A New Hope (The Second Chance Series Book 2) (20 page)

BOOK: A New Hope (The Second Chance Series Book 2)
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Chapter Fifty-Five


Later that night Andrew went to meet Rosa’s plane at the airport so he could follow the ambulance to the hospital and get her settled. Manuel and Kiara were on the plane with her and they would be coming back with Andrew and staying at the house for a while.

Karla had called Conner and let him know what was going on and he was extremely happy that she wasn’t leaving. He understood why she needed to go, but he didn’t like the idea of them being apart. He, Callie and Rylee all came over to wait with Karla and when Andrew came back with Kiara and Manuel they had dinner ready for them.

“How is she?” Karla asked Andrew before he could even take his jacket off.

“She’s not in good shape, but once we got her settled into her room Dr. Carpenter came by and did an evaluation on her. He’s ordered a full MRI for first thing in the morning so he can evaluate the extent of her injuries. After that he’s going in to repair her collapsed lung, which should have been done right after the accident.”

“Dr. Carpenter? Is he Madison’s and Malinda’s dad?” Karla asked in confusion

“Yes. You haven’t met him yet because you haven’t been to any of the hearings involving Mrs. Pence, but he’s a really nice guy and a great surgeon.”

“That’s good.” Karla said and turned to Manuel and Kiara. “How are you two?”

“Hanging in there, little sis.” Manuel answered and wrapped his long arms around her.

“We can’t thank Dr. Peterson enough for everything he’s doing to help Abuela.” Kiara said as she awkwardly hugged her brother and sister.

“Please call me Andrew and there is no need for thanks. You’re family and family helps each other.” Andrew said from beside them.

Kiara let go of Manuel and Karla and turned to Andrew. “Not all family,” she said and wrapped her good arm around him.

“Hey everyone. The kids cooked dinner if you’re hungry.” Leslie said from the kitchen door.

Kiara released Andrew and walked to Leslie. “Thank you,” she said before she wrapped Leslie into a strong, one armed hug.

“No need for thank yous. Like Andrew said, you’re family.”

Kiara held on for a moment longer before she let go and walked into the kitchen. As soon as she entered the room Callie and Rylee wrapped their arms around her and gave her a sisterly hug. “We are so sorry.” Rylee told her as she let go.

“How are you holding up?” Conner asked as he hugged her tightly.

“I’m doing okay. Better now that I know Abuela is getting the care she needs.”

Manuel walked in then and Rylee immediately wrapped her arms around him. “Are you alright?” She asked.

“Like Kiara, I’m better now that Abuela is getting the care she needs.” He answered. When he looked up and locked eyes with Callie all the feelings he’d shoved aside during the summer came rushing back. He knew he could never act on how he felt about her because she was his little sister’s best friend, but there was just something about her that drew him in.

“Hello, Manuel.” Callie said in a small voice. She hesitated for a second before she hugged him. When his arms wrapped around her he breathed deeply and was calmed by the feel of her in his arms and the scent of her hair.

“Hello, Callie,” he said in return. “How have you been?”

“Better than I was over the summer.” She answered without giving any details. For some reason she couldn’t bring herself to tell him about Daniel, even though they were just dating.

“That’s really good.” He said with a small smile as he released her and stepped back before he said or did something stupid.

“Okay everyone. Let’s eat.” Karla said from behind them. She was picking up some vibes between them that she couldn’t even begin to explain, but that sparked her curiosity all the same. 

As they ate they talked about the medical care plan Andrew and Ron Carpenter were setting up for Rosa and about getting Kiara enrolled in school here because she needed to finish out her senior year and there was no telling how long they would be here. Neither she nor Manuel were returning to Puerto Rico without Rosa.

  “I had already taking this year off to work full-time and help Abuela save for Kiara’s college so I’m not missing any school and I can try to find a job here.” Manuel told them. “My biggest concerns are Kiara finishing school and Abuela getting the care she needs, but I need to find a job and a place for Kiara and I to live while Abuela is in the hospital.”

“You can stay here, with us.” Karla said before Andrew or Leslie could speak. “Right, Andrew?”

