I’m jealous would be an understatement. I’m stuck in my trailer, location unknown, panicking over lines that I just can’t remember. Landon is with me helping me read through them but it’s not happening. My mind is elsewhere. Back in America with a certain bee. Even in a bee suit she looks fucking adorable. That’s just not right.

Landon leaves not long after seven, we’re up at six
in the morning. Need to get our beauty sleep. It’s about two where Marie is, I decide to email her even though she probably won’t respond. Especially not after I just publicly humiliated her, that’s funny shit.





[email protected]

[email protected]


Wish I was there…


I think the subject says it all :-( xoxoxoxox




As expected she doesn’t respond. That sucks.


“What are you doing?” Beth just walks right on in and hands me my usual detox smoothie full of green shit I daren’t name. I glug it down in a few mouthfuls, wincing as the taste lingers in my mouth.

I place the script
and empty bottle on the nightstand and rub my tired eyes. “Just… what are you wearing?”

I look her up and down. I feel weird.

“I’m a vampire, I have a Halloween party to attend in an hour. Do you want to come?”

Her black corset is far too tight, far, far too tight. And the shorts, far too small. Far, far too small. It has been too long since I had sex. Way too long.
Way, way too long.

“A party huh?” I gulp when she places her boot clad foot on the bed and rolls her stockings up her thighs.
Her toned thighs, her sexy tanned toned thighs.

“These keep falling down, I should spray them. Have you got any hairspray?”

I manage to nod, feeling that familiar tingling down below. Down boy.

“Brilliant,” she
sprays her thighs after grabbing it from the drawer behind her and tugs the dark stockings over it before spraying again. “Are you okay?”

“Fine,” I say quickly and cross my legs to hide the evident bulge in my pants. What the fuck? Sure Beth’s sexy but this reaction is weird. It has been way too long since I had sex. Is it hot in here? I suddenly feel really warm.

She sits next to me, her flowery perfume wafts across my nose and makes my mouth water. I wonder what her skin smells like. Which leads me to wonder what she tastes like in certain areas. Which then leads me to wonder what she feels like inside with a certain area of my own.

“Jake?” Marie’s here? Then Beth comes into view through the sudden haze that is my mind, she clicks her fingers in front of my eyes. “Are you okay?”

I nod and take her hand in mine, “I feel weird.”

“In what way?” She leans closer, her lips only an inch from mine. “Good weird or bad weird?”

Good weird, definitely good weird. Really good. So good. Oh god, I’m fucking horny.

“Jake?” Beth’s face blurs out, suddenly Marie is in front of me. Marie. “Jake? Are you okay?” Her voice sounds odd, all distorted and deep and slow.

I laugh a little and tell her as much.

“Jake?” she whispers in my ear, her scented perfume close enough for me to taste on her neck. So I do, I snake my tongue out to touch her neck and grip her arms with my hands. She tastes good, she feels good. “Jake.”

“Marie,” I say and pull her tight to me. My mind is a fog of lust. The room spirals around me as I dive deeper into whatever this feeling is. “Marie.” I roll over with her beneath me.

“Beth,” she corrects a little affronted. “It’s Beth.”

“Where?” I ask, gripping her blonde locks with a tight fist.

“Here, it’s me, Beth.”

“Quiet,” I order, why’s she being weird? She better not be into roll play, no way in hell will I pretend I’m another man when I’m fucking her. “I don’t want to think about her. Let me inside.” I push my body between her thighs and press my lips to hers. So sweet, so soft, so warm. This feels amazing. “Take me in your mouth baby.” I roll once more so she’s on top of me and quickly work at undoing my belt.

Why are there clouds in my room? Why are there dancing people on the clouds? Why are they naked? This is awesome.

“Oh god,” I hear Marie say when I pull myself free and present it to her like the large gift it is. She tries to move away. “I’m so sorry Jacob.”

“No, do it. Now, I need it, give me your mouth,” I groan, my desperation for her to just swallow me whole reaching a new level. “I love your mouth.”

My arms feel heavy, I’m going to explode.

“Jacob,” why’s she doing up my belt? Why’s she slapping me? “Come back to me, Jacob! JACOB! Oh my god. Oh my god!”

Why do I feel sick? “Sick.”

“I’ve done something…” Why’s Marie crying? Marie! “Stupid. Really stupid. I don’t know what happened…”


Black out.


Buzzing, lights, beeping.

Somebody peels open my eyelid. “You won’t take me alive!” Aliens!

“Hallucinations. Sedate him.”




Beeping. Darkness. Buzzing. “Marie? Marie?”




, something’s tickling me. “Get off.” What is that? “Dobby?”

“Dobby?” Dobby asks
, his wide mouth stretching. Cool, I thought you only existed in Harry Potter. “It’s me dude, Landon. I’m just sorting your blanket out.”

Landon? Where? “Dobby, go fetch Landon.”

“Is it wrong that I want to film this?”




I feel awful. No, I feel like shit, I feel like fried shit. Oh my god. My head hurts, my body hurts. Why is there a nurse in my room? Where’s Marie? Is she okay?

“Marie?” I croak, my mouth’s dry. “Marie?”


A straw is placed to my lips, too tired to open my eyes. I suck greedily but it’s taken away after a moment so I don’t get much. “That’s enough for now.” Something is rubbed onto my lips and soft lips touch my forehead.





