A Moment Like This (15 page)

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Authors: Leen Elle

BOOK: A Moment Like This
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Mr. Matthews stood behind his desk, hand extended towards her with a smile on his face. Adelie fidgeted nearby, already seated and ready for the news Mr. Matthews was going to announce.

"Miss. Genson, I read the last chapter of your book and it is absolutely marvelous. With your permission I would like to publish it. I've already had an illustrator working on several cover designs in hopes that you would say yes."

Promise looked to Adelie, too astonished to speak on her own. Her eager friend motioned her to give the man her answer. "How soon can I see the cover designs?"

"Just as soon as we can iron out all the paperwork," Mr. Matthews informed her eagerly. After digging about in his desk he produced several papers for her to sign and look over. When they left there that afternoon both of them floated to the car.

"You have to let me take you out to celebrate! I know it's late for lunch but…"

"Another time perhaps," Promise responded, dampening her friend's enthusiasm, "I have a date with Colin tonight and I don't want to go half full."

"A rain check it is then," Adelie chortled, "say Promise, you never let me read the final chapter. What did it say exactly?"

"I think I have time to show you," Promise replied, her glee poorly contained.

Selah watched the sea of people ebb and flow outside her window, searching. Where was Dante? Was he coming? Her mother smoothed her veil down of her face and clucked about her not holding still.

I've heard of nervous jitters, child, but this is ridiculous," she sighed as she adjusted a few more folds then adjusted them again when Selah moved.

They're just going to fall out when I starting walking anyway, mother; don't bother."

Why are you so antsy? Even when your father and I drug into church a few Sundays ago you sat still than this."

I'm trying to find someone in the crowd," Selah said a bit distractedly as her eyes scanned the group below again. He had to come; Dante was supposed to be Michael's best man. Of all the days for him to be late, she whined inwardly.

Come away from the window, dear. Someone will see you." Selah obeyed her mother's command hesitantly. If she knew who was missing she would be looking out the window too.

There was a knock on the door and after the superstitious woman confirmed there was no groom on the other side she opened it. Selah's father looked at her and smiled then ask her mother if she would please come out into the hall. There was hushed conversation exchanged between the two for a few seconds then her mother's voice rose into a distinguishable language.

The best man is missing!"

You may kiss the bride

Looked at her finger and smiled. One last thing she couldn't resist.

And they lived happily ever after.







* * * *















Copyright © 2013 by
Leen Elle


















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