A New Hope (The Second Chance Series Book 2) (12 page)

BOOK: A New Hope (The Second Chance Series Book 2)
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Chapter Thirty-Three


Four days later Leslie, Andrew, Karla and Elliot took Manuel and Kiara to the airport. The ride was a morose one and when they arrived at the airport they got quietly out of the SUV and went inside. Once their luggage was checked Manuel and Kiara both turned to Karla. “We’ll see you right after Christmas right?” Kiara asked hopefully.

“Yes. If Andrew can’t get off then it’ll just be Elliot, Leslie and I, but we will be there.” Karla answered confidently.

“I will text you as soon as the plane lands so you will know we got home. I love you
Karla.” Kiara said and wrapped Karla into a huge hug.

“I love you too. Have a safe flight home.” Karla told her then turned to Manuel. “I’m going to miss you, big brother. Please be careful and I will see you right after Christmas.”

“Always Karla. I will miss you, too. I love you, little sister” He answered and hugged her tight.

“I love you, too.” She said and he released her. She watched them until they reached security then she turned away and Elliot hugged her. “We will see them soon, Karla. I’m going to miss them too.”

“Let’s get out of here.” Karla said and started walking toward the exit. Leslie and Andrew waited for them at the exit and they all left together.

Once they were in the SUV Leslie turned to Karla and Elliot, “You both need new school clothes and I think this is the perfect opportunity for us to go shopping. We’ll drop Andrew off at the hospital then head to the mall. Andrew, you have a short shift today right?”

“Yes. Only six hours.” He answered her with a smile.

“That should be just enough time to get their new school clothes and few other things we need at home.” She said with a smile.

“Are you sure six hours is enough time?” Karla asked with a grin. She knew Leslie and her shopping addiction.

Leslie laughed at her and nodded her head. “I have it all planned out. You can hit the juniors department by yourself and I can take Elliot to the boys department. You know what you like and I can help Elliot if he needs it. We’ll have plenty of time.”

“Karla, you should know by now that when it comes to shopping, Leslie always has a plan.” Andrew said with a grin.

“Oh, I do, but I also know how she likes to look at everything in the store and usually goes back to the first thing she looked at when she actually buys something.” Karla teased.

“Oh, hush you two. I’m not that bad.” Leslie laughed.

“Yes you are.” Karla and Andrew said in unison.

“This should be fun.” Elliot said dryly. “Have I mentioned that as a guy, I hate shopping?”

“I have an idea.” Leslie said enthusiastically, “Karla, why don’t you call your friends and see if someone can drop them off at the mall. Then us girls can shop and Conner can help Elliot.”

“That sounds like an excellent plan.” Andrew said as he caught Elliot’s relieved expression in the rearview mirror.

As they neared the hospital Karla sent a text to Callie. Her reply came instantly. “They’ll meet us there in half an hour.” Karla announced as Andrew pulled in from of the ER and stopped.

“I’ll see you all in a few hours and we can go to dinner together after my shift.” Andrew said as he got out of the SUV. Leslie slid out, kissed Andrew goodbye and slid back in behind the wheel. After adjusting the seat she pulled out and headed to the mall.

As soon as they walked through the food court doors Karla was engulfed by Callie and Rylee. Rylee brought Dominic with her. After a quick lunch Leslie went to the ATM and got Elliot some money for his clothes. She handed it to him and he looked at her in shock. “Mrs. Peterson, this is a lot of money.”

“Please call me Leslie.” She said then smiled at him. “It really isn’t that much and you’re going to need most of it for school clothes. Conner and Dominic will help you get what you need, won’t you boys?” She asked them with a pointed look.

“Of course we will, Mrs. Peterson.” Conner answered and turned to Elliot. “Come on, Elliot, let’s get this over with so we can check out the music store and video game store.”

Elliot grinned and followed Conner and Dominic out of the food court.

When they were gone Leslie turned to the girls and grinned. “Who’s ready to shop?”

“Me!” Rylee answered brightly.

“Ry, you’re always ready to shop.” Callie teased as they started walking toward their favorite store.

For the next few hours they tried on clothes, talked and laughed together. The afternoon passed quickly and before they knew it, it was time to go.



