A New Day (2 page)

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Authors: Nancy Hopper

BOOK: A New Day
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Mr. Taylor,” Tasha said in a low voice.  “How nice to meet you.”

Miss Charles.”  the man acknowledged without seeming particularly interested in meeting her.  “I’ll bring your things inside, if you’ll tell me where to find them.”

Tasha’s nostrils flared.  He was a stuck up pig!  “In my car?” she suggested in a bored, cutting voice.  “You can’t miss it, it’s red and white.”  Her voice was patient and plain, as if she’d been explaining to a three year-old.  She held her keys out to him petulantly.

Gary Taylor’s eyes fixed on hers with a steely challenge.  Then he took her keys, turned on his heel and walked out.  Tasha found that her nails were digging holes in her palms.  Tension was extremely thick in the air.  

Mrs. W looked at Tasha in amazement, but promptly closed her mouth.  She wasn’t about to tackle Tasha so soon, but it appeared the young lady hadn’t grown up a great deal since they’d last seen her. 

No doubt Gary would have some ideas about how to deal with Tasha, she mused.  She hoped that Gary wouldn’t be tempted to drive her car over the cliff when he was done unloading her cases.  She suppressed a smile.

Tasha went to the window and looked out at the ocean while they heard footsteps come in, go up the stairs ... then go down, and out.  In, and out.  Up the stairs, down the stairs.  In, and out.

What all did you bring, Tasha?” Mrs. W asked in a bewildered voice.

Not so much.  For such a big guy, your nephew’s not exactly a he-man, is he?  My father’s valet got it all in two trips.”

Well, Gary had surgery last week.  That’s why he’s staying here this summer – to recuperate.  He needs peace and quiet, Tasha.  He really should not be lifting any cases, at all.”  she chastised.  “But I think he’s got it now, if you’d like to unpack.”

Feeling definitely dismissed, and shocked at Mrs. W’s lack of hospitality, Tasha sniffed and headed upstairs.  Thank God, that odious Gary Taylor creature was nowhere to be seen.

It’s not my fault they’ve got no help!  Honestly, the nerve!  Nobody told me he’d had surgery!” she mumbled to herself.  She found her keys on the bedside table and dropped them into her purse with irritation.

Listening to her grumbling from the hallway, Gary rolled his eyes, shook his head slowly and made his way to the kitchen.  “All summer, Aunt Ruth?” he asked painfully.

All summer, dear.” she answered sweetly.  “She is Deb’s friend, you know.”

I find that difficult to comprehend.”  Gary grumbled, his eyebrows crashing over his blue eyes.

Ruth Walden smiled.  “She’s never had much love at home, Gary.  Actually, she’s not had a home life to speak of.  She’s the unfortunate child of a very rich, very selfish and spoiled playboy.”

Poor little rich kid, huh?”  Gary snorted.  “I hardly think she’s to be pitied.  She knows how to make her way in the world, Aunt Ruth.  That, you can take to the bank.”

Exactly.  She’s a hard-boiled, brittle little girl hiding a lot of hurt.”

She’d laugh like hell if she heard you say so.”  Gary objected.  “She doesn’t need any help, Aunt Ruth.”

His aunt looked at him reproachfully.  “Now, Gary.  Take another look.”

Aunt Ruth,” he warned with a chuckle, and a sparkle in his eye.  “I have no intention of taking another look at that hellcat.  I’ll put up with her for three months, and that is all I can promise.  Don’t you be trying to give me problem children to straighten out, I’ve got my hands full already.  And besides, she’s  dangerous.  She thinks she’s God’s gift to men, and I don’t mean maybe.”

Aunt Ruth smiled serenely.  “Relax.  I’m only asking you to try to understand her, that’s all.  Give her a chance to feel part of things.  And she needs to feel attractive.  Don’t put too much stock in it.  Just compliment her now and then.  She tries so hard to be beautiful.”

