A New Hope (The Second Chance Series Book 2) (24 page)

BOOK: A New Hope (The Second Chance Series Book 2)
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Chapter Sixty-Five


  The next day Leslie and Andrew walked out of the lawyer’s office with huge smiles on their faces. They were legally Karla’s mom and dad. “I say we take everyone out to celebrate. I know tomorrow is Christmas Eve, but I want a big family dinner tonight.” Leslie said with a grin.

“Well then, let’s go home and make some phone calls.” Andrew said as he unlocked the car remotely and opened the door for Leslie to get in.

They talked all the way home and when they got there the house was surprisingly empty. “Where are those kids?” Leslie asked as she walked into the kitchen. On the fridge was a note from Manuel.

Leslie and Andrew,

Karla was starting to drive us nuts so Kiara decided we should go to The Newberry’s. Call me when you get home and I’ll bring them all back home.


“Well at least we know they’re alright.” Andrew said with a grin. “But why in the world didn’t they text or call us?”

“Andrew, honey, did you turn your phone back on yet?” Leslie asked and laughed when he snatched his phone from his pocket and powered it back on. “Yeah, neither did I. Karla called me twice and I have a text from Manuel telling me the exact same thing that’s in the note.”

“She called me twice too. I guess they did call and text.” Andrew said sheepishly. “Why don’t we let them stay over there until we get this organized?”

“Sounds like a plan to me. I am going to call and let her know everything is done though.” Leslie said and hit Karla’s number.

“Finally.” Karla answered on the first ring. “I was starting to worry that something had happened.”

“Something did happen.” Leslie said seriously. “You officially became our daughter.”

“You scared the crap out of me.” Karla said on a laugh. “I’ll be home in a few minutes.”

“No, stay there for a while. Manuel can bring you home in about an hour.” Leslie said quickly. “I love you, Karla. I’m very happy to be your mom.”

“I love you too, mom.” Karla said and hung up.

She looked at her friends and grinned as tears streaked her cheeks. “I have a mom and dad.” She said and Conner wrapped his arms around her.

“You have had a mom and dad since the day they met you, Karla. Now it’s legal. Congratulations, baby.” He said and spun her around. When he sat her on her feet Manuel moved in and spun her around too.

“You are one lucky girl.” He said and she laughed at him.

“I know I am. I am very lucky to have found them.”

“We’re all lucky you found them.” Callie said and wrapped he arms around Karla as Manuel still held her. When her arm brushed his it felt like a jolt of electricity shot through him. He gently pulled his arms from around Karla and took a step back.

His reaction didn’t go unnoticed. When he looked over he saw Conner watching him intently and knew Conner has seen him flinch. He just shook his head slightly at the younger man and turned away. Today was about Karla and he wasn’t going to do anything to mess with her happiness.

“Are you going to change your last name now?” Elliot asked her.

“I don’t know.” Karla answered honestly. She’d been Karla Ann Hall all of her life, but she liked how Karla Ann Peterson sounded. “I think I might.”

“Well, Karla, no matter what your last name is I’m still going to love you.” Conner said and kissed her cheek.

“I should hope so.” Callie snorted at her brother.

“I love you too, Conner.” Karla said, ignoring Callie’s comment.

“Okay, that’s enough of that.” Manuel said with a smile.

“What’s your problem?” Callie asked him.

“Whoa, I don’t have a problem. I was teasing them.” Manuel said in defense. “Maybe you could tell us all what your problem is though.”

“Cal, Manuel, please don’t do this today.” Rylee said, trying to be the voice of reason.

“Sorry.” Manuel said and took a step back. “I apologize if my teasing sounded like something it wasn’t.” He said to Conner and Karla.

“It didn’t.” Karla said and looked pointedly at Callie.

“I’m sorry too. I guess I’m just on edge today. Daniel and I decided to stop seeing each other. We were never officially a couple, but we have been dating off and on for a couple months now.”

“You never really liked him that much, sis.” Conner said casually. “You dated him so you would have something to do. Why would calling it quits with him put you on edge?”

“It just has.” Callie snapped at Conner.

“Okay.” Conner said and put his hands up in surrender. “Someone’s moody today.”

“I’ll show you moody.” Callie said and launched herself at Conner. Karla grabbed her before she could hit him and Rylee helped her pull Callie into the other room.

“What in the world is wrong with you?” Rylee asked as she pushed Callie into a chair.

“I have no idea!” Callie yelled. “Every time I’m around Manuel something in me goes on edge and I get tense and irritated. There’s something about him that makes me crazy. If we accidently touch it’s like a freaking electric shock. Could one of you please tell me what’s going on?”

“You two have a connection. I think you’re the only two who haven’t seen it yet, or you’ve seen it and are denying it for some unknown reason.” Karla told her in a matter-of-fact voice.

“What?” Callie asked is shock. “Nuh-uh. NO way!”

“It’s true.” Rylee told her. “Since you first met there has been something there. You and he can both deny it all you want, but one day you’re both going to wake up and realize that you have lost a lot of time when you could have been together.”