After they left the girls, Conner took Elliot to his favorite clothing store. They spent the first two hours getting Elliot everything he needed for school, including new tennis shoes. “Okay Elliot. We still have three hours before we meet back up with the ladies. What do you want to do?” Dominic asked him.

“I want y’all to show me where you like to go here. I like movies and games and music so maybe the music store Conner mentioned earlier.” Elliot answered.

“The music store it is. Then we can go to the video game store across from it. That should kill some time.” Conner answered and led the way to the other side of the mall.

They walked around the music store for a little while until Elliot saw a movie that looked interesting. He picked it up and tried reading the back using the tricks Karla had taught him, but he was having difficulties so he started reading it out loud. Before he got the first sentence read some boys about his age came up behind him.

“Look at the retard!” One of them said loudly.

“He can’t even read a movie case!” Another one said, laughing hysterically.

“Awe, the wee little baby needs his mommy to read to him.” The third one said in a baby-talk voice.

Elliot slid the movie case back in its slot and tried to walk away from them, but one of them grabbed his arm and turned him around. “What’s the matter baby? Need to get home to mommy?” The one who called him a retard said with a sneer. Before Elliot could say anything Conner and Dominic walked up behind the boys.

“Is there a problem here?” Dominic asked as he crossed his arms.

The boys turned and looked from Dominic to Conner and back again. “Umm..no. No problem.” The one who had teased Elliot with the baby talk said in a higher pitched voice than he’d used before.

“Then I suggest you apologize to our brother and take off. He isn’t stupid and I never wamt to hear you call him that again. Do you understand?” Dominic asked them in a commanding voice.

“Yes, we understand.” They said in unison and turned back to look at Elliot. “We’re sorry,” they all said before they hurried past Dominic and Conner and left the store.

Once they were gone Conner turned to Elliot. “You okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Let’s just get out of here.”

Dominic and Conner looked at each other before they shrugged their shoulders and followed Elliot from the store.

Chapter Thirty-Four


“Elliot, do you want to talk about what happened?” Conner asked as they sat at the food court and waited for the girls.

“How much did you hear?” Elliot asked, embarrassed by the fact that Dominic and Conner had heard anything at all.

“We heard enough to know that they were making fun of you for something that is completely out of your control.” Dominic said with barely controlled fury lacing his words.

“Yeah.” Elliot said and looked at the table. “I’ve been dealing with that all if my life.”

“Well its bull crap.” Conner said.

“I agree.” Dominic agreed.

“Guys, it is part of my life. I’ve dealt with bullies like those three since I started second grade.”

“It shouldn’t be part of your life, or anyone’s life, ever.” Dominic told him.

“Dominic, what’s wrong?” Conner asked his friend.

“I had an older brother who was dyslexic. I watched him struggle to read for as long as I can remember. When he was diagnosed they shuffled him around from class to class until he was in a class with the kids who had severe disabilities. When he was fourteen and should have been starting high school he was still reading on a fourth grade level. The other kids tormented him, much like those boys were doing you today. People kept telling him that he was too stupid to live, that he’d do the world a favor if he just killed himself. Two days before his fifteenth birthday he had finally had enough and killed himself.” Dominic stopped talking as tears rolled down his face.

Conner and Elliot sat there in silence for a few minutes while he pulled himself back together. After he’d composed himself he continued. “I was ten and my sister was twelve at the time, but I remember my dad blaming the bullies. A few months later we moved out of that small town and haven’t been back since.”

Elliot sat there for a minute longer before he started talking. “I know what they say isn’t true. Yes, I feel stupid sometimes and yes, what they say upsets me, but inside I know it isn’t true. Karla has been working with me since I moved here and she`s helped me a lot, but sometimes I still struggle. When I was trying to read that movie case today all the letters jumbled together and I had to really focus on separating them and forming the words. I’m getting better, but it’s taking a lot of time.”

“Dominic, are you worried that Elliot may hurt himself because of what those boys were saying?” Conner asked calmly.

“I want to think he wouldn’t, but I also know it happens.” Dominic answered.