Chapter Eighteen

The Flight of the Bumblebee



“Jacob?” I answer my phone that has been ringing nonstop for the past ten minutes. “Everything o…”

“It’s Landon, I’m a friend of Jacob’s.” Why does he sound panicked? “Something’s happened.” What? What’s happened?

“Go on.”

“Jacob’s in hospital,” and then he explains. How that bitch Beth has drugged him with a hallucinogenic drug with a strong aphrodisiac in an attempt to seduce him, how the drug mixed with his empty stomach and the cold medicine and antibiotics he’s been taking has caused them to have an adverse effect on his body. A very bad adverse effect. He was rushed to the closest hospital du
e to collapsing and having a seizure. Landon isn’t sure of what’s going on or what condition he’s in. All he knows is that I’m put down as Jacob’s emergency contact on his work contract and he doesn’t know who else to call.


Not Maya.

Not his mom.


So I call for Maya, my eyes burning with unshed tears, “I need to use the jet.”





Fortunately there was a tiny gap in the flight schedule for a jet to take off from the busy city, unfortunately I had no time to go home. I took it on a rush, leaving my things behind knowing I can buy more. All I have is the bee costume I’m wearing, some of Maya’s clothes shoved haphazardly into a paper bag and my passport and purse which Mason met me at the airport with.

I’m numb, really numb. I’m alone. So alone.

I’m scared.

Landon keeps texting me with updates. No change, he’s not out of wherever the hell he is yet. Toxicology or some shit like that. I don’t care, all I care about is that they fix him and fast.





“Oh my god,” I cry and rush over to an extremely yellow looking Jacob who’s tucked up tight in bed. Restraints on his wrists. “Oh my god.”

“Marie right?” A male voice sounds from behind me.

I turn slowly, pushing back the tears and nod at the movie star who I used to have a huge crush on until Jacob. “Yeah. Landon right?”

He smiles sadly, “Yeah. We’re the only two allowed in here right now until they establish who is friend and who is foe.”

“It’s mayhem outside, there are fans and reporters everywhere. The police had to escort me in.”

“They recognize you,” he states and I hum in agreement. “He’s been awake. He’s still delirious. They think it’ll wear off in about two hours.” Thank fuck. “He’s been asking for you. He thought I was Dobby.”

I snort, trying to laugh but failing, “As in Harry Potter?”

“Yeah. That’
s the one.”

“I can see the resemblance.” I joke but it’s halfhearted and probably not very funny.

“Yeah, he said you’re a bitch.” He jokes back but like mine it’s halfhearted and not very funny.

Silence falls between us, I take the seat by Jacob’s bed and watch as a nurse comes in to check on him, “If he wakes up allow him a small sip or two of water and call for us.”

I nod and watch her leave before taking Jacob’s hand in my own. “What’s going on with Beth?”

“She’s been discreetly arrested,” good, or I’d find her and I’d kill her. Well maybe not kill her but I’d damage that perfect face of hers for sure. “I don’t know what she was thinking.”


He sighs, “Looks like it. He wasn’t interested in her… only you.”

I glance at Landon but don’t say anything, there’s nothing to say. The feeling is mutual. Plus I kind of gathered that when I found out she had to drug him to seduce him.

“Marie?” Jacob’s croaky voice pierces my sorrow and fills it with elation. “Marie?” He moves his mouth, I instantly reach for the water and place the straw to his lips. “Thirsty baby?” He takes a large sip. “That’s enough.” Placing the cup back on the side I brush my fingers through his hair and grab the Vaseline from my purse. I rub a small amount on his dry cracked lips and kiss his forehead.

“Missed you baby,” is the last thing he mumbles before falling back to sleep.


“What’s going on with the movie now?”

Landon shrugs, “No idea. Fuck if I’m working with that crazy bitch. They’ll either replace her and restart filming or scrap the movie to save money. No doubt Beth will get sued by both Jacob and Visual Enterprises.” Too fucking right she will.

I stare at Jacob’s friend, “Thank you for being here.” Then I look around the empty room. “You barely know him. Yet people who speak to him every day aren’t here.”

“They’ll be dealing with the outside world.” Landon replies as if this is a normal thing. In their world it probably is. In mine, if any of my clients were in hospital, if I spoke to them every day and knew they didn’t have anyone I’d be there for them without a doubt. “I’m going to grab us both some coffee…”

“Wait,” I say before he leaves the room. “Did she… you know?”

His eyes widen with realization, “No. She didn’t do anything with him. When I got there he thought she was you. I had to fight him off her. He was extremely upset that you weren’t interested in giving him head.” This does make me laugh. How badly that must have pissed her off. Going to all of that trouble to seduce him and he still wanted me under the influence of drugs.

“Good boy,” I chuckle and kiss Jacob’s forehead once more. “Make my coffee sweet.”

“No problem.” And then I’m alone.


I hold Jacob’s hand tightly between my own and rest my forehead against his chest, “I’ve never been so scared in my life Jake.”

His phone on the nightstand vibrates rather loudly. I pick it up and read through a couple of his new messages from unknown numbers. All of them wishing him well. Christ, he can’t even have a private number.

I check his emails too
. Now I’m just being nosy.

Ooh, he has an unsen
t message in his draft. It’s to me.




[email protected]

[email protected]


I miss you.

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