A New Hope (The Second Chance Series Book 2) (8 page)

BOOK: A New Hope (The Second Chance Series Book 2)
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Chapter Twenty-One


After lunch they all went outside to the screened in porch and sat at the table. Mrs. Cruz complained about the house being too cold during lunch, but she insisted that she needed to speak with Karla before they went out to dinner later. Once they were all seated Mrs. Cruz looked at Karla and started talking, “I am here because I needed to see the child my brother fathered with someone other than his wife. Manuel and Kiara told me the story your mother told you, but I am not sure I believe it. My brother was young and made a lot of mistakes, including marrying Maria. They said he was gifted, but I never saw him as anything other than stupid. On the day Kiara was born our mother gave Alexander her mother’s sapphire necklace so he could give it to her when she got older. When he died I took the necklace and have had it ever since. I was planning on giving it to Kiara when she turned eighteen, but she isn’t responsible enough to have such a priceless piece of jewelry, so I needed to come here and meet you to decide if you would be worthy of it. After seeing this house and meeting you I have decided that it will be safe here.”

When she stopped talking Karla was outraged at her. She had never been a violent person, but she really wanted to slap her so-called aunt right now. “Mrs. Cruz, I would be honored to take the necklace, but I need to know something first. If you hated my father so much, why aren’t you just keeping the necklace for your daughter?”

“I was going to, but when mother died the necklace was willed to Alexander’s daughter, she just never said which one because we did not know about you at the time.”

Karla had to bite her tongue to keep from saying what was on her mind. “In that case, I will gladly take the necklace and make sure it stays safe.”

“Good. Now I am going to take a nap before dinner. Bring me some extra blankets so I don’t catch my death in that cold house.” Karla went to stand, but Leslie shook her head and followed Mrs. Cruz into the house.

Once the door closed behind them Karla looked at Kiara and Manuel and asked, “Is she always like that?”

“Yes. She has always talked badly about Padre, but we have learned to ignore her. She is jealous of the success he had at a young age. She got pregnant with her oldest when she was eighteen and was never able to do anything with her life so she tries to punish those who have.” Manuel answered.

“That’s sad.” Karla responded. “Kiara, that necklace is rightfully yours and if you want it you can have it.”

“Thank you Karla, but I happen to agree with her on this. It will be safer here.”

“Okay. Just know that if you ever want it you can have it.”

“I will remember. Thank you.”

The conversation died down after that and they all went inside. Elliot, Karla, Manuel and Kiara decided to watch a movie and were about half way through it when Karla’s phone rang. When she looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Conner she excused herself and went in the hall to answer. “Hey Conner. What’s up?”

“Something is up with Callie. She has the door to her room locked and is asking for you and Ry. I called Ry, but she isn’t home. Is there any way you can come over? I know your sister and brother are there, but I’m worried about her.”

“I’ll be over as soon as I can get there. Do you think I should bring Kiara with me? She’s seventeen and may be someone Callie can talk to about it too.”

“Sure, bring her, just hurry please.”

“I’ll be there in just a few minutes. I promise.”

“Thank you, Karla. I’ll see you in a few.”

As soon as she hung up she went back into the media room, explained what was going on and asked Kiara if she wanted to come with her. When she nodded they left the room together and found Leslie working at the bar. Within ten minutes of hanging up the phone Leslie was pulling the car into the Newberry’s driveway.

“Crap. Kiara, please tell me you aren’t afraid of dogs.”

“I’m not, why?” She asked, but before Karla could answer Kane and Abel bounded around the house and started barking enthusiastically.

“That’s why.” Karla answered with a smile as she got out of the car. “Kane, Abel, down boys.”

Just then the door opened and Conner stepped out. “Kane, Abel, down.”

As soon as the words left his mouth the two big dogs barreled toward the porch and Karla opened the gate. Before they made it to the porch the dogs were back and wanting attention. “Boys, be nice. This is my sister Kiara, she’s a friend.”

They took a second to sniff Kiara’s hand before they licked it and bounded back to the back yard. “Well, they are just bundles of energy.” Kiara said with a laugh.

“To say the least.” Karla agreed as they walked up the porch steps together. “Hey Conner. I’d like you to meet my sister, Kiara. Kiara, this is Conner, my best friend’s twin brother and my boyfriend.”

“Nice to meet you Conner.” Kiara said with a smile.

“Nice to meet you too.” Conner answered then he turned to Karla, “I don’t know what’s going on, but Callie never shuts me out and I’m really worried.”

“We’ll go right up. Don’t worry, we’ll find out what happened.” Karla told him and gave him a comforting hug and a small kiss on the cheek before she walked into the house and straight up the stairs.

Chapter Twenty-Two


Karla knocked on Callie’s door as she called out, “Callie. Open up.”

