A New Hope (The Second Chance Series Book 2) (3 page)

BOOK: A New Hope (The Second Chance Series Book 2)
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Chapter Six


As soon as they were in the hotel room Karla dashed into her room and grabbed her cell phone. When she looked at it she was astonished by the number of missed calls and text messages from her friends, but what really caught her attention was the missed call from Manuel and the text from Kiara. She had talked to them at the airport in Nashville while they were waiting to board the plane, but it was a brief conversation and she’d promised to call them as soon as she got back.

She immediately sent Conner, Callie, Rylee and Kiara a text letting them know she was alright then she gathered her pajamas and went into the bathroom to shower before she called any of them back. Once she was showered and in her pajamas she went in the other room to check on Elliot. He, Leslie and Andrew were sitting at the small table in the kitchenette when she walked in.

“Elliot, how are you holding up?” She asked tentatively.

“I’m doing okay. Just a little shocked by how fast everything is happening. Apparently Nana changed her will after she talked to Dr. Peterson the other day. She named you my guardian after you turn eighteen, and until then I am under the care of Dr. Andrew Peterson and his wife, Leslie Peterson.” Elliot snickered a little at the way the lawyer had worded it in the will.

“Seriously? Me?” Karla asked, shocked. There’s no way she’d be able to take care of a sixteen year old when she was eighteen.
What was this woman thinking?
She thought to herself.

“Karla, you know Andrew and I would never put that responsibility on you. You’ll be in college at that point and Elliot will still be in high school. He will continue to live with us until he finishes school and goes to college himself.” Leslie reassured her with a smile.

“Karla, Dr. Peterson was telling me about the advanced program you’re in and I would never ask you to not go to college just to take care of me. I’m sure Nana was just thinking that you’re the only family I have now and that you and I would have to stick together.” Elliot told her as he stood from the table and walked to her. “You’re my sister, but I also hope we can be friends.”

Karla looked at the hopeful expression on his face and smiled at him. “Of course we’re going to be friends Elliot. I promise to always be there for you and to help you in any way possible. You’re family and family is very important.”

Elliot hugged Karla close and whispered in her ear, “I promise to always be there for you too. Family is important and you’re all I have left now.”

“I’m not the only family you have, Elliot. You have Andrew and Leslie now too. We will always be here for you.”  Karla told him as she motioned for Leslie and Andrew to join them.

Leslie stood behind Elliot for a second before wrapping her arms around them. When Andrew completed the connection by wrapping his arms around all three of them Elliot started to cry. “I don’t know what I’d do if Nana hadn’t found y’all.”

“You’ll never have to find out because she did find us and we’re here because we want you to be part of our family.” Andrew said softly as he tried to comfort the boy.

“Like Karla said, you are not alone and she isn’t the only family you have.” Leslie added as Andrew released them all. “Andrew and I have always wanted a large family and now it seems that dream may become a reality.”

Andrew stepped back slightly and looked at his watch. “I think it’s time we all get some sleep. We can call Mrs. Matthews’ lawyer in the morning, but we’ve already seen her will so I don’t know what else he’ll be able to tell us.”

Karla released Elliot and stepped back. “You can have the bed and I’ll sleep out here on the couch.” She said to him before she retreated into the room for a pillow and blanket, not giving him time to argue. When she came back out she made up the couch, plugged in her cell phone and turned to her family. “Goodnight, everyone. I love you all.” She said before she hugged them all and laid down.

Elliot took the hint and hugged Leslie and Andrew before he walked into the bedroom and shut the door. Andrew and Leslie stood there for a moment before they walked into their room and shut the door. “We have two great kids that were practically dropped into our laps. How did we get so lucky, Andrew?” Leslie asked as they crawled into bed.

“I don’t know, baby, but I thank God for the miracle of Karla every day. Now it seems I have two miracles to thank Him for. Let’s get some sleep because the next few days are going to be long and difficult for Elliot and he’s going to need us at our best.” Andrew replied before he pulled Leslie into his arms and kissed the top of her head. “I love you Leslie, more than you’ll ever know.”

“I love you too Andrew.” Leslie whispered before drifting into sleep.


Chapter Seven


The next morning Andrew ordered a room service breakfast of waffles, bacon and fresh fruit and they all ate in silence before getting ready and heading to the funeral home and lawyer’s office. Once they were finished and dressed for the day they loaded into the car and headed to the funeral home. Elliot was silent on the way there, but when they pulled in the parking lot tears filled his eyes.

“I was here just a few weeks ago when Dad died.” He said with a slight hitch in his voice.

Karla, almost undone by the emotion radiating from him, wrapped her arms around him and whispered in his ear. “It’s okay to cry. Tears are a natural part of healing. Without them the wounds inside our heart remain open, causing lasting damage to remain.”