“Dominic, I would never hurt myself. I know that what those people say isn’t true. My Nana always told me they made fun of me because they were trying to hide their own flaws. She told me that God made me who I am and I should embrace my uniqueness. I don’t know about being unique, but I am different and different doesn’t mean better or worse, it just means different.”

Dominic looked at Elliot like he’d grown a second head. “I wish Javier had thought that way.”

“I’m sorry he didn’t.” Elliot said, but before Dominic could reply they heard yelling coming from the other end of the food court.

They stood up and looked in the direction the yelling was coming from. When they saw who it was they took off running.


  “Chase,” Leslie said calmly to the irate boy in front of her. “You need to calm down and we can sit and talk, but as long as you’re threatening her we’re going to have problems.”

“You are NOT my mother and you CANNOT tell me what to do!” Chase yelled at Leslie.

“I may not be your mother, but you know me Chase. You know that I would do anything to help any of you. Now let’s sit and talk this through.”

“NO!” Chase yelled and slapped her. Right after his hand connected with her face Dominic grabbed him from behind and Conner called the police. By the time he was off the phone mall security was there and Chase was being led into their office.

“What happened?” Conner asked Karla as Leslie spoke to mall security

“We were coming to meet you three and Chase stepped in front of us. He said he wanted to talk to Callie. Callie refused to talk to him alone. We could smell the alcohol on his breath and she was afraid he would hurt her. He started yelling and Leslie as trying to calm him down. Andrew is going to be furious when he sees her face. “

“Okay everyone.” Leslie said to them all. “We’re going to sit here and wait for the police so they can take our statements. Then we’re going to get out of here. I’m supposed to pick Andrew up from the hospital in forty-five minutes, but I’m going to call him and have him see if someone can bring him by here. I don’t know how long we’ll be here.”

“The police are here.” Dominic said and nodded toward the entrance doors.

“Wow that was fast.” Conner muttered as Leslie stood up and waved them over.

“It’s Trent.” Karla said with a grin as the officers approached.

“Karla,” Trent said with a smile when he noticed her. “What’s the problem here?”

“Hello Detective Greeves.” Leslie greeted him.

“Mrs. Peterson.” He said with a nod and instantly turned professional. “The young man who called said there was in incident of assault. From the look of that hand print, I believe he was correct.”

“I’m the one who called it in, sir.” Conner spoke up from beside Karla.

“Okay Mr. Newberry. I’ll get your statement in a minute.” Trent said and turned to the officer with him. “Officer Parks, if you would go to the security office and get a statement from the young man being held there I can handle this.”

“Yes, sir.” Officer Parks said and scurried toward the security office.

“Now, Leslie can you tell me what happened?” Trent asked in his usual calming voice.

Leslie told him everything, starting from Callie’s observations through what happened here today. When she was finished Trent took the statements from everyone else and told them they were all free to go. When they left he headed to the security office to speak with Chase.

Chapter Thirty-Five   


When Trent opened the door to the office Chase was yelling at Officer Parks. “Do you have any idea who my father is?!”

“Mr. Logan, if you would calm down we can get this figured out.” Officer Parks said in a calm voice.

“Mr. Logan, sit down!” Trent said with authority. “I know who your father is and I really don’t care. You assaulted a woman and there were witnesses so your father won’t be able to help you.”

“We’ll see about that.” Chase said with a sneer.

“Whatever you say.” Trent said to him. “In the mean time I would like for you to take a breathalyzer test. You reek of alcohol and I want to know just what level you’re at.”

“I refuse.” Chase said defiantly.

“Fine.” Trent said with a smile as he turned to Officer Parks. “Cuff him and we’ll take him to the hospital for a blood draw. I will know one way or another just how intoxicated you are.”

All the color drained from Chase’s face and he broke out in a cold sweat. “I’ll take the breathalyzer.” He said quietly.

“Good choice,” Trent said and sent Officer Parks to the car for the kit. Once he was gone Trent turned to Chase. “Wanna tell me what happened? I know you and I know you’re a good kid or Karla wouldn’t be friends with you.”

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” Chase said and leaned back in his chair. He winced a little from his father’s most recent punishment, but he quickly hid the pain when Trent cocked his head to the side and just looked at him.

“Try me.” Trent said and took the seat across from Chase.