“Of course they can, sweetheart.” Andrew answered and looked at Manuel. “I can help you get a job if you want one, but you and Kiara are more than welcome to stay here for as long as you need to. We have plenty of room.”

“Thank you, sir.” Manuel said in a small voice. “I would appreciate the help with finding a job, but I think that I need to find an apartment for myself at least. Kiara can stay here and go to high school with Karla, but I think I need to find a place of my own as soon as I can.”

“If that’s how you feel then I’ll help you get a job and find an apartment close. I’ll also help you get a car so you can get around.” Andrew told him.

“Thank you, sir.” Manuel said, trying to not let his pride stop him from accepting the help Andrew was offering. “I have about three-thousand dollars in savings and I should be able to get a car with that.”

“We’ll discuss that later, for now let’s eat and then get some rest. Kiara, do you want to go to school tomorrow? If so Leslie and Manuel can take you and get you enrolled.”

“I’d like that very much.” Kiara answered. She hadn’t told anyone except Abuela, but she had applied to three colleges in Nashville and had already been accepted to two of them. She was more than okay with finishing high school here.

Chapter Fifty-Six


The next day Leslie enrolled Kiara in high school and Karla was thrilled to have her here. At lunch Kiara sat with Karla and her friends. “This school is huge.” She said as she sat down. “I got lost twice and a very nice, very cute boy helped me find my class.”

“Oh, really?” Karla asked with a grin. “Did you get his name?”

“Only his first name.” Kiara said with a grin back.

“Well, are you going to tell us his name?” Callie asked, trying to hold back a laugh at the look in Kiara’s eyes.

“I could, but he’s walking over here now.” Kiara said and nodded her head toward Jake.

“Jake? Jake is the boy who helped you?” Karla giggled.

“So you know him?” Kiara asked her.

“We all do. He’s captain of the Academic Decathlon team.” Callie answered because Karla couldn’t stop giggling.

“Oh,” was all Kiara had a chance to say before Jake sat down across from her at the table.

“Hello again, Kiara.” He said with a grin. “I see that you have met Karla and her friends already.”

Karla burst out laughing again and Jake looked at her in confusion. “What’s so funny, Karla?” He asked.

“Jake,” Conner said, trying to contain his laughter at Karla. “Kiara is Karla’s half-sister.”

“Really?” He asked in awe. “You’re the sister she was supposed to be going to see in Puerto Rico?”

“The one and only. Dr. Peterson brought Manuel, Abuela and I here instead. I decided to enroll in school here so I could stay as close to Abuela as possible, but not fall behind in my studies.”

“That was very generous of Dr. Peterson.” Jake said and smiled at Kiara. “I’m glad he brought you here.”

“He’s a very kind soul.” Kiara said and Karla burst out laughing again.

Conner barely contained his laughter as Jake openly flirted with Kiara. “Kiara, what’s your next class?” He asked.

“I have World History next.” She answered and saw Jake’s smile.

“Me too,” he said. “Want to walk to class together?”

“Sure. If I’m walking with you I won’t get lost again.” She answered with a smile.

Just then the lunch bell rang and they all headed to class. “So, Kiara, how would you like to watch Decathlon practice this afternoon?” Jake asked as he led her down the hall toward their class.

“Sure. I’m going to be here until Mrs. Peterson picks Karla up anyway.” Kiara answered with a smile. He was seriously cute and his uncertainty in himself made him that much cuter.

“Awesome.” He said as he opened the door to their class and let her walk in before him.

By the end of the day Kiara had gotten to know Jake pretty well and was happy to sit and watch him lead the team during practice. Where he was slightly shy with her she saw that shyness melt away when he was talking to his team. She watched him in his element and realized that even though she had just met him, she really liked him.

When practice was over Kiara was completely enthralled with Jake. “Kiara,” he said as he walked toward her. “I know we just met, but I was wondering if you’d want to go out with me this Saturday night. Maybe pizza and a movie?”

“I would love to, depending on how Abuela is doing that is.” She answered with a smile.