Elliot looked at her with tear streaked cheeks and red rimmed eyes, “How do you know that?”

“Because I’ve been through what you’re going through. I lost my Grams when I was seven and Pops when I was eight. They were my world and I was broken without them. Diane, our mother, tried to break me further, but I held on to the love I knew from them and survived.”

“You really had a bad time with our mother didn’t you?” Elliot asked quietly.

“I did, but what my time with her taught me was how not to treat people. She taught me how love isn’t and how to truly survive anything life throws at me. She’s the reason I am who I am today and as much as I have hated her throughout the years, I also thank her for teaching me how to survive.”

“I’m glad Nana found you instead of her.” Elliot whispered in her ear before he pulled from her embrace and looked at Andrew. “I’m ready to go in now, Dr. Peterson.”

Andrew nodded and opened his door. “Do you want Karla and Leslie in there too, Elliot?” He asked before exiting the car.

“Yes sir, if they want to that is.”

“Of course we will, Elliot.” Leslie answered and opened her door.

When they all met at the back of the car Karla reached over and took Elliot’s hand in hers and gave it a small, supportive squeeze. When she went to release his hand he held on and started walking, forcing her to walk with him.

They entered the funeral home hand in hand and was immediately greeted by a short, round man with a bald head. “Good mornin’. I’m Haskell Harris and I’m the director here at Harris and Sons Funeral Home. How can I help you?”

Andrew held out his hand. “Mr. Harris, I’m Dr. Andrew Peterson. We spoke on the phone last night about Mrs. Matthews.”

“Oh yes. I remember. I did her son’s funeral a few weeks ago and my daddy did her husband’s some years back. Like I told you last night, she was very specific about what she wanted and has already paid for everything. I can show you the casket and clothes she picked out for burial and let you read the obituary she wrote for herself. I can’t change anything ‘cause this is what she wanted, but feel free to look.”

“Mr. Harris, we don’t want to change anything. Her grandson just wants to see everything.” Andrew responded.

“Sure, sure, that’s fine.” Mr. Harris said and motioned for them to follow him down a short hallway. “Here’s the casket and her clothes are hanging in here. We’re preparing her body now and will put the clothing on her before placing her in the casket.”

They walked into the room and saw a sapphire blue casket with lighter blue orchids etched into it. It was lined with baby blue satin that had more blue orchids embroidered in the top. “Blue was her favorite color and orchids were her favorite flower.” Elliot said to them, explaining why she would choose that particular casket.

“Then we will order a bouquet of orchids from you for her funeral.” Karla told him as she looked at Andrew, who nodded his agreement.

“I don’t need to see what she’s going to wear.” Elliot told them all. “I just want to get out of here for now. When can we come back to see her?”

“Visitation will be tonight from 5pm to 8pm, then tomorrow morning from 9am until her funeral at 1pm.” Mr. Harris answered. “That’s how she wanted it.”

Elliot swallowed audibly and nodded his understanding before he turned and walked back to the entranceway, followed by Karla and Leslie. Andrew stayed behind to thank Mr. Harris before following them out and leading them to the car.

“We have to go see her lawyer then we can get some lunch and rest before getting ready to come back here tonight. How does that sound, Elliot?”

“It’s fine.” Elliot responded, wanting nothing more than for this to be over.

“Then let’s get it done.” Andrew said as he pulled out of the parking lot and onto the road. A few minutes later he stopped in front of the small office complex that held the lawyer’s office. “Are you ready, Elliot?”

“I’m ready as I’ll ever be.” Elliot responded before he opened his door and stepped out of the car. 

Chapter Eight


A little bell rang as they walked through the door of the small office. Karla held Elliot’s hand as Andrew approached the reception desk. “Hello, my name is Dr. Andrew Peterson. I called this morning and spoke with Mr. James about Mary Matthews’ will.”

“If you’ll take a seat over there I’ll let him know that you’re here.” The receptionist said with a lack-luster tone of voice.

“Thank you, ma’am. “ He said and gave her a charming smile.

He walked to the small waiting area and sat between Leslie and Karla. A few minutes later a portly looking man walked out the door beside the reception desks and looked their way.

“Dr. and Mrs. Peterson, I am Martin James. If y’all will follow me we’ll go over everything. I assume from our conversation this morning that y’all have looked over Mrs. Matthews’ will.”

“We have.” Andrew responded as they all took a seat in the small office.

“Good, good. That saves time. So, what can I help you with?”

“When we were looking through the will we didn’t see anything about the farm. We were wondering what’s going to happen to it.” Elliot answered before Andrew could.

“Well son, when Mrs. Matthews was diagnosed with cancer your Dad took out a loan on the place to pay for her medical care, and her funeral expenses. When he died she went to the bank and signed the house and land over to them. They let y’all live there until she could make arrangements for you. Now that she’s gone they’ll probably give y’all sixty days to get everything out before they try to sell it.”

