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Paddison, Joshua, ed.
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Price, Richard, ed.
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Quarles, Benjamin.
The Negro in the Making of America.
New York: Macmillan, 1987.
Rediker, Marcus.
The Slave Ship: A Human History.
New York: Viking, 2007.
Remini, Robert V.
Andrew Jackson
. New York: HarperPerennial, 1999.
Andrew Jackson and His Indian Wars
. New York: Viking, 2001.
The House: The History of the House of Representatives
. New York: Smithsonian Books, 2006.
The Life of Andrew Jackson.
New York: Harper and Row, 1988. (Condensation of the author's three-volume biography of Jackson.)
Reynolds, David S.
John Brown, Abolitionist: The Man Who Killed Slavery, Sparked the Civil War, and Seeded Civil Rights
. New York: Knopf, 2005.
Waking Giant: America in the Age of Jackson
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Walt Whitman's America: A Cultural Biography
. New York: Vintage, 1996.
Richards, Rand.
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San Francisco, Calif.: Heritage House, 2007.
Richter, Daniel K.
Facing East from Indian Country
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Roberts, Cokie.
Founding Mothers: The Women Who Raised Our Nation
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Rodriguez, Junius P., ed.
Encyclopedia of Slave Resistance and Rebellion.
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Rogow, Arnold A.
A Fatal Friendship: Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr
. New York: Hill and Wang, 1998.
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.
A Thousand Days: John F. Kennedy in the White House
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The Peculiar Institution: Slavery in the Ante-Bellum South
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Weisberger, Bernard A.
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Abolitionism, 111, 113, 124, 195â96.
See also
Douglass, Frederick
slave mutiny and, 126
censorship laws against, 166
Congressional “gag rule,” 140â41
Frémont and, 212, 252
John Brown's insurrection, 166
Liberty Party, 182
newspapers, 140, 181, 194â95
pro-slavery violence, 181, 195, 196
Abraham (Black Seminole), 168â69
Adams, Henry, 59
Adams, John, 3, 16, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 50, 52, 55, 58, 86, 111, 134, 200
Adams, John Quincy, 110, 126
African Americans, xv, 95.
See also
alliances with Native Americans, 102, 142, 166â69
in Florida, 101â3, 105, 166â69
in Fort Mims massacre, 71
homes burned in Philadelphia, 195
population in U.S., 1810, 65
prohibition on literacy, 134, 136
repatriation to Africa and, 109, 110
Second Seminole War and, 167
Alabama, 69, 81, 91, 109
Alaska, 217, 234
Alexander Hamilton
(Chernow), 44
Alien Act of 1798, 200
Allen, Ethan, 169
Alston, Joseph, 15, 15n, 50, 57
Alston, Theodosia Burr, 9, 15n, 34â35, 58, 61
Ambrister, Robert, 102â3
American Anti-Slavery Society, 195â96, 249
American Colonization Society, 109, 110, 120
American Lion
(Meacham), xx, 78, 159, 175
American West, xxâxxi, 65, 156.
See also
annexation of New Mexico, 218
calls for expansion into, 208
exploration of, 218 221, 239â40
fight for California, 177, 182, 218, 244, 245
trails to, 177
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 218
mutiny, 112, 122, 125â27
Anderson, Fred, 100
Anti-Masonic Party, 111
Anti-Slavery Society, 166
Arbuthnot, Alexander, 102â3
Arkansas, 111
Arnold, Benedict, xix, 23n, 26â27, 30, 32
Arnold, Peggy Shippen, 23n
Ashley, Robert, 9
Astor, John Jacob, 47
newspaper, 38
Austin, Moses, 217
Austin, Stephen, 217
Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk
(Monk), 183, 205
Bache, Benjamin Franklin, 38
Bahamas, 120, 139
Bailey, Dixon, 74, 75
Balboa, Vasco Núñez de, 224â25
Bank of New York, 40
Bank of the Manhattan Co., 39â40
Bank of the United States, 156
Baptist Church, 181
Baton Rouge, 65
Battle of Bunker Hill, 31, 245
Battle of Burnt Corn Creek, 71, 85
Battle of Harlem Heights, 31
Battle of Horseshoe Bend, 66, 96â97, 104
Battle of New Orleans, 66, 77
Battle of Quebec, 26â29, 48
Battle of Stono Ferry, 79
Battle of Thames, 85
Battle of Tippecanoe, 66, 84
Bayard, James A., 42
Beasley, David, 72, 73
Beauregard, P. T., 250
Beecher, Lyman, 207â8
Benton, Elizabeth, 239
Benton, Jesse, 92
Benton, Thomas Hart, 91â92, 226, 235n, 236â237, 239, 246
Berlin, Ira, 113, 138
Bible Riots, xxii, 181, 185â94, 209, 212
Birney, James, 181, 182
“Birther” movement, xxiii, 212â13
Black Hawk, 158, 158n
Blennerhassett, Harmon, 55, 57
Boone, Daniel, 27
Borneman, Walter, 86
Boston, 197â98
Brock, Isaac, 85
Brown, John, 166
Buchanan, James, 213, 252
Burr, Aaron, xviii, 7â61
acquittal of, 56
aftermath of trial, 57â61
Andrew Jackson and, xx, 50â51, 104â5
Bank of the Manhattan Co., 39â40
Benedict Arnold and, xix
burial of, 59
capture of, 7â17, 52, 101
daughter and, 34â35, 58
dislike of, by Hamilton, 5, 38
duel and death of Hamilton, xviii, 4, 10, 12â13, 43â45
expedition against Spanish territory, 47â51, 89, 104
family and early years, 18â26
farewell speech, 46
Gen. Montgomery and, 28â29
George Washington and, 30, 31â32, 39
impeachment trial of Chase, 45â46
James Madison and, 25, 36â37, 40
James Wilkinson and, 48â50, 54â55
marriages, 33â34, 37, 58â59
Martin Van Buren and, 60â61, 173
murder indictment, 45
political career, 35â46
presidential run, 16â17, 40â41, 134
presidential vendettas, xix, 5, 59
press and, 38
Richmond Hill house, 30, 35, 47
smearing of, 30, 42, 43, 60â61
supporters and admirers, 12â13, 14
Thomas Jefferson and, 7, 13, 16â17, 36, 40, 42â43, 46â47, 51
treason charge and trial, xviiiâxix, 4, 24, 51, 52â57
as war hero, 13, 26â33
Burr, Aaron (Senior), 18, 21â22
Burr, Esther Edwards, 18, 22
Burr, Sarah “Sally,” 22â23, 25
Burr, Theodosia, 33â34
Burstein, Andrew, xxv, 51, 105
Bury the Chains
(Hochschild), 130
Bush, George W., xix, 60, 159
Cadwalader, John, 188, 190, 190n, 193
Calhoun, John C., 89
California, 230â31
American expansionism and, 177, 218, 234, 244â45
Bear Flag Revolt, 182, 244, 245
gold rush of 1849, xvii, 217, 219, 221, 224, 248â49
Manifest Destiny and, 241
Mexican control of, 241
mission system, 231â34
Native Americans, 232â34, 233n
population growth, 248
routes to, xviii, 223â28
Russian settlers, 217, 234
statehood, xvii, xxi, 219
Sutter's Fort, 217, 234â35
Callender, James, 38, 45, 86â87
Calloway, Colin G., 67, 83
Carroll, Anna Ella, 210â11
Carroll, William, 92
Carson, Kit, 239, 241, 244â45, 246
Cass, Lewis, 219
Catlin, George, 172
Cayton, Andrew, 100
Channing, William Ellery, 203
Chase, Samuel, 45â46, 52
Chernow, Ron, 11, 44
Cherokee Nation
State of Georgia
, 161
Cherokees, 99, 159â61
“Trail of Tears,” 145, 157, 161
Chickasaw, 81, 159
Choctaw, 81, 93, 102, 159, 160
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 202, 203
Civil War, xvi, xxi
attack on Fort Sumter, 250
Frémont-Lincoln disagreement, 252â53
North-South leadership, 250
Clark, Dennis, 187
Clay, Henry, 51, 89, 110, 182, 242
Collier, James and Christopher, 53
Compromise of 1850, 219
Cooper, James Fenimore, xvi
Creek Indians
“accommodationists,” 84
as American allies, 101â2
Andrew Jackson and, 67, 93â99, 169
assimilation of, 70â71, 81â82, 159
Battle of Burnt Corn Creek, 71, 85
Battle of Horseshoe Bend, 66, 96â97
