A Long Distance Love Affair (35 page)

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Authors: Mary-Ellen McLean

BOOK: A Long Distance Love Affair
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Dear Lovely James


I have some news that I guess won’t be particularly good from your point of view.


I have met a very congenial person who I think has the potential to be good for me.  Like you, he has a good and generous heart, but unlike you he is single!!  As I’ve mentioned to you before I would very much like to know what it feels like to be cherished by someone before I die, and I think this opportunity may be presenting itself to me now


I wish it was you (with all my heart and body and soul) but as it can’t be, I am going to take the plunge.


I’m sorry!








Your Handsomeness


It was wonderful hearing from you today, even though we were both pretty stilted!  It's hard to talk about the elephant in the room (or in this case the bloke in the closet).


I have very complicated feelings about it all.  You must know (for I have told you a thousand times) that you are my numero uno in every way.  But...but...but.. and we both know the buts.


I cherish you, I cherish the time we have had together, I cherish the intimacy we have shared, I cherish our contact and our friendship and our secrets.


You are truly the most magnificent Chariot a girl could ever hope to meet. I will never experience such chemistry again as long as I live. I'm hoping we will meet up in the next life in circumstances that are more propitious for us to really enjoy and indulge each other


I am now moving into the realm of "Mr Good Enough", which I need to accept and try to cope with as there is the likelihood of happiness and sustained companionship there.  I know you will understand this.


I hope you have a great time exploring the West Coast of the US.  Get pissed as much as you can.  I'll be thinking of you.






Don't stress about the text you sent. I understand you’re frustrations.  All OK.   You need a woman.....  Sorry it can't be me anymore.


Love from me






Dear Lovely One


I'm sorry to hear that you’re feeling down and lonely.  I wish I could help you.  I always so love to hear your voice.  It is very special.  I'm sorry you are not able to talk to me more tonight.  I would have loved to have helped lift you a bit.


Sending you lots of love and affection.




Your Anna




Thank you for remembering my birthday!  Had a delightful day with friends and family drinking too much champagne and eating too many delectable goodies (which I spent Friday cooking).  Everyone made me feel very loved and appreciated so I'm glowing with that still.


Still struggling with not wanting to go back to work.  I'm enjoying the house and garden too much.  Starting now to harvest some spinach, snow peas and lettuce.  It's just wonderful.  Tomatoes are starting to grow fruit as well, and all my herbs are harvestable all the time.  Just put in some tarragon so need to look up what that's good with.


The possums are taking a low profile now I'm back, but they seriously ravaged the roses that I was so carefully tending. I hope they will shoot again. 


What have you been up to lately?  How are you?  What's happening in your life?  It's been so long since we've been able to talk.  I'm missing you.


Much love


Your Pal Anna




Hello you


Very sorry to hear you are in a bad place.  Perhaps you could think about getting an executive coach to help you work out where you're going now in this significant transition period in your life.  Coaches are fabulous for that kind of thing, helping you to think through possibilities and come to a plan.   That will make you feel more optimistic.  Perhaps it's also time for you to be putting that bucket list together and just going for it!  Another thing might be to put together a 'Personal Board' comprised of people you can trust to talk through possibilities.  I would volunteer for that!!  Maybe your son and daughter could play some role in this too.


Missing you too. 


Love Anna






Thank you for the generous invitation to join you in Melbourne but I know where the coffee would lead and I really can't go back there anymore.  Too emotionally difficult, too heartbreaking, too lonely afterwards.  Too many toos!!  Sorry too!


A xxxx


Sorry you are sad.  Me too.


A xxxx






How lovely of you to remember and remind me of the Transit of Venus and that it has come around again.  Being together for our first time when this planetary movement was happening and now parting years later when it happens again. 


Some kind of poetic irony in there I think.....






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