Read A red tainted Silence Online

Authors: Carolyn Gray

A red tainted Silence (46 page)

BOOK: A red tainted Silence
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“I thought I’d lost you.”

“You didn’t.”

“It’s been a terrible day.”

“Has for me, too.”

That wasn’t the half of it. I kissed his eyes, whisking away the salty moisture of his tears. I explored his face with my lips as he panted softly in my ear. He squirmed against me, groaning softly as our dicks met through the restricting layers of clothes. I wished I could snap my fingers and we’d both be naked, alone in our room.

The ride home was going to kill us both.

“I want you so bad, Brandon,” he said.

“I want you, too,” I said, kissing along his slightly bristly jaw, smiling at the puffs of his breath on my face. They gave me shivers.

“I’m sorry for everything.”

“Me, too.”

“I’ll tell you everything from now on.”

I chuckled. “You’d better.”

He nuzzled my ear. “Complete honesty. No matter what. I’ll start with this. I want inside you. Right now. Here. I want to throw you down on the floor, rip your pants off, and slam into you hard and fast until you scream my name.”

“I-I don’t think Charlie would appreciate that,” I said, stammering as an edge of nervousness crept into me.

He leaned his cheek against mine, swaying a little on his feet. “No, no, he wouldn’t.

Dammit. It would be fun, though.”

He pulled back, releasing me. Then, just as quickly, he threw himself into my arms again, his lips capturing mine. Turning on the heat. Turning into the little wildcat lover I’d come to be familiar with. But right then, alarm raced up my back as the fears I’d thought I’d vanquished about my own inadequacies resurfaced, multiplied, and partied across my skin.

“Easy, Nicholas,” I said with a nervous laugh. “Not here. Let’s go home.” He pulled away and, with a grin, darted for the back. “Wait for me in the car,” he called to me as he disappeared behind the sound wall, leaving me reeling.

A Red-Tainted Silence


It took me a second to come to my senses. I patted my pockets. Keys. Where were my keys? I found them, pulled them out, and walked to the front door. It was locked. I fumbled for a second, not sure which way to turn the bolt. My hands were shaking.

I finally got it open and pushed my way outside, grateful for the cool night air. As the door closed behind me, I took great gulping breaths, willing myself to calm down. No way I could drive in this condition.

I wished I’d brought my Volkswagen.

“Okay, Brandon, calm down, calm down,” I muttered to myself as I headed for Jonathan’s car. I unlocked it and sat inside, leaving the door open, and waited for Nicholas to leave the store. He waved to Charlie as he did so; then he jogged across the parking lot for the car. I leaned over and unlocked it for him, and he popped inside, laying the folder on the floorboard. He still held my rose, and the scent of it filled the car.

Jonathan was going to love that.

Nicholas slammed the door shut, locked it, and looked at me, his expression so happy I couldn’t think of a thing to say.

“Ready?” he said.

I nodded and, after a few seconds fumbling, started the car, then began to drive into the street.

“Uh, Brandon, close the door --”

I yelped, then yanked the door closed just in time -- I nearly hit a pole. I slammed my head back against the seat and groaned. Jonathan really would’ve killed me.

Nicholas burst into giggles. “Nervous, babe?”

I smiled at him. “A little.”

He grinned a Cheshire-cat grin. “I’m not. I can hardly wait.” Oh, my God.

The drive home seemed endless, yet not long enough. I kept sneaking looks at Nicholas, who fairly bounced in his seat. He’d catch me looking at him and he’d grin.

“Can I touch you?”

“No!” I yelped. “I’ll wreck the car!”

He laughed at that, then flipped on the radio. Some song I didn’t recognize came on, but he sure knew it -- the car filled with his voice as he sang along. I smiled as he broke into the chorus, drowning out the singer’s voice.

My Nicholas.

We pulled up to the house and I turned off the car. Before I could get out, he pushed his door open and came running around to me. I got out and closed the door, and then he was in my arms again, pressing me against the car.

“Nicholas, hold on,” I warned.


Carolyn Gray

But his hands had already started to undo the buttons on my shirt. “Why? You said they were gone. And it’s pretty darn dark out here. No one can see anything.” He was right; only the back porch light illuminated us. But I could see his face clearly, so I figured any snoopy neighbors could, too. “Yeah, but supper’s waiting.” He yanked my shirt out of my pants. “I’m not hungry.” He looked up at me. “Except for you.” He slid his hands under my shirt and splayed them over my ribs. I gasped, and he took advantage of my momentary distractedness to cover my mouth with his.