Chase sat there and just looked at Trent. They sat there in silence until Officer Parks came back. “Okay then. I guess we’ll be doing this the hard way.” Trent said as he put on a pair of rubber gloves and opened the kit. “I need you to blow in this until I tell you to stop. Then we’ll see just how intoxicated you are.”

“Fine,” Chase said. “Let’s just get this over with so I can go home.” He took the breathalyzer and started blowing.

When Trent said “stop” Chase stopped blowing and handed the device over to him. He looked at it and cringed. “Officer Parks, could you please cuff Mr. Logan and read him his rights. I need to call his father and let the hospital know we’re bringing him in for a full blood work up.”

While Officer Parks cuffed Chase and read him his rights Trent called his father. “Stewart Logan.” He answered in a no nonsense voice.

“Mr. Logan, my name is Detective Trent Greeves and I have your son, Chase, in custody. He’s being charged with underage intoxication and assault.”

“Excuse me?”

“I am transporting him to the hospital to get an exact blood alcohol level, but upon doing a breathalyzer test I can tell you that he is well above the limit for an adult.”

“That stupid boy.” Mr. Logan said with fury lacing his words. “How much will it cost to make this all go away?” He asked Trent.

“Excuse me, sir.” Trent was taken by surprise by these words. He switched his recorder on and asked. “Did you just attempt to bribe me?”

“Oh, don’t pretend to be stupid.” Mr. Logan said. “Everyone has his price and I want to know yours. I can’t have my son’s screw ups messing up my career. I’m planning on running for judge next election.”

“Sir, I assure you that I cannot be bought. If you want to meet us at the hospital that will be fine, but he’s going in.” Trent said, then told him which hospital they were going to and hung up.

“Let’s go.” He said to Officer Parks and they walked a now silent Chase to the car.

When they made it to the hospital Trent went into the room with Chase and Officer Parks stayed at the door. “No one except hospital staff is to come through that door without my permission.”

“Yes, sir.” Officer Parks said and stood in front of the door as Trent closed it.

“Now, do you want to tell me what’s going on with you?” He asked as he faced Chase.

“There isn’t anything going on with me.” Chase answered defiantly.

“Okay then. Have it your way. As soon as the nurse comes in and takes your blood we’ll take you down to the station and book you for underage drinking and assault. Then we’ll wait for your dad before questioning you. He didn’t seem keen on coming though so you may be with us over night. Maybe a night in juvie will loosen your tongue.”

“My father will never let me stay overnight.” Chase said, but Trent could tell he really didn’t believe that.

“Maybe, maybe not. Guess we’ll see.”

Before Chase could respond they heard yelling from outside.

“I want to see my son. NOW!!” Stewart Logan demanded loudly.

Trent opened the door a crack and listened.

“Sir, Detective Greeves said to only allow hospital staff in without his permission. If you will hold on just a minute I will make sure it’s okay for you to go in.” Officer Parks said calmly.

“You move out of my way right this second or I will move you. Your choice.” Mr. Logan said quietly. Fury was radiating off him in waves.

“There’s no need to threaten me, sir. I will check with Greeves and be right back with you.” Officer Parks turned around to get Trent when Mr. Logan grabbed him and jerked him back around.

When Mr. Logan shoved him against the wall Trent walked through the door. “Stewart Logan, you are under arrest for assaulting an officer and disorderly conduct.” Trent said as he grabbed him and pushed him against the wall. When he caught a whiff of his breath he added, “And public intoxication.”

“I will have your badge for this.” Mr. Logan yelled at him.

“I highly doubt that. See those little black bubbles on the ceiling? Those are cameras and those cameras saw you shove Officer Parks into the wall. Video doesn’t lie sir. Now, you have the right to remain silent,” Trent started reading him his Miranda Rights as two more uniformed officers arrived. When he was finished he handed him over to them. “Take him in, book him on D&D, public intoxication and assaulting an officer. I’ll be in as soon as I’m finished here. No one, and I repeat no one, is to talk to him without me there. Understood?”

“Yes, sir.” They said in unison and walked Mr. Logan to the elevator. Once they were gone he took a deep breath and headed back into the room with Chase.

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