| Emergen-Cproduct from Alacer Corporation containing vitamin C, B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, manganese, chromium, and zinc; boosts immune function, helps body deal with stress.
| Quercetin with other bioflavonoidsanti-inflammatory, antiallergenic, works with vitamin C to boost immune function.
| Beta-caroteneused by the body to produce vitamin A, heals mucus membranes, important for immune function.
| Zinc picolinatea well-absorbed form of zinc; zinc is essential for proper immune function; therapeutic dose is 15 to 20 milligrams twice daily for up to one week. Normal zinc intake should be 15 milligrams per day.
Boils; Burns; Cuts, Scrapes, and Puncture Wounds; Insect Bites and Stings
| Lavenderantibiotic, antiseptic, promotes healing, prevents scarring.
| Tea tree oilpowerful antiseptic, antibiotic.
| Chamomileantibacterial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory.
| Boil Bathing Solutioncombine 2 drops lavender, 2 drops tea tree oil, and 2 drops chamomile in a pint of hot water and use to bathe the area twice daily.
| Belladonnabrings down a bright red, hot, throbbing boil.
| Hepar sulphuris when a boil comes to a head or if it is extremely sensitive to the touch.
| Silicafor boils that erupt after injury with a foreign body, such as a splinter.
| Myristicafor a stubborn boil that won't open and drain.