Callie opened the door immediately and launched herself into Karla’s arms. “I am so glad you’re here. I needed someone to talk to and Conner just wouldn’t understand.”

When she released Karla she noticed Kiara standing there and looked at Karla in shock. “Callie, this is Kiara, my sister, Kiara, this is my best friend, Callie.”

“Hello. Both of you come in. I need to talk to Karla and Kiara, you may be able to help too.” Callie said and looked at the floor.

Once they were inside Callie pulled Karla over to the bed and they sat down. “Callie, I’m starting to worry. What’s wrong?”

“It’s Chase.”

“What happened with Chase?”

“While you were in Texas Chase and I went to the movies. About half way through the movie he touched my breast and slid one hand between my legs. I told him no and he kind of shrugged his shoulders and finished watching the movie. After the movie, while we were waiting for my mom, he went to the bathroom and when he came back he apologized, but he was acting weird. I shrugged it off at the time, but over the past few weeks he’s made other passes like that. He always backs off when I say no, but they’re becoming more frequent. Today we were hanging out with some of his friends and he started saying things, sexually suggestive things, about me to his friends. I was uncomfortable to say the least so I asked him to walk me home. We started walking and about half way here he stopped and pulled me into his arms. He’s done that a thousand times so I didn’t think anything about it until he grabbed my hair and pulled my head back a little. He looked into my eyes then kissed me, not the soft, sweet kisses we’ve shared, but an aggressive kiss. He forced my mouth open with his tongue and when his tongue met mine I tasted alcohol.”

Callie stopped when Karla gasped, “Chase had been drinking?”

“I never saw him drink, but the cups were colored and I never took a drink of his. I had my bottle of water, like always, but when he kissed me I knew he’d been drinking. I asked him about it and he told me it was none of my business and pulled me close again. When I tried to pull away he grabbed me and told me that if I didn’t stop being a baby he was going to dump me and find a real woman.” Callie stopped talking when sobs overtook her.

“Callie, you need to talk to your mom and dad. I know how much you care about Chase and if he’s drinking he needs help. I’m sure that`s the change you’ve been seeing in him. Until that day at the movies, has he made any kind of sexual advances toward you?”

“Well, no. I wonder if he’d been drinking that day. I also wonder why I can’t smell it on him.”

“Mind if I offer some advice?” Kiara asked from the desk chair.

“Umm..sure. Go ahead.” Callie answered.

“I dated a guy when I was fifteen who had a problem with alcohol. When he wasn’t drinking he was loving and attentive. He always put me first and never complained about hanging out with my friends or doing what I wanted. When he was drinking he was different. He talked down to me and made me doubt myself. He threatened the same thing Chase did and I gave in. I gave myself to him and two weeks later he broke up with me. A week after that he was drinking with his friends and they stole a car. He was driving and it was raining. They were on a coastal road and he lost control of the car. All five of them were killed. I still blame myself for their deaths. If I had just told someone about his drinking, if I had just taken that step instead of hoping it would go away, he and all of his friends may still be alive. Please don’t make the same mistake I did.”

Callie and Karla sat there in silence for a minute before they both got up and walked to Kiara. “You aren’t responsible for his choices.” Karla told her sister.

“Kiara, I know we don’t know each other, but I feel as if I do know you because Karla has told us all about you. Thank you for sharing that with us. I know I need to tell someone, but I’m afraid that I’ll lose him if I do.”

“Callie, would you rather lose him as a boyfriend and a friend or live with the fact that you chose to ignore a problem and something happened to him?” Kiara asked her.

“You’re right. I can live without him being my friend, but I don’t think I could live with it if he got hurt in any way. Thank you for coming with Karla today.”

“She’s my sister and you’re her friend. I’m just glad I could help some.”

“You’ve helped a lot. Thank you.” Callie told her. “Now I need to tell Conner and my parents what’s going on. Do you two want to come with me?”

Karla wrapped her in a hug and said, “We’re here and we aren’t leaving until we get something worked out.”

“I love you, Karla. I know I have a sister, but you and Rylee are more like my sisters than she is.”

“I love you too, Callie. Now let’s go talk to your mom and dad. We’ll be beside you every step of the way. I promise.”

Callie wiped her eyes, took a deep breath and opened her bedroom door. Together they walked downstairs and told her parents everything.     

Chapter Twenty-Three


After Kiara and Karla got back to the house Karla told Leslie, Andrew, Elliot and Manuel what was going on. Andrew immediately called Dr. Newberry to see if he needed someone to go with him to talk to Chase’s dad. When he immediately agreed they decided on a time. They wanted to wait for Chase’s dad to get home. They didn’t really know his dad, but they knew he was a successful criminal defense attorney and that he worked long hours, just like they did.

“When are you going?” Karla asked as soon as Andrew hung up the phone.