Aunt Ruth, I can’t imagine the complications it would cause if she thought I was coming on to her.”  he complained.  “Good heavens, give me a break.”

Gary, really.  She’s not so bad.”  Aunt Ruth chided.

Who are you trying to kid?  Play fair, Aunt Ruth.  I came out here to relax.  That little vixen will keep this place jumping night and day!”

Not if you don’t let her.”  Aunt Ruth pointed out cheerfully.  “Your uncle Nolan will be out most of the summer.  I’m sorry, dear, but that pretty much leaves it up to you.”  It was Ruth’s turn to have a twinkle in her eye.

Gary set his jaw firmly, and met her eyes defiantly.  “This is unspeakable blackmail.”  he accused.  “I have no desire to tangle with that spoiled brat.”

Tasha shouldn’t present any problem, Gary.  This is your household.  I’m just asking you to do whatever seems right.”  she said meekly.

Right.”  Gary snorted, shooting a look at his aunt that promised a very eventful summer.


      It was hot, tedious work to unpack her four suitcases, her jewelry cases and her cosmetics.  Tasha decided immediately she’d have to go to the beach and take a swim.  She looked and felt glorious in her new sheer, white swimsuit.  It sparkled in the sun with a subtle, purple sheen that matched her eye shadow perfectly.  And it had a built-up bra that made her cleavage astounding.  She fluffed her wavy hair down and shook it until it cascaded over her shoulders like a silky cloud.  Then, she bounced down the stairs with a towel over her arm.

She saw Debora right away, sitting with some people on the beach.  Tasha smiled, and flipped along hurriedly to meet up with them.  Perhaps at last, there would be some fun!

She stood behind Debora and put a smooth hand on her shoulder.  Debora turned around and looked unspeakably shocked to see Tasha standing there. 

Tash!  You’re early!  I thought you were coming tomorrow!” she exclaimed, hugging her friend.

I came early.” Tasha said lightly.

Well, what a surprise.”  Debora said hesitantly.  “Wow.  Well, I’m glad to see you!”  she said happily. 

Debora’s eyes glowed as she turned to the man sitting on the sand beside her.  “Tasha, meet Doug Wright.  Doug is a very special friend of mine.  And he’s leaving in the morning for South Africa.”

Oh.  How exciting.”  Tasha said sweetly.  “I’m pleased to meet you.”

Nice to meet you too, Tasha.  I thought I was going to miss meeting you.  I’m glad you came a day early.”

Tasha smiled prettily.

You and Deb went to school together, right?” Doug asked politely.

Yes.  Before college.  Well, I don’t know about you guys, but I am dying to get in the water and cool off.”  Tasha sighed.  “Anybody want to come along?”

I was going to introduce you to everyone, Tasha.”  Deb protested. 

Oh, later.  That can wait.  I must cool off.  Is there any beer, I hope?” she asked.

No.  No beer with this crowd.”   Deb answered woodenly.

Oh.  Well, then, I’ll see you in a little while.”  Tasha waved her fingers and bounded off into the waves.

Doug and Debora’s eyes met a trifle sadly.  “Doug, I’m so sorry!  I told her to come tomorrow!  I never dreamed she‘d crash on our last day together!”

I know that, honey.  It’s all right.  There will be many, many other afternoons.”  he chuckled.

Deb blushed. “I know, but ...”

Don’t worry about it.  We’ll just make the best of it.”  he assured her.

Debora sighed.  “Tasha can be kind of impulsive, and self-centered.  You’re very sweet to be so kind to her.”  She watched Tasha floating around in the water, splashing glittering droplets of water into the air.  “Oh, no.”  Deb groaned.

What?” Doug replied.

There goes Jim Phillips.  Tasha will zero in on him like a shark.”

Deb!” Doug chastised, laughing.

No, I’m serious!  There she goes, she’s looking him over.  There!  I told you, she’s going in for the kill!  Tasha has no reservations when it comes to men, Douglas. Please, promise me that you'll keep her at arm’s length.”

