A New Day (11 page)

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Authors: Nancy Hopper

BOOK: A New Day
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His thoughts were staggering as they played in the waves together.  Not long before, he hadn’t wanted anything to do with Tasha Charles.  Now, he wanted to kiss her, make love to her, protect her ... he had to stop thinking about it.  He couldn’t afford to let go of his imagination one iota, with this girl.  He knew if he did, he’d lose his head. 

And he didn’t want to.  Especially, not with Tasha.  He had to admit that he was falling in love; but he didn’t much trust her.  She had too far to go.

But, Tasha was positively love-struck.  There was no doubt about it; Gary Taylor was 'it' for her.  The only problem she could see, was his silly devotion to this church thing.  It was going to be a very sticky business to wean him away.  Very tricky, indeed.


     By the time church services were over Sunday evening, Tasha knew it would be tedious as well, getting Gary over his church obsession.  It was nothing but Bible study in small groups; dreadfully boring to Tasha’s thinking.  They gathered for a short worship time at the end of the study, and Tasha felt her heart leap as she looked up to find Gary looking at her with a private smile, his eyes speaking volumes to her.  She grinned back shyly, and knew she actually blushed.

Then they had prayer concerns, which Tasha listened to despite herself.  These people were airing their dirty laundry without even thinking twice.  It was insane.  But Gary listened intently to everything, never showing any shock or disgust, never judging anything or anyone mentioned.  Tasha discovered he always knew exactly what to say, exactly how to pray in response to the issues raised.  It was unnerving, if one dwelt on it.

At last, he dismissed the group and made his way to her side.  “Tasha, please come back to the office, there is someone I’d like you to meet.”  he said quietly in her ear.

Tasha smiled up at Gary and floated along beside him.  She felt like she was turned inside out, and yet she couldn’t get her feet to touch the floor.  She had to be in love.  It was the only explanation.

He opened the study door, and ushered her into a small room with a desk and four chairs, and lots of books on the walls.  “Tasha, this is pastor Philip Brooks, from Los Angeles.  He’s going to be our guest tonight.” Gary explained.

Tasha gave the man a winning smile and extended her hand.  “I’m very pleased to meet you.”  she said dreamily.

The pleasure is mine, Tasha.”  he replied. 

Tasha felt as if the man’s steely blue eyes would pierce through her, with their stare.  His salt and pepper hair and thin lips added to his rather grim countenance. 

Gary has asked me a few questions that lead me to believe you’re a very special young lady, Tasha.  Will you let me pray for you?”  he asked carefully.

Tasha shot a hesitant look at Gary, who smiled reassurance to her.  “Oh.  All right.”  she answered uncertainly.

The man smiled, and stepped close to her.  Gary put a comforting hand on her low back, and stood close.  The man took her hands in his.  Then, when he felt her relax, he placed both of his palms on the crown on her head.  When he did that, Tasha felt a warm, immediate flow of an unexplainable sensation course through her from her head to her toes.  It was like warm honey flowing, that filled her inside as well as outside.  Gary put his other hand on her arm as she began to tremble.

You’re feeling the power of God, Tasha.  He wants you to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He is real, and alive, and well able to touch you personally and directly.  He wants you to sense His presence in a very tangible way.  You don’t need to be afraid.  This is not going to harm you in any way.  And I bless you, Tasha, in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ.” 

I sense in you a sensitivity that will benefit you in the days that lie ahead.  You are going to have to make some monumental decisions, Tasha.  You may find these times bitterly disillusioning, if you don’t change course and come to know the Lord.  Seek Him, Tasha.  He will lead you, I promise you.  He will never forsake you.  A new day will dawn for you now, young lady –
you will step through the door that is opening for you.”

The man looked at her keenly and shook his head, as though puzzled.  “I don’t know what this means.  I’m hesitant to say it, but I feel the Lord is very insistent.”

Go on, then.”  Gary urged him quietly.

The man looked at Tasha worriedly.  “You are ... you are to abandon the thoughts and designs you have been thinking, today.”  he said cautiously.  “I don’t know what it means, but I hear the Lord saying you will never win at the scheme; the game you intended to play.  He says ... you cannot steal from Him.”

Gary looked bewildered and almost angry, but the blood drained from Tasha’s face.  He was talking about her intention to woo Gary out of the church.  God is the only one who could know her thoughts and desires. 

He was giving her proof of His reality and His might!  She had never said a single word of this desire, to a living soul!  It had just been in her mind that she’d be able to pull him away from it.  She put a hand on her heart, and staggered back a step.

Philip,” Gary whispered worriedly.

But, Pastor Brooks put his hand on her head, and the intense power of the Lord flowed through Tasha with a mighty rush.  “Lord,” he prayed intently, “we offer Tasha in prayer.  We lift her up to you.  Lord, God, break the curses that have operated in her life!  Cut off the old ways that she has known in the past.  Make her a new creature in Christ Jesus.” 

"Give your angels charge over her, in the days to come.  Protect her, Lord.  Overshadow her.  Bless her with visitations of your Spirit in these days, my Lord.  Bless her, Father, and keep her safe.” 

"Mold her into the valiant woman that you created her to be.  Take her and make her whole, Lord.  Heal her heart, Lord.  Heal the deep wounds that have warped her life, Father.  I thank you, Lord.  I thank you and I bless you.  And I ask it in Jesus’ name.”

Tasha slumped into Gary’s arms.  He let her gently down to the floor, and just sat by as she was washed by the power of the Holy Spirit.  When she finally stood up, he supported her with a strong arm.  Then, Philip Brooks stood before Gary.  His hands stretched out to cover Gary’s head. 