“Awesome.” He said as a huge smile formed on his face. “If you would be more comfortable Karla and Conner can join us and we can have a double date.” He suggested.

“I’m perfectly comfortable going out with you alone, but my brother may have other ideas about it and he’d be more comfortable if Karla and Conner were there.” Kiara told him. She remembered how Manuel reacted to her last date and smiled. She loved him to death, but he was very overprotective.

Jake smiled at her and motioned Conner and Karla over. When they stopped beside Kiara he asked, “Would you two like to go on a double date with Kiara and I on Saturday night? Pizza and a movie”

‘Sure.” Conner said with a smile before Karla could answer.

“Awesome.” Jake said and looked at Kiara. “Think that will make your brother feel better about it?”

“Ha,” Karla said with a grin. “Manuel is still going to give you the third degree. He’s very protective of us both.”

“Karla,” Conner said in a loving voice. “He’s only protective because he loves you both.”

“Oh, we know.” Kiara said and rolled her eyes. “But sometimes I want to tie him up and lock him in a closet.”

They all laughed at her and walked out together. Before they got into Leslie’s SUV Jake grabbed Kiara’s hand and kissed it. “Until tomorrow.” Was all he said before releasing it and walking to his own SUV.

“Wow.” Callie said from the back seat. “That is not the Jake we know. He’s too sweet.”

Everyone started laughing and the conversation shifted to the double date they had planned for Saturday. Conner was excited. He and Karla had been together for a while, but had never actually been on a date. He was ready to take her out.

Chapter Fifty-Seven


“Does this look okay?” Karla asked Leslie, Kiara, Callie and Rylee when she stepped out of the bathroom wearing black leggings, an emerald green tunic, a thin, black sweater and her knee-high boots.

“I think it looks awesome, but I think this would look better.” Leslie said as she held up an emerald green dress that Karla had never seen before.

“Where on earth did that come from?” She asked as she walked over to Leslie and touched the dress.

“I couldn’t let you go on your first official date with Conner wearing something he had seen you in before so I went shopping yesterday.” Leslie said with a huge smile. “Kiara, I went shopping for you too.” She added and tossed a box to Kiara.

“This is perfect Leslie.” Karla said as she went into her bathroom to change. When she came out a couple minutes later everyone in the room stared.

“Wow.” Callie said in awe. “Leslie, that dress is perfect. Conner’s eyes are going to pop out of his head when he sees her.”

The dress was an emerald green cotton that hit right above her knees in the front and scooped down to mid-calf in the back. She paired it with the same black boots as before, two silver bangle bracelets, her Pandora bracelet and her ever present promise necklace.

“My turn.” Kiara said and darted into the bathroom. When she came out a few minutes later everyone gasped. She was wearing a mirror of Karla`s dress only it was in a deep, ruby red. 

“Oh, wow.” Leslie said as she looked at the two girls. “Gem Tones look amazing on you two. Callie, Rylee, what do you think?”

“They both look hot.” Callie said with a small giggle.

“Umm.. Mrs. Peterson, this dress is beautiful, but I don’t have the right kind of shoes to wear with it.” Kiara said with a hint of sadness in her voice.

“I think we wear the same size shoes and I have another pair of boots that will look amazing with that. They have a little heel on them and I’m not much of a heel fan so if you can wear them you can have them.” Karla told her and headed into her closet. When she came out a few seconds later she held out a pair of black leather, wedge heeled boots for Kiara to try on.

“Perfect fit.” Kiara said with a grin on her face. “Mrs. Peterson, how did you know my dress size?”

“You and Karla are close to the same size. You’re a little more filled out up top and your hips are a tad wider so I just went up a dress size. I hit the nail on the head too.” Leslie answered.

“It’s perfect.” Kiara told her and grinned. “Think Jake will like it?”

“If he doesn’t he’s blind, but I bought these dresses for you girls so you would feel beautiful and confident, not so the boys will think you are.” Leslie told them. “You should always dress for yourself first because if you aren’t comfortable then it just isn’t worth it.”

“Very good advice.” Andrew said from the open door. “You two look beautiful in those dresses, but you’re both beautiful no matter what you wear.”