“Nope. Nuh-uh. No way. He’s nineteen, almost twenty and I’m only fifteen.” Callie told them as if that explained why they were wrong.

“You’re almost sixteen, Cal and that’s only four years.” Rylee pointed out.

Callie sat there in silence for a long time before her face dropped. “Oh, crap. You’re both right. I do like Manuel.” She said in confusion. “He sees me as another little sister though and you both know how much I hate that.”

“I think you’re wrong about that.” Karla said. “He watches you when he thinks no one is paying attention and the looks he gives you speak volumes about how he feels.”

Before Callie could say anything Manuel walked in and looked at them all before focusing on Karla. “Andrew just called and I’m supposed to take you to them now.” He said, turned on his heel and left as quickly as he came.

“Well, I guess I’m leaving.” Karla said and giggled. “I’ll see you both later when you come over to exchange gifts.”

“See you then.” Rylee responded. “Congratulations on it being official.

“Thank you.” Karla beamed at her two best friends before she turned and followed her brother out of the room.  

Chapter Sixty-Six


When Manuel drove past the house Karla looked at him in confusion. “Where in the world are we going?” She asked.

“You’ll see.” Manuel said with a grin and kept driving.

When he stopped in front of Karla’s favorite Chinese restaurant she smiled. Apparently Leslie and Andrew wanted to surprise her with dinner to celebrate the adoption being finalized. “I love this place. They have the best pork rolls in Nashville.”

“So you say every time we eat here.” Elliot said with a grin. “I like their chicken on a stick personally.”

“Well let’s go in so I can see if they’re as good as you say they are.” Manuel said with a wink at Karla.

When they walked in Karla was instantly surrounded by all of her friends, their families, Mrs. Jones, Trent, John, Bob, Meghan and Harvey. “Oh wow.” She said in astonishment at the number of people here.

“SURPRISE!!” Everyone yelled when they saw Karla.

“This is an awesome surprise.” Karla said as she started hugging everyone who was there. When she got to Leslie and Andrew she hugged them close. “Today is the happiest day of my life.” She told them.

“Ours too, honey.” Leslie responded. “We have waited so long to be parents and now we are.”

“You have been for over a year, now it’s just legal.” Karla told her. “I love you both more than I can ever tell you.”

“We love you too, sweetheart.” Andrew said and held her close for a minute longer before he released her and faced the group surrounding them. “Everyone, as you know we filed the papers to adopt Karla almost a year ago. Today we signed the final papers and Karla is now, legally, our daughter and I couldn’t be happier about it.”

“I have a request.” Karla said to the room. “I want to go the day after Christmas and have my last name changed to Peterson.” When she said that she looked at Leslie and Andrew. “I love you, mom and dad.”

Leslie had tears streaming down her face and Andrew was barely containing his tears at her words. Bob walked up to Karla and wrapped her in a hug. “You’ve been part of this family for over a year, but now I can officially tell the world that I have the most wonderful niece in the world.”

“Thank you, Uncle Bob.” Karla said and gave him a watery smile.

“Uncle Bob?” He said and grinned. “I like the sound of that.”

“Bob,” Leslie said from behind her brother. “I know this is supposed to be our celebration, but I heard from a little birdy that you have some news worth celebrating too.”

Bob grinned and looked at his son, who had made his way to Karla and was now in her arms. “Seems my son has been talking to his Aunt Leslie.”

“Yep. Now come on and share the news with the rest of the world.”

Bob reached out his hand to Meghan and grinned. “We are going to have a baby.” He said and the room erupted in cheers.

“I’m due June
twentieth.” Meghan told them.

“I’m gonna be a big brother.” Harvey told Karla. “And I lost a tooth.” He added with a grin that showed one of his front teeth missing.

“I see that. Are you excited about being a big brother, little man?” Karla asked him.

“I want a sister and I want her to be just like you.” He said and wrapped his arms around her neck. “You’re my favorite girl.”

“Aww. Thanks, little man. You’re my favorite little man.”

Harvey giggled and wiggled in her arms when she tickled him a little. He finally wiggled his way down and ran over to Conner. Conner picked him up and Harvey leaned in and whispered something in his ear. Conner grinned, nodded his head in agreement and sat Harvey back down.

“Are you and Harvey keeping secrets from me?” Karla asked with a grin as she walked to Conner.

“Yep.” Conner said and tapped her on the end of the nose.

She giggled and kissed him on the cheek before she walked over to Elliot. “You okay, little brother?”

“I’m okay. Just missing dad and Nana. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and I have never not been with them on Christmas.”

“Oh, Elliot.” Karla said and wrapped him/in her arms. “I have been focused on the adoption and everything else that I haven’t been a very good big sister, but I promise you that we will make tomorrow the best day we possibly can for you.”

“You’re a great sister, Karla. In the short time I’ve been here you have helped me more than anyone else was able to. I’m just missing Dad and Nana. I’ll be alright though. I have you and Leslie and Andrew.”

“Don’t forget Manuel, Kiara, Callie, Conner, Rylee and this big crazy bunch of people surrounding us. We are all one big happy family.” Karla told him and hugged him close. “Now let’s order you some chicken on a stick and enjoy dinner with our family.” Elliot nodded his head in agreement and Karla signaled the waitress. 