Elliot stared at Mr. James in shock for a moment before he buried his face in his hands and started crying. The only home he’d ever known was gone.

Karla leaned over and wrapped her arms around Elliot, giving him the silent support he needed in that moment. As she was holding her brother she looked up at Andrew with pleading eyes and he nodded his understanding.

“Mr. James, can you give me the name of the bank please?” Andrew asked quietly.

“Umm...sure. I don’t see why that would be a problem.”

“Thank you.” Andrew responded as Mr. James wrote down the bank name and address for them. “If we need anything else I will be in touch.”

Mr. James handed him the slip of paper, “Okay. Sounds good to me. Can you tell me when the funeral is going to be?”

“Tomorrow at 1pm at Harris and Sons Funeral Home.” Leslie answered him quickly as Karla led Elliot from the room.

“Well, I’ll see y’all there. Y’all take care of that boy. He’s lost too much already.”

“We definitely will. He’s family and family sticks together.” Andrew said as he shook Mr. James’ hand and walked out of the office.

When he reached the small waiting room he stopped and looked at his small family and smiled. Even through the sadness he couldn’t help but be happy with the family God had blessed him with. After a moment he walked over to them and sat beside Leslie.

“I think it’s time for me to take you all to the hotel. I have something to do before visitation later, but I promise I won’t be long.”

“I agree that we should head back to the hotel.” Leslie said to the kids. “I think we could all benefit from a little rest and something to eat before we get ready for visitation.” They walked to the car together, Karla’s arm securely around Elliot’s shoulders, and headed back to the hotel.

As soon as the suite door opened Elliot headed straight for the room he slept in the night before and closed the door. “I think he needs time to process everything.” Karla said as she stared at the closed door.

“I think you’re right, Karla.” Leslie agreed from behind her. She was also staring at the closed door.

“Could you two come here for a minute please?” Andrew asked from the small table in the kitchenette. After one last look at the door, Karla and Leslie walked to where Andrew sat and sat down on either side of him.

“What are you thinking, Andrew?” Leslie asked after they sat there in silence for a moment. She knew the look on his face very well. It was his
I have a plan

“Look at the name of the bank that holds the deed to the farm.”

Leslie looked and smiled. “It’s the same bank we use back home. I had thought it would be a small, local bank.”

“I did too, but when I saw that it was this bank an idea formed in my head.”

“Andrew, I know where you’re going with this and I think it’s a great idea.” Leslie told him with a huge smile on her face.

“Andrew, Leslie, are you two thinking about buying the farm for Elliot?”

“Karla, honey, that is exactly what we are thinking.” Andrew told her and she smiled brightly at him.

“I think it’s a wonderful idea.” She said as Andrew stood up from the table.

“I’m going to go talk to them and see what I can do. We may have to wait the 60 days, but if I already have everything set up the process will go smoothly after that. I just don’t want to say anything to Elliot until we know we’re going to be able to get it.”

“Sounds like a plan. When are you leaving?” Leslie asked.

“In just a couple of minutes. Why don’t you order lunch while I’m gone? I’ll get something on the way.”

“I can do that. Please be careful and text me when you know something.”

“I’m always careful, baby.” Andrew said and gave her a small kiss before he turned and walked away. “I’ll be back as soon as possible.”

“We’ll be here.” Leslie said with a smile as he closed the door behind him.

After a couple minutes of silence Leslie looked at Karla and asked, “Want to get Elliot so we can order lunch? I think we should eat on the balcony and enjoy the sunshine.”

“I think that’s a great idea,” Karla agreed and went to get Elliot.

When they both joined Leslie at the table she was looking at the room service menu. “I think we need comfort food today. How does burgers, fries and chocolate milk shakes sound to you two?”

“Oh, you read my mind Leslie.” Karla said with a smile. “I want my burger with everything.”

“I don’t like onions or pickles.” Elliot said somberly. His eyes were red and his voice was a little scratchy from crying, but he seemed to be doing better now.

“So we have two burgers fully loaded, one with no onions or pickles, three orders of crispy fries and three chocolate shakes. While I order the food can you two go wipe down the balcony table please?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Elliot responded and walked out to the balcony.

“He’ll be okay, Leslie.” Karla said when she saw the concerned look on her face. “He just needs time to process everything.”

“I know you’re right, honey, but that doesn’t stop me from worrying. Now, grab a rag and go help your brother.” Leslie grinned and Karla chuckled a little.

“Wow, you sounded just like a mom.” Karla said on a laugh as she walked out to help Elliot.

“A mom,” Leslie said on a sigh. “That’s exactly what I finally am.”

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