A New Hope (The Second Chance Series Book 2) (9 page)

BOOK: A New Hope (The Second Chance Series Book 2)
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Chapter Twenty-Four


Once Mrs. Cruz was gone Leslie led Karla to a chair and got an ice pack for her arm. “Are you okay?” Leslie asked when she placed the ice pack on Karla’s arm and she flinched.

“For someone who looks so frail she sure has a grip.” Karla answered, trying to lighten some of the tension in the room. “I’m alright everyone. Just had a freak-out moment, but I’m good now.”

“Karla, I am so sorry. I have never seen her get like that. I know she has a temper and can be very cruel, but I have never seen her physically hurt anyone before.” Manuel said as he lifted the ice pack and saw the bruises already forming on her arm.

Karla wasn’t paying attention to him though, she was watching Conner. She stood up and walked over to where Rylee and Callie were talking softly to Conner. “Conner,” she said softly as she placed her hand on his arm.

He locked eyes with her and she could see the fury in his. He reached out, softly touched her arm where the bruises were forming and kissed her forehead. “You got hurt again and I couldn’t do anything to stop it. All I could do was stand there while others helped you.” He dropped his hand from her arm and looked at the floor.

“Conner, look at me,” she said and when he looked up she laid her hand on his cheek. “I’m okay, Conner. You couldn’t have done anything, even though I know you wanted to. You respect adults too much to have done anything and that’s okay. I know that if it had been someone our age you would have stepped in.”

He touched her arm again and gently lifted it so he could see the clear finger marks marring her mocha skin. He surprised everyone in the room when he bent his head and gently kissed the marks before he softly brushed his lips over hers and pulled her into his arms. When Andrew cleared his throat loudly Conner released her and smiled shyly.

“You’re lucky I trust you with my girl.” Andrew teased him. “I’m not sure how big brother is handling that little display though.”

Conner turned to Manuel and saw his face lit in a huge smile. “Conner, you may be young, but I can see how much you care for Karla. I haven’t known her much longer than you have, but she is my little sister and I will do everything in my power to protect her from being hurt again. I can see you will do the same.”

Conner grinned and wrapped a protective arm around Karla. “I will do everything I can to keep her safe. Always.”

“Okay, enough mushy stuff.” Callie said and pulled Karla away from Conner. “I need to say something.”

“The floor is all yours Callie.” Andrew said with a smile.

“I think we should figure out what I’m going to say to Chase when I see him again. He is going to be so mad at me and if he’s been drinking he may be unstable.”

Elliot spoke up for the first time since the incident, “Callie, you can’t face him alone.”

“I agree with Elliot.” Manuel said from behind her. “It’s too dangerous for you to see him alone.”

“I wasn’t going to see him alone. I am pretty smart you know.” She snapped at Manuel.

He raised his hands in defense and took a step back. “I never doubted that for a second, but you are fifteen and he’s the boy you’ve liked since seventh grade.”

“You think you know me?” Callie asked him irritably.

“No, but I do know Karla and Kiara. You are a lot like them both and, even though they’re both super smart, they’re both also insanely stubborn.”

“Well I may be stubborn, but I’m not stupid.”

“Callie, I know you aren’t stupid. From what Karla tells me, you’re one of the smartest girls in the tenth grade, but sometimes young love makes you act in a way that is different than you would normally act. I’ve been there and I’ve seen others go down that road too.” He looked at Kiara when he said the last part and Callie knew he was talking about Kiara`s experience.

“Okay, I’m sorry I snapped at you. I’m just a little on edge at the moment.”

“It’s alright.” Manuel said and went to stand beside Kiara.

“I have an idea.” Elliot said from beside Rylee.

“Ok little man, let’s hear it.” Rylee said as she ruffled his hair.

“Ok, first I am almost thirteen so please don’t call me little man.”

“I’ll keep that in mind, little man.” Rylee said and laughed.

Elliot rolled his eyes at her and told them all what he was thinking.

Chapter Twenty-Five


After agreeing to Elliot’s idea they all went up to the media room to set up the sleeping bags and store their stuff. When they walked back down Mrs. Cruz was waiting in the family room with her suitcase. “Karla, Kiara I need to speak with you two alone for a moment.”

“No.” Manuel said before anyone else could say anything. “What you did was unacceptable and I will not let you have the chance to hurt either of them again.”

“Young man.” She started, but Elliot cut her off.

“Ma’am, I don’t know you and I don’t want to, but you aren’t gonna hurt Karla again.”