The rest of the evening passed quickly and with a lot of laughs and tears, and by the time the party broke up they were all too tired to do anything but go to bed.

Chapter Sixty-Seven


When Elliot and Karla walked downstairs the next morning Leslie was in the kitchen making waffles and Andrew was sipping coffee at the bar. When Karla sat next to him he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close. “I have to go to the hospital tonight, but I’ll be home to open gifts in the morning. Is the gang coming over today?”

“Yep. I’m surprised the smell of waffles hasn’t drawn them here already. Maddie and Mallie Carpenter are coming by later too.”

As soon as the words left her mouth the doorbell rang and Andrew laughed. “Conner always shows up when it’s time to eat.” He said and shook his head. “That boy has some kind of food radar. Better go let them in before he dies of starvation.”

Karla laughed and hopped off the stool she was sitting on. “Come on, Elliot. I may be wrong and its Maddie and Mallie, but I doubt it.”

When Karla opened the door she was greeted by the smiling faces of Conner, Callie, Rylee, Maddie and Mallie. Elliot looked at his two best friends and grinned. “Guess you were right either way, sis.” He said to Karla as he led his friends to the kitchen.

“They were here first.” Conner said as he walked into the house behind Callie and Rylee. “Merry Christmas, beautiful.” He said and kissed her forehead.

“Merry Christmas, Conner.” She replied and brushed her lips over his.

“Enough of that.” Manuel said with a grin on his face as he walked down the stairs.

Karla stuck her tongue out at him, grabbed Conner’s hand and pulled him into the kitchen.

“Waffles.” Conner said and grinned widely.

“He loves waffles.” Karla explained to Maddie and Mallie when they looked at him like he’d lost his mind and they giggled.

“He’s cute.” Maddie whispered loudly to her sister and Karla grinned.

“He is cute, but he’s mean.” She told Maddie. “He’ll leave his girl for waffles every time.”

“Hey,” Conner said, pretending to be hurt by her words. “I’d never leave my girl for regular waffles. Only Leslie’s waffles.” He teased and playfully kissed Leslie on the cheek. “Leslie makes the best waffles.”

“Yes she does.” Andrew said as he joined in on the fun. “But Leslie is my girl.” He teased and wrapped his arms around Leslie.

“Okay you three. You’re going to scare them if you don’t stop.” Leslie said with laughter filling her voice. “Girls, do you want a waffle?”

“Yes ma’am.” Mallie answered.

“Karla, Rylee, Callie, would you three please set the table? I’ll have breakfast done in just a couple minutes. Conner, grab the fruit in case someone doesn’t want waffles. Elliot, can you please get the orange juice and milk from the fridge?”

They all got up and immediately started doing as she asked. Manuel fixed himself, Leslie and Andrew a cup of coffee and Kiara went to the stove and helped Leslie carry everything to the table.

“Wow.” Maddie said is awe. “Everyone helps without complaining about it.”

“It’s the way things are here. We all eat so we all help.” Conner told her with a grin.

“Some of us eat more than others.” Karla said with a pointed look at Conner and Mallie and Maddie giggled.

“I’m a growing boy.” Conner defended himself.

“So am I.” Elliot said with a grin.

“Men must eat.” Conner said and he and Elliot high-fived.

“Boys must move or they won’t live to become men.” Leslie said from behind them. Conner immediately turned around and took the platter of waffles from her hands and sat them on the table before he sat in his usual seat beside Karla.

“They usually aren’t like this.” Callie said to Maddie as she sat beside her. “You may not believe it, but they’re both pretty smart.”

“I believe it.” Maddie said with a grin. “Our brother, Trevor, says Karla is the smartest girl he knows.”

Karla almost choked on her orange juice at Maddie’s words and Conner just sat there in silence. “Trevor isn’t wrong. Karla is very smart. She’s also Conner’s girlfriend.” Rylee said, emphasizing that Conner and Karla were both taken.

“Ok everyone. Enough chit-chat. Let’s eat so we can open presents.” Callie said with a grin. The talking continued as they all filled their plates and ate. 

Once breakfast was finished all the kids, including Kiara and Manuel, gathered around the Christmas tree in the family room and exchanged gifts. When all the rest of the gifts were open Karla handed Conner his gift from her.

He opened it slowly and when he pulled the bracelet from the box he read what she had engraved on it. The front simply had
I Promise
engraved on it, but when he turned it over and read what was on the back his eyes locked with hers;
Two Hearts, One Love, Forever

“It’s perfect.” He said and reached for her hand.

“This bracelet is a promise, Conner. It’s a promise that I will always be by your side, no matter what, but more than that, it’s a promise that as the years go by you will always have my love.” Karla looked up at Leslie and Andrew and smiled before she locked eyes with Conner again. “I know that we’re young, but I also know that what’s meant to be cannot be broken and we are meant to be Conner. I love you.”

“I love you too, Karla.” Conner said as he pulled her in for a strong hug. 

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