A Long Distance Love Affair (26 page)

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Authors: Mary-Ellen McLean

BOOK: A Long Distance Love Affair
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I find you very delightful too...so appealing...so tantalizing...so...so....ohhh.  I am hook, line and sinkered for you. And I bet you look just irresistible in your new specs.  Can't wait to see you.


Wish my hands were exploring your lovely body now.  Wish my lips were seeking you out.  Wish we were moving together in rapturous harmony.  We play a good tune together when we get the rhythm right!  You're the song on my mind and the tune on my lips.  You're the symphony in my soul...Wish you could play me just now....






Dear Working too Hard


Well I just love it here in Lisbon!  We had a walking tour of the old town yesterday afternoon and it is just lovely.  It is in places a bit reminiscent of Paris (not as majestic though), but the housing is very similar with the cast iron balconies and the close buildings one upon the other.  It's very hilly with views to the sea (I think it's the sea or a very big river)....and the Lisboans love to come out and socialize in the cafes.  A group of us had dinner in one of the local restaurants.  I had sardines (very big ones!) as they are the local dish and a vile wine called sangria I think, served with ice cubes and lemon in it. Apparently the social life starts up after 11.00pm every night but we were too tired to stay much after that.  There were people everywhere and music.  It was very lively and enjoyable. And the coffee is GOOD!


It was lovely getting your text message.  I'm having a good time but you're not far from the centre of my consciousness most of the time.  Wish I could be sharing the experience with you.  I'd love to be kissing your beautiful face just now (and other things as you might well imagine).  Wish you were working hard on me just now and that we were heading into injury time!








My dear, dear Chariot


I woke very early this morning and filled in the time finishing a book I have been reading, and I am in a very moved state just now.  It is the latest Pulitzer Prize winning book called "March" by Geraldine Brooks who is an Australian journalist and it is set in the American Civil War.  It covers all the terrible terrible cruelties inflicted on people in those times and the heart wrenching sorrows and unbelievable sufferings of the slaves both at the hands of their oppressors and of the southern (and northern) troops.  I am feeling very teary just now... But it was also about families and what holds them together and the terrible dilemmas we face sometimes about them and the deep longings we all have to love and be loved and be on deeply trusting intimate human terms with one another and the terrible suffering that can ensue when we realize this is never likely to be.


I am feeling very very guilty about wanting you so much.  You cannot know how much I live for your words, for your contact and how it troubles me that I do. I know I am intruding on your life and I know that I shouldn't be but oh I just can't help myself. Forgive me my ardour for you, my lust, my selfish wantingness....I am feeling very ashamed just now.


Dear Chariot


Thankyou for your lovely words. You probably fathomed what dire need I have of you.... I need to be careful about the books I read when I'm alone and vulnerable...sorry for the outpouring! But it moved me so much and made me think of things so much and how much I wish our circumstances could be different....


I wish so very much that you were here. I could do with one of your lovely hugs.


The conference finished at lunch time so I have spent the afternoon in Lisbon itself walking and walking and sitting and watching.  It's truly a lovely place.  It has an air of decadent decay about it and you really have a sense of a fallen past empire. The buildings are cracked and in need of paint and there's not a plant to be seen anywhere, but there's such a charm about it. I'm sure you would like it too.  What I love about European cities is the over-the-top monuments to past glories.  They are so extravagant and extreme and so glorious.  I wish I knew a bit more of the language so I could read what they were celebrating.  I'd also like to be able to recognise plaques on buildings commemorating famous people who lived there but I haven't been able to fathom any of that.  I walked up and down (literally - it's hilly here) many many little streets wondering where Byron and Shelley spent their time and what it was that inspired them about the place.


I had a coffee in the oldest Lisboan cafe - "La Brasiliera" - It was in a delightful street and was the first place in Lisbon to start importing coffee from Brazil.  They serve it very strong in tiny cups and offer up a lot of sugar to make it palatable.   I haven't found the art galleries yet.  I plan to do that tomorrow and there's a castle ruin on the top of a hill that I'm going to explore as well.