“Thank you, Andrew.” Karla said and hugged him.

“Kiara, I came in here to give you some good news. I just got off the phone with the hospital and Rosa woke up for a couple of minutes. She’s in a lot of pain and it is still touch and go, but her waking up, even briefly, is a good sign.”

“Did she say anything?” Kiara asked as tears of joy filled her eyes.

“Just yours and Manuel’s names. When the nurse reassured her that you two were alright she went back under, but she was alert for a couple of minutes.”

“That makes this a great day.” Karla said and hugged her sister. “Now wipe those tears so we can finish getting ready. Conner will be here any time now and Jake is supposed to pick us all up in an hour.”

“Oh, crap. Can someone help me with my hair? I want curls, but not big curls.” Kiara said with a watery laugh.

“I can do that.” Rylee said. “I do Karla’s curls all the time. Her hair is almost the same texture as yours.”

“Karla, how do you want your hair?” Leslie asked.

“Long and straight.” Karla answered and Leslie got to work. As their hair was being done Callie rummaged through Karla’s jewelry box and pulled out a pair of silver hoop earrings, a silver and ruby necklace and a set of silver bangles for Kiara to wear. Then she went through Karla’s meager make-up supply and pulled out some mascara and lip-gloss for them to use.

Forty-five minutes later both girls were ready to go. “Conner and I have been together eight months so can someone please tell me why I’m nervous?” Karla asked as she looked in the mirror again.

“Because this is your first official date.” Callie told her and grinned. “It’s a really big deal.”

“Was Conner nervous?” Karla asked Callie.

“Not when I left this morning, but who knows how he is now. He’s been downstairs with Andrew and Manuel for the past twenty minutes.” Callie said with a grin.

“They both like him so I’m not worried about that. Now Jake is a different story. Manuel will give him the third degree and I wouldn’t put it past Andrew to do the same.” Karla said just as the doorbell rang. “And here he is now.”

“Ready girls?” Leslie asked and when they both nodded she opened the door and let them walk out together.

When they reached the bottom of the stairs Conner and Jake were standing there talking. “Wow.” Was all Conner said when he looked at them.

“You two are beautiful.” Jake said and grinned at Kiara.

Manuel walked up behind the boys and laid a hand on each of their shoulders. “He’s right. You two are beautiful.” He said and both boys jumped a little.

“Thank you.” Kiara said to them both while Karla looked at the floor. She was nervous, but didn’t want Conner to know it.

“I can’t say that they’re any more beautiful than they normally are, but I will say that Jake and I are really lucky to be escorting you two tonight.” Conner said and Karla looked up at him in surprise. “Karla, you are always beautiful and so is your sister.”

Elliot walked into the room then and just stopped and looked at Karla. “Wow, sis. That dress is really pretty.”

“Thank you, Elliot.” Karla said and ruffled his hair.

“Hey. I think I’m a little too old for you to be doing that anymore.” Elliot said and straightened his hair back out.

“Never.” Karla said and reached her hand out to ruffle his hair again. When he ducked behind Andrew she laughed.

“You all have fun, but remember that Karla has an eleven o’clock curfew.” Andrew told them.

“Kiara does too.” Manuel added and grinned at her expression.

“Manuel Alexander Figueroa, you are not my father and you are not my guardian so you cannot tell me what to do, but since Karla has to be home by eleven it only makes sense for me to be home by then too.” Kiara said to her brother and walked out the door before he could say anything else.

“Well I guess she told me.” Manuel said with a laugh as Jake followed Kiara out the door.

“I’ll make sure she stays safe.” Conner told him and when Manuel nodded his thanks Conner led Karla out the front door and into the back seat of Jake’s car.

“Looks like my sisters are growing up and there isn’t a thing I can do about it.” Manuel muttered as he watched Jake pull the car onto the road and disappear from sight.

“It’s part of life.” Andrew said from behind him. “Now why don’t we go see what Leslie, Elliot and the other girls have planned for us tonight?”

“This should be fun.” Manuel muttered to himself at the thought of spending time with Callie without Karla there as a buffer.

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