“You are a bunch of rude, ungrateful children and I am glad I am going home. I guess I will do this with all of you here then. I am leaving the necklace here for Karla and Kiara to fight over. Mother made it clear in her will that Alexander’s daughter must have this necklace. If I keep it I lose everything else she left me, including the money from selling her house.”

“Wow. Fight over it? Really? Do you know Kiara at all?” Karla asked.

“I do not care what you have to say. None of you are family to me anymore and you are no longer welcome at my family gatherings.”

“Marianna, the only reason we even went to your house at all is because we thought Padre would have wanted us to.” Kiara told her.

Mrs. Cruz didn’t say anything as she reached into her purse and pulled out a long, thin jewelry box. “Here,” she said and handed it to Manuel. “You hold it while they fight over it. Now I will go outside and wait for my taxi to the airport. I will never return here. You are all dead to me.”

As she opened the door Karla had to respond. “Mrs. Cruz, I never wanted you here anyway.” When the door shut behind her Karla let out a sigh of relief. “Now I think I remember someone requesting an apple pie. Leslie, do we have apples?”

“Nope, but I’m heading to the store now. If I remember correctly someone wanted lasagna too.” Leslie said with a smile as she looked at Conner.

“Mrs. Peterson, if you make lasagna I will love you forever.” Conner said with a smile and a wink.

Karla giggled and elbowed him in the ribs. Andrew grinned at him and said “If you were a little older I’d be worried.”

Conner laughed at him and grabbed Karla’s hand. “No need to worry, her apple pie will keep me happy.”

Karla elbowed him again and pulled her hand away. “I’m going to make the crust while you’re at the store. That way it’ll be ready when you get back.”

“Sounds good. We’ll be back in a little while.” Andrew said and they both walked out the door.

Once they were gone everyone followed Karla into the kitchen and she started making the pie crust.

Manuel sat back and focused on Callie, he couldn’t figure out why he felt such a protective instinct toward her, but the moment she walked into the kitchen earlier he was overcome with the need to protect her. He had thought it was an older brother instinct triggered by the hurt in her eyes, but when they were talking about her talking to Chase he was overwhelmed with an undeniable fear.

As Manuel was trying to figure out the cause of his reaction, Callie was lost in thoughts of her own.
I don’t need another big brother.
She thought to herself as she felt his eyes on her. There was something about his reaction that set her off, but she couldn’t figure out what. For some unexplainable reason she needed him to see her as capable and smart.

They were both pulled from their thoughts by Leslie’s and Andrew’s return. For the next couple of hours the house was filled with laughter and fun as Leslie cooked and they ate together. When dinner was finished the men went to the media room while the ladies cleaned up.

“I’m scared.” Callie said once the guys were gone.

“Want to talk about it?” Leslie asked her.

“I’m scared that Chase is going to hate me. I know telling my parents, and everyone else, was the right thing to do, but what if it hurts him more than helps him?”

“How could it hurt him?” Rylee asked as she loaded the plates into the dishwasher.

“I don’t know. I guess I’m just worried that something is going to go wrong tomorrow while dad and Dr. Peterson are talking to his dad. Mr. Logan is a little hard to deal with sometimes. I have only met him three times because Chase always kept me away from him as much as possible, but those three times were enough for me to know that he’s really hard on Chase and expects him to be perfect at everything he does.”

“So, him putting pressure on Chase could be what led him to drink in the first place.” Kiara observed.

“I think he drinks.” Callie said as she handed the last of the pots and pans to Karla to put away.

“Like father, like son.” Rylee added and Callie sneered at her. “What?” she asked innocently.

“Chase is a good guy.” Callie said defensively.

“I never said he wasn’t. Are you forgetting that I’ve known him since kindergarten?” Rylee snapped back at her. “I know that you really like him Cal, but I also know that if he’s drinking and pressuring you to do something you aren’t ready for then he isn’t the guy we all thought he was.”

Callie looked at the floor and took two deep breaths. “I’m sorry Ry. I’m just really scared right now.”

“I understand, Cal and I’m sorry for everything. I just want you safe and happy.”

“That’s what we all want.” Leslie said as she wrapped Callie in a tight hug.

Before anything else could be said the guys walked back in and announced that everyone was watching a movie together. The rest of the night passed quickly and when everyone climbed into their sleeping bags on the media room floor the talk ended and they all fell asleep quickly.