I responded, of course. How could I not?

He growled into my mouth as I reached around and grabbed his backside, slamming his hips against mine. My arousal was back in full, and so was his. He kissed me, hard. Over and over again, barely letting me catch my breath. Not letting me catch my breath. His hands sought my belt, undid that, undid the top of my pants. He sank one hand beneath my waistband and grabbed hold of me.

“Nicholas!” I gasped, but didn’t fight him. Oh, no, screw the neighbors. I pushed myself into his hand, pulling my zipper down myself. He released me, then made me cry out as he yanked my pants and boxers down past my hips, releasing my dick. He crouched down in front of me and took me into his mouth. I fell back against the car, gasping, sinking my hands into his hair as I fought to stay standing.

His mouth devoured me, pulling on my dick with incredible suction. Our first gentle stab at pleasuring each other had been nothing compared to this. His tongue rasped catlike up my shaft. He nuzzled his face into my crotch and, with a giggle, pulled one of my balls into his mouth.

Oh, neighbors, can you see this?

“Nicholas, don’t -- Not here --”

He released me, leaving me reeling. “Let’s go inside,” he said.

I nodded. He took hold of my hand and yanked me after him. I had to grab at my pants to hold them up so I wouldn’t trip on them. “Nicholas, slow down,” I said as he neared the oak tree.

He stopped, making me stumble. Then, with surprising strength, he had me backed against the tree and was kissing me hard all over again. Wild, crazed, and delicious panic flew through me, igniting every nerve in my entire body. How could I keep up with this?

How could I not?

He grabbed me by the hips and ground himself into me and me into the tree. It hurt --

sweet pain -- and I didn’t care. So what if I had tree bark digging into my skin?

I had Nicholas digging into me.

But before I could even begin to catch my breath again, he’d once more seized my hand. “Come on!”

A Red-Tainted Silence


“You’re nuts,” I said, following him up the stairs, but he just laughed. He took the keys from me, fumbling with them in his excitement. He was dancing on his toes, jumping up and down like a kid. Finally he got the right key and jammed it into the doorknob.

“Victory!” he cried as he pushed the door open. He pulled me inside and slammed the door shut, and once again I found myself up against something, this time the wall, his mouth on mine, his tongue dueling with mine, his hand pulling at my pants.

Our lips locked together. I kicked off my loafers, pushed my pants the rest of the way down, and within seconds I had nothing on but a half-buttoned shirt and my socks.

He, on the other hand, was still fully clothed.

He took a sudden step back, and I splayed against the wall, it being the only thing keeping me standing. I noticed the smell of lasagna.

To hell with the lasagna. It could wait.

“Oh, Brandon, you’re so beautiful,” he said as he stared at me. For a moment, the wildness was gone, replaced by pure lust. He stepped up to me, his movements slow as he reached up and undid the last of my buttons. “Take off your shirt.” I did as he told me to, then let my shirt drop on the floor next to my boxers and my pants.

“Take off your socks.”

I did so.

“Lean against the wall again.”

I stood naked before him, the thrill of it making my dick pulse hot and heavy. His gaze drank me in. My body ached to be touched. Why wouldn’t he touch me? I tried to move to him, but he held up a hand and shook his head. “No. Don’t move.” I whimpered, falling against the wall again. He moved up to me and ran one finger down my nose, down my cheek, not stopping there -- the feathery touch made me groan, which made him smile -- down my neck and stopped. “I have something for you,” he said, reaching into his pocket.

I watched, too excited to do more than tremble as he pulled a necklace out. The boomerang. He indicated I should dip my head, and I did so, allowing him to fasten it around my neck. Once done, he took it in his mouth, then let it go again. I felt the moisture against my neck.

“A boomerang. Because you came back to me,” he whispered, stroking my chest with his hands. I hissed at the brush of his breath against my neck, the roughness of his clothes against my bare skin. I wanted to reach for him, but crazily enough didn’t dare.

He’d told me not to move.

He nodded in satisfaction and took my hand. “Come, Brandon. Let’s go upstairs, okay?” 272

Carolyn Gray

I nodded, then trailed after him like a child -- albeit a rather tall, naked one. We passed through the kitchen. Neither one of us looked at the oven. He pulled me through the house, then slowly up the stairs. At the top landing he stopped and turned, looking down at me.

“My Brandon,” he said, then reached down and pulled off his shirt. He grasped me by the back of my head and directed me toward one of his nipples, which, given our positions on the stairs, was at exactly the correct height.

I took it into my mouth, twirling my tongue around the softness until it hardened. I nipped gently, making him gasp and throw his head back.

“Brandon, oh, wow,” he said, clasping me by the shoulders. I grasped his hips, holding him still -- we didn’t really need a fall down the stairs, me naked and him half-dressed and both with hard-ons. Explain that one to the paramedics. “The other one, the other one!” he begged.

I obliged him. He writhed beneath my mouth but didn’t pull back, though he cried out as I nipped and licked him. He wasn’t kidding about being so sensitive there.

“Stop, stop.”

I pulled away and looked expectantly at him. He took several deep breaths and then smiled down at me.

“Good, that was really good.”

“Thanks,” I said sheepishly. “I’d never done that before I met you.” He laughed. “Come on, first-timer.”

I let him grab me by the hand again and pull me around the banister toward our room.

My heart beat wildly in my chest as the reality of what we were about to do sank in. He closed the door behind us, turned on the overhead light, and whirled me around, capturing me against the wall again. His being shorter than me made no difference, no difference at all.

He commanded, and I obeyed. It excited me, that. And he knew it.

He pushed his still-clothed thigh between my legs, rubbing against my dick as his tongue plundered my mouth again. I couldn’t breathe and couldn’t care less.

“Nicholas,” I whimpered as his hand sought my balls, rolled them, pushed them aside, his fingers questing for ... for ...

Oh, damn.

He released me almost the second he brushed against my opening. I nearly collapsed on the floor. “Go to the bed.”

I looked at him like he was crazy. “I can’t walk,” I said.

He laughed at that, then pulled me toward the bed and gently pushed me onto it. I fell back, pushed my way up the mattress, and watched him as he hurriedly took the rest of his clothes off. He kicked aside his shoes and pants, snagged a condom, a towel, and one of the A Red-Tainted Silence


lubes my oh-so-thoughtful brother and his girlfriend had provided us, and climbed onto the bed, straddling me. I rested my hands on his thighs and looked up at him.

My heart hammered against my chest. His dick lay poised against mine. He looked down and pressed them together. The visual effect was dizzying, much less the physical. I felt like I was in system overload. He gently tweaked the head of my penis between his fingers. I slammed my head back, arching against his body. He chuckled and rubbed his thumb up and down my shaft. I was going to lose it any second, and I knew it. I laid my hand on his. He stopped, but didn’t move his hand away.

I didn’t know how much more of this I could take. Every inch of his skin that was in contact with mine burned like fire -- his buttocks against my thighs, his legs grasping mine, his dick, hot and heavy and so beautiful, against mine. He peered down where our bodies met, scooting back so he could study our dicks.

“What are you doing?” I said with a gasp.


I burst out laughing at that. “What? Why?” Then I looked. “Mine’s longer.”

“Ahh, but mine’s thicker. The better to fuck you with.” Then he looked at me, his face flushed, his excitement mottling the skin across his chest. He handed me the condom. I hesitated. “Go on, open it. Put it on me.” I nodded, then ripped it open. I pulled the condom out and looked at it. Nicholas scooted up, arching his back so his dick pointed straight at me. I reached out and touched the moisture escaping from the slit, then swirled it around the head. He hissed, squirming against me. “You wicked boy. Cloak it quick before it shoots you in the eye.” I did as he told me to. I’d never put a condom on another guy before, but I didn’t fumble too much. I smoothed it over his dick, wishing we could do it without a condom. I wanted to feel him inside me. But he seemed sure of himself, that this was how it was supposed to be, so I said nothing.

Without hesitating, he scooted off me and pushed my legs apart. I didn’t know what to do, but didn’t want to be an idiot, so I let him even as he forced them almost wider than I could stand. I’d never been so exposed to anyone before, and I felt vulnerable, maybe even a little afraid.

BOOK: A red tainted Silence
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