A New Hope (The Second Chance Series Book 2) (28 page)

BOOK: A New Hope (The Second Chance Series Book 2)
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Chapter Seventy-Six


The next few weeks passed quickly. The Academic Decathlon team made it to Nationals and they were set to leave the next day to go to Washington D.C. for the championship competition. It was taking place over a week and if they placed in the top three they would stay an extra day and get the honor of having dinner in the White House with the first family.

“I’ll be driving up on Monday for the competition.” Leslie told Karla as she helped her get everything ready to go. “You’re rooming with Callie and Rylee right?”

“And Vicki. There has to be one upper classman in every room.” Karla explained.

“Okay. What about Conner? Who is he rooming with?”

“Daniel and Jake. Since there are only seven guys he got lucky and only has to room with two others.”

“Please be careful, Karla.”

“Mom, please stop worrying. Mr. Johnson and Mrs. Wright are going to chaperone and if anything happens I have my phone with me. We’ll be practicing all day Saturday, and Sunday we’re going on a group tour of D.C. I’m really excited to see everything.”

“I’ll try to stop worrying, but as a mom it’s my right to worry.” Leslie said with a grin.

Karla grinned back as she placed the last of her things in her suitcase. “That’s everything.” She said and zipped it closed. “I have my laptop and tablet in my backpack so I’ll have something to do on the bus and I have some snacks in there so Conner won’t starve to death.” She said with a grin as she reached up and played with her necklace.

“He’ll still claim to be starving.” Leslie said and laughed until she saw the look on Karla’s face. “What’s wrong, honey?”

“Nothing’s really wrong. I’ve just been thinking about something Conner said to me on his birthday. His brother, Kevin, gave him some condoms and made a comment about how he needed to be sure to use them when we did it. Conner assured me that he wasn’t even thinking about that and I believe that, at the time, he wasn’t, but now I’m not so sure that’s still the case. He hasn’t said anything to me, but I’ve overheard him talking to some of the guys on the team about it and I’m a little worried.”

“Oh, honey. I don’t think you have anything to be worried about. Conner would never do anything to make you uncomfortable.”

“I know, but from what I overheard the other day he is thinking about it. I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop, but I left my jacket in the practice room and went back to get it. Callie, Rylee and I were going to the mall to get what we needed for this trip and he decided to hang out with the guys after practice. Anyway, Jake was talking about how he almost had Kiara to the point where she wanted it and Daniel was talking about how his new girlfriend was really into it. When Conner didn’t say anything Daniel asked him how sex with me was. He told them that we hadn’t had sex, but that he was ready to take that step. He knows I’m not ready. I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready for it.”

Leslie wrapped her arms around Karla and held her close. “You will be, but don’t let anyone else make that decision for you.”

“That decision was taken away from me already and I won’t let anyone take that control out of my hands again.” Karla said with confidence. “I love Conner and I trust him. I don’t think he would ever pressure me, but I’m scared that he may get tired of waiting and move on.”

“Karla, if he loves you the way he says he does then he will wait until you’re ready.” Leslie told her. “Now I think we need to get some sleep. You have to be at the school in just a few hours.”

“I’ll try to stop worrying and get some sleep.” Karla told her. “Goodnight, mom.”

“Goodnight, sweetheart. I love you.”

“I love you too.” Karla said and closed the door behind Leslie.

Once she was alone she set her suitcase in the floor, plugged in her phone and laid down. She was lying there, lost in thought, when her phone signaled an incoming text. When she opened it she smiled. It was from Conner.

I couldn’t go to sleep without telling you that I love you. I’ll see you in the morning. Sweet dreams.

She quickly answered it.
I was just lying here thinking about you. I love you too. Sweet dreams and I’ll see you in the morning.

After she hit send she laid her phone down and fell asleep with a smile on her face.

Chapter Seventy-Seven


The week passed quickly for them all. They were in second place after round one and in first place after round two. By round three they were confident they’d place well. “Okay everyone. We have a break until Friday so we’re going to do a little shopping.” Rylee told Callie and Karla.

“Where are we going?” Callie asked. She was thrilled to be leaving the hotel.

“Mr. Johnson is taking us into the city and letting us explore a little. I looked it up and there’s a mall about half a block from where the bus is letting us out. I asked and Mrs. Wright said we could go as long as we were back at the bus by the designated time.” Rylee said in excitement as she bounced on the balls of her feet.

“Calm down, Ry.” Callie said with laughter in her voice. 

“Let me grab my purse and jacket.” Karla said with a grin. She was happy to be getting a break from practicing. “I want to find Elliot something special. When I talked to him yesterday he sounded really sad.”

“Is he coming up for the final round on Saturday?” Callie asked her.

“They all are as far as I know. I hated that Leslie had to leave, but I completely understand.” Karla said. Meghan was put into the hospital and Leslie went home to take care of Harvey. “Little man is coming back with them Friday afternoon. Manuel and Kiara are too.”