Gary, son, you’ve got some decisions to make, as well.  Keep your feet on the path.  Don’t look to the right or the left, or you will fall.  Keep your eyes on the Lord, and listen to only His leading.  Don’t be swayed, don’t lose heart.  Trust in the Lord, and serve Him only.  He has great plans for you this year.  I bless you, my son, in Jesus’ precious name.  Amen.”

Gary’s eyes opened and he looked down at Tasha.  “Can I pray for you, too?” he asked gently.

Tasha nodded, so Gary settled his hands gently on her head.  His eyes were so deep and calm that it touched Tasha’s heart strangely.  Then, that strange flow of feeling began coursing through her being again; only this time it felt different.  She could feel Gary in it.

The feeling went deep, into every fiber of her being.  It laid her bare from the heart up, it was so all-encompassing; and yet, it was so loving and kind.  It cut to the bone, yet it brought healing at the same time.  She couldn’t stop the tears that splashed down her cheeks, and Gary hadn’t said a single word, yet. 

Tasha,” he finally said gently.  “You’re finally beginning to see that God has real plans for your life.  He has many things for you to accomplish, many wonderful things.  There is such a call on your life, Tasha, it’s simply tremendous.  I’ve been getting a sense of it for the past few days, and I’m just ... overwhelmed at the strength of His hand reaching out to you.  He is opening a door before you; and He wants you to believe that He can and will make all things new for you. This
a new day dawning for you, Sweetheart.  That is so true!”

Honey, he wants to be your Lord.  He wants to love you, and lead you.  He wants you to know Him and love Him with the very depths of your heart.  Tasha, do you want to accept Him?  Do you want to know Him?”

She didn’t really know.  All she could do was cry.  It was overwhelming, what she was experiencing. 

He’s given me a very special love for you, Tasha.  It’s so deep and unwavering, that I know it’s not just me.  I’ve never loved anyone this way in my life, Tasha!  He’s reaching out to you.  I know you feel it, Tasha.  Let Him take all your burdens away, honey.  All the things that weigh down your heart and discourage you.  Let Him have them!  He’ll take them if you ask Him to, Tash.  Let Him in, Tasha.  Give him a chance.  He’s who you’ve been searching for all your life.  Accept Him.  Let Him show you who He is.”

As if of their own accord, Tasha’s knees gave way; and she found herself kneeling on the carpet.  Gary, too, sank to his knees, and Pastor Brook’s hands settled over Gary’s, which still rested on Tasha’s head. 

All right.  All right, I can’t fight you any more.”  she whispered in a barely audible voice.  “You’ve got to be real, you’re too strong.”

The warmth within her flickered and leaped, and quickened to a purging flame.

Tell Him.” Gary urged softly.

I … accept you.” she said in bewilderment.

As my Lord and my savior, Jesus.”  Gary urged.

As ... as my Lord ... and my savior.”  she repeated, feeling almost as if someone else had to be saying those words.  It couldn’t be her!  Could it?  “Jesus”.

Receive the Holy Spirit, Tasha.  Ask for Him.  He’ll come and make all the difference in your life.”

How ... ”

Just say, Holy Spirit, come.  Come, Lord, I welcome you.  I want you.  I need you, Lord.”

Tasha followed Gary’s lead, feeling compelled but quite bewildered.  How could she be saying these things?  How could she mean them?  How could it all be happening?  It wasn’t what she’d planned at all.  And yet – she wanted it!  She wanted what Gary had.  She wanted what Deb had.  She wanted what made the Waldens all so happy, and peaceful, and loving. 

They had something special, and she knew that 'this' was it.  It was being offered to her.  It was pure love, of a kind she'd never experienced before.  But she'd seen it in action, this summer, and she truly desired it – with all her heart.

His Holy Spirit will fill you, Tasha, and wash away all of your pain, all of your scars.  All of your prior life, honey.  Just open up, and let Him in.”

As if Gary’s will joined with hers, she felt a power surge up within her.  A great gladness filled her whole being.  She gasped and grabbed onto Gary’s forearms for support.  But she fell as if a mighty wind had struck her, suddenly and hard.  Only Gary’s sure hands kept her from hitting the floor unexpectedly.

The men were quiet while the Holy Spirit obviously worked a miracle in the beautiful girl.  Their eyes met with wonder and mirth at the Lord’s method of dealing with the wounded, willful, lovely child.  They couldn’t be sure what was happening inside her, but they knew it was good, and they knew it was God.

Gary knelt beside her, and prayed.  It was utterly silent for a few moments.  Gary could feel bonds between he and Tasha forming.  They were very strong.  He wanted to pull away, but he found he could not move.  It was as if the Lord was insisting that he stay and allow this to happen.

God, I’m not ready for this.  I’m not sure she’s the one.  I don’t want to love her too much.  God!”  he cried out from his heart in desperation.

The Holy Spirit silenced the protests in his mind with a heavy warmth.  He stopped cold, and submitted.  “I’m sorry, Lord.  I repent.  Do whatever you want, I trust you.” he whispered.    

He felt a current of power come then, that bound his heart to Tasha’s.  It felt like a complete melting together, a sweet ache that brought tears rushing to his eyes.

Gary felt the Lord speak to him, then – quietly, and tenderly.  “My bride is not perfect.  She is willful and spoiled, and she has turned her heart to others.  Yet, I love her.  Yet, I woo her.  Yet, I will wait until she comes to me willingly.  And I shall make her clean, without spot or wrinkle.  Lovely she is to me.”

Gary groaned from the depths of his being.  He felt as if his heart was being torn out by the words.  “I understand.”  he whispered, aching.  “Lord, I understand.”   He knew then that he would marry Tasha.  There was no doubt in his heart that it was exactly what the Lord wanted him to do.  She was very much like the church was, to the Lord.  Yet like his Lord, he vowed he would be faithful and steadfast – and see his bride through.

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