A red tainted Silence (56 page)

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Authors: Carolyn Gray

BOOK: A red tainted Silence
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“I know you are. I am, too. But it’s going to be okay. We’ll get this fixed.”

“Will you stay with me?” I moaned. “Lord, I sound like a whiny baby.” He laid his hand on my chest, over my heart, then slid it down my stomach. I really didn’t even understand where the hernia was, only that it existed.

“You’re my baby, baby, and you can be whiny if you want. Of course I’ll be with you the whole time. Marisa won’t like it, as she’s got her heart set on jetting me to New York next week, but I don’t care.”

“For how long?”

“Just a day or two.”

“You should go. I’ll be fine.”

Nick’s gaze bore into mine, his cheeks reddening. “No. I. Will. Not. Leave. You.” He let out a breath. “Do you understand me, Brandon Ashwood?” I stared at him, at the tiger-man who was my Nicholas. I nodded. “I understand.”


He drew closer to me, his lips hovering so near to mine I could feel his breath on my face. He slowly closed his beautiful soft eyes, drawing closer. A shudder of hunger for him ran through me. Slowly his mouth closed on mine, brushing gently against me. His tongue flicked into my mouth, asking me to open up, and I did. My heart began to race as his hand moved up to cover my heart again. His tongue wrapped around mine.

I arched into him, craving the feel of his body against me, but his hand held me back.

Damn the doctor and her “recommendations.” I knew Nicholas -- he’d stick to her rules with dogged determination no matter how much I might beg for release. I couldn’t help the soft whimper that escaped me as his hand, so warm, so soft, moved up to cradle my face. He A Red-Tainted Silence


broke the kiss, looked at me, and smiled, only to return for another kiss before breaking away again, leaving me reeling.

He scraped his hand over my cheek. “Trying to give me lip burn?” he said softly.

“Offering to shave me?”

He chuckled, running his lips over my chin. “I don’t know, could be kind of fun. I’ve never shaved you before.” He quirked an eyebrow at me. “Maybe you should grow it out, though. I can think of a few places that would be even more interesting to shave ...” He reached for my groin, chuckling as I smacked his hand away.

“Nicholas! I don’t think so!” I looked askance at Mutt. He rolled his eyes to the ceiling, but I saw his mouth quirk. “You’re embarrassing Mutt.”

“Sorry, Mutt.”

“No problem, Nicholas.”

Nicholas giggled, then nuzzled my neck. “I’m just kidding anyway,” he said, his voice muffled. He pulled back. “Believe me, it’s hell, having to wait for hair to grow back. I’m still prickly.”

“I know,” I said, grinning wryly at him. “Your single. You were going to tell me.”

“Tell you what?” he said innocently.

“Nicholas,” I said in exasperation. “How’s it doing?” He sucked on the inside of his lip. My heart raced; I hadn’t seen him do that in so long.

Then he grinned. “We’re number one, can’t be number two --” I stared at him. “You’re kidding. No, you’re not kidding.”

“Finally something else good has come out of being kidnapped. I’m a superstar, baby.” He ran his fingers through my hair as I laughed, reaching for him. Nicholas entwined his legs with mine and kissed me again, a long, lingering kiss. I pulled him closer -- close enough to eat, as he put it to me once -- and kissed him hungrily, tasting his lips, plunging my tongue into his mouth as his invaded mine. He groaned, bucking his hips against me, running his hand down my side. When his fingers automatically started to search my backside for entrance, I stopped him, breaking off with a gasp.



“Could you excuse us a little while, make sure we have some privacy?”

“Of course. I’ll be immediately outside the door.” As Mutt left, Nicholas looked at me, perplexed. I trailed my fingers down his chest, taking a deep breath as I slid my hand underneath his shirt.

“Brandon, I thought you said no more hospital beds. And besides, the doc said no sex.” I took a deep breath again. “For me. I’m not to. But that doesn’t mean I can’t pleasure you, you know.”


Carolyn Gray

“You’re not serious, are you?”

I nodded and kissed him. He held back for a split-second, then, with a grin, opened his mouth to me. I kissed him soundly before I pulled back. “I think I can stay calm enough. I need to do this for you.” I hesitated. He reached for my hand and pulled it to his groin, pushing himself into it.

“Need to keep your mind off things? Okay, whatever you need, baby. I can make that sacrifice.”

“Such a martyr you are.”