Callie looked up at the mention of Manuel’s name and grinned. “They are?”

“They are.” Karla answered. “Now let’s go.”


As the girls were wandering around the mall the guys were at the Air and Space Museum. “Hey Con, how are things with Karla?” Jake asked as he fell in step with Conner.

“They’re great.” Conner answered with a smile.

“How are things going when it comes to taking things to the next level?” Daniel asked when he joined them.

“They’re good.” Conner lied. He wasn’t about to tell them that he hadn’t done more than kiss her.

“Just good?” Jake asked with a grin.

Conner just shrugged his shoulders and kept walking. He wasn’t comfortable talking about this with them.

“You haven’t tried anything have you?” Daniel asked him.

Conner just kept walking. They were starting to get on his nerves. His relationship with Karla was no one’s business.

“Why haven’t you tried anything? All it takes is a few sweet words and a couple promises and girls will give you what you want.” Daniel said and grinned.

“Karla isn’t like most girls.” Conner told them.

“Oh, I know.” Jake said with a grin. “She’s smart, funny and sexy as hell, but she also tenacious and outspoken.” He added.

“She’s more than that.” Conner said. He was really having to control his urge to punch them both.

“I can imagine. A girl like her would be a handful.” Daniel said with a suggestive chuckle.

Conner’s control was fraying. He had to get away from these two before it completely snapped. “I don’t want to talk about it.” Conner told them and quickened his pace.

They quickened their pace too and fell in step beside him again. “Come on, Con. All we want is for you to be happy.” Jake told him.

“I am happy.” Conner said as he tried to move away from them again.

“You seem kind of edgy to me.” Daniel said.

“Look guys. I’m ready, she’s not and I respect that. I’m not going to pressure her to do anything she isn’t ready for. When I said she isn’t like most girls I wasn’t talking about her brains or looks or personality. I was talking about her emotions. She’s fragile and I would never do anything to break the trust we have.”

“What do you mean she’s fragile? Karla is one of the toughest girls I know.” Jake said in confusion.

“You wouldn’t understand.” Conner said and was slightly relieved that they had reached the rest of the group. Maybe Jake and Daniel would back off a little now.

“I understand what’s going on.” Daniel said with a grin. “She’s pulling that ‘I’m scared of sex’ act that a lot of girls pull.”

“It’s not an act with her. She is scared and she has reason to be.” Conner blew up at him. His temper had snapped. “She was viciously raped by her mother’s boyfriend when she was thirteen and she had suffered years of abuse before that! Now shut up and back off! You don’t know a damn thing about what goes on in her head and I don’t either, but I know that I would never do anything to make her relive the hell she went through back then!” Conner yelled loud enough for all the guys on the team to hear.

The entire group fell silent and Conner realized what he had done. It was too late to take the words back and Karla was going to be hurt that he had told them all. “I have to go.” He murmured and walked away from them.

When he made it to the sidewalk he started walking toward the meeting place. He pulled out his cell phone and sent Karla a text.

I messed up. We need to talk. I love you.

Karla answered him back immediately.
What’s wrong? I love you too.

I’ll tell you when I see you. Just please remember that I love you.

Karla was terrified by his words, but she would wait until they talked and figured out what was going on before she freaked.
Was all she typed back before she slipped her phone back in her pocket.

“Something’s wrong.” She told Callie and Rylee.

“What happened?” Callie asked in concern.

“I don’t know.” Karla answered and pulled out her cell phone. “Here.” She said and handed it to Callie.

Her and Rylee read the messages and looked back up at Karla. “He messed up?” Callie asked in confusion.

“Apparently it was a bad mess up because he seems terrified in those messages.” Rylee said and wrapped Karla into a hug.

“We’ll be here, Karla.” Callie assured her. “No matter what my stupid brother did, we’ll be here.”

Chapter Seventy-Eight


When the girls made it to the bus Conner was already there waiting for them. Callie looked at him with venom in her eyes. “We already know.” She told him.

“Stay out of this, Callie.” Conner said to his sister before he looked at Karla. “Can we talk alone please?” He asked in a soft voice. When Karla nodded he reached for her hand, but she didn’t take it. She just walked back up the street to a bench in front of a book store and sat down.

He took a deep breath and went to sit beside her. “I’m so sorry, Karla.” He started, but she cut him off.


“I lost my temper. Jake and Daniel were hounding me about why we haven’t taken our relationship to the next level and they were talking about how easy it would be to get you to give in. I tried to walk away. I told them I didn’t want to talk about it and that I wasn’t going to pressure you in any way, but they just wouldn’t drop it. They kept on and on about how girls were all the same even after I told them that you weren’t like other girls they didn’t stop. When we reached the other guys I was beyond furious, but I was sure they’d drop it. I was wrong. I snapped and just blurted it out. As soon as the words were out I knew I had seriously messed up. I am so sorry, Karla. I love you and would never intentionally hurt you like that.”