Doug’s smile showed how much affection he felt for the lovely girl beside him.  “You have nothing to worry about on that score, precious.” he assured her with a chuckle. 

I’m glad to hear it.  She’s persistent.   And she’s gorgeous, of course.”

Often an unpleasant combination.  She seems awfully spoiled.” Doug commented sorrowfully.

Her father’s a monster.  He’s always indulging her to keep her out of his hair.  She’s actually a nice girl.  At least, she could be.  She’s a terrific snob in many ways, and she has a definite selfish side, but ...”

Doug snorted.  “But what?  I think that says it all, doesn’t it?”

No, it really doesn’t.”  Deb argued.  “I just have this hope for Tasha.  I don’t know what it is.  I love her, despite her ways.  I just really wanted her here this summer.”

Well; I’ll be praying for you, Sweetheart.”  he said with a chuckle.  “I think you’ll need it.”

Debora couldn’t stop the tears that filled her eyes.  ”A whole year!  Doug, I don’t think I can stand it!”

I know it seems like forever.  But I have to go, Deb.  When I come back, I plan to spend every minute with you.  From then on.”  he said quietly.  Debora couldn’t mistake the promise in his eyes and voice.  “Trust, honey.  You’ve got to trust.”  he said gently.

I do.  But I’ll miss you so unbearably.” she whispered miserably.


              Gary Taylor watched the couple from his office window far above the beach.  He had to smile.  Doug was the best thing that had ever happened to Deb. 

Deb’s childhood sweetheart had recently dumped her,  and instead had married a girl he met while overseas in the Army.  Deb had been devastated.  She’d been planning to marry Devon and have kids, since the age of six.

Then, Doug had gently moved in, and pulled her up by the bootstraps.  He convinced her she didn’t have to be crushed, and took her out on a regular basis, just to talk and be a companion for her.  He’d waited months before asking her out on a real date, and making his true interest known.  He knew she was confused and vulnerable, and he wanted her to be fully able to commit to him.

Doug had confided to Gary that he’d been waiting for years for Devon to mess up.  He had loved Deb for a long, long time, and he knew Devon wasn’t serious about her.  It seemed that Devon had a big mouth when it came to girls, and loved to brag of his exploits.

Gary shook his head.  He had to admit that Doug had surprised him; but he wasn’t sorry.  Not at all.  Doug Wright was ten times the man Devon Young was.

Gary’s eye caught Tasha’s lithe young figure as she splashed up onto the beach.  His face grew stern as he watched Jim Phillips follow at a leisurely pace.  Tasha caught Jim by the hand and snuggled up close to whisper in his ear, her green eyes wide and childlike.  Jim ducked his head, embarrassed, and listened intently to what she had to say.

Gary’s lips compressed to a thin line, making his jaw muscles jump.  Jim was too unsteady to handle a creature like Tasha, and not end up going through the shredder.  He’d recently come out of a drastic drug dependency.  An influence like Tasha could easily cause him to revert to his comfort zone.  He’d work hard to seek her admiration and if she decided to kick him somewhere along the line ... Gary shuddered just thinking about it. 

She was just the kind of girl who could ruin Jim.  Gary knew it in his heart.  He’d spent too many long hours holding Jim’s hand and listening to him go crazy through his narcotic withdrawals, to let him go back down the toilet just because Tasha wanted a new plaything.

Tasha swung her long mane of black hair playfully, scattering drops of water over the two of them.   Jim blushed deeper and smiled at her tentatively.  He’d never seemed shy before.  Tasha obviously captivated him. 

The thought made Gary shiver.  He sighed, and watched Jim put an arm around Tasha’s shoulders as they walked away down the beach.  His eyes burned with resentment as he realized he was going to have to deal with the shrew, whether he liked it or not.  For Jim’s sake, if not his own.

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