A New Hope (The Second Chance Series Book 2) (30 page)

BOOK: A New Hope (The Second Chance Series Book 2)
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Chapter Eighty-Two


The next week passed in a blur of activity. Finals were over and today was Elliot’s graduation. He had managed to make it on the honor roll for the first time in his life and he was really looking forward to a great summer before high school started. He looked out the locker room doors into the gym and smiled. Andrew, Leslie and Karla were sitting right where he could see them. When his Nana had died back in June he wasn’t sure what life was going to be like for him. He’d expected to be taken care of, but he had never expected to find people who actually loved him and who he loved. When Karla locked eyes with him she smiled and waved a little. She’d told him this morning that she was so proud of him.

When Mr. Grimes, the new principle, announced that it was time to go into the gym Elliot smiled and took his place in the line. As they walked across the gym floor and up on the stage Elliot thought about his dad and Nana. The one year anniversary of his dad’s death was tomorrow and he wasn’t sure how he’d deal with that, but he knew he could get through it as long as he had Karla, Andrew and Leslie.  

When he took his seat and Mr. Grimes walked to the podium, he looked at his sister again and smiled when he saw Conner, Callie, Rylee, Kiara and Manuel sitting just behind her, Leslie and Andrew. He looked at them all for a minute and thought about what his life would be like if nothing had changed, if his dad and Nana hadn’t died and he realized something. He may have lost the two people he loved most in this world, but through that loss he gained an entire group of people who loved him and would always have his back.

His Nana had always told him that something good comes out of every bad situation and he never really believed that until now. When Mr. Grimes called out his name and he stood and started to walk across the stage; his family stood and cheered loudly. He could feel the heat rise in his face, but he didn’t care that everyone in the gym was looking at him. He was happy and he knew they were all proud of him.

When the ceremony was over Leslie took about a thousand pictures of Elliot and his friends before they left the school. On the way home they stopped for lunch and had a mini celebration before heading home and getting ready for Kiara’s high school graduation later that afternoon.


Four hours after Elliot’s graduation Kiara was pacing the hall between the gym and the auditorium of the high school. Manuel was supposed to be here with Rosa, but they hadn’t made it yet and she was getting worried. When Karla ran down the hall toward her a sick feeling came into her stomach.

“Kiara, Manuel just called me. They’re on their way, but he won’t be here before you have to line up. Apparently Rosa wasn’t feeling well and they had to wait for the doctor to check her out before they’d let Manuel leave with her. They will be here before you get your diploma though.”

“Thanks. I was starting to get worried.” Kiara said and hugged her sister. When Karla darted back into the auditorium Kiara headed into the gym and took her place in line.

Jake walked up to her and hugged her. “Have you told anyone yet?” He asked.

“No. I’m going to tell them all tonight.” She answered. She was scared to death about what Manuel’s reaction was going to be, but she didn’t care. She was eighteen and could make her own decisions.

“You’re freaking out a little about what your brother is going to say aren’t you?” Jake asked.

“Just a little, but you and I are both adults and this is what I want.” She answered and laid her head on his chest.

“I love you, Kiara.” He said and kissed her forehead.

“I love you too, Jake.” She responded and sighed. “I’m more worried about Karla than Manuel.” She admitted.

“Why are you worried about Karla?” He asked in confusion.

“I don’t know exactly, but I have e feeling she isn’t going to react well to this.”

“She’ll understand, baby. She loves you and I know she thinks of me as a friend.”

“She does.” Kiara responded and kissed him softly. “It’s time to get this over with so we can start the next step. I love you, Jake.”

“I love you too, Kiara.” Jake said and stepped back into line just as the music started.

After the ceremony was over Kiara joined her family for pictures and then they headed home for the small graduation party Leslie had planned for her and Elliot. Kiara was nervous, but she knew she had to talk to Manuel, Karla and Abuela before she could do anything else. She took a deep breath and walked to where Manuel and Karla were standing.

“Manuel, can you get Abuela and meet me and Karla in the kitchen? There’s something I need to talk to the three of you about and it’s really important.” She said quickly before she lost her nerve.

She walked into the kitchen with Karla on her heels and sat at the table. When Manuel walked in pushing Rosa’s wheel chair she smiled a little at her beloved Abuela.

“I need to tell you all something and I doubt any of you are going to be happy about it.”

“Kiara, are you alright?” Karla asked in concern.

Kiara grinned at her sister and nodded her head. “I’m better than alright, Karla. I very happy, but I’m also worried.”

“Just say what you have to say, Kiara.” Manuel told her.

“Jake asked me to marry him and I said yes.”

About The Author


              Hello everyone. I’d like to take a minute to tell you a little bit about myself. I am thirty-four years old and have been enjoying the world of books for the last thirty years. Reading is my passion. A little over a year ago I turned that passion into something more when I started editing professionally. Until the idea for A New Beginning popped into my head I had always considered myself a fixer, not a creator. Through the encouragement of some wonderful authors, great friends and a supportive family The Second Chance series was born. For more information or any questions you may have, please feel free to look me up on facebook or email me.

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