Karla sat there in silence. She didn’t know what to say. She loved Conner with everything she was, but she felt broken and betrayed by what he did. When the other members of the team started walking past them Karla looked at the sidewalk. She couldn’t stand the looks of pity they were giving her.

“I can’t do this.” Karla said as she stood up and walked away from Conner. She boarded the bus and sat in the seat right behind the driver. She could feel everyone’s eyes on her, but at least she didn’t have to see those looks any longer. When Conner boarded the bus he locked eyes with her and mouthed a silent “I love you” before he sat in the seat behind her and leaned his head against the back of her seat. Rylee sat next to her and Callie sat beside Conner on the trip back to the hotel, but none of them talked. In fact the whole bus was quiet.

When they stopped in front of the hotel Mr. Johnson stood up and asked, “Would someone care to tell me what happened to the group of happy teenagers I had this morning?” When no one said anything he continued. “We aren’t leaving this bus until someone talks.”

“I’ll tell you what happened.” Jake stood up and said. “Daniel, Conner and I were talking and Daniel and I were kind of giving Conner a hard time about something personal. He kept trying to walk away from the conversation, but we wouldn’t let him. We kept pushing it and Conner finally snapped. He said some things he shouldn’t have, but I take full responsibility for it. If the topic had been dropped like he’d asked then nothing would have ever been said. I owe Conner an apology, but I also owe one to Karla. I hope they can both forgive me.” When he finished he sat back down and Daniel stood up.

“I have to take responsibility for my part in it too. As the leaders of this team Jake and I should have respected his privacy and backed off when he asked us to. Instead we pushed and things have been said that can never be taken back and something special has been damaged. I just hope it can be repaired. I am truly sorry Karla.” When he finished he sat back down.

When Conner stood up the soft murmurs that were going through the bus stopped. “Guys, I appreciate you standing up and admitting your part, but I’m the one who broke promises and I’m the one who caused the damage. I can’t take back what was said, even though I would give anything to turn back time and never say what I did. I know that everyone here knows what was said and I hope that you all will respect Karla’s privacy and not share the information I stupidly blurted out. I love you, Karla, and that will never change.” When Conner stopped talking Karla stood up and looked at Mr. Johnson.

“Can I please get off the bus?” She asked without turning to look at anyone else. When he nodded and stepped aside she darted out the door and into the hotel. Callie and Rylee stood to follow and Mr. Johnson let them pass too, but then slid back into the aisle before anyone else could leave.

“Before I let you all off I need to say something. I don’t know exactly what was said, but knowing Karla’s past I can venture a guess. This is something Karla wished to not share and her privacy will be respected. If I hear of any of you sharing this information with anyone you will be removed from this team and you will be spending every afternoon for the rest of the school year with me in detention. Do I make myself clear?” When everyone responded he nodded and continued. “Good. Karla is an asset to this team and is one of the reasons we made it this far this year. Jake, Daniel, I am very disappointed in the two of you. I want to see you two and Conner in my room in half an hour. You’re all free to go now, but remember what I said.” Mr. Johnson stepped off the bus and everyone stood up and silently followed him.

When Conner walked into the lobby he looked around, but Karla was nowhere in sight. He went straight up to the room she was staying in and knocked on the door. “Karla, I need to talk to you. Please.” He called through the door.

When Callie opened the door a little he looked at her hopefully. “She doesn’t want to see you right now, Con.” She told him sadly.

“I have to fix this, Cal. I just have to. I can’t lose her.”

Callie stepped out and closed the door behind her. “Was what Jake and Daniel said true?”

“Yes. I told Karla all of that when I talked to her earlier. I swear I wish I could take back what I said.” Conner said and looked at the floor.

“Were they pressuring you about sex?” Callie asked and when Conner nodded she sighed. “Karla overheard the conversation you three were having in the practice room a few days before we left. She’d talked to Ry and I about it and we reassured her that you would never pressure her and that you would never do anything to break the trust you two have.”

Conner looked at the floor again. “I only told them what I did so they’d back off. Have I thought about what sex would be like? Yes, but would I every do anything to pressure Karla? Hell no. Karla is the most important person in my life other than my family and I’m afraid I’ve lost her.”

“She loves you, Con. Hold on to that and don’t give up. She’s hurting right now and it may take a while for her to come back to you, but the love you two have is strong.”

“Cal, I will never give up. Karla is the one I’m meant to be with. I need to talk to her.”

“Con, you’re my brother and I love you, but I can’t let you in that room right now. Give her some time.” Callie hugged him and then walked back into the room.

When the door closed Conner slid down the wall and sat on the floor beside it. “I will not give up on us, Karla.” He said out loud to the empty hall before he got up and headed to Mr. Johnson’s room.

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