A New Day (7 page)

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Authors: Nancy Hopper

BOOK: A New Day
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Gary turned, saw the bird flying away, and laughed heartily. 

Oh, my God!  What the hell was
?” she shrieked.

It's just a Puffin.  It won't hurt you.” he assured her with mirth.

A what?” she snapped

.” he repeated.  “They nest in the cliffs above the beach.  It was probably more scared than you were.”

How reassuring.”  she growled.

Gary just shrugged, and continued up the path.      

Tasha’s slow burn had become a raging bonfire by the time he opened her van door, and steadied her elbow with an exaggerated display of chivalry.  She settled in, and smiled as a new tactic occurred to her.

You know, Gary, I just don’t understand why you insist upon playing church.  You could do so much more.” she said matter-of-factly.

More?” Gary repeated with a deep growl.  “Tasha, I don’t expect you to understand my dedication to the Lord, but it’s my whole life.  There is absolutely nothing I could ever do that would be more meaningful -- or have more value – than to serve Him and His people.”

She widened her eyes.  “Well, then.  Why not go big, if that’s the way you feel about it?  You could be famous, you know, with your looks, and your beautiful voice.”

Thanks, but bigger isn’t necessarily better.” 

Hogwash!  I’m surprised at you!  I thought it was all about ‘saving souls for Christ’?  How could bigger
be better?  The more people who see you, the more people you can sell your religion to.”

Tasha,” Gary warned evenly, “Let's just drop it.”

Touchy, touchy!  Lighten up, Gary, I’m just trying to help you out.”

I don’t recall asking for your help, Tasha.” he countered lightly.

Well, excuse me!  I might have offered you a sizable donation, if you’d been decent to me.”

To her chagrin, Gary laughed heartily.  “You’re serious, aren't you?  Do you really think you can manipulate me with your money?  Money doesn’t make up the Kingdom of God, Tasha. 

Tasha glared at him, but her curiosity had been aroused.  So he didn’t want her money, then?  What preacher didn’t want money?”  She narrowed her eyes, and smiled.  Perhaps she could test his appetite.

Tasha, don’t get me wrong.  Money is a great tool.  The thing is, that the Lord has me right where He wants me.  I don’t have to promote myself.   And, too, whatever is needed, He is able to provide.”

He’s the God of everything, and all the resources in the world are at His disposal.  I have need of nothing.  So, I do appreciate your thoughtfulness for me, and your desire to help me in my career.  But to me, it’s not a career in the typical sense.  I’m just doing what I feel I have to do.”

She smiled at him uncertainly, but it faded quickly.  This was a different breed of animal.  He really
want her money.  He had the faith to get what he wanted, directly from God.  If what he said was true, how was she to compete with that?  The revelation left her feeling distinctly dissatisfied.  Something inside her wanted Gary's eyes fixed on her; and only her!

They stopped for something to eat on the way home.  There was a little roadside cafe, that Tasha thought looked tacky.  However, she didn't mention it.  Things were a little strained after the mention of money. 

Gary was guarded and quiet, and everything Tasha said seemed to irritate him.  She finally decided that if he was going to be so terribly grouchy, she’d indulge herself by venting her spleen.  She would gladly do her best to torment him.

When he opened the van door to help her down, she pretended to slip, and fell against his body.  He caught her efficiently and set her on the ground, well away from him.

Oh, I’m
.”  she giggled.

Gary ignored her comment, and gestured for her to go ahead of him.  “After you.”  he insisted stiffly.

Why, thank you.”  she said primly.

It was nicer inside than she thought it would be, with a Calypso atmosphere.  Before they’d finished eating, a three piece band began to play.  Tasha felt the pull of the music, as several couples got up to dance. 

Gary, please let’s dance.  I can’t
  it, it’s divine!”  she begged, eyes shining.  “Who'd guess that such a little dump would have music like

Tasha, I really don’t think it's a good idea...”

!  Just one, I

You do, huh?” he asked doubtfully.

Cross my heart.”  she said urgently.  Her green eyes were wistful and shining.

He chuckled, and shook his head uncertainly.  “I think I’m going to regret this, but from you, that’s a challenge I can’t refuse.”

She nearly squealed with delight.

He nearly caught her off guard when he swung her into a very fast Cha Cha; but being extremely proficient at it, she managed to flow in step, and hide her amazement.

I thought preachers didn’t dance!” she charged tauntingly. 

And just what do you know of preachers?” he asked smoothly.

She shrugged and didn’t answer.

The song ended all too soon, and they turned to applaud. 

Thanks.  I think I’d have
if I couldn’t dance to that song.”  she sighed happily.

Gary looked at her with a twinkle in his eyes.  “Are you going to
if you don’t dance to this one?” he asked teasingly.

No.  I promised you I’d settle for one, and that’s all.  I always keep my word.”  she said stiffly.