Battle of Talladega, 94
as British allies, 81, 85, 100
Chief Far-Off Warrior, 73
confiscation of land and forced removal, 81, 99, 160
Fort Mims massacre, xxi, 66, 70â76
leaders with Scots heritage, 80, 157
Muskogee, 70, 81
Red Sticks, 70, 73, 74, 75, 85, 93, 96â97, 170
Tecumseh and, 82â83
Treaty of Fort Jackson, 67, 99
Wars, 76â77, 84, 94, 96â99, 169
Weatherford and, xviii, xxi, 74â75, 80
mutiny, 112, 115â20, 126, 139â40
Crockett, David, 91, 94
Cuba, 124, 125
Dade, Francis, xviii, xxii, 149â53
Dade's Massacre, 145, 149â55, 169
Dana, Richard Henry, 221, 234
Davis, Jefferson, 158n
Day, Emiline, 226â27
Dayton, Jonathan, 24, 39, 50
Death of Montgomery at Quebec, The
(Trumbull painting), 29
Decision in Philadelphia
(Collier), 53
Declaration of Independence, 25, 30
death of Jefferson and Adams, 111
“Jubilee” celebration, xvâxvi, 58
signers, xiv, 45
Democracy in America
(Tocqueville), 160, 181
Democratic Party, 210, 213, 221
Denmark Vesey's rebellion, 110
Denton, Sally, 238
Deslondes, Charles, 113, 137â38
De Soto, Hernando, 150
Dessalines, Jean-Jacques, 132, 133
Detroit, 85
Diamond, Jared M., 156
Dickinson, Charles, 65, 92â93
Dickinson, Jonathan, 21
“brain fever,” 229
brought by Europeans, 233
cholera, 79, 160, 186, 191
smallpox, 21, 22, 27, 122
typhus (“Irish disease”), 187
yellow fever, 33, 130
Donelson, Andrew Jackson, 212
Donner Party, 228
Donohoe, Father Michael, 190
Douglass, Frederick, 139
The Heroic Slave
, 119â20, 139
The Narrative of the Life of
, 182
“Dream of Our Fathers, The,” xivâxxiii
(Fleming), 44â45
Benton-Carroll, 92
Benton-Lucas, 236â37
code duello, 43
death of Hamilton's son and, 44
Hamilton-Burr, xviii, 4, 10, 12â13, 43â45
Jackson-Dickinson, 65, 92
Dwight, Timothy, 22n, 208
Edwards, Jonathan, 18, 20â21, 22, 22n, 25, 208
Edwards, Sarah, 22
Edwards, Timothy, 23, 23n
Ellsberg, Daniel, xix
Emathla, Ote (Jumper), 152
Embargo Acts, 65, 88, 89
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, xvi, 203
Empire of Wealth, An
(Gordon), 12
Great Britain
Ensor, Robert, 117â18, 119
Fallen Founder
(Isenberg), ix, 5
Federalist Party, 16, 22n, 36, 40, 41, 42â43, 45, 46, 52, 55, 88
Fenno, John, 38
Filibuster, 47, 47n
Fillmore, Millard, 212, 219, 252
Fisher, Patrick, 188
Fleming, Thomas, 28
Florida, 10, 52, 145, 182.
See also
Dade's Massacre
Andrew Jackson and, 101â3, 110, 162
defense of slavery and, 166â69
dogs tracking slaves in, 173â74
Gainesville, 13
Huguenot massacre, xxivâxxv, 197
Indians, free blacks, and fugitive slave alliances, 101â3, 105, 147, 152, 154
Indians armed by Spain and Britain, 85
“Negro Fort,” 101â3, 104
raids on white settlers, 154â55
Seminole Wars, xxiâxxii, 13, 142, 145, 147, 161â63, 175
Spain cedes to U.S., 103, 251
Spanish losses in, 150
West Florida seized by U.S., 65
Fort Brooke, 150
Fort Caroline massacre, xxiv
Fort Jackson, 98
Fort King, 149, 153
Fort Mims massacre, xxi, 66, 70â76, 91, 93, 97, 104
Fort Ticonderoga, 26
Founding Fathers, ix, xivâxxiii, 17â18
anti-Catholicism and, 199, 200
emancipation of slaves, 129
French Revolution, 129
Louisiana Purchase and, 10, 47
Napoléon and, 57
Napoleonic Wars, 65, 88
Peace of Paris, 199
“Quasi-War,” 39
Thomas Jefferson and, 36
Toussaint and Haiti, 129
West Indies campaign, 131
Franklin, Benjamin, 19â20, 198
Fremon, Charles, 240â41
Frémont, Jessie Benton, xxi
as author, 235, 239â40, 253
California ranch and wealth, 251
death of, 253
fame of, 235, 235n, 246
family and early years, 225â26, 237â38
journey to California, 1949, xviii, 223, 225, 228â30, 235, 247â48
marries John Frémont, 238
politics and, 251â52
Frémont, John Charles, xxâxxi, 247
antislavery position, 252
“birthers” and, xxiii, 212â13