“Tomorrow morning. We’re hoping to catch him at home, before he goes in to the firm. We’re also hoping Chase is there too.”

“Ok. Can I ride with you to stay with Callie while you go?”

“You could, but Callie, Conner and Rylee are all coming over here in just a few minutes. Rylee finally made it home and went straight to Callie’s.”

“Are they planning on staying tonight?” Leslie asked from her place at the bar.

“I think so, but we will see when they get here. Callie needs her friends right now and this is where they usually stay when they all want to be together.” Andrew answered with a smile. “Wonder how Mrs. Cruz will take to having three additional teenagers in the house?”

Before anyone could even attempt to comment on that the doorbell rang and Karla went to answer it. When she saw Conner’s duffle bag she immediately knew they were staying and she smiled. These were the people she cared about, not the woman upstairs who seemed to find fault in everything.

“Hey guys. We’re all in the kitchen.” She greeted them and Conner grabbed her hand as she led them through the door to the kitchen.

“Looks like they’re staying.” Leslie commented when she saw the bags in each of their hands.

“That’s the plan.” Rylee answered as she walked to the table and sat down. After she sat she looked around the room and spotted Manuel and Kiara. She smiled at them and stood up again. “I’m Rylee. You must be Manuel and Kiara.”

“Nice to meet you Rylee. Yes, I am Manuel and this is Kiara.” Manuel answered with a smile. He could tell this girl was full of energy and would be a force to be reckoned with.

“Callie, Conner, you both met Kiara earlier. Manuel, this is Callie and Conner Newberry.”

“Nice to meet you both. Conner, I’ve really been looking forward to meeting you.” Manuel said with a sly grin.

“Manny, back off the boy. You’re scaring him.” Kiara said with a smile. “Do not worry about him Conner. He’s all bark and no bite.”

Conner still looked a little scared, which caused Karla to laugh and stand on her tiptoes and kiss his cheek. “Manuel won’t hurt you,” she whispered in his ear.

He relaxed a little and snaked his arm around her waist. “Manuel, any time you want to talk I’m ready.” He said with more confidence than he felt, but he knew what it was like to be an overprotective brother and he respected Manuel for his concern over Karla.

“That’s good to know, but I think we have more important things to deal with first.”

“Yes we do.” Leslie agreed with him. “The first being, what to have for dinner.”

“Lasagna.” Conner said with a huge grin. “You make the best lasagna, Mrs. Peterson.”

“And Karla’s apple pie.” Elliot added with a smile.

“Sounds perfect.” Leslie said, “But I think our other problem is coming down the stairs right now.”

Just then Mrs. Cruz walked into the kitchen. When she spotted the group of teenagers sitting at the table her eyes widened in shock. “Who are you all?” she asked in a clipped voice.

“We’re Karla’s friends. Who are you?” Rylee asked with a hint of irritation.

“I am Karla’s aunt Marianna young lady and I demand your respect.”

“Ma’am, I don’t respect people who don’t respect others and since you’re here despite Karla not wanting to meet you, you clearly don’t respect anyone.” Rylee snapped back.

“Get this insolent child out of here.” Mrs. Cruz demanded as she looked at Andrew.

“I’m sorry Mrs. Cruz, but that is something I will not do. This is my home and I do not take orders from you.” Andrew answered her calmly.

“Well I will just retract my papers and not let you adopt Karla if that is how you are going to be.”

Karla had heard enough. “You don’t care about anyone but yourself. You come here, knowing I don’t want you here. You talk badly about my father and my siblings. Now you speak to my best friend and Andrew like that. I am almost fifteen years old and can choose where I live, so even if you don’t sign your rights away I will still be their daughter by choice. You are nothing but an old, bitter woman who is too jealous of other people’s success to see what she has. I want nothing more to do with you, your bitterness and your jealousy.”

As Karla turned to walk away Mrs. Cruz grabbed her arm and pulled her back. “I am your aunt young lady and I will have my way.”

Before Karla could react Andrew stepped in, “I would watch it if I were you.”

“Please let me go.” Karla said in a small voice as images of the past popped into her head.

“I will let you go when I am finished talking.” Mrs. Cruz said.

“No Aunt Marianna, you will let her go now.” Manuel said and he stepped up to her and pried her fingers from Karla’s arm. There were red marks where her fingers had been and Leslie pulled out her phone and took a few quick pictures.

“Ma’am, you will leave our house immediately and you will sign the papers to let us adopt Karla or this incident will be reported to the authorities. I will have assault and child abuse charges brought against you if you don’t. There are enough witnesses here that will give statements against you.” Leslie said and all the kids, including Manuel and Kiara, nodded.

“This is not over.” Mrs. Cruz said and turned to leave the room.

Yes it is Mrs. Cruz.” Andrew said as she walked out the kitchen door without looking back.

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