Chapter Twenty-Six


The next morning Andrew was up before any of the kids. He ate a quick breakfast and was leaving just as Karla came downstairs. “Andrew.” Karla said softly.

“What is it sweetheart?” He asked her.

“Callie told us last night that Mr. Logan drinks and I just wanted to tell you to be careful. People who drink are unstable.”

“I know they are, Karla. Remind me to tell you about my childhood. I don`t know why I haven’t told you yet. Now I have to go. I’m meeting Mark in ten minutes at his house and we’re going to see Mr. Logan together.”

“I’ll remind you later. Please be careful.”

“I always am sweetheart.” Andrew told her and hugged her before he walked out the front door.

After he was gone she walked into the kitchen and saw Leslie sitting on her usual stool at the bar. She slid onto Andrew’s stool and laid her head on Leslie’s shoulder. “I’m worried about Andrew.”

“Me too, honey, but he knows how to handle himself. Why don’t you go up and see if the promise of chocolate chip waffles will get the sleepy heads to wake up.”

“I know that will get Rylee down here.” Karla said with a smile. As she ran upstairs Leslie pulled down the stuff to make the waffles, her mind wasn’t on breakfast though, it was with Andrew and Mark.


While Leslie was getting waffle ingredients ready, Andrew was pulling into the Newberry’s driveway. Mark Newberry was waiting by the gate for him and as soon as the car stopped he climbed in.

“Good morning, Andrew.”

“Morning, Mark. Ready to do this?”

“I’m getting too old for this crap. I thought when Kelsey met Jason that my daughter issues were over. Who knew Callie would have these issues too.”

Andrew chuckled a little. “I don’t think I’ll have to worry about this with Karla. She and Conner may be young, but they seem to be in it for the long haul.”

“I agree. It worries me a little though. They are so young and seem so serious about each other.”

“They are young, but they’re both very intelligent and I think they’ll wait until they’re older to take it to the next level.”

“I hope so. I just don’t want them to do anything that will hurt their future.”

“Have a little faith in them, Mark. They will make the right choices. Just like Callie did.”

“Speaking of Callie, did she tell you everything?”

“Karla did. I think Callie made the right decision in telling you.”

“I know she did. If that boy had hurt my baby girl I don’t know what I would have done, but it wouldn’t have been pretty.”

“I know how you feel. Karla may not be my daughter, but when James Greene hurt her I wanted to rip him apart.”

“Andrew, do you seriously think Karla isn’t your daughter? You’re wrong if you do. She’s your daughter in every way except DNA.”

“I know she is and I don’t think I could love her more if we did share DNA.”

“That’s what being a dad is, Andrew and I am happy you and Leslie finally found that.”

“Thank you
Mark. Here we are.” Andrew said when he pulled into the driveway of the Logan’s home.

“Ready?” Mark asked as he unbuckled his seatbelt.

“I am, are you?”

“As I’ll ever be.” Mark answered and they both got out of the car.

As they approached the house Andrew looked up at it looming in front of them. “He must do well in his practice. Even with my salary I doubt I could afford this place.”

“Oh, you could afford it, but you’re not that pompous or arrogant.” Mark said with a grin as he rang the doorbell.

Andrew chuckled a little, but didn’t say anything. A moment later the door opened and a short, plump woman appeared. “May I help you?” She asked.

“Yes, ma’am. We’re here to speak with Stewart Logan. It concerns his son.”

“He’s eating breakfast at the moment, but if you’ll wait in the library I’ll let him know you’re here.”

“Thank you, ma’am.”

“Right this way.” She said and turned. They shrugged their shoulders and followed her to a small library located at the back of the house.

“I’ll let him know he has visitors.” She said and walked out, closing the door behind her.

“Wow,” Mark said after she left. “Pompous and arrogant doesn’t even begin to cover it.”

“I agree. I guess we’re waiting.”

“Guess we are.” Mark agreed and sat down.

Fifteen minutes later the library door opened and Stewart Logan walked in. He was dressed in an expensive business suit and had an expression on his face that reminded Andrew of someone who was severely constipated. “Helen said you two needed to speak to me in regards to Chase, but she did not tell me who either of you are or how you know my son.”

“Mr. Logan, my name is Mark Newberry and my daughter Callie has been dating your son for the past eight months.” Mark said and noticed the surprised look that came into Stewart’s eyes when he realized who he was.

“Dr. Newberry, what brings you here this morning?”

“I came to discuss an issue regarding Chase. This isn’t easy to tell you, but I think Chase may have a drinking problem.”

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