Would you like to dance again?” he asked gently.

Absolutely.”  she confirmed in a husky purr.  Oh, the ecstasy of having a man just where you wanted him!  It was positively intoxicating!  Especially when it was a big, self-satisfied jerk like Gary Taylor!  She was going to fix his wagon for him.  She owed it to herself.

Tasha warmed to the slow rhythm, and did her best to warm Gary up to her.  She managed to press against him subtly several times.  About the third time she connected with him, Gary jerked her off the dance floor and dragged her back to the table.

You creep, let
of me!  What is your problem?” she hissed.  “Where are you taking me?”

Home.”  he snapped in a low voice.  “If you can’t behave like a lady in public, you don’t deserve to stay.”

So don’t make me go places with you!” she suggested acidly.

That won’t be a problem in the future.”  he assured her.

Tasha steamed while he paid the bill.  People were staring at them, and whispering.  She turned on her heel, and stormed out the door while Gary’s back was turned.  She went out to the road, and started walking.

Gary wandered out to his van, and started it.  He thought maybe Tasha had stopped in the restroom, or something.  Until he saw her, stomping along the side of the road, towards home.  He shook his head wearily.  He drove out to the road, and turned onto the highway as if nothing was amiss.  He passed her without looking at her; without even slowing down.

Tasha extended her thumb after he drove by, a lump of alarm in her throat.  She refused to look after the retreating van.  Suddenly, the edge of the highway seemed awfully dirty and forsaken.  The prospect of hitching a ride became quite unpleasant.  What if she got raped, or killed?  What if she had to walk all the way?  She was still wearing her white sandals.  Though the heels weren’t too high, they were far from being walking shoes.  And, the tender spots on her feet were definitely developing blisters.

Afraid to the tips of her toes, she turned and uncertainly began walking.  She wasn’t even sure she could find Ruth and Nolan’s cabin if she ever got there.   And, it was downright hot outside!

As a matter of fact, she'd never walked anywhere, before.  She'd always ridden in limos or fancy sports cars.  And now, she was out in the middle of nowhere, completely alone and defenseless.  It suddenly occurred to her that she probably couldn't even walk the twenty  or so miles back to the Walden's cabin.

She let a tiny sob escape as she saw the van returning.  Gary pulled a U-turn, and opened the passenger door disgustedly when he reached Tasha.  “Get in.”  he ordered darkly.

I wouldn’t ride with you if...”

Get in!”  he snapped.

Why should I?” she demanded haughtily.

Because my Aunt Ruth expects me to take care of you.”

Stick it up your holier than thou...”

Last chance.”  he warned harshly.

Tasha stood there, seething.  Her eyes were like brilliant daggers, and her lips were tight.  She petulantly climbed up into the van. 

Gary drove until he saw the first pull out.  Then he got off the road, hit the power locks, and turned off the van.  He put the keys in his pocket.  Then, he grabbed Tasha’s arm, and yanked her into the back of the van.

What are you doing?” she shrieked.  “Are you going to rape me?” she cried, eying the couch in the rear of the van with horror.

The look he gave her made her feel foolish and undesirable.

You’ve got to be kidding.”  he said dryly.  He gave her such a scathing look that she just stared at him, with an ashen face.  

Disbelief immobilized Tasha as Gary slung her onto her stomach over his knee, and threw her skirts up over her hips.  He then delivered a great many stinging slaps to her tiny, round buttocks. 

She screamed brilliantly and struggled, but she was no match for the brute.  When he finally quit, the throbbing pain went on, and on!  He pulled her skirts back down, contemptuously.  He made no comments about her white lace bikinis – or anything they contained.

When you go anywhere with me,  when you are living in my house,  when you are in my church … you will do
as you are asked.  You will help Aunt Ruth; and you will behave like a perfect lady at all times.  The next time you behave like a spoiled, pampered brat, I’ll do this to you again, wherever we may be.” 

I don’t know why you think every man you come on to will melt into putty, or be immediately overcome with desire ... but I have had
of it!  I find your behavior degrading and disgusting.  If you want to behave like a whore, find somewhere else to do it!  And don’t let me even
about it, if you want to stay ‘til summer is over.”

Just so you'll understand, I’ll explain to you that I asked you to dance the second time because you so obviously enjoyed it, and because you kept your word, for once.  I was starting to enjoy your company – until you ruined it with your pathetic, disgusting act.  You were like a dog in heat, and it’s not at all attractive.”

He pushed her unceremoniously off his knee into a heap at his feet, and went back to the driver’s seat.  Tasha just sat where he'd left her, choking with rage and humiliation. 

!”  she muttered in confusion and horror.  “
Dog in heat?
”  How dare he call her those names and strike her person? 

A steely resolve settled in her stomach.  No, no, no! She wouldn‘t be
.  She was going to make Gary Taylor pay – in Spades!








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