Sorry again for the outpouring this morning.  You are a good friend to me and I feel I can turn to you though.


I think of you sleeping just now, lying on your back with your right arm raised above and cradling your head.  How I would love to lay my body down beside you, to feel my feet overlapping yours in joyous intimate touch, the length of our thighs touching, my arm around your belly, my head on your chest, your arm around my back.  Oh what bliss that would be.


I'm off for a very needed bath now......






Dear Chariot


Thankyou for your call!  Sorry I was a bit non compis mentis there for a few seconds.  Thankyou for your care (you are such a lovely man!) and you can wake me up anytime!  It's always bliss to hear from you.


I'm feeling a lot better today after yesterday's 'crise d'émotion' and sorry to have dragged you into it, but you're my confidante and it means so much to me to be able to share my feelings with you and  know that you'll understand.  My acute emotional state really brought it home to me that luxurious surroundings and the beautiful trappings of life have a hollow ring to them if there's no one to share your inner world with.  And it was reinforced later as I was sitting observing the bourgeois of Portugal in the upmarket cafés, I saw that obviously well heeled couples had absolutely nothing to say to each other.  They were hardly even looking at each other. Their thick gold necklaces, coiffured hair, manicured nails (and that was just the men....) did not seem to be filling the empty vacuum of their relationships.  And oh how I wanted to be with you just then, to see your smiling face and to smile back at you and to reach out and touch you.


Hope you're managing to have a relaxing weekend.  Thank you again for your call.  It meant a lot to me.  Wish I could be thanking you in ways we both enjoy....










My Lovely Charmer


I woke with such wanting of you this morning...such desire, such longing I could have burst with it....


I've just had dinner of tomatoes on toast and a glass of Portuguese Ginginha (a kind of cherry brandy that everyone seemed to drink all the time..they had special stalls and bars everywhere).  The dog is at my feet, Domingo is singing to me beautifully and the full moon is filling the darkness of the window.  If only you could be here with me on my kitchen table...(well me on the table actually....) a Ginginha kiss would be especially arousing.


I'm looking forward this evening to Dickens' Bleak House on TV.  I hope you have a lovely evening.  I'm so thinking of you.










Dear Terrific Texting Thumb


Wonderful to hear from you last night.  You were very textually demanding mind you!!  I hope you will be just as demanding in the flesh when we're together (SOOOOONNN!!)


I hope you had a good trip back and managed to get in some work.
My body is aching for you just now. I would like to put that thumb of yours to some alternate use...








Oh My Prince!


Our trysting time is nigh!  It will be so wonderful to see you again and to be in your company.  I'm so excited I don't know how I'll sleep tonight.  You thrill me!  I'm looking forward to discovering your body anew, to touching your beautiful hands, to listening to your lovely sonorous voice, to kissing your beautiful face, to gazing on your luscious thighs, to stroking your chest...oh there won't be enough time to do all that I would like to do.


I have been practising with great devotion.....(the poses that is).


Looking forward to being oiled by you and enjoying the wonderful sensation of slipping flesh.

Your adoring Chariette

Dear Handsome One


I had a bit of a spending weekend...the book on Saturday and then another two books (another one for me and one for one of my princelings) and a 6 CD set of Mozart.  I've played two of them so far.  It's the 200th anniversary of his death (or birth I'm not sure really) this year. He's one of my favourite composers.  When you listen to music experts speak about his compositions they really speak in such glowing and reverent terms of his genius and originality.  I'm not in any regard anything like an expert when it comes to musical composition, but what I like about his work is the joyfulness of it, the spirited life of it and the fact that you can follow the tune.  I just can't imagine how he juggled all those parts in his head for all the different instruments and then brought them all together in pieces that have such internal harmonies and consistencies.  He has them making love to each other.


Speaking of which.....yes you guessed it...I would very much like to be the viola to your violin!


Hope you've had a stimulating happy day.


Thinking of you


The First Movement of Chariette





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