He answered me by undoing his jeans. I marveled at the ease with which he took them off. He really was moving around so much better now. He left his boxers on. I shook my head. “Marvin the Martian?”

“Remind me to have a talk with your PA. She’s the one who got them for me.” I laughed and ran my hand down his side, then unbuttoned the single button to his boxers. He sighed in contentment when my fingers found what they were looking for. The boy was already semi-hard. “You’re doing great, Nicholas. You know that?” I kissed his nose.

“I feel great. Still hurts if I turn over too fast, or reach too far, or walk too much, jump up and down, throw the ball too far for Barkley, but the last day or so I’ve had a heck of a lot more stamina. I imagine I’ll crash and burn pretty soon.” He grinned at me. “Tonight. When I get you back home where you belong.”

“Any idea when Tommy will get out?”

“Forgot to tell you -- he’s there! He got out yesterday.” I breathed a sigh of relief as I sank my hand inside his boxers and grasped his erection. I chuckled as he spread his legs wider.

He groaned, covering my hand with his. “No more questions now. Pleasure me, boy,” he choked out.

I snuggled up to his side and did exactly that.

* * * * *

“Med time,” Nurse Nicholas said as he handed me my pills and a glass of water. Almost two weeks had passed since I’d gotten out of the hospital. I was about to strangle him. I was actually looking forward to the surgery, now scheduled for the following Monday. Four more days of enduring his hawk eyes, his admonishments, his extreme pampering. I couldn’t do a thing by or for myself -- he even waited outside the bathroom for me. He watched everything I ate, every move I made. Made sure I took in the required amount of liquids and peed out the required amount, too.

He made sure on nice days I sat outside for a little while, and kept all phone calls and intrusions to a minimum. And he decided the doc was right -- no sex. None. Not even a tiny A Red-Tainted Silence


blowjob. I tried to convince him being in a constant horny state was just as stressful as having sex, but he ignored me.

He was driving me nuts.

“Come on, take them.”

“Thanks, Nurse Ratched,” I muttered, popping the pills into my mouth.

“What was that?”

“Nothing, darling.” I drank the water and handed him the glass. He glared at me, then sauntered off to plan the next spate of torture.

I lay back in bed, feeling rather nifty in a new, thick robe Nicholas had picked out for me the day before, and the satin pajamas the fan from Spain had sent. I’d finally written her a thank-you note -- including a picture of me and Nicholas in our gifts, on top of our bed, Barkley lying between us. I figured she’d get a kick out of that.

Nicholas sure did. He had the darn thing blown up and framed for his picture wall. So far there wasn’t much on there, just the one picture and several get-well drawings from the assorted nieces and nephews. He had quite a few more things to frame, including some of the better interviews, the newspaper clippings concerning his new single’s amazing number-one debut in Europe, America, and even the top ten in Australia. The CD wasn’t due to come out for a bit, but there was talk of moving it up, to take advantage of all the publicity surrounding the kidnapping.

We hadn’t had a chance to celebrate yet, so with the doc’s blessing, Nicholas had planned a small dinner party for that night. Everyone in the house was invited, of course, along with Adam, Katie and her sister and mom, who had finally been released from the hospital, Nurse Goodall -- Noreen, and I doubted I’d ever get used to that -- and her husband. My parents were coming in, too -- my mom insisted on being there for my surgery.

I was glad she was coming, but nervous about my dad. Adam had just left, moments before Nicholas had swooped down on me with my pills, to drive to the airport to pick them up.

I wished my dad would’ve stayed at home, but I didn’t dare say that.

Mutt was even bringing his boyfriend -- I’d only discovered he was gay the day before, when he asked if he could bring a date, as he was off duty at night now. We’d hired a third bodyguard since Tommy had come home, to take over the night shift.

When I told Mutt “Sure,” and he said, “Great. Greg’s been wanting to meet the guys who take me away from home all the time,” I’d about flipped and Nicholas had nearly dropped to the floor in laughter. Mutt grinned and shrugged.

“Well, you never did ask,” he said.

“What about Jeff?” I asked.

He grinned again. “His wife, Marcy, is all woman. Believe me.” See, I hadn’t even known Jeff was married, which explained why Mutt was here with us more than Jeff was. Although I felt really bad for Greg for monopolizing his man so much.


Carolyn Gray

Steak and seafood on the grill, salad, cheesecake, baked potatoes, and of course for me lime-flavored Jell-O. Mmm. Bland diets suck.

But I did feel better and more rested. I had my emotions under control more, and having the cast off my leg was pure heaven. Fortunately, Marisa had managed to keep my condition under wraps. The public wouldn’t be told about my surgery until after it was done.

My confidence in that had soared, too, as the doc had decided the less-invasive, laparoscopic surgery would likely take care of the problem, as I was doing so well.

From time to time, though, I still tasted blood.

At least I had Tommy to commiserate with. It was great having him around, and our years of estrangement were as if they’d never existed. Sam had called; he’d be back in town after my surgery. Lee had gone on tour with another band after he was sure Nicholas was okay, but he promised to get to Durango as soon as he could. I looked forward to seeing him again, as I hadn’t actually seen him since Nicholas and I split up, though we’d exchange the occasional email.

It would be good to get the boys back with me and Nicholas again. At least I had Tommy to mope around with. I looked up as he wheeled into my room. He still looked like hell, but then again, quite fantastic for a guy nearly blown to bits.

“Hey, bud, is it time?” he asked, carefully maneuvering his broken leg around next to the bed.

I glanced at the clock. “Yup. SpongeBob will be on in a few minutes.” When I picked up the remote and punched a button, a panel in the ceiling opened, and the new plasma Nicholas had bought for me swung down. He’d had it installed while I was still in the hospital -- little devil, that was why he’d run home that morning.

“Sweet,” Tommy said as I turned the plasma on.

No shit.

He parked his wheels and eased out and onto the bed, then carefully lay next to me.

Nicholas walked in and gave a loud sigh as Tommy, with a wink, rolled onto his side to face me and reached out to wrap his arm around my waist. I bent down and kissed him on the head. He squirmed against me and sighed loudly. “You’re so cuddly, Brandon. I love you.”

“I love you, too, Tommy.” I ruffled his hair -- no more spikes, but I counted at least four colors in it. He closed his eyes and grinned sappily, then squeezed my backside, making me yelp.

“You have a nice butt, Brandon.”

“Thanks. I think.”

“Cut that out, Tommy Hubbard. He’s mine.”

Tommy opened one eye and looked over his shoulder at Nicholas. “Sorry, the bed was empty and your man looked lonely, so I’m taking over.” A Red-Tainted Silence


I looked up at Nicholas, at the dangerous, humor-laced glint in his eye, and said, “Well, you won’t settle down for more than five minutes, Mr. Hyper. Is it any wonder I found another cuddle buddy?”

Nicholas stuck his tongue out and climbed onto the bed on the other side. He curled up next to me, draping his leg over mine and pushing his groin into me, the little minx (and no, Tommy wasn’t doing that to me, too -- he knew better), laying his arm over my stomach and pushing Tommy’s aside. Tommy laid his head on my chest. Nicholas did the same. I sighed. I fumbled for the remote and changed the channel, shaking my head at the two idiots as they fought their little war over me.

“I was here first,” Tommy said.

“You’re engaged. Besides, you’re straight, or have you forgotten?”

“I don’t want to fuck him. I just want to cuddle with him.”

“But he’s mine,” Nicholas said with a distinct whine.



“No, he’s mine!” a third voice chimed in. We all looked up as Jonathan tore into the room, ran around the bed, and climbed in behind Nicholas. I hoped the bed would hold. Jon threw his arm around my lover and lay curled against him, spooning him. But Nicholas held my hand, so I wasn’t jealous. Really. Except maybe when Jonathan kissed Nick’s neck and made him giggle.

I really wonder about my brother sometimes.

“Well, will you look at that.”

“Isn’t this a cute scene.”

We all looked up again. Amanda, Jenn, and Sylvie stood in the doorway, shaking their heads at us. With a wink at Jenn, Sylvie darted away.

“You cozy, honey?” Amanda said, shaking her head at her husband.

“Yes, dear. Fine and dandy.”

“No groping Nicholas, now. You hear me?”

Jonathan scowled. “Yes, ma’am.” And beneath his breath, “Wench.” He got off the bed and sat in the chair beside it. But he stopped scowling when Amanda joined him, cuddling up on his lap. He kissed her and sighed happily. “Okay, this is much better.”

“What are you guys doing, anyway?” Jenn asked, smiling as she pulled another chair up and sat next to Tommy. Bubba was obviously doing a number in her belly. She rolled her